2WW - for those TTC-ing

IUI is just to wash sperm, treat them with vitaminised water or something, then put them in the cervix. but SO is with medication like jabs. the SO stands for super ovulation i think. hence, multiples pregnancy is a probability.


ur hb so nice & sweet to say that..

eh.. wat is the diff bet IUI & SO-IUI?? its not the same as IVF?

but IUI also got high chances of MC?
price a big diff coz the injections taken cost a bomb.

natural IUI - estimated ard 500-700

SO-IUI - estimated 1.7k to 3k
peggy, wats ur gynae recommendations?

stupid office power supply. keeps tripping and shut down the power. all my files do halfway haven saved and computer got turned off.
cos air servicing is going on, not sure got anything to do with it or not.
wahhh. sleepydragon..
ur ofc nv pay $$ to SP Services ah.. kekekeke

you told your doc that you wanted to go for IUI ah? perhaps your gynae will be the best person to advise u?

me see already also very confused
peggy, whether to do IUI or SO-IUI have to make sure that both tubes are unblocked in order to achieve higher rates wor. of course, ur doc is the best person to advise u, becos we dun really know ur actual situation and we are not docs, so cant tell u much.

berries, i m not surprise if they din pay the electric bills. haha. but it not din pay the bills la, is becos the power source is over used, too many things are connected to the same power source. old shophouse is like that la.
yup, what sleepygal say is right.

got to do hsg, to ensure no blocked, else do how many times also no use, unless miracle happens.

for some, if gynae check and can ovulate on your own, and problem mostly due to the guys soldiers not so strong, can try natural IUI.

but of course, percentage of striking is not exactly high.

IUI is similar to BD, just that, IUI washes to get the best ones and "power-up" the soldiers with supplements to make them swim better and then assist them nearer to the uterus to wait for the egg(s).

so that soldiers do not need to swim so long distance just to get there.
Thanks sleepygal, bunny and berries.

The thing is... I tried being injected before with fertility drugs, and my gynae at that time already pin point on which date to BD. Two cycles and it failed.

I did HSG, everything was clear. Apparently, troops are no good.

Now my gynae recommend natural IUI as he sees that I have no problem ovulating. But my consideration is:

The doctor had pinpointed which day to BD, but still not successful. How can I be confident that normal IUI (which is similar to BD) will be successful? I was asking myself, why not jump straight and do SO-IUI if it increases the chances of pregnancy?

That is why I am still undecided whether to do IUI or SO-IUI.
if due to troops no good, can go for natural iui since your gynae mention you are okay to ovulate on your own.

of course, SO-IUI, in a way will ensure will ovulate properly, while the soldiers are washed and fed with supplements. haa.


just that, to inject more, in a way more harmful to body and pocket. :p
Peggy, just take note that if u take clomid, must not take more than 12 cycles in a lifetime. If not, will be more prone to ovarian cancer in future. Watever ur choice is, jiayou.

whahahaha.. the part about didn't pay bill is a joke lah.. kekeke.
oh.. ur ofc is in shophses? then I guess its like that lah.. coz they
also cannot support too many plugs.. keke

u give a detailed insight of what is the diff bet IUI & SO-IUI man..
so at least now I know.. that IUI is actually similar to BD.. then
indeed chances also not that high.. whereas SO-IUI can have multiple preggies
and chances are higher right?

u say SO-IUI is more harmful to the body too? in what ways ah?

regarding the Clomid. that is what my gynae told me before too. I did 3 cycles continously
but still nothing, then he advises me to stop cannot be taking it for the long run.
very bad for my body.

Leap year day .. got off day a not? kekek
morning ladies.

berries, ya, clomid cant take on long term basis. most local hospitals got policy that will not allow the patients to go more than 9 cycles.

leap year where got holiday, unless u declare urself. Lol. just now i took the multivits tabs like stuck in the throat. downing lots of water and it still seemed stuck there.
peggy, actually if it's troops no good, SO-IUI might not help that much. usually it is to help ladies who have ovulation probs. my gynae said best bet, best best best bet is ivf-icsi. but that one needs lots of $$ and effort. must consider carefully.

think bunny says SO is more harmful in the sense that it messes with your hormones through injectables, that's why :p

clomid supposed to also dry up cervical mucus but i think not applicable to everyone. all methods got their own pros and cons

today is good food day! had kuay chap and a curry drumstick. going far east to eat my fave JIMBA rice later.. yay!

lol.. I also wish ah.. to declare my own hols. kekek.. wahh.. talk about those big big pills ah, there was ever once I nearly choked on it.. same like you, I gulped down a lot of water but still feel like its stuck in my chest! I went on a water parade to finally get it cleared.

wahh.. what is ivf-icsi ah? really need a lot a lot of $ ah.. wahh..

but from what you say also true.. coz if its troops then both IUI & SO-IUI don't really serve the purpose. wha.. I did not even know that clomid is to dry up cervical mucus leh.. Yaataa u can be our doctor here liao..

Kuay chap!! wahh lau!!! curry drumstick!!! faintz.. U are making me drool man!! arruughhhhh
wahahha seriously, i bu gan dang. i am just an amateur trying to feel my way around here. but i love chronicling my food journey. hehehe what did you girls have? i'm counting down to knock off.. lazy!!

ivf-icsi works when troops are very few (like my hub) or only very few good troops. woman is put on ivf protocol, stimulate ovaries, get eggs extracted, fertilised, then put back. for males, the sperm is extracted and then they are used to fertilised the egg directly. so you only need very few very good sperm to fertilise the eggs (one sperm to one egg, rather than the norm where many sperm try to fertilise one egg). hope my memory serves me right :p
Yaataa.... I see. What you said make sense.

