2WW - for those TTC-ing

Yaataa, maybe you are right. I should probably eat at night.... maybe in the morning, the stomach is rather empty, so im quite sensitive. I will try again at night.

I went to a shop selling herbs. The person told me that they sell Zhu Yun Wan (capsules to help pregnancy). He told me that all are herbs but the ingredients are not divulged. It's like a secret pill. He said that all his clients got pregnant after eating the pills. It cost $120 and both husband and wife must eat the pills. DH is apprehensive cos' of the 'secret' ingredients. I am willing to try the capsules if I am desperate enough.

piggy, eh, better dun anyhow eat wor, esp when the ingredients are unknown. if really preg nvr mind, if dun preg then worst still create havoc to the body then how?
Piggy, try not to eat as sleepygal say cos firstly we dun knw what is in it.. then what if u or DH is allergic to some ingredients how??
Definitely that when pple tell u that eat their pills will get preggy but think back issit 100% everyone...?? they confirm is 卖花展花香。。。everything just with a pinch of salt.. I go to see my TCM every week but bcos going to ops soon so abit lazy cos my TCM say u want to continue or wait until after Ops.. lols..

Yaataa, OMG u still havent fix appt???? issit must be intensive visting then works better..??

Sleepygal, i nvr hard on myself cos im still drinking..
wahh.. suddenly so many posts.. when last week like soo quiet? keke..

wahhh. piggy, I think you better not continue taking the pills if it is making u sick.. better consult a doc perhaps..

sigh.. my AF came on Mon.. arrruughhhh... so that makes me CD what ah? is it CD3?

I like suffering from memory loss man.. kekeke

the so called clinic that you say sell the secret pills.. is what? $120 per bottle or per pill??

But as you do not know of the ingredients inside.. ermmm.. it might be a bit worrying won't it?
berries, earlier part of the week was super duper quiet. postings start to come in after i ask all of u not to be silent readers, haha.

if ur af came on mon, then today is cd 3.
berries.. cos our daear sleepygal called us out mah...lols

If your AF comes full blast on Monday & yes today is CD3...im sorry but i somehow lost in the thread.. u are also in here last time...?? *blur*
lols.. so how is your checking etc...

Piggy, how about u?? tot u seeing a doc or something..
Hi Ecups n Berries. It's $120 per bottle. I know that it's risky. But I just feel that I would buy it if really really desperate.

I tried swallowing one of the Blackmore's conceive well pills after lunch. Still waiting for the adverse reaction. Hopefully none.
E-cups. I did HSG recently and will see the gynae next week to interpret the result. Technically, the radiologist said that it "looks okay". Though when I compare with those results on internet, somehow mine is a bit weird and somehow "tilted". The womb doesnt look like the normal "triangle" shape.
Oic, piggy, y u changed ur nick? haha.

the 1st time i did was unable to conclude whether one of the side was blocked or not, so was advised to do another time lor. radiologist and the doc suspect the 'blockage' was not a true block, rather it was a muscle spasm that cause the liquid to be unable to flow thru. the 2nd time was done under GA, so no control of the muscles, everything was in relaxed mode, so was able to conclude that both sides are patent.
piggy, scary cos some of these contain contraband items. when i went to see gynae, my doc actually said he don't want to comment on tcm.. he mentioned lots of tcm contains steroids to supposedly show 'results'. after i heard that also scared scared. but come to think of it, i think investing in spiritual healing is also a mark of desperation. lol!

hiiii berries!

sleepygal your alarm very good. activate every one to come back. hehe. ecups, for me, i dunno the effectiveness truly yet. but put in $$ liao then might as well put in some blind faith too :p
yaataa, must depend on luck and everyone's mood on that day leh. sometimes keep calling for a few days then nobody comes in here, so disappointed. no ren yuan la. haha.
Yaataa. Yeah, that is what I am afraid of too. For now, I have this chinese herb recipe from MIL to drink to nourish the womb. It basically contains Dang Gui, dried beetroot and black dates. Hopefully, it works. Im also drinking chicken essence occassionally now.

And I am also getting more religious... LOL... he..he...

Sleepygal, just change one alphabet only. He..he...
Regarding your HSG, I think you can still request for a copy of the result. I requested it because I didnt want to repeat the procedure again in case I change gynae.
sleepygal.. oic.. whaahhh.. everyone super good.. listen to u.. need to call us out often.. kekek..

ohhh ok.. so today is my CD3, I read from a mag that says that O usually is from CD14 onwards? any idea? so if I start marking myself that today is CD3, then what next ah.. what else should I be watching out for?
Berries, actually each woman has different O day. Mine is normally around CD18-CD20. Also depends on the length of your cycle. You can try and use ovulation kit or take BBT chart if you want to know when is your ovulation date.

