(2011/10) Oct 2011

Hi luv, thanks for the warm welcome. Meiji milk works so well? Maybe I Shld give my gal to drink. She takes yogurt drink now.

Didn't dare to give her too much chocolate products, scared she too heaty also

Constipation > can try yogurt also. It works Too


Starry, same same think sometimes I also very negative dunno y leh...

To keep awake I think keep your mouth moving bah ---> eating!! Hehehehheh


i keep telling myself to not think so much and read more happy stories or those nice birth stories then imagine myself holding baby for the first time. a bit lame lah, but works for me. :p

you still can eat? my MS in the afternoon makes me nauseous and unable to eat any snacks other than milo + cream crackers.

hi mummies, feeling very miserable today... nausea is lasting the whole entire day PLUS giddiness and extreme fatigue....

literally dragging my feet through the work day. trying so hard to keep positive but it's just so difficult.

arghhh 10 more minutes to knock off time.....

Babystarlet, how old is your girl and she's also resisting milk?

Try Meiji fresh milk first (plain, full cream). It's real yummy, so they are more receptive towards it.

My boy downs ard 1-2L a day of Meiji fresh milk. Compared with FM, he really drink a lot more cos it's tasty!

If she reject fresh milk then try choc/strawberry flavoured milk. For Meiji, it's just flavouring added to fresh milk, not reconstituted milk so the nutritional value is still as good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry I had some problem posting just now LOL

Thank you Luv and Starry!

Like Esther_i I am supper exhuasted at work, sometimes can hardly sit up straight and really feeling very sleepy..

Starry, I still can eat leh... No MS for me... Juz tat have to eat slowly n small Amt. If not will feel nausea Liao.... Saying tat I juz finish 1 apple! Initially wan go buy macdonald fries then control myself! **yawn** this rainy weather is making me sleepy... Can't wait for 6pm!

Hi Hi Starry

I am 9 weeks preggy.. Hospital, I think I will most likely be going to NUH... Cos I am previously seeing gynea for checkup at NUH, comfortable with the doc there.

I dont really have nausea feeling all the time (dont know if it is good or bad news) but yesterday I went to KK 24 hour walk in clinic, feeling difficulty in breathing and my heart is beating really hard (had this two problems frequently - sometimes in the middle of the night). I could feel my heart beat in my throat. Not sure if other mtb has the same feeling? Doc say no problem with my heart. Jus anxiety. Weird but i am not really that stress wor...

HappyMoMo, I have the same experience of breathlessness and heart beating very fast. Got me very worried cos I got asthma and my family got history of heart problems...

But end up, doc say it's cos our heart is working a little harder to supply blood to our womb... so will have that feeling...

Mine is extremely uncomfy.. sometimes will have chest tightness also...

arh... finally the thread is up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

esther, plain chicken essence is good as it makes you feel alert. however, i cant take it as it makes me too heaty. nowadays i sleep early at 9.30pm so when waking up at 6.30am i feel refreshed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

babystarlet, yes his CC teacher said he can't stand up without support due to lack of calcium. we've been loading him with at least 1 small bottle of meiji daily. he loves it and now his legs are much stronger. downside is the poo. he poos right after drinking :p

1d1r, oh i rem it's you who suggests the meiji milk part. thanks! he can now take abt half a small bottle of plain milk on occasion. better than nothing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies... rem MS is good. it makes our baby strong (hah~ me sadist)...

#2 on the way ) (1dog1rabbit) > my gal just turned 2.nope , she doesnt reject milk,she still drink her own milk currently

haii.. tonight bloated again,think can skip dinner.

Babystarlet, if she's drinking milk well then don't introduce flavoured milk cos they will become picky...

Flavoured milk only for those who already rejecting milk, no choice, just want to make sure they take some milk (better than no milk at all)...

#2 on the way, I also had the same thing as you, I feel my heart aching like muscle ache. And worse still it will wake me up a couple of times at night. Sometimes I cant even sleep..cos i cant breathe air. Sometimes when i am in phone conversation, people can sense my deep and hard breathing. Feel very pai seah, others thought i run around in office. LOL


i will feel breathless too and sometimes even lightheaded. my gynae also says it's normal, just be careful if unwell, sit down or lie down and take a break.


me too bloated. every night bloat without fail. needless to say, very poor appetite for dinner...


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Thanks all and have a safe pregnancy!

