2WW - for those TTC-ing

hi pinkie, yes keep trying. my cousin manage to conceive naturally few weeks before her schedule ivf. good luck to you.
pinkie, relax... somehow u manage to got pregnant so the chance of striking is quite high.. for me.. TTC for 6 yrs still zero results.. therefore im worse than u.. cos i dun knw whether im a chicken that cannt lay eggs at all...

Blugal, u still have #1 so u are luckier than anyone of us here.. so dun give up.. jiayou jiayou..
e-cups, dun say that la. god is preparing a healthy baby for us already. its just that time is not ripe yet. we will get the gift from god soon.

where is the rest of the ladies, calling for verone, piggy, sasa, bunny, queenie and the rest of the graduates, u all still busy bai nian ah? nvr come in here to chat... haha.
afternoon ladies!

so tired! hv a feeling AF is visitin me soon... SIAN!

welcome to the newbies.. =)
enjoy ur stay here, we talk anything under the sun.. jus relax!

sleepygal,, hahaha, i watched the movie but i prefer We Nt Naughty.. hehehe

One of the funny part from We nt naughty
Sis: Mummy, i have menses, stomach pain, today can dun go sch
Mum: ok, ltr give a call to the school
Son: Mummy, i also menses come, i dun wan to go sch
Mum: Menses only for gals
Son: Is it? Change liao ar?

e-cups, did you tried ivf? as long as you are still young then don't need to worry too much. never heard of chicken cannot lay eggs lar. try all ways, tcm, temple, mediums.....
hi ladies, just saw some of you having problem with long AF. i have this problem while trying to conceive #1. gynae told me that i only have half a chance compare to others cos my AF only once in two months. then recently my friend took in a brand of sanitary pads negative ion to sell. i bought from her to regulate my AF and i believe that's how i manage to get pregnant naturally. too bad the product doesnt sell anywhere but google for negative ion product. and i heard not good to wear panty liner everyday, too bad i am so used to it till i cannot don't wear panty liner.
sasa, no romantic leh. i keep telling him last time before married, every weekend got go window shopping, now weekends stay at home. i m becoming more and more yellow face lor.
bluegal, nvr think of that step yet.. trying every means liao.. now going to remove my cyst and clear my PCOS then see how bah..

Y u nvr ask your friend buy from where and we can spree mah..lols
e-cups, she told me she engage a manufacturing company. well i must said her products is good cos being using it for months, i do express my intention to join her well she nicely reject. but i recommend to my family and friends. at first i bought bcos she made effort to demo for us. but one think i must highlight, rem our first few times menses the blood is so fresh red... (sorry for being gross) but now is dark dark red. after we use it become fresh red again cos it clear all our dirts inside... haha only rem this part of her demo, but after that i have being buying from her.
hi i just bought from her 4 boxes so that if i get pregnant she wont know also.... how good it is depend on individual but it did regulate my menses. if u gals interested i can organise a group and she can demo cos now she only go company for talks. oh ya a bit ex lei abt 30 for a month supply.
Morning Ladies!!

3more days to weekend!!! =)

yup bunny, Feb is the shortest mth.. and we left 16days (exclude Weekends)

NATAS travel fair is coming.. perhaps can plan for a holiday for relaxation!!
Morning gals...

i'm here, jus that i'm a silent reader. Haiz now my AF is playing hide & sick with me now. In fact i stop doing bbt for 3mths le but happen sun i need to go my fren's bb shower mah, so i took my bbt to check whether my temp since my AF is due.The bbt was 36.44 so i told my DH maybe i not going since i assume the AF will come anytime that day & i'm having slight cramps for 3days le. Then i waited till afternoon still no show cos usually my AF will appear in late morning & usually AF will occur if my bbt is below 36.5,so i took another bbt which was 36.7+, so i assumed my AF wont come.

Then yesterday my bbt was low also so i assume it'll come & happily go booked my airtickets at night for next mth HK trip which i double tested with HPT cos AF still nv report & surprisingly no stomach cramps at all.

Worst tis morning bbt was 36.87 which i tested twice, now i worried if really heng heng preggy den i cannot travel liao & i dunno whether i can postphone since i bot a promo fare from CX.

