2WW - for those TTC-ing

Sleepygal, can understand ah.. good to seek for 2nd opinion... hoepfully u can have a good solution also..

Where is our Ms Wong har...?!?!
ms wong mia many days liao. haha. mayb bz with bb.

my manager, crazy lor. ask me for the reply which franchisee want us to send the goods directly from the supplier to them. then when she tell me the item number, i was liked jaws dropped. i told her u din tell me, so i din prepare the file. she keep insisting that she got tell me. watever la, i just do only. then when i almost emailed it, she came and apologised to me say "i din email to u but i got tell u verbally". crap lor. i was tinking u tell me i got do lor, this one i din do confirm u din tell me lor. still tell me i must follow up with the supplier until the item is being shipped out.
wahh.. ur mgr like that also vey jialat.. irritating man..

sigh.. don't know lah.. at first he agree then now he back off again.. make me angry..

I did BBT but also very confused lor.. actually ah.. for BBT ah.. it got go up means O-ing is it? I am totally lost..

a tiny bit up also O hor?
I have been using those OPK strips but I am thinking if I should buy those from Watson instead? like those Clearblue kind but very X ah....
usally is continuous to surge after a day of dropping in the temp. i m using those stips bought from the blogshops. its working fine for me.

i m so sleepy now.
at times, might O late.
or miss the O surge.

I ever test twice a day.
to ensure wont miss out on the surge. :p

ohh.. kekekek.. I only tested once.. lazy..
but I thought they say only test once upon ur waking up is the most accurate?

I also don't know.

or maybe at times will not O at all.. sobbbbbbb
so quiet today.

berries, only HPT is suppose to test on 1st pee on waking up. opk is suppose to test on mid day between 12nn to 8pm.
here here. nobody is in here these days.

just heard from 933 that men who go pee right after the deed when the 'didi' is still standing hard, will have possibility to have prostrate problem later, cos peeing when its hard since its still excited, may cause the pee to backflow into the body which is bad. so to prevent this, pee only its soften. din know this until i heard this.
Hi all, anyway... if it's hard, how to pee??? Shoot the ceiling meh?
Doesnt make sense mah. Of course have to wait until the thing soften. LOL...ha..ha...

Verone, no good news leh. AF is late though, probably becos I am sick. Been having sore throat, flu and coughing like crazy.
Sleepygal, so xian mu!!! I have been eating slice fish beehoon or mian xian or you mian soup for the past week becos of my throat and flu.

Will eat KFC once everything is over
Good morning everyone!

Just to update, AF came in full force yesterday, which was three days later than usual.

New cycle, new hope!

Can anyone of you share what is Clomid for? Any side effects?

I just dont understand why my gynae gave me Clomid when he had not diagnosed me at all.
piggy, new cycle, new hope. clomid is to help the ovary and egg to stimulate ovulation. pls note that clomid cannot be taken for more than 12 cycles per lifetime. side effects could be water retension which some people mistaken it as growing fat. u din ask ur gynae the reason for giving u clomid? did he ask u go back for scans after taking clomid? this is to help to monitor the growth of egg ready for release for ovulation. if the optimal egg (right size for release) did not come out as planned, then a HCG jab may be need to force the egg out.
Good morning ladies!!!

IS MONDAY!!!!!!! blue blue blue... so sleepy lor..

cant keep my eyes open but still got to WORK!! *dragzzz*

My phone finally has RIP after 3 years & im going to get a NEW PHONE TODAY!!! yeah..!!! guess everyone will 3 cheers for me here..:p

Im still pondering if i should get samsung galaxy S2 or iphone 4S..any comments?
Cd1 today for me!

this time, din spot for few days wor.
guess consider good?

clomid usually given to ensure the eggies grow ...

another side effect is .. will feel dry .. :p
plus thinning of lining i read.
e-cups, u r finally back here. get either one is fine, as long as can come in here to chat with us, can already. it also depends on your preferences ba. how comfy u r with the new model. haha.
Sleppygal, paiseh.. but really busy wor.. alot of things to clear.. sianxz.. next yr will be mmore busy lor.. all projects rushing to go out...=.="

I als dn knw
they jkeep saying that samsung is better but the games sucks!! whahaha
Sleepygal, my gynae didnt tell me leh why I should take clomid. Sigh... Im supposed to start today for 5 days, then go back to see him.

I dont know whether to eat or not. Scared of the side effects.

Why cannot take more than 12 times?
Piggy piggy, dun scared dun scared... actually clomid is ok... dun have to panic.. most of the gals here took clomids before so ok..

As sleepygal says clomid is to help the ovary and egg to stimulate ovulation and y your doc let u take is bcos he/she thinsk u are normal.. wht tests u have gone thru liao???