My doctor advised us to whack everyday during fertile period. He...he...
Hi Ecups,

yap yap.. I was here last time.. u forgot me ah.. sobbz... kekke..
then now back again.. I did not go for checks as my hb ask me to lay it off
for a while like rest & relax sort of thing.. so we tried not to think so much into it..

wah.. u took the Blackmore pills again.. perhaps you can monitor if you still
have any adverse effects and see how.. so u r gg to buy the $120 per btl pills
so meaning both u & ur hb must take it together ah.. and how soon will you be
able to know the results..

Hiiiiii.. yaattaaaa..
long time no see.. kekkek.. how are u?

the last time you recommended that gynae.. I forgotten who.. is no longer in Novena.

so till now I am still looking ard for a good gynae....
piggy.. lol..
wahh.. ur doc advise u all to whack everyday ah..

my last gynae told us not to do that leh.. he ask us to try every alternate days..

talk abt BBT chart.. I sucks at that.. do not know how to do it..

If say I use Ovulation strips ah.. so by which CD should I start testing myself eh?
last time this thread is so active lor, 1 day can archive 1 page, now 2½ weeks then archive 1 page, so slow lor. haha.

ya, berries, everyone will have different ovulation day. at times could be as early as day 12 or 13, there are also time where ovualtion could occur as late as day 17 or 18. so to be sure, check on the ovulation kit. cna start testing from day 10 or day 11 onwards.

peggy, whack everyday, very siong leh. my advises us to try alternate day for 3mths then see how.
Used to post in this thread but since office ban us from internet i hv been a silent reader.

Saw Yaataa's post in the oct 12 thread n congrats to her. Jus wanna find out from her if the reiki healing actually helps.
Thanks a lot!
Hi Sleepygal..

Oh.. so meaning I shd start using the Ovulation from CD10 onwards.. try till see got a not ah? okok.. will do that..

wah.. ur gynae advise u all to try alternate for the whole 3 mths or during ur O period? lol... if the entire 3 mths also very siong leh.. kekekeke...

my DH say he cannot everyday ah.. want him to die ah.. whahahahahaha
Berries, yup. Took the red blackmore pill. No effect for now... except for abit of bloating.

I dont think I will buy that $120 pills for now. After all, like all of u said, it's a bit risky.

Btw, whack everyday only during 'fertile period'. Not every day of the month. If everyday of the month, both ME and DH will die of exhaustion.
wahahahah.. peggy.. ya lor.. that was what I thought.. lol..

whack everyday during fertile period also not easy for DH leh..kekeke..

ya.. mine also say the same thing.. alternate days during fertile period...
Aware that ur O was like very late aft ur 1st pregnancy but you manage to get preg the 2nd round so fast!!! Can share ur tips? Does it mean that ppl with long cycle still can get preg as long as we O.
Wah announcement so fast? Gynae has not confirmed anything since nothing was seen, not even gestational sac. Only lining. Have to get back in two weeks.

I tried many things and am still trying. Tcm from eys weekly, reiki from mdm tan, trying soy isoflavones and testing opk twice daily. Perhaps it's a mix of all, perhaps just dumb luck. But given the odds of success and failure, I won't be counting my chickens till there's confirmation. For reiki as I mentioned, there is definitely heat emanated. But whether or not it was crucial, I'm not sure too.
Hi sleepygal, nt surprise that u do nt kn me cos I was in this way way bef u gals n still in the midst of ttc...

I'm sorry that I do nt know wat pact is made here. Pls advise me. Thxs so much!
faithbb, we had a few cases of girls whose pregnancy was announced by others and either they felt upset cos pantang or in one case, soon after announcement by other person, one girl lost her bb. so the pact is that the person concerned will announce herself when the time is right. even if you come across postings elsewhere, the announcement of bfp should come from the person herself.

i am with EYS at nex since it is convenient for me. see the doc weekly but it's quite pricey, however, i guess the med does warm the womb and help regulate the cycle.
morning ladies!

busy with work too.. but glad to see activities these few days ..

today i actually subconsciously measure my bbt. haa.
morning ladies. 1 day to friday.

peggy, dunno who's preggy yet. wait for the person to confirm and announce when the time is right. Yaataa is right on the pact issue.

bunny, subconsciously? haha. today is your cd wat? so how was it?
morning everyone..

wahh.. suddenly this thread move so fast ah.. keke....
huh? who is pregg again?? good news? who who??

ya.. I agree with what you say.. most times the mommy will announce themselves.. and they usually does it like after 3 mths to be safe..

eh.. u with TCM EYS at nex? which physician ah.. Nex is quite ok for me.. eh. u mentioned its pricey eh.. I recall the last time I had my done in PS EYS.. its a male doc.. forgot his name liao.. I went to see him once.. then give me like 2 weeks of powder and the price was about $160+ pretty X which I stop after that..

I feel that the med make me very hot..
tell u gals a joke..

