(2011/10) Oct 2011

Morning mummies....so shag Nw like a zombie in office....yesterday # 1 not feeling well.... keep on coughing until vomit out his milk at 11pm n 2am haizzz.... Me n hubby gotta change the bedsheets 2 times.... I'm soooo tired.... Feel so down n sianz Nw....


thanks ladies...

will try the yakult as gasey drink dont work on me. tummy even more bloated after trying it.

heard eating lots of ginger will increase the possibility of the BB having jaundice, true or not?

Minidiary: your bb is growing well. =)

Hope that mine will be good during my end of month check =)

Kwxy, like you I ate cup noodle at yesterday night. However, some of you here, I feel hungry most of the time. I was awake feeling hungry at 2.30am yesterday and I make a cup of ceral. Dont really enjoy eating at that hour, but I really cant stand the churning. Lately, I keep feeling very hungry. Got to consume something every 3 hours. If I dont eat, I can feel my stomach churning real hard, and i cant sleep.

Royal, I took powdered Dumex milk for mummy, sometimes I took HL milk too, jus started. Not sure if it will be fattening.

good deal on http://www.outlet.com.sg/.

$29.80 instead of $286, 90% OFF for Any of 6 Super Value Combo - Facial, IPL, Waxing or Massage Combo by One Beauty Spa @ Bugis & Simei

go buy and treat yourself to some nice pampering. wish i could go for the massage lor but now cannot..


y dun u try Strepsils? I think euphon might be abit too strong. Else u might wan with the pharmacist if euphon is suitable for pregnancy.


Maybe u try rubbing some "Ru Yi You" on ur tummy to see if it helps??

I drink juices and honey lemon to reduce the bloatiness.

good morning mummies,

managed to finish almost the entire bowl of lontong just now! have cravings for all the spicy and not-so-healthy food...but was just feeling hungry and giddy after eating only cereal and biscuits for dinner last night due to nausea.

vivi: lots of good food there, can check the net for recommendations but i think sometimes just walking into one of those small shops in along the streets, u can find very tasty stuff. and of course not forgetting the desserts! xu liu shan is everywhere...

emilybaby: how's your visits with dr goh from kkh so far? my next visit is tomorrow....can't wait!


Dr Ben asks me to continue Duphaston, but change to eat at once night only. I still have 12tablets leh... gonna eat for another 2 weeks. Yeah I think isnt Duphaston problem... if MS kicks in, then it will comes. My MS worse from week 8 and week 9. Dr Ben asks me how come I weigh loss... haha I said no appetite lo and he said it's okay normal...

Did Dr Ben give u multivitamin, calcium and fish oil? I started on it aredi since yesterday... Very big tablet the calcium and multivit, I bought tablet cutter to cut half but still Im still stuck in the middle of my throat... yucks I hate it!

Wanna ask you about the multivit, to eat in the morning right? The nurse told me cannot eat with milk... how? means anything with milk like yogurt milk, milo, horlick? all also milk right?

I havent sign the package, they said come back for OSCAR and 3rd time appt only signed which is on 31st March. How bout you?


u also go HK? when are you going?


so cute that we got same EDD and now we have different EDD liao... so glad that our baby is fine. when's ur taiwan trip? when's ur next visit?


try not to take too much HL. although a lot of marketing makes it look good and all-natural, it's actually full of artificial stuff. i used to like it a lot then realize actually the milk is "fake". the ingredients are:

milk solids, fresh milk, permitted stabilisers and emulsifiers, milk calcium, Vitamin C, permitted flavouring, Vitamin E, Lactase, Nicotinamide, Calcium-D-Pantothenate, Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6), Thiamine (Vitamin B1), Vitamin A, Vitamin K and Vitamin D3.

minidiary, you can take multivit with water. My doc precribe me multivit and calcium. The nurse who gave me the supplements told me not to take multivit and calcium together as it will cause constipation. She advised me to take multivit in the morning and then 1 hr later or take the calcium in the afternoon. I believe this is the reason why the nurse told you not to take the multivit with milk since milk is the source of calcium.

