2WW - for those TTC-ing

Dear mummies, I'm a reporter from Straits Times and I'm doing a Sunday Lifestyle feature on Jan1, 2012 focusing on people who will undergo major life changes in 2012.
I'm looking to do a story on either:
- a woman who has taken a long time to conceive and is finally expecting her first baby in the first half of 2012. (Interviewee has to be open to talking about the journey and how they are planning for a life change, as well as a photo shoot.) OR
- someone who is expecting triplets?

If you don't mind being interviewed, pls email me at [email protected] and leave your contact details?


Sasa... jia you yah!!!

Liddat, just go find another job lho. No point waiting anymore.
Hi ladies,

Morning, I am also in my 2ww currently and I am getting a little confused with my entire cycle =p
Wondering if I can get any advice...

CD19: Gynae gave me a jab to force the follicle to release the egg. Which he said will take place within 40hrs. Also prescribed oestrogen hormone pills for me
CD21: BD morning and evening as advised
CD35: AF should report, but didn't
CD36: BBT = 36.2 [way below coverline(36.6)]
CD37: Tested BFN, BBT = 36.47
CD38: BBT = 36.75
Today, CD39: Tested BFN, BBT = 36.89

AF still hasn't reported, no signs whatsoever...
This wait is killing me =(

Previous months, AF will always report no later than DPO16
it seems .. based on the little info you provided, you seems to be .. o-ing @ cd37??

Esp your temperature rises quite abit today ...
Guess can only monitor for the next few days.
else go to you gynae and request for a check, either u/s or BT ba.
bunny, wrong la. lolli should O-ed on cd 20 or 21 since the jab is given on cd 19. but u r rite that should go to gynae for a check.

lolli, probably u r too stressed thats y AF din come but it could also be that u might have BFP already. can monitor for a few more days then see how. relax.

eh, our dear Wishcometrue, graduated this morning. she delivered a baby boy this morning.
bunny & sleepygal,

Thanks for the advice...
Ya... I think I am highly stressed about this whole thing... Afterall this is the 1st cycle that I'm checking with my gynae... and also shocked to learn that my follicle didnt release the egg.

Hmm... hard to relax man

How long have you ladies been TTC-ing for?
Im into my 3rd year already =(
Hi Lolli,

We are on the same boat! (rocky boat, that is!)
I just went to gynae last weekend and he gave me a jab to stimulate the follicle to burst. He asked us to BD the next day.

I am feeling the same as you about this 2WW as this is my 1st cycle checking with gynae also. Let's RELAX together, he..he.. for all you know, you could be pregnant already!

One thing about BBT, dont read too much into it. It can make u stressed. My gynae advised me not to take BBT anymore. He also gave me Folic Acid and Vitamin B12.

Lolli, how did the doctor know that your follicle didnt release the egg? What type of procedure did he do? I am unsure whether my follicle released any egg without the injection.
ya... i know she had jab on cd19, thus rightfully O-ed on cd20.

but was thinking she might O-ed another time on cd38 lor.

else also don't know why temperature dip so much and rise so much too wor. :p

saw her post in FB.. happy for her!! hee..
bunny, will have like that one ah? its not whichever will be ready to release will pop out after the jab? still can O the 2nd time? pardon me, i dunno.

Gynae did a vaginal scan @ CD13. Big follicle but not released yet
Review, vaginal scan @ CD19, status quo. Follicle didn't increase much, so jab
review again, vaginal scan @ CD27. Follicle has released the egg
read something regarding lunar ovulation de.
but dun know much in details coz too chim le.

but based on that saying, one can actually two have ovulation de. :p

how true, i not sure le.
Hi Lolli,
The fact that your AF is late, and that you timed your BD, plus your temp is increasing, I think you have a high chance of pregnancy.

So now you just relax and think positive!

Have your DH done SA? If his troops are okay, there is no reason for you to be worried.

Yup he has done his SA.., based on % it doesn't look good... But when we got a 2nd opinion from another gynae, he said based on absolute values, it's still ok

Haha I think I'm also quite stressed abt wk.
So all the stress mounting up...

Hmmm dunno if I O-ed twice.... If yes, then how to calculate? Confused aldy
Afternoon gals.

Great to see that Wish give birth le...issit also thru natural.

My menses also delayed, today CD34 le but Mon & Tues tested BFN. As i didn't take BBT for 2 mths le so dun really know when is my exact O. I BD based on the mucus & the OPK shows only faint 2nd line.

Been taking my bbt aft my AF didn't appear & was expericiencing mild cramps on some days instead of the usual everyday before AF.

CD14 - BD (PM)
CD17 - BD (PM)
CD30 - 36.56 Hot Flush
CD31 - 36.57 Headache & Hot Flush
CD32 - 36.67 HPT Neg
CD33 - 36.76 on/off mild cramp (HPT Neg)
CD34 - 36.68
Lolli, I am not sure about lunar calendar stuff. I'd probably stick to one cos' it's gonna be confusing.

