(2011/10) Oct 2011


not shopping today... they will come to install next Sat. by the time, i hope my energy regain liao. I think my MS not that bad liao going to 11weeks...


yesterday after check up, i went to Takafair... haha first time preggie, and i found out so many things to buy and so much money need to spend... going to faint! my OpenNet installation is next Sat, hide in shopping centre while having some drinks lo... hopefully i got energy.


apply some Ru Yi Oil on your stomach and drink hot milo to ease gastric. I got on and off cough, my gynae said if it's not serious like got flu, fever then better don take cough medicine... avoid medicine


my gynae let me listen to my bb heartbeat! so impressed! got show me the head, leg and arms but cant see very clearly one.. how i hope can zoom zoom more... I bring my pendrive, my gynae downloaded the video, and some picture of my bb too! abit movement i see from the video... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the obimin very smelly one...! when's ur OSCAR?


anyone know if I have to fast before the compulsory blood test for HIV, rubella, Hepatitis and OSCAR scan? I forget to ask... my gynae said will draw all the blood at one time during OSCAR

minidiary, I used to take Obimin for my #1. But this time my doc gave me another brand. I forgot which brand. But even for Obimin, I was also told not to take together with Calcium. So I always take my calcium bill and multivits separately.

twinsdream > I'm now in my 9th week. The thing is that the "food" seems to be near my throat and not able to vomit out. The past week has been very bad. Puke every night. Sigh...

babystarlet > I don't have it now. Only with sour plums. But no use... will only create more gastric juice for me.

mummies, i also lost 2 kg...but doc also said its normal.

woke up at 9am...only drank soya milk and 1 charsiew bao...until now...try not to go on empty stomach [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hihi ssskinny~

shan> ya, not suitable to colour or hair treatment now.

starry> wufenpu? ok will look out. I been to taipei donkey years ago so now good to revisit and I manage to book the SQ promo haha..as a reward for myself :p

minidiary> haha bit the bullet and swallow it..i taken worse smelling ones. so its small case for me.lol Alamak the nurse didn't d/l the video for me, next time I will ask her to copy in. I actually wanted to post to remind you to ask them to d/l for you yesterday but cos posting got problem so lucky they d/l it for you. so cute right. My Oscar will be on 8th April.

Stomach feeling bloated again...haix

Hi mummies,

i am from the March thread...

would like to let go some brand new bravado bras that i have bought extra. All bras letting go at $38.

collection at yishun/sembawang


1)The original nursing bra (blush - size L : 38-42 C-D)

2)The body silk seamless nursing bra (pink ice - size L)

3)The body silk seamless nursing bra (ivory - size XL)

4)The lifestyle mircofiber nursing bra (hot Pink - size 38D)

pm me if u are interested....


haha first appt, we didnt bring pendrive. forget

then this time round, Dr Ben downloaded the picture of 1st appt and 2nd appt too. The video no sound one, Dr Ben said no audio sound lo if not can hear heartbeat sound too...

wanna ask those mummies with #1 already... do u tink preggies need their hb more before or after birth?

my hb is due for a training in Jun-Sep period, which is last tri already. and his training is those 8am - 9pm kind... so if he can postpone his training, he can fetch me to and fro workplace. But the next slot of training is in Jan next yr, which is after bb born. if he go training then i will be alone with bb at home...

so he in dilemma, dunno which period is more impt for me, before or after birth...

HS, I needed by hubby more after having kiddo cos need his help so I can rest...

Esp if your childcare arrangement requires him to send/fetch baby from elsewhere...

Ya HS, I think need hubby after birth. My hubby going for 2 weeks reservist during sep. initially want him to postpone but I think not liao....

ic... ok... maybe he should not postpone after all... at most during last tri, i take train to last station then back again, so that i have seat heee...


for calcium you can try Cavit D. Comes in a box foil packed, you can find it at ntuc Unity. The pills are very small. As for reno, i supervised renovation during my first pregnancy when I was 7 months preg, no problem. My office also had a renovation earlier on in the same year. Its just a myth. I think the origin of this myth is to keep pregnant women away from the real possibility of injuring themselves at work sites.

