2WW - for those TTC-ing

i used to use Carefree but find it too thick & soiled & tear easily. I switch to Sofy Fresh (Double layer which can peel off for another new fresh layer).
Ladies, remember to use scent-free pantyliners.
Just want to share my ugly BBT chart. If you look at it, there's no way to tell whether I was ovulating or not. And that is very demoralising, isnt it?

But the fact is, I was sure I was ovulating because the doctor gave me the injection to stimulate the follicle to burst. I dont know why it doesnt show in the chart.

But the point is, the temperature might not "tell the truth". You might think that you are not ovulating, but YOU ARE!

Back from lunch...feel so sleepy that i'm drinking coffee now.

So suay jus now, accidentally bite on the small duck meat bone. Dunno whether my molar tooth will cracked.

i found that my actual O in chart is always later by 1day if compare with OPK....But i always use OPK as the guideline.
<font color="0000ff">Helllo everyone..

been soo busy at work that I dont have time to come in here.. see a few newbies..

Sigh.. me have given up on my charting, AF yesterday super sian! Feel like going to give up for a while now.. will go for a short break.

the last time I recall someone told me she went for checkup in Novena .. any idea who is that? M thinking of gg for a proper check now. </font>
Hi Berries,how long have u been TTC? You have never seen a gynae before for that matter?

Queenie, I am also sleepy. But coffee has caffeine and it's not good for TTC. Better limit your intake.
berries, tink is yaataa. she is recommending u to her gynae, Dr Michele Lee who used to stationed at AMK hub but now shift to Novena.
hi piggy,

seen a few gynaes but so far those that I met all no good lor.. sigh.. then I stop for a break then decided to continue back. hehehee..been TTC for a couple of years now..

oh ya, its Dr Michele Lee..
thanks ah..
I old liao forgetful.. sob..

so any of u here have got any other recommendations?
Hi Berries, I am not preggie yet. If I am preggie, then I will tell you all who my gynae is. He..he... Cos' he is not proven yet for now.

oh.. so how is urs in SGH? Is it good? how come u r going to switch to senior consultant ah?

I am actually thinking of going to KK but I heard that Q in KK is super long so I am scared of that..

just curious.. what did you test for with your gynae?

=) ok..

btw.. just curious.. have any of you here thought of IVF? I have some frds whom have done that but still not successful so it does looks like they will have to go thru extra pain &amp; saddness for it to be successful.
Hi Berries,

IVF's success rate is also not 100%. I think it's only about 40%. And it's super expensive!!!

For me, if I have tried IVF and I failed, I think that's when I really give up. As in, that's the closure for me.

After that, either I adopt a baby, or a dog! Dog is a man's best friend!
berries, my current one (subsidised rate) from SGH is good, i m comfortable under him but due to some reasons, need to change to the senior cosultant who can provide us more insights and advise due to his experience. haha, the senior consultant was recommended by dh friend who worked at SGH and was under him when she delievered her boy.

I m not sure abt KK but i suppose, its the same situation at SGH, have to wait lor.

my current one, did SA for dh, did blood test to see m i ovulating or not, then did TCS (similar to HSG, just different term only) to check for tube patency. then took clomid and monitor ovulation.

ya true, it is really expensive.. that is what I have heard but I guess it is really hard to adopt a baby here in Sin too.. nothing is easy...
but yet some people can just seems to get preggie so easily.. sob..

what is SA? TCS? btw.. have you also check or scan on yourself?

I was on clomid before ... but still no luck.. sad.. so I am thinking of getting the tests all done to really see if there is any prob etc? sob...

I did think of going for IVF if all else fails... But the thought of going for so many injections kinda scares me.

SA = Sperm Analysis

For me I am seeing Dr LC Cheng from TMC. 1st time seeing him, so not proven as well =)

To be honest, I am also very tired of trying... Tried since Mar 2009... conceived, but empty sac in Dec 2009, went for D&amp;C
Wanted to take a break, also because HB and I are highly stressed due to work... but HB suggested to see new gynae, so here we are again.