RE: Milk

I personally don't like HK milk too. I find it too sweet and indeed, the taste is artificial. I prefer Magnolia Fresh Milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also drink Anmum milk and tried both Vanilla and Chocolate flavour. Both are sweet to me. Chocolate is sweeter. hehe.. Other than Milk, I also drink soya milk and Milo. All reduced suger one. I'm more concern about the sugar contain in Food that I eat since I always found sugar in my urine test when I carried my #1.


your multivit also obimin? My calcium only take once at night. thanks for the clarification... i tot cannot drink milk, yogurt milk, soya milk, anything wit milk if taking this obimin...haha


no worries.. i also didn't know till a friend tell me. before that i was wondering how come HL milk always taste so darn good! haha! now i avoid. :p for fresh milk, i like meiji. it's pure milk and nothing else. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tried magnolia fresh milk before but taste too strong for me.

anyone tried hay dairies' goat milk before? very naturally sweet and surprisingly nice! if you get the chocolate flavored one, there is no funny goat smell at all. i love it but it's hard to get.


Do u hv any reco 4 fresh milk?


How many weeks r u now? I know how u feel, very xin ku although we dun really vomit. Did ur gynae give u anti-nausea pills? I was given Vit B6 but I dun tink it helps a lot. Try sour plums, ribena n jelly sweets, it helps, but I am really concerned abt getting GD if I eat too much sweets / sweet things.

= Rice Wine =

Hi, I have 10 bottles of rice wine left from my confinement and willing to let go at $10 per bottle (negotiable if buy all 10 bottles). Taste sweet and yellow colour.

Collect between redhill mrt to clementi mrt. If you are interested pls pm me or e-mail me at [email protected].


i'm no milk connoisseur, although in my own opinion, Meiji milk is the best! 100% fresh milk. a lot of those so-called fresh milk in the markets are a combination of milk powder + fresh milk. HL is one example.. marketed as FRESH, but it's actually dead milk with milk powder and junk added. some more so expensive. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

if you see the words "recombined" printed on any milk/juice packaging, you can be sure they are not "fresh" at all. now i've even avoided buying packet fruit juices altogether because they are mostly not fresh ones and have stabilizers, preservatives, flavorings, sugar etc.. drink liao worse than don't drink at all. so i spend a bit more on hawker centre fresh-squeezed ones or just plain old fruit.

Hi all mommies!

Emilybaby> I'm also gg Taiwan, just booked my airtix last night for travel in may now looking for hotel. But my frd scolded me this morning say why I still go cos of the radiation :/

Minidiary> I have the same supplement as you, not taking duphaston already cos dr Ben say stable. Still taking folic acid though. So far no problem with the pills cos I'm use to taking supplement :p now ur next appt is earlier than mine, mine in beginning of April.

Re: HL

Used to love it too cos taste nice but recently realize gave me Mild diarrhea after taking so I stop


i believe so! 'cos always see a bit of oil-like substance floating on top of the milk. no wonder so yummy, 'cos fattening. haha!

RE: Milk

Meiji is fresh milk. For the flavoured Meiji milk, fresh milk plus cocoa powder & flavouring. Still beats HL's reconstituted milk.

RE: Multivit/Calcium

Multivit has IRON, which will bind with CALCIUM.

So taking them together = USELESS.

Must space them out and take them seperately.

Taking multivit with milk (high calcium) has the same effect. :D

Hi mummies,

The repair man just came to repair my toilet bowl and he used the drill to drill in the screws ley. I know there is a myth that says that no drilling in the hse when pregnant lady is at home or it will affect the baby. That make me quite worried now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Have anyone experienced the same thing b4? Hope I am just thinking too much.


the Obimin so pink color and big tablet. Im still dreaming here... not taking it yet... I hate swallow big pills... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


don't worry, baby's fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i sat through whole month's intense drilling, hammering and tearing of walls at the office when i was pregnant with my #1. she came out perfectly fine. that's why it's called MYTH!


im going on 18th and back on 23rd too!!!


im also scared because there will be ppl coming to my house soon to install the fiber optic cable... they might drill!!! I think i will leave the house whole day

Prettymums > try some san zha, it works for me

multi vit > FYI.The multi vit and fish oil that the gynae prescribes are not enough.i learnt about it during my last pregnancy from my gynae.He mentioned that the fish oil is of the normal low content, so he ask me to continue my own as well.