HappyMoMo, I'm 10+ weeks now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can't wait for next appt at month end to declare end of 1st tri!!!

XiaoRabbit, I drink gassy drinks to force myself to burp then not so bloated already....

Or drink vitagen to fart out the gas then not bloated...

I have lots of cruving for vitagen lately too.. LOL I find it appetizing to have it before meals. It has been a long time since I last had vitagen, now I feel like a little kid drinking vitagen.

starrymommy: yup!stay positive!!!actually reading positive stories help,avoid the negative ones, cos i end up worrying myself, scare myself,yippeee!!!!time to go home!

hello and welcome happymomo, babystarlet and twins~

Had problem posting earlier.

I'm on mc today, having flu and bad headache, couldn't sleep last night as well. toss and turn. stomach also weird, could be the oily chwee kuey i had for dinner last night ;s

1d1r> so means i need to draw alot of blood for my next checkup ;s *faint*

xiao rabbit> hello. yup i also drink soft drink to burp it out or u can try eno or ginger tea too. I had bad bloated stomach during week 6-7 weeks plus, now its much better.

minidiary> how's ur checkup today? updates updates~

Babystarlet, dunno why, most of my friend's kids who reject milk also dun like pediasure. But once they try Meiji, they will gulp down happily...

hello mummies!

Im back and my EDD changed to 5 Oct instead 10 Oct... baby now is 10w5d! heartbeat 168/min. grow so fast 37.8mm aredi! Im so happy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

really? haha now gonna update my table! i wish 10 oct, which is my wedding anniversary... but okla 5 oct also good so that bb have his/her bday too....

high 5!

Went to Gynae last Wed, BB only 6.8mm at 7 weeks. Is it too small? EDD is on 28 Oct 2011. My 1st BB already 10mm at week 6.

minidiary: wow, so fast ur appt cm n gone liao, hahahha... so did dr tham take u off duphaston? i'm off it liao, bt the MS got worse, so the nett effect is still more vomitting than on duphaston -.-" have u signed up for the package?

royal: no worries, i had that charcoal and gynae said its gentle. is ur diar better today?

cherrytrinkets: i eat anti-nausea med prescribed by my gynae. they help to lessen the discomfort but does not take it away totally.

starry: try yakult. my gynae says its good to drink, whether u hav diar or consti

xiaorabbit: try to eat ginger, it really helps. if u dun like then try to eat food cooked with a lot of ginger, like soup or stew. helps with ur bloatedness as ginger can "qu feng"

mummies, i regret eating cup noodle at this hour...now i feel bloated and nausea....HELP!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


How many weeks r u now? Ur MS Seems pretty bad. Mine is pretty bad as well n am practically bedridden. I'm given MC for this week, but am unsure if I cld go back to work next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


*pat pat* i know how it feels. I oso feel bloated n nauseous if i ate too full. Did u eat cup noodle cos u hungry or cos u juz feel like eating? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try to eat smaller portions next time

Hi mummies

Ask u ar, do u all drink powdered milk or fresh milk? I read fm the other threads that powdered milk like Anmum is fattening wor.


Gd morning! Having flu n bad sore throat... can we eat euphon lozenges.. I guess is lidat spell. Or any types of lozenges? Drinking honey lemon already


Thanks! Will go buy yakult tonight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Been years since I last had yakult.


Feeling better? I was also bloated the entire night. Now still a bit. Learning to live with it le.


You're on bedrest because of MS? If need to vomit how? Hope you will be better very soon. Jia you!

I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamt that I was spotting heavily and underwear dripping blood. Very scary! Thank god it was just a dream...

Powdered maternal milk is always fattening.

Those who are afraid of unnecessary weight gain, drink low fat fresh milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning gals!

dying to go for my chk up which is only happening on the 29th ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Creamdonut,

Gd Morn! Dia is gone, replacing is constipation! sigh! been drinking prune juice which usually works for me, but not now. feel so bloated today. :)

Btw, gd morning everyone, been following the thread as a silent reader until last sunday. I'm Royal, expecting my 1st bb with EDD 18 Oct.Am in my 9th Week.

Just to check, when should I start drinking milk? which is better? Powdered type or those mognolia Lowfat/Hi Cal Milk? I only takes chocolate flavoured. :)


Babystarlet, yes yes, i also like the food in Taiwan, yummy yummy! I like to shopping there too :) this time i will look for more clothes and baby stuff :)