Maybe should really break for a while...
berries, SA is Seminal Analysis for the men, for me is blood test and TCS i dunno its stands for what but it another name for the Tube Patency Test (similar to HSG). i had done another round of blood test for all the test like thyroid, FSH etc at another gynae before going SGH.

oh.. what does empty sac means? me &amp; my HB also took a break in btw because we are both quite stressed due to work and also I am simply sick &amp; tired of counting my temp etc.. and here we are at it again as we had took a long break in btw.

I think I took the HSG too, gynae told me that I am not ovluating so put me on clomid after 3 cycles still nothing so gynae say better stop for the time being, my HB had not gone for the SA yet..

so this time round, we are thinking of speeding up the process and both want to go test see how. But I heard some gals here, their gynae actually did scan or to test if they have any cysts or blockage etc.. mine did nothing of the sort.. =(
Lolli, sometimes it's due to our stressful life that we cannot get pregnant. Perhaps, you can suggest DH to relax, or even change job?

I suggested DH to take it easy too and spend more time exercising. The problem is, it's easier said than done.
berries, probably, u can request for the scan? usually the first visit, gynae will do the scan to see whether inside is in good condition. my scan was done during the TCS.
agreed, its easier said than done.. sigh..

ya.. that is what I am thinking of too.. so am thinking if I shd go visit Dr Lee..
usually when we go visit gynae, any idea should it be before or after our period?

Also for those of u whom HB had done SA ah.. my frd was telling me that her gynae told her HB to get rid of his old sperm before using the new ones for test, is this true?
empty sac means that there's a sac implanted, but there is nothing (no foetues) in the sac.

Ya, I agree with that...
But I'm not sure if any of the procedures (C-section &amp; D&amp;C) I have done before caused any problems.
As for DH, he is going to change his job in 2weeks time, serving notice now. Hopefully it will be better.

But I guess... ultimately I am really quite tired of the monotony and all the testing and charting =p
So maybe should really take a few mths break =)
good morning. Finally its Fri and I hated fridays ever since i joined this co, always got to stay back. haiz.

today half of the office people (marketing and visual merchandiser) going for the photoshooting, then i got to help the marketing gal update her files for the franchisees, on top of that i got to do my own inventory updating files and send out too. then the stupid manager oso want to follow them then her job becomes my job. her job was suppose to do packing for one of the urgent shipment and arrange for delivery to all the local shops, then pushed it to me. the goods still haven come in lor. i have to pray super duper hard that i dun comes in today otherwise i cant go home today. with the updating of all the files, i already foresee i will have to stay back lor. if the goods come in today, i will die flat man.

sorry got to rant on this friday morning.
morning everyone!!!! It's Friday!!!!

old soldiers.. hahaha.. I took a long time before my HB is willing to go for SA but his concern is not say want to plurge out can plurge out according to him. So how does your HBs do it ah? any suggestions?

guess u r not the only one.. somehow.. the more I chart the more unhappy I am.. just don't know why like that. sigh..

whahahaa.. guanyinma .. ya .. that is how E-cups will say it.. where is she? MIA?
Yes, piggy, now praying hard that it dun come in.

berries, i dunno wor. cos that time, he did at home toilet alone then we rush down to the hospital to submit.

E-cups got no access to the forum during the daytime and at nite she always forget to log in. haha.
GREAT!! just received news from the warehouse that the shipment may not be able to clear the customs by today. YES!! YES!! even if they clear, will be late late afternoon or even tml. yeah, no need stay back for too long.....Thanks, Guanyinma.

even i managed to come in late evening ot tml, its none of my business anymore. haha. dun work for free on sat. Lol...
berries, ya lor. really heng. work OT awhile nvr mind, wat i mind is its not my job to do the packing lor. the manager want to do extra service to the franchisees by packing and arranging for extra shipment. my accoutant says we are becoming a packing line lor. which is quite true lor, any late deliveries will be re-routed to the office and packing to be done here and arrange for shipment. siao one lor.

piggy, i m on 5 days week. so strictly no working on sats.
I think Dr Michele Lee is no longer with Novena Medical, tried to search for her under Novena Medical but cannot find her at all.. zzz..