18 Jan (CD13) - BD (cos new bed arrive)
23 Jan (CD18) - BD (OPK seems like positive)
4 Feb (CD30) - 36.44 (HPT Neg)
5 Feb (CD31) - 36.44 (HPT Neg)
6 Feb (CD32) - 36.87

My past cycles, AF usually reports:
Aug10-Feb11 CD40+ for each cycle
Mar~Apr 11 CD31
May 11 CD35
Jun~Oct 11 CD29-32
Nov 11 CD40
Dec 11 CD32

i saw that some gals have late cycles too, if you see my above chart, i've long cycles from Aug10-Feb11. See TCM for 6mths also no help so i switch to Royal Jelly & instantly my next cycle becomes normal again.
Morning gals...

i'm here, jus that i'm a silent reader. Haiz now my AF is playing hide & seek with me now. In fact i stop doing bbt for 3mths le but happen sun i need to go my fren's bb shower mah, so i took my bbt to check whether my temp since my AF is due.The bbt was 36.44 so i told my DH maybe i not going since i assume the AF will come anytime that day & i'm having slight cramps for 3days le. Then i waited till afternoon still no show cos usually my AF will appear in late morning & usually AF will occur if my bbt is below 36.5,so i took another bbt which was 36.7+, so i assumed my AF wont come.

Then yesterday my bbt was low also so i assume it'll come & happily go booked my airtickets at night for next mth HK trip which i double tested with HPT cos AF still nv report & surprisingly no stomach cramps at all.

Worst tis morning bbt was 36.87 which i tested twice, now i worried if really heng heng preggy den i cannot travel liao & i dunno whether i can postphone since i bot a promo fare from CX.

18 Jan (CD13) - BD (cos new bed arrive)
23 Jan (CD18) - BD (OPK seems like positive)
4 Feb (CD30) - 36.44 (HPT Neg)
5 Feb (CD31) - 36.44 (HPT Neg)
6 Feb (CD32) - 36.87

My past cycles, AF usually reports:
Aug10-Feb11 CD40+ for each cycle
Mar~Apr 11 CD31
May 11 CD35
Jun~Oct 11 CD29-32
Nov 11 CD40
Dec 11 CD32

i saw that some gals have late cycles too, if you see my above chart, i've long cycles from Aug10-Feb11. See TCM for 6mths also no help so i switch to Royal Jelly & instantly my next cycle becomes normal again.
queenie, mayb the cramps r implantation cramps? test again if u r late for one week. meanwhile dun stress too much. stress will cause AF to be late.
for those of u who are listening to radio, tune in to 100.3, taoday talking about female conditions like cysts and fibroids. program starting at 2.10pm.
morning ladies. its mid week. i saw co GP for my suspected infection, he referred me back to my specialist at SGH. so got to go SGH this fri for followup.

Pinkie, new cycle new hopes. try again the next cycle. jiayou.

Bluegal, rest well. at least it happens before you conceive. imagine what it you conceived and u have chicken pox, it will affect the bb. so tink of the bright side. jiayou.
morning all!! Yeah finally its mid week! lookin forward tonite Knock Knock prog by Bryan Wong! =)

oh dear, hope ur follow up will turns out fine, sleepygal!

Pinkie: agreed with sleppy.. im too waitin for my AF.. Due 1day le..

Bluegal: its early better than late.. =)
Morning gals.

blissfulasa: me too also waiting for AF since its already 2days late. My cramp starts to came back today since its has MIA for 2days le, think my AF will come later today or tml since my bbt drop. Gonna stop for the next cycle since i'll be travelling.

Haiz how can we make the cramp goes off forever, hate the feeling
queenie: me too.. i spotted cramps durin weekends.. tot it will come on the day s usual but 1day late.. also havin strong feelings it will come today or tmr..

some ppl say after birth the cramp will go away but some do not agree

u can try buying hot packs to place in ur cramp area from watsons or a cup of hot choco.. i din try thats my sister recommendation.. hehehe
morning ladies!

new cycle, new hope ..

perhaps u wan to try EPO?
so far i try, does help to relieve of the cramp and pms wor.

also, try not to take cold drinks a week before the expected AF. though i believe the ladies here stop cold drinks for very long le.

taking ginger tea will helps too.
Blissfulasa: last time i dun have cramps for 1yr when i start to have AF but dunno y gradually have lor. My colleague just passed me the balm & i apply on my tummy, surprsingly the cramp goes off aft 5mins.

Everytime during CD1, i'll pop a painkiller & place a hot water bag on my tummy till the pain went off.

Yah one of the person i know, her cramp still didnt goes off despite giving birth to 2 kids.