There's a certain recommended quantity for preggy to take. i rem i have an article on this. let me go and dig the article out.

1d1r, starry,

Thanks! I feel relieved liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Anyway, still need to pray everyday that God will bless and protect my beanie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wow... u have the stamina to shop the whole day? I can't even walk 30mins non-stop now :p

Going paragon later to jab my buttock again...sighz... this time dunno where to go shopping after that.

Minidiary, I got no energy to hide in shopping centre with all the walking..

Just went to the supermarket beneath my block with my maid and I feel so tired already!!!


oh dear... try drinking some 100 plus?

Funny i dun really feel nausea today and starting to feel hungry every hour liao. Hopefully it will continue till evening. My MS always peak in the evening...

Wow I take HL chocolate milk everyday. HAve to stop already. Meiji I onli take strawberry.

Just want to check can we take gastric med? HAving bad gastric now and vomitted twice. I think is bcos my honey lemon too sour liao :'( heading back home nw.


you don't like plain milk? please rest well. i sometimes get gastric too and it's no fun. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] eat some warm soupy stuffs..


cannot drink 100 plus. think got caffeine if i'm not wrong. already used up caffeine quote for the day.


I’m very happy for my chkup with Dr Goh last night. She is very pretty and friendly people. I told her that I fell dwn last week and ask her help me to check my baby carefully whether he is fine or not. She really check it very clearly during the scan. Wao! So fast, tomorrow is yr next appt with her again, good luck!


yr next appt is 2 weeks later? very fast you can see yr baby again. I going Taiwan on 13/04~19/04, Dr Goh only request me to go back in April, that is after my Taiwan trip -25/04, still far far away leh! My OSCAR test will be arrange on next appt too. Ya, now we have different EDD le, the date on the screen keep changing when Dr Goh is measuring the size of my baby. I think I’ll pop early bah cos last time my #1 was pop out 8 days earlier. Did your Dr explain to you where is yr baby’s head, body, hand & leg and yr fat…wakekekekeke… :p I manage to see my baby’s hand and leg too. So happy!

Rabbt bb,

I also scared scared leh! Hope that everything will be fine soon. I did’t booked Hotel cos I prefer Minsu, the price eally very much cheaper leh! I can save more $ to buy my clothes and baby stuffs :)

When got gastric, no milk/calcium. It worsens the gastric. Eat easy to digest food like porridge, plain bread to ease the gastric juices first...

Starry, 100plus no caffiene [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It's only electrolytes (minerals).

Minidiary> yup I think we have the same supplements. No choice have to take lah. Take one at a time, its not that bad just need getting uses to.

Emilybaby> I'm gg to be at Taipei so looking at city inn 3 or city inn plus, both open last year so looks new. Which part will u be at? Mind sharing which minsu is good?


Don't like plus will have diarroea if drink milk. Even chocolate and strawberry aso will. Super pain dats y I head back hm. Gg back rest Ltr cook cambelle soup.


Ok. Noted! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Starry like u running a bad headache since last night. I dont dare to take pain killer. But I didnt think of buying 100 plus jus now.


oh, good! will probably go get a can if still headache.


i heard that 100 plus can cure headaches too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so nice can go taipei! miss that place. remember to go wufenpu. if i am not wrong there is a small shop selling a lot of baby/children clothes at only NTD100 each. darn cheap!


My cousin posted this on FB and I wanna share here...

If your hubby disagrees with you... remind him...

"Don't ever question your wife's judgment, after all, she married YOU." TF Tenney

