2WW - for those TTC-ing

thks bunny. yah i been calling to check on my mum, even ask her to come & stay with me so that i can put her at my grandma hse during the daytime when everyone is working.

hopefully airline is kind enough to let me postphone my trip.

can i check any of the gals ever have those nipple stain mark on ur bra excluding those breastfeeding & pregnant ladies.

Yaataa.. im sorry for your loss. I didnt even know u had bfp.
Jia you okay? ~hugz~
All of us will be here to give u support!

Queenie, what stadium is your mom in? Is she gonna perform mastectomy or lumpectomy? Be strong okay? Your mum really need your support at this time. I have a book titled "Your life is in your hands", for understanding preventing and overcoming breast cancer. If you need it, we could meet up and I can pass to you.
Hi Peggy,
my mum is in her early stage & she is going to have mastectomy. i didnt know that breast cancer can attact those from as young as teenager.

yah thats y nowaday i try to spend more time with her & try to give her more programs to keep her occupied.
busy day ..

think the tcm medicine is heaty, but not heaty enough to make me nose-bleed.

give me lots of pimples for sure. :p

then again, when i see her, she say i'm already heaty, so perhaps she 手下留情? wahaha

she did say medicine will definitely be heaty but she add some cooling stuff to counter it.
peggy, haiz, i kana suan cum long talk by my mgr on mon evening. sian lor. say me not committed enuff in my work, wat crap. so i din stay back. wah lao, din stay back = not committed???!!! wat about the days i stayed back to OT to send out the reports to the franchisees, also come back on sat to help u pack the urgent shipment to overseas and local shops, work for free, still not committed? then say she found my strengths but not enuff, i already do more than what i m supposed to do liao. say we small company, do be too calculative on the jobscope, must do everything, and help out the other jobscope. win already lor, got nothing to say. say so much oso no use.
hihi every1, i'm new to this thread.
i'm 11 DPO, but no sign nothing.. think its a no goal.. but will still test this weekend. still hanging on to a tiny winy hope... anyone testing this weekend too?
Morning Sleepygal... I think of it positively now. If still have job, it's good. At least still have money every month, ha..ha...

Hi Draggie, welcome! Introduction please? Im 9dpo, but not keeping hopes too high. Too many disappointments already.

u went to NEX for the TCM ah? kekeke..
looks like now everyone take the "nose bleed" as a guideline eh? whahahahaha....

eh.. y ur boss like that de?? haiz... just do what u can ba..
eh.. I recall the last time someone wanted to look for another job coz she is very sick & tired of her old job, is that you?
I cannot recall already..
berries, its me la. decided to stay put for the time being. thats y have to ren first.

do anyone knows if the opk is having a faint line (test line) as compared to the control line, is ovulation happening soon or already over?
Sleepygal, hv u been diligently testing OPK? If you have and this is the first time u see a faint line, then most likely that ovulation is coming soon...
Good Morning!

Sleepygal, for me, I start testing when I see near ewcm... and usually the 1st 2-3 days of testing, the test line is fainter than the control line, then I will get a darker test line compared to control line on the 3rd/4th day for 2 consecutive days. I read from others that it means ovulation will occurs 12-24hours from the time I see a dark test line. But usually I try to bd from the 1st few days that I start to test, cause I think can clear the old troops first. Hee.. just my experience on opk.
peggy, i only started testing on the opk on ytd for this cycle.

raspy, ytd late afternoon started to see ewcm, so tested last evening. but becos bbt dropped drastically on mon, cm was still creamy so i din test. bbt went up by 0.5deg, wanted to test on tues, but forgot.
so only managed to test ytd.
Today is CD 26. Im sharing my BBT chart below... it has always been excruciating for all the 2 week waits... feel free to comment ladies.

Btw, could THAT drop be implantation dip? My acupuncturist said that something must be wrong and there should not be any dip in temperature even in lutheal phase.

Sleepygal, I think ewcm will come earlier than ovulation. Thats why my opk only positive after few days from seeing ewcm. And for ewcm, its transparent, stretchy, look like raw egg white, not creamy type. Don't worry too much, just bd these few days. Hee.. just my personal thinkings, maybe different people will have different experience.
oh sleepydragon..

that is you ah.. keke.. now I recall.. ok..

well.. the past few days I tested on OPK the line was also super faint.. no dark line at all then subsequently after that I forgotten to test..

I am a nut case when it comes to charting. so cannot comment much
peggy, ur fertile period is under the green zone ah? if so, then the drop in the purple zone is abit too early to be implantation dip. no good to have drop on the letual phase ah? i usually also have this type of dip at the early part the LP leh.

peggy, ya got whack these few days. just want to make sure that i really got o basing on the opk. haha.

thanks, rapsy. today my ewcm changed back to creamy cm again. ya, these few days gotten busy.

berries, ya lor that why a bit pek chek to test on opk if there is no significant line to inidcate whether got LH surge or not lor.
I read that there's some opk from clearblue got smiley face. Maybe can try that, so no need to guess dark anot. I invested in clearblue also but its the line one (darker than control line type). Hee.. just enjoy bd for this week first. Maybe no need to use opk next time.
Hihi, it's the first mth I trying. Last min decision to try for a bb dragon. I used the smiley face clearblue. Also dunno accurate anot, i so happy when i saw smiley, but then will i took out the test slip, the test line is lighter than control line! I waited 12hrs then test again n same thing lighter tone, so don't care just try, just in case no more smiley. Hahha.. But dun think implantation occurred. Too stressed at work lately le. Wanna change job but then held back due to plans for lil'l dragon.
peggy, nvr mind la, as long as u cover all grounds is fine le la. me tested opk last evening, even faint line oso dun have lor. haiz.. so must have been oed already lor. since wed opk is having the faint line, mayb thats the last of the o-ing timeframe. keep o-ing earlier and earlier.