anyone here has got any other good gynae to recommend? Pls advise...

me too.. I hate 5.5days job
my frd tried calling up KKH to ask if they have any pkg or any sort of tests for both hb &amp; wives to check if there is anything wrong with them as they had difficulty getting preggie but surprisingly, KKH tell her that they dont have such service. faintz
Dr Michele Lee clinic is @ Novena Specialist Centre

level 6 (beneath hotel oasia)

Name of clinic: Sincere Specialist for Women

Number: 65070766
damn it!!! tot can escape the packing today in the end still kana activated to come back tml with the accountant to do packing. tml i will give the manager black face to see lor. pass her job to me and expect me to finish for her. WTH!!! chasing of shipment is not my job too and she put me in the cc list and the accoutant expect me to follow up when i din, kana said by her. WTH!!
Not company event, but an excursion organized by my daughter's childcare. But due to the weather, we only managed to have picnic, couldnt go for the trail walk

For my dh too, took quite a while before he was willing to go for it. Likewise, he went to the toilet and settled it and we rushed down to submit

Cool down cool down... I can understand the frustration.
I was made to cancel my halfday leave today to attend a meeting...
Morning ladies!!

It's Monday again...
Bought more preg kits over the weekend, thought of trying them instead of the usual test strips...
But still negative this morning. DPO23 already... Sigh this is really driving me nuts

I'm travelling this weekend somemore... Not sure if I shd just go and see a doc before or after travel
What a headache...
morning ladies. so tired today.

sat came back to work for free then still do delivery to 2 shops. the co want to save money cos the despatch charges $30 per location for sat delivery, the manager want to save this cost so ask my accountant and i to deliver to 2 shops per pax in cabs, the manager herself do 3 shops using her hubby co car. WTH. me ended up with back pain &amp; arm pain till now.

me still no sight of the nasty witch but temp dropped for 2 consecutive days, so should be appearing these 2days lor. sian ah.

so how abt my cycle buddies, piggy, bunny, verone? any good news to share?
Good morning everyone!

Sleepygal, my temp started dropping too this morning. And the fertility chart predicted that I ovulated only last weekend, which is so not true! I ovulated when the doctor gave me the jab.

Sleepygal, still have hope as long as we dont see red.
what? the company trying to "eat" u ?
so rubbish!!

no news yet. in fact i cant recall when is the LMP already.
been busy ..
not taking bbt as well.. (well, have not been taking for many many months! haa.. )
coz fertility chart based on temperature to determine when you had O.

guess when doc give that jab, the temperature drop wasn't so apparent for the chart to note down ba.

btw, your gynae din ask you to go back to check for progesterone level (to ensure body produce sufficient hormones after ovulating? )
My gynae did not ask me to go back yet. He only asks me to go back 7 days after my AF comes. Cross my fingers so that AF doesnt come this month --> Then it will be a perfect Christmas gift!!!
bunny, at 1st tot the goods din come on fri then can escape but in the end kana "appointed" to come back do the packing. then the manager and accoutnant came late on sat then the manager tried to "cover our mouths" by buying some kuehs and snacks to "treat" us for lunch, came so late that we already eaten our own lunch liao lor. haiz.

piggy, i got no symptoms other than neh neh getting sorer and sorer.
i see.

for some gynae, will ask to go back about 7days after O, to check for the level.

your gynae ask you to go back 7 days AFT AF?
hmm.. sounds abit weird.

coz the usual routine is..

2 days after AF (to ensure all clear, as well as to take clomid if using it to ovulate)

wahh.. win lor. haiz.
well, take it as exercise ba. nothing u can do hor.

i see.

for some gynae, will ask to go back about 7days after O, to check for the level.

your gynae ask you to go back 7 days AFT AF?
hmm.. sounds abit weird.

coz the usual routine is..

2 days after AF (to ensure all clear, as well as to take clomid if using it to ovulate)

wahh.. win lor. haiz.
well, take it as exercise ba. nothing u can do hor.