Bunny: EPO no effect on me leh. In fact last time when i was active in gym, i dun have cramps for few cycles.
Ladies, do note that EPO is not suitable for gals with PCOS.

bunny, agree with u alot of ladies here quit cold drinks for a long time. i just try to reduce cold drinks, sometimes i see my dh leave his cold drinks on the table, i just take a few sips there. haha, hot weather difficult to abstain.
my gynae told me need to be natural birth then the cramps will get better bcos the opening is enlarge wor...

i been having cramps since my first menses, it is better with tcm!
i see. coz EPO works for me and my friends as well, so thought you ladies can try try too.

hmm.. my friend though pcos take epo and it helps to regulate and relieve her of cramps wor.

ya, really hard to resist cold water esp in our weather.
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometersand TTC supplements such as red raspberry tea leaves, royal jelly and bee pollen and CoQ10, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

Another partner of Baby Dust Shop is pregnant and we have tons of babydust to sprinkle on all our customers!
Good morning ladies...

1 more day to FRIDAY!! was on MC ytd.. fever & flu cum sore throat.. sianzz.. worse is that spotted brown discharge so thought AF coming but this morning MIA again...
morning ladies. morning e-cups. rest well and get well soon. today dun work too hard la, do slowly. ur af is weird weird de.

yes, counting down to Fri, then comes the weekends.
good morning sleepygal..
good morning e-cups, drink more water, weather is very hot recently! dun stree, ur AF will come when its due.. mine too waitin for it..

FINALLY! Fri is approaching soon!!

any plans ladies?
sasa, her af is late for a few weeks liao lor. she says her hpt is -ve.

dunno i can go swimming or not leh. have to ask the doc tml. haiz. weather is so hot these days.
oh dear... mayb can see doc to verify.. perhaps shes expecting.. =)

ya u hv to ask ur doc.. ya lo.. too hot.. today highest degree think is 33..

wan to drink liang teh but i cant, scare cramp..
Linggie, Queenie, my cramps really gone after giving birth.. only abit of little cramps for a little while, maybe a warning to me first, after that no more liao.. and mine is c-sect.. haha.. but i m keeping my fingers crossed!!

Queenie, if u get preggy, dun worry abt travel during the first few months. if no morning sickness like me, then shldnt be a big problem.. i went taiwan for 8 days when i was 2 months preg! my gynae gave me duphaston, and some anti vomit med, in case i vomit. jus make sure u take care of urself, be extra careful in whatever u do, and the food u eat. to tink i ate 臭豆腐 and din even find it smelly when i was there.. hahaha..
sasa.. thanks for the advice.. FYI im not preggy.. whahaha

My menses mia for v v long liao from Nov till now..
so couldnt be +ve as i just took the HPT last sat.. have took the medicine to induce af liao.. just wait for it to report.. very mess up lor
Hi June,
long time no c. My bbt drops but still no signs of AF...i think i'm too liang so many sticky creamy yellow discharge.

Now my cycle delay, i worried i'll have AF cramp on my trip cos i purposely bk the date aft my due AF finish.

DH say if really preggie dun let me go but i heck care cos i also dun wanna waste SGD300 per person x 3paxes just for the penalty fee.

Last nite i cannot resisit, go & eat sashimi since i think chances of AF is quite high. In the end i didn't even finish cos dunno y all their sashimi & cooked salmon belly taste fishy, even make complaints but they act blur...somemore its my fav Sushi Tei lor.

maybe ur HCG not that high enuf to be dectected by HPT, u shd go for blood test.
perhaps u are too stress up with ur work, e-cups..

since u booked ur tickets, go there n relax urself and who knows ur af will report after ur relaxation? =)
Queenie, just wait for a few days more and test again.. could be +ve leh.. ;)
i tink if want to cancel the trip shld be able to refund if u let them know now rite? u try first..
or else u go see gynae then reassure ur hubby :p

as what the rest of the gals mentioned, as long as the sashimi is from reputable restaurants, shld be fine bah.. but try to restrict if really preggy..
asa: my trip is next mth, meaning i'll skip the new cycle after my AF report to prevent from preggie.

June: i call CX, they say even preggie also muz pay penalty. But my bbt drops so dun think is preggy la...maybe is due to i nv slp well cos of my mouth guard prob.
June: no lah, if heng heng preg den go lor if no problems travelling. I also doing my yearly pap smear this mth aft AF clears.

Now i headache cos got high cholesterol, not allowed to take the supplements to tone down since its not even allow for TTC ppl.
Sorry for intruding. Just to see if anyone here is interested to get one box of Guardian Pregnancy 2 tests. Selling at $7 includes postage. Retail price $13.90. Got preggo and no longer need it. I will say accurate as I tested myself on the 1st day I missed my menses.
