2WW - for those TTC-ing

ya lo.. really hate to tk train n buses nowadays but no choice, these are the main transport where most of us are using it daily..

i dun think the mrt issue gonna be solve very soon..

ya i read up the news too.. Poor boy..
On top of that, most of the bus drivers are from MIC (Made in China).. thats the prob cos in SG no one likes to drive a bus and the working hrs are long.. same goes to delivery man, etc etc...

sumtimes, gg overseas seeing other ppl working is so different from SG..

what happened to the boy??

the train service is really terok. this plus the corruption case... makes for an eventful end of 2011 and a drama start to this year. wonder what else this year holds for us?

i am very sleepy!!
anyone listening to the radio now? tune in to 1003, they are talking about getting a dragon baby. the cutoff time is before May.
ok, the show ended. the gynae was Dr JJ Chee from The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Centre. she was saying its essential for women who desired to get pregnant to have pre-pregnancy check, to check the fallopian tubes, size of the womb, ovulation and the husband sperms.

its also important to start taking folic acid 3mths before getting pregnant. if fall sick before knowing pregnancy had occured, remember tell the doc that you are trying to conceive, so that the medications does not cause adverse effects to the baby.

seek gynae help if you have been trying actively for one yr and still not pregnant.

in the gist, its important to have a balance diet and healthy lifestyle.
morning ladies.

oh yes, the gynae also said not to consume uncooked / raw food while ttc-ing, like half boiled eggs, as it may contain semolina bacteria which will affect the mum and bb. However, if taking sushi from a reputable outlet is ok as the seafood are deep frozen upon catching, all germs will be killed during the deep freezing. even though is ok to consume, its better to consume food in moderation.
morning.. its only mid-week n brand new mth! short short feb! *loves*

o ya, i rem reading up they did mentioned that while pregnant all must be cooked! cannot eat raw food too..

S for ttc-ing i nv heard, i must avoid eating half-cook egg from now on.
gd moin ladies...

NO HALF BOILED EGGS!!! OMG... i like it the most leh.. sobsob... so sad leh....

Sleepygal, so this is every week got one har or only this round. they invite the speaker????

im so sleepy.. i wan to jian fei liao lor.. my weight keep going up & up..
e-cups, every week they will invite healthcare provider to talk about various health topics, sometimes is talking about cancers, gastric issues, gynaecological issues, etc. next week i dunno talk about wat la, they din announce.

i also want to jian fei, even though i lost 3kg over the last 4 weeks. i want to lose more.....
Good Morning..

Thanks Sleepygal for sharing.

Guess its all about balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.. remember that time before I conceived my girl, my eating habits was very bad. I tried to diet and skipped breakfast daily and lunch only eat very little to look nicer. Its only when I correct these and eat normally that I managed to conceived.

For me, I was alittle under the average weight that time. So I put on like 3-4kgs before I finally conceived. So hard to lose these 3-4kgs from pre-preg especially still got balance from preg (around 4-5kg). Feel so fat now but I feel its worth it if these get me my baby. So got to try hard to lose them now. Hee..

But I also read that some ladies only conceived after they lose weight as they are very overweight. So guess the gist of it, is really balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, for those average size ladies, don't diet and bigger ladies, try to cut down the sugar.
Half boiled egg and sashimi.. I always eat them after af reports. Cause means sure no strike, so safe to consume. Heehee.. also to console myself that at least I can feast on them first, before strike.

Actually preggie time, got alot of food cannot eat, e.g. otah, mac fish burger, sharkfin, mutton soup, herbal soup (with dang gui), crabs, and others, depends on how pandang or strict you are. So I usually eat these when my af reports, incase next month strike, then cant eat for the next 9months. Hee..
raspy, wow so many things cant eat? i only know crabs (bb will "itchy" hands), mutton (said to cause epilesy), sharkfin (toxic, i tink). i dunno about otah, mac fish burger wor.

i agree with you, its all about healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. any idea other than sugar and carbo, still need to cut down on what?
morning ladies..

wow i din noe that are so many food that has to avoid..

how about the DOs n DONTs (things we do).. hehehe.. gonna prepare them for future use...

so sleepy! n its only THUR!!
Yah.. alot of food restriction during preggie, but depends on how pandang and strict you are. Cause some people don't care.

Otah contains Mackerel fish, which got mercury, so need to avoid.
Mac fish burger is cause of the tartar sauce.
Actually one major food that most preggie like and need to avoid is Mayonise sauce, cause it contain raw egg white. Hee.. I found its hard to resist and very tempting during my preggie time. Other food stuff to avoid by chinese traditions include liang stuff like grass jelly, liang cha, coconuts, etc.. but really its depend on how strict you are.

But my gynae quite nice, his only rule to me is, no raw food, avoid 3 kind of fish (only remember swordfin, shark and more one cant recall) cause of the high mercury and lastly, he allows me to take 1 cup coffee/ 2 cup tea daily. Quite lax compare to other gynae who totally don't allow cafeine.

I still remember my hb want to restrict me from cold soft drink cause my inlaws said cannot take cold drink (guess its chinese tradition), then I asked my gynae and he said, 'OK, by the time, the cold water reach your stomach, its warm up already.' So I still managed to have my Iced Milo and Iced Lemon Tea on my heartburn days, though I always received disagreeing look at the drinks counter.