I tried to take my BHT this am & my thermometer died on me... arruuughhhhhh.. no batt at all.. kns..

btw.. want to check with u gals ah.. the last time I recall a gynae telling me that even if you O ah.. it does not means that you have eggs released leh.. so meaning even if you do O, you might have no O, then if no O mah no chance? wack how many times also no use rite?
i am with the very junior physian, female who is very slight in build. think called dr lin. i pay about $60+ per week. the med makes me soooooo heaty that i had nose bleed haha perhaps it's really effective?

doc will always make sure that you are healthy, if you are having other illnesses e.g. flu, she will pack flu med with the ttc med together. but a word of caution.. the med tastes VERY VERY VERY bad!!!
ok from my very amateur point of view, even if late O, is still considered O and you can get preg. however, chances are lower cos the egg might be older and harder to be fertilized. secondly, the uterine lining might be old, so it's harder for implantation.

secondly, berries, with regards to O, if you ovulate then confirm got egg released. however, it is the LH surge that might be tricky. some might test positive with opk since it picks up LH surge, but it doesn't guarantee that an egg is released. to confirm ovulation, temps have to rise for three consecutive days post ovulation.

yeah.. tell me about it.. I had soo much difficulty drinking the med man.. the so called 2 weeks prescription.. I took close to a mth & still did not finish it.. whahaha..

wahh.. u had nose bleed?? gosh.. for me is I totally constipate! then feel so hot all the time.. so that is also why I had decided to stop altogether.

so u r still with them? how long already?

u seems pro.. can u tell me more abt the temp thingy.. meaning that if say all the time temp is say 36 for eg.. then if on 1 day it raises to 36.3 etc.. that means O on that day?? I am always confused abt this..

the last time I saw the gynae at SK, Dr Adrian.. he run some blood test on me.. no scan no nothing then he says that I no egg.. arrruughhh.. but when I tested with OPK strips, it is tested postitive leh.. then he told me that even if I O but no egg also no use.. then he put me on 3 cycles of clomid.
to be honest, i also play cheat. when i was pooping blood and having nose bleed, instead of twice a day, i only took med once.. wahaha. think it's not very good. i started in nov last year, still seeing them now. another tcm doc which is recommended is dr jin at fortune centre. but i am too lazy to travel :p
berries, i am also with dr ww. but he not very pro-fertility treatments (my own feel la). he does more of pregnancy packages i think. and i am sooo not pro haha. just read up a lot.

temp rise occurs AFTER ovulation. each person's temp rises by different amounts pre- and post- O. so likely, you have ovulated the day before temp rise. i actually asked my science teacher hub about this but he says no one can pinpoint exact moment or day. it's just the test +ve opk, soon after that ovulate, and after ovulation, temp increases.

from what i know about blood test, some hormone is secreted after ovulation. last time with dr lee, i had blood test 7 days after positive opk. think from the results you can see if the egg was actually released. some people test positive opk but the egg is not released after that, could be due to many factors like illness and stress. other than that, conditions like PCOS also affect the egg from being properly released.

wah very lengthy. hope this helps!
haa.. sounds kinky ... well, if replace HOT with STEAMY. :p

shal try .. hopefully next week. when i try to squeeze out some time ..
bunny, let me know when you are coming. we can have tea and cakes. anyone else keen to meet up at nex, i'll be there ;) till the end of next month at least! then i'll be moving!

oh.. u also with dr ww? same as me then.. ya lor.. I also dun really like him as I feel that he very rushy rushy and his Q are madness!

I am thinking of charting myself before gg to visit Dr Ang in the next couple of mths maybe.

so that is why I want to know how to chart coz I am super duper dumb at that..

okok.. looks like I have to first get another thermometer or the at least the batt man!! lol

u can go try man.. like what yaataa say.. confirmed u hot till steam! whahahah..
Pai sai ladies! Understood nw.

Thxs for ur advice! Still at ground level with this ttc thing for so many yrs till feel like giving up but I'll preserve on to hv my bundle of joy.
Everyone too will hv our desires fulfilled!
berries, wow, chim. got such thing ah? Got O but no egg? seriously, i gave up opk testing, so frustrating to see only 1 line on the strips. u so funny leh, say the thermometer died on you. western docs will tell u BBT is very stressful and ask u not to take. haha. Only TCM will use BBT. The last time i saw my TCM, showed him the chart, i dun even know he know how to interpret or not lor. Lol.

seems like many of u ladies are doing BBT here.

berries, i found dr lee much more carng than dr ww in terms of ttc. she would discuss various options that i had. but she also not a big fan of temping i feel. i brought my temp charts but she just looksee looksee only. for me, i take temp as a rough gauge. it helps me confirm ovulation but to predict bfp etc, not that accurate i find :p

faithbb, no prob! must really persevere. ttc is not an easy journey for most of us here. jiayou! you ttc many years already?

sleepygal, my LH surge is very short, that's why i test twice a day. honestly, if at a glance i can see both lines, i sure hoot liao. i don't think i have seen true positive opk before.. haha