Now I am confused whether to do IUI by Dr Charles Lim (Mt E) or at NUH (subsidised rate). Is there skills involved when doing IUI? Actually, I dont like NUH cos I have to take leave all the time. At least, Dr Charles Lim's clinic is open on saturday.

Berries, IVF is when the sperm and the egg is put together in a petri dish. This is such that the sperm could naturally penetrate the egg. But sometimes, the sperm is of "bad" quality. Hence, cannot penetrate naturally even when they are put together with the egg.
To solve that issue, in IVF-ICSI, a single sperm is selected and injected to the egg. The "combined" one is then put into the womb for implantation.
Pls correct me if I am wrong...
wahh.. okok.. got to learn more & more here. I guess I know what is IVF already as frds of my frds have done that before.. but still she MC, if I am not wrong. she did it twice and heard that she had lost a fortune doing that. gosh..

I guess you are a good cook? kekek..
me had Mac Fillet the wasabi one today.. yummy but like still not full.. keke..
Happy Leap Year Day to all!

Peggy, I thought you just started to ttc. My neighbour also anxious to have bb after her marriage. She went to a gynae for advise and think most docs will advise to try naturally for 1 year. And truely, she managed to conceive naturally 1yr later, by counting her cycle.

By the way, I came across this blog and found it very aspiring. Glad that everything went well for her.

Good morning!

Sleepygal, not about the scars. It's the size of her tummy... so huge!!! I feel painful oredi when looking at her photos... ha..ha..
morning everyone, its 1 day to friday.

peggy, ya lor her tummy is so huge, cos 3 babies wor. her babies are considered big ba. the nutrients are well-spread across all 3 babies.
good de morning, ladies!

ya, the tummy is huge.. not easy.

Her body does react to the injection very well indeed!
but the stress, mental, physically and financially..

though i do love for a pair of twins. so nice. haa
Yeah, me too. The best is "long feng tai". One boy and one girl.
But of course, higher risk than normal pregnancy though.

Sleepygal, have u done IUI? What stage r u in now in ur TTC journey?
peggy, nope, i have not done IUI before. now is to try naturally for 3 months then go back for review on May. af just cleared so should be stage 1 of the cycle ba.
yawns, i m so sleepy now. with the rain outside and the aircon blowing inside the office, eyelids cant open liao. any place to recommend for a romantic getaway?
Sleepygal... me tooooo.... very sleepy. plus heavy lunch... yawn....

Romantic getaway - if you can spare only a few days, I suggest Bali, Phuket or Bintan. Some hotels give like honeymoon packages type... with flower petals on the mattress, open air concept long bath... Good for ttc, ha..ha...
u want gateway or getaway.. whahhahaah.. both diff meaning leh..

Its Friday! Shiok!

ya.. saw Winnie... she managed triplets naturally no right? she took jab & stuff rite?
i m so sleepy now.

berries, winnie's triplets should be considered as half natural and half with help ba, cos took the jab and she tried naturally.
I lost my much cherished bfp last night. Would like to highlight once more, please do not announce bfp news before the person in question announces it herself. Words fail me at this moment.
hugz ...

ya, perhaps to reemphasize the "unspoken ruling" here, that is whatever announcement will be done by the person herself, when time is right.

Its not say just pantang, but to save on the heartache felt by all too.

Yaataa!!! OMG!!
hugz..really dumbfounded at ur loss..

Whoever it is.. pls do not break the unspoken rule here.. Gosh..

take care
yaataa, sorry to hear about that. take care and rest well. tiao your body back and the next one will be a sticky one.

i agree with bunny on the pact issue, esp with newcomers to this thread, or old-timers who may not know on the content of the pact or forgotten abt the existence of the pact. the announcement will be done by the person herself when the time right and not thru the 3rd party. even if u see the person's nick in another thread, its also not nice to announce to the world on the person's behalf
Agreed with Sleepydragon....


Reiki healing "in-thing" ah.. kekek.. I didn't even know..

btw.. I keep forgetting to test my O with strips every morning.. think I really old liao.. need more gingko nuts.. lol
put your strips beside the toilet bowl, then wont forget le. :p

seems quite in ba. as another of my friends sms me abt this.
but i wont be trying this la.

Morning gals,
i'm feeling emotionally sad that i decide to came in despite my hetic work.

my mum is recently diagnose with breast cancer & her op is next week.

worst is my holiday trip is next sat & i have not bot insurance so cannot claim. Now waiting for airlines to see whether they can waive off the amendment fee or allow me to cancel since its a promo fare.

i been feeling down for the past few days, can't even sleep or eat well. Worst is i keep on checking on my breast also...haiz. sorry for my rantings cos i dun feel like letting my unhappiness out to my colleagues.

can only give your virtual hugs for now ..
can see and "feel" you feeling down, coz suddenly so many things come up.

she will be fine de.

one important consideration for cancer patients is to let them feel the positivity..
this is really important though at the initial stage, will be hard to be positive especially with such setback.

jia you!

just rant here, we are good listening ear!