I have not done any test yet. The gynae only checked my egg in the last cycle which he said normal. Then he gave me an injection to burst the follicle and asked me to BD.

But AF came. Then he asked me to eat Clomid for 5 days then go and see him. This is my first time eating Clomid. A bit scared.

E-cups, my colleagues are using Samsung S2 and they said that it's good. Of course, if you asked me, iPhone is more beautiful. Im waiting for iPhone 5 to come!

There is nothing to worry... Doc check youregg can see that u can ovulate but maybe your ovulation not that good thats y give u clomid..
Ask your doc if u worry too much.. Have u done any blood tests? What about DH?? Means u & DH are on the good side?

Iphone 5 got to wait & wait lor.. i getting samsung galaxy S2.. cant WAIT liao.. my phone now can sms only.. cannt call out or pick up calls.. for a week liao.. My whole family cannt tahan me lor.. i say im not that popular.. nobody call one lah...lols
E-cups, have done blood tests but have not discussed the results with doctor yet.
DH have not done any SA under this doctor. This doctor also did not ask DH to do SA lho.
I just think this TTC is very tiring.

Heart broken when AF came yesterday. I tot that since AF was late, there's a good chance. But I was wrong.

Btw, Samsung S2 is good. Screen is big and touch screen is much more responsive that the stupid galaxy tab. And I like it because there is no flash restriction when surfing the net as compared to iPhone.
Piggy..I think yr gynae should not give you clomid when he has not even treat you to one round of testing on one cycle of ovulation. For me I would not want to take any form of unnecessary medication unless really seriously needed.

Since your gynae had give you one cycle of clomid to try, maybe you try first and see how it goes and decided to do it again in next cycles or not.

Welcome E cup back
Hi verone, can you elaborate more on the testing on one cycle of ovulation? What kind of testing?

Just popped in one clomid. Suddenly feeling stomach discomfort.
piggy, the reason y clomid cant be taken for more than 12 cycles is becos it increases the risk for ovarian cancer, thats y doc dun recommend to take for more than 12 cycles per lifetime.
Piggy, my darling.. dun get disheartened, ok?? U have TTC less than 3 yrs. so still ok.. look at pple around u.. like me.. TTC for 5 yrs.. going to 6th yr liao..still like that.. even though it is going to be tough and depressing but life goes on.. i told my DH if we try very hard then dun have means im going to stop everyth liao.. We have done everyth and the rest leave to guanyinma liao..

U have not gone thru alot yet ok... & have not detected the real root prob..as for us.. we already knw liao, do liao still no results.. u have jus started the journey and u have start to pant.. what about us..? THink about it and look at the bright side ok..
E-cups, so sorry. It's just that the disappointments every month is so unbearable.
Pity DH cos he was disappointed too.

Must buckle up!!! Jia you jia you!!!
Piggy, heyhey.. nothing to be sorry about.. every couple got their own issues and probs.. just sharing only... no hard feelings ok...

Just dun get your mood up & down like roller coaster..

The testing includes checking on yr follicle at about day 11. The gynae will see current size and help you to calculate a rough estimated size for next few days and will guide you when to do OPK test. Once OPK +, will ask you come down again for V scan and also blood test on progesterone. This is to see like double confirm if you do ovulate as per normal, if it does then move on next step as gynae advises.

E-cups..I admire your positiveness...but is always said easier than done..when we see Red the heart just dropped automatically one..well maybe blame on PMS and mood no good at that time..If we have expectation and not turns out to be, we sure to have that roller coaster ride. Its just that how we suppose to minimise that to avoid we don't fall into depression.

And I do agree with you...first of all we need to try our best to do what we can..then later if really don't have...then leave to fate and still need to live happily till we leave this earth one day.For now, I am very sure I will not go into IVF etc..Maybe we could organise a no kids club to grow old and do things together ;p heee...
Back from lunch!

Verone, I have not done any shopping yet. It's been raining recently, so the mood is to just stay and home and relax.
Should go out one of these days!
Yeah each time see gynae is $$$ no matter gt scan or no scan liao but can go try a cycle or two to check if we can ovulate naturally...then if cannot ovulate for some ppl got PCOS all these then need take clomid or other forms of medication in aid to conceive
helo ladies, see some familiar names here.. how's everyone? didnt know there's a diff thread..no wonder the other thread gets more n more quiet.

good news to share, i just tested BFP this morning .. couldnt wait cos i see my temperature hit record high for the past few days (36.82) which is not v high for some) and till today haven go down to the sign of AF. but it drop to 36.65 this 2 days. is it normal??

tom is suppose to be my CD01. I haven told anyone but my hubby. cant tell anyone yet right?? but i goning to tell my mum tonight.

I am so excited, some bb dust to u! *blowwwww*