Queenie, wah... your temp is increasing! Jia you jia you!
Hi lolli and Queenie, no AF means you girls still got chance to BFP. If your cycle is regular then missing AF is an obvious sign. Sometimes HSG takes time to build up will take longer time to show on the HPT. However, understand normally usually will show faint line about DPO12 then become more obvious within 1 week of missing AF. But everyone had different symptoms and some symptoms is similar to PMS so is really hard to say. Just ping chang xin and if really eager to find out, taking blood test will show high chance if you are preggy or not.
my bbt starts to drop today leh + plus from my last BD to CD30 (13days apart), if really BFP dun think the bbt will be that low cos my bbt can go as high as 36.8+.

i already started to feel more intense cramp so already plan to c AF anytime. Worst is i dunno when is my exact O thus this cycle maybe a long cycle cos i'm super stress during last & this mth. I need to start on cholesterol pill so muz wait for my AF come den can start take.
yah i've & i never really ctrl so shoot up. Maybe because i always take red meat & fried food & chilli.

2009 - 209
2010 - 216
2011 - 260
Hi Gals,
with regards to my earlier post on VS Spree,
i'm able to do it cos till date they have yet to unblock my account due to they suspect my previous bulk order of Fit Flops.
piggy, in TCM terms, low temp means the body is too cool and may affect fertility. in western medicine, there is no correlations between temp and fertily. I m not sure abt high temp wor. ur 36.3 is still ok. that time, e-cups one was less than 36 lor, even lower wor, so her TCM give her medicine to improve the temp.
Sleepygal, Im cautiously optimistic about my 2ww now, so I dont really bother about the temp at the moment.

How's ur 2ww?

Since u mentioned e-cups, really miss her in this forum.
cos last time i help the gals bot alot which i usually buy 5pairs at a time. There was once when i try to buy, they back check my records & found that i bot almost 30 pairs which they suspect i buy & sell as business.

Currently they are clearing stock for Fit Flop USD39/pair (Usual: USD59) excluding shipping fee.
yah thats what i explain but they say i cannot buy Fit Flop again.

my colleague is taking order for the Fit Flop at SGD58 (USD39) including shipping fee & exchange rate fees by VISA. Limited to 4pairs on Size 8 & above, last order by today cos promo expire tomorrow.

Size 8/9/10 - Black/Silver/Bronze color
piggy, for me is to play the waiting game lor. morning saw one of the hpt expiring Nov-2011, so used it lor. as usual, nothing happens lor. so dun hope much. haha.

queenie, USD$39, so cheap but only got size 8 and above ah? I need size 6 leh.
they are clearing stock for big size leh cos too many new designs coming up.

This time round i'm buying their leggings only cos nowadays i rarely wear my Electra + my Pietra is too big for me.
ic.. thanks piggy.. Cos ive heard from friends that high temp will hinder fertility but dono true anot.. hahaz.. very frustrating every mth go through the same process yet nothing.. =.="
Morning gals,
haiz my cramps is more intense....my bbt is not consider high which i really hopes it comes quickly. The cramp is so disturbing lor
Can i check any gals will have sensitiveness skin abrasion when wearing pantyliner?

Recently i can to a 2 layer pc pantyliner which will cause abrasion to my skin & bleed.
Good Morning ..

Congrats to Wish...

Lolli.. maybe the 2nd drop is implantation. I think I read before that temp will drop abit during that time.

Piggy.. Great! Your visit to the gynae was of good timing. Good luck. Hope to hear your good news soon.

Queenie.. Im with Verone. No red, still got chance. Good luck.
Raspy & Verone,
gd luck to both of u. Although my bbt is only 36.7, i dun think i'll BFP cos this temp is consider low consider to my higher temp at 36.8+ for the past cycles.
Queenie, dont rely too much on past cycles' temperature as well.

About may-june this year, my temp was around 36.7.

But for the past two months Oct-Nov, my temp was about 36.3.

I guess temp changes according to our body.
I also need to work work work

I wear pantyliners everyday and no problem with that
However, since sat I started wearing normal pad (whisper) in preparation of my period... After 4 days, the abrasion was bad, painful... So I changed back to liner again

Hmmm... Will the implantation be so late?
Anyway, this month has been a highly stressed mth for me... Maybe that's why I didn't ovulate naturally as well... My hb and I think that it's probably due to over stressed hence the delay of menses
Super screwed up cycle... My temp dropped to 36.68 this morning... Oh well just have to wait and see

Good luck to all who are in 2ww...
How many of us are now in 2ww?
because i wearing it for many yrs, the abrasion start when i change to this new brand which is thinner

i agree cos my bbt seems geeting lower than the past.

Weird is that my cramp went off aft my big biz, i'm sure the cramp is PMS cramp.
Yes girls...do not read too much into the BBT to cause you additional stress in 2WW...remember this is a critical period for you to relax for implantation to occur and the bb to grow well.

I feel BBT is most useful for us to track our O day so we can have a feel what is our cycle like and not to know if we are pregnant or not. From online reading, I noticed the top 10/25 symptoms of pregnancy does not include rising of temperature or it need to be maintain at how high. Unless that you test on HPT to get a BFP or blood test, rest of worries should left aside.

Goodie luck to us all in the 2WW.

Maybe it's due to the material of the new brand of liner?
For me I use carefree which I think it's cotton, whereas whisper is "netting" lol i dunno the "term" for it

Hee hee guess the list can be expanded to