Before preggie, I also don't know so much food to avoid. All the time, just read and focus on ttc. Until preggy, then realised, so much restriction, so many injection, so many pills to pop, so many blood withdrawal.. so uncomfortable during preggy. Hee.. when I first got preg, I was quite shocked and surprised by all these. You girls can be more mentally prepared, don't be like me.
hellooooooooooooooo everybody! wah raspy, interesting read
how's ttc for #2? any good news to share?

when i was preggie, i hardly obeyed the rules of the dos and don'ts. cos i am very greedy haha. one thing i really avoided all the way was STINGRAY!! my fave you know... cos firstly it has high mercury, secondly i heard that it's hard to get your placenta out when you eat stingray. dunno how true also lol.

i hardly drank cold drinks and would drink my hot milo even on super hot days. think that wasn't too bad cos i was already doing it during ttc days
morning ladies!
Welcome pink!

Finally Fri is here!
seems like its gonna be a WET Fri!

sleepygal, oh no.. mus be feeling xinku.. mine shd be arriving soon next week.. =(
sasa, how to rest? so much work to do.
ya drinking warm water and trying to sit on my chair and minimise walking unless necessary.
sasa, ya, agree. somemore today is friday should relac a little, yet later in the afternoon still got meeting. sian. think of the bright side, lunch is coming soon. i brought lunch today. later will share the pictures on FB. haha.
yup, thats correct!!!
woooo... u cooked this morn??

u smart, look out of the windows n u will see grey skies with heavy pouring soon i think..

sure.. will keep a lookout in FB later on =)
sasa, i cooked them last nite la, i warmed them up this morning and put in the thermal food jar and bring to office to eat.

ya, the sky is grey, confirm heavy rain later.
e-cups, i only warmed up this morning. office got no microwave so din warm up again. anyway, i put in the thermal food jar, so still warm enuff to eat.

i got no time to feel sleepy today. bz like mad woman.
looks nice n yummy..
i been thinking this concept many many yrs but no determination to do it.. cos thinking to cook 2 share, for me n hubby.. now i might consider doin that but hv to buy thermal food jar..
den can hav healthy meal daily..

*sleepygal, u keep the food in the fridge b4 the nite n re-heat in the morn ?*
sasa, ya, after i cook, i let it cool down then put in the fridge, then morning take out to warm up n put in the food jar.

ya, need to invest abit on the food jar. but is good for cooking your own meal. i try to cook and bring once a week only. cos my mgr will give me a kind of look when i lunch in.
Hi everyone!
I have been TTC-ing for many many years...
was previously in another TTC link years ago but left after everyone strike except for me.
I has m/c in oct 2010 and doc says it was chemical pregnancy.
Now decided to come back here and noe new frens!
Hi Ladies,
Am also TTCing for my #2 since age is catching up with me. Had an ectopic pregnancy last month and this month trying again despite gynae ask me to wait for few months... I know I don't conceive easily so I can't afford to wait for few more months. And my #1 was conceive with the help of Dr LC Foong 2 years ago after we tried a year of unsuccessful pregnancy. But this time round I am going to conceive naturally without the help of any fertility specialist or pills.
HI ladies, good morning.. IS MONDAY!!

Hello pinkie & bluegal... Welcome Welcome...

we have been ttc-ing quite sometimes as well... Most of the gals here also graduated liao so this thread can be v v quiet most of the times..
I can understand cos my previous thread also all graduate liaoz...left me...

well anyway i have been having lotsa symptoms every since 3 days after i O.

super sore and painful boobs
weird taste

Today should be the day AF come..tested but BFN...
just hope GOD will be good to me this time.

I have been ttc-ing for 7 years
morning ladies. monday blues. i just called SGH cos i suspect i got some infections at my wound area
. the nurse asked me to monitor myself and if there is fever and further discharge seen, need to see doc cos thats sign of infection. haiz....

pinkie, dun be discouraged, dun give up. ya, come in here to know new friends, we can discuss anything under the sun here, not just pregnancy. haha. dun stress. stress is no good for ttc.

welcome, bluegal. did u see any TCM to help u to tiao ur body? must let ur body to recover back to the original condition wor. dun stress too. ur #1 was natural or got take some medications to help out? are u still with Dr LC Foong? Probably u can ask him how to improve the chances this time round.

pinkie, did u see any specialist. while i was trying for #1, we so desperate till we see gynae 2 times a month, go tcm a very good one at amk and even consult a monk in temple and go everywhere pray for one. the monk was 105 yr old whom my friend intro to me...after he ask me go home bath with the flower buds, i got pregnant with #1. but unfortunately he pass away last year.

sleepygal, we didn't go to tcm yet, planning to look for one, being busy with my new job and moving hse last few months. well i do go back to dr lc foong when i found out i was pregnant in dec. he ask me took blood test twice then told me that my hcg level didn't increase as expected. ask me make appointment 3 weeks later then one sun i bleed. went kk for scaning then they only see sac. next day do bk to lc foong but he still didn't see me and ask me take blood test again. we were not so happy with the way he handle my ectopic pregnancy, shall i get pregnant again, i'll change another gynae.