draggie, dun worry whether dragon or wat zodiac la, can conceive is good enuff liao.
Good morning... What a gloomy Monday. AF reported today...
This cycle, Im gonna start again with Clomid and possibly IUI. I am a bit scared of Clomid actually due to the risk of ovarian cancer... but what to do... sigh....
morning ladies.

peggy, new cycle new hope. clomid take a few cycles is ok la.

berries, LH surge is to test for upcoming of ovulation. if ovulation is coming soon, opk will show 2 dark lines.
Sleepydragon, yes. Take a few cycles is okay. But I am thinking of worse case scenario... some girl did IUI five times but still failed.
IVF will also need clomid. Hopefully this cycle we are successful.
jiayou, peggy.

damn sian on weekends. my laptop decided to die on me
. luckily still under warranty. gonna sent in for servicing.
peggy, taiwan brand la. lol. its good for use for 1y 8mth till recently i downloaded a printer software then the whole system got corrupted. it will show me the blue screen so often. haiz....
Hi all, I am new here, just felt like pouring out disappointments cuz I really feel so sad.....
I have been ttc for almost 4 yrs, went to a gynae 1 yr ago to do all the necessary chks, everything was clear, my hubby was ok too. Gynae dunno what's wrong ... I am 30 yrs old this yr...... Then continued to ttc....I tried to pretend that it didn't bother me that my menses came month after month... Until today, menses hasnt came (suppose to come on saturday) but hpt came back -ve.... I couldn't take it anymore that I cried so hard.........
morning ladies!

chicky, hugz..

the disappointment, esp after intense trying, is hard to manage.
all of us here understand it very well ...

as what we commonly/frequently say ..

no AF, got hope.
got AF, new cycle new hope ...

are you under TCM to build up your body?
this helps for most people ..

oh I see.. lol.. me total nut case when it comes to all these terms..

I think u r too hard on urself.. u r only 30 yrs old. that is still young, don't put too much pressure on yourself. this will not help.

or are your in laws or ur hb giving u extra pressure? try to take things easy for awhile, or you might seep into depression soon.

me also gg to hope for new cycle.. kekeke..
eh.. u went to Nex am I right? so any more nose bleeding? kekekekee...
I cannot take the TCM powder lah.. very yucky. but I try to drink Dom every night now.
no nose bleed but pimples .. hate those .

though the tcm physician say she added cooling herbs inside to counter the heatiness in my body.

perhaps that's why no nose bleed yet.
Bunny> have tried tcm for 6 mths a yr ago... Stopped cuz felt depressing.... Might try again.... I like the "slogan" "No AF got hope, got AF new cycle new hope".... Very encouraging for me......

Peggy> thanks.... *hugs*

berries> I dunno... No one giving me pressure in fact... I think I gave myself cuz felt so helpless.... Hb nvr pressured me but I can sense he longed for one.... Felt that it's my fault.... Sometimes when he asked me if I AF I always said it is coming soon, but I always test hpt myself cuz I can't bear for him to share my disappointment.... He is very supportive and I couldn't not bear him feeling disappointed so every mth I will tell him a week in advance that I feel I am going to AF..... Kenna like giving him no hope so that it doesn't hurt as much as hoping and then disappointed.....
Hi Chick, perhaps you and your hubby suffer what they term it as unexplained infertility.

Since you have been TTC for quite some time, why not proceed to the next step which is assisted reproductive technology? They are mainly IUI and IVF.

Try not to give up on TCM too because TCM takes time. You can also consider acupuncture. There are a few good ones recommended by the forumers, such as Dr Zhou (AMK) and Dr Tan KS (Clementi).
Hi Peggy, thanks for the sharing the articles. Really feel sickening with those people after reading the 1st one. The 2nd article is nice, very aspiring.
kekeke.. so its cooling with heaty ah.. whaahahahah..

I dunno if drinking Dom helps but at least it helps to boast up my immune system too I guess.

wahhh.. u mean ur Hb will ask u if u AF ah? no wonder lah.. he is already indirectly giving u this sort of pressure no wonder u stressed.

But u have been to seen the doc with both of u ok right? Actually ah.. at times.. some couples just don't have the "children yuan fen" that is what I heard some people say.. so no matter what, you will not be able to naturally have one..

Don't think that you are the one at fault or you are the one with the problems. Btw you have only been TTC for a short time. There are others out there who have been trying for years..

Peggy> unexplained infertility? What is that? My gynae nvr mentioned that to me before.... Even after all the tests were cleared.... I tot of going for IUI but I am quite skeptical abt it cuz it's only a 15% chance according to the gynae... Am I right?
Dr Tan KS from clementi? I stayed near commonwealth so easier to go clementi.... Can I know where is the address? Thanks....

Berries> I dunno... My mom is the superstitious type... She went to help me "ask" abt me getting preggie.... She told me only in 2 more yrs will I b a mom.... I felt relieved yet frustrated.... I shld believe more in reality than "say-hear" ..
I can't blame my hb, he is almost 40..... So sometimes a couple of months he would just "asked casually" if I AF......