by rite i aso having the optic fibre to install tis morn.. so when they came, they explained of running the wires,casing on my walls etc..wif all the drilling, screwing etc needed.. we decided to cancel.. i dont feel comfy at all even if im out of the house.. even thou it's jz a myth.. i believe ppl say bout sumthing like timing met/crash if realy happens.. like my #1, did some very minor stuff @home & my gal has a birthmark on her jawline.. so my mum kept blaming us.. so we rather playsafe tis time round..then being blamed again if anything happen

im so looking forward to my nxt appt on 1st week of april since 28th feb.... soooooo so long wait for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

realy hope my vomit sickness gets better... last nite, my vomit was so terrible dat the blood vessels in my brain kept throbbing painfully while vomitting... arghhhh...


you'll want to have your hb around after baby is born. No matter how much you love your baby, you'll need someone else to be around to give you a break, otherwise you'll go crazy and tear your hair out. Or vent your frustratons on your hb when he comes back later which both of you will find puts a strain on your relationship.

HS, definitely need hb to b ard aft bb is born.. last time, my hb often travelled.. so during my last trim when i was realy very heavy @bump & swollen legs r painful of the heaviness, i took cab to & fro frm work.. so aft bb borned, how i wish my hb not working n be there for me almost whenever i needed help/rest/toilet breaks etc..

mummies....im so so so so so tired....im only out a few hours and already feel so tired...where's my stamina???? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

got lower abdominal cramp suddenly since 4pm till now... hopefully it's noting serious. pulling pulling like that. anyone encounter this before? after urine, thn pulling cramp at abdominal again...

last time just few minutes, now dunno why few hours liao still the same... what should i do?

Me gg for Oscar test two weeks later. Took the same test during my 1st preggy. So decide to do it for the second one also

Rabbit_bb : how much is ur SQ tix?

HS : think need hubby more for after birth

Just out from meeting..*tired*

minidiary> if no bleeding should be fine, do observe though. Sometimes I do feel the stretches too.

Babystarlet> Promo $973.80 for 2 pax flying SQ but the outbound is midnight flight and outbound is early morning. but for the price, i don't mind [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] otherwise this price normally for one pax only.

so late still meeting... back home early lo

my cramp gone liao... hopefully nothing serious happens. really wan to shout just now because cramp so long and i lie on bed only

lucky these late meeting only once a month..haa. hubby having course, don't what to eat for dinner myself, no appetite but mind thinking of mee hoon goreng. :p

Hi mommies, I'm in bed le. Headache came back. Plus bloated and nauseous. Sian TTM!!! Luckily her little royal highness is asleep too so I can have some peace..


U ok already?? I feel pulling pains too but those are quite normal. As long as no bleeding.


Welcome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


im okay aredi. last time got cramp but only last for few minutes... today 3 hours, so im scared...

luckily now is okay liao...

rub some ru yi oil on ur forehead to forget the headache


Think will be my best friend from tonight onwards also. feeling better now. 谢谢你! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

twins: abt 11 wks now. today not much MS n tummy got smaller. duno shld i get worried anot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wonder if got anyone else got this sign where the tummy got smaller?

starry: did the yakult work for u?

royal: gd to hear ur diar gone. take care n be careful wen eating coconut milk/spicy stuff, diar might come back

minidiary: i din buy obimin cos i got my own multi vit, so i ate tt in the morn n the calcium n fish oil at nite. all with plain water. u dun like to take with plain water? can take with honey water also.


i am selling


Belly Belt Combo kit


2 bellybelt button-up

2 bellybelt slide

3 coloured panels

With bellybelt, you can wear ur regular clothes when you're pregnant.

more info here:


Retails at $29.90. I am selling at $15. Free postage.

i only used 1 button-up belt 3x. the rest are brandnew.

pls PM me if interested. thanks.

Just saw this article online, so thought of sharing.

Bloating During Pregnancy — What You Can Do About It

Eat right and drink plenty of water to avoid constipation during pregnancy, which can aggravate bloating.

Opt for smaller meals that don't overload your digestive system. Aim for six small meals a day, rather than three large ones.

Slow down (see, your mom was right). When you eat too quickly, you often swallow air, which can form gas pockets in your belly. Chew food thoroughly to give digestion a head start — not only will you make your mother happier, but your tummy as well.

Try to relax. Tension can also cause you to swallow air, both during meals and during the day. Don't talk turkey over your turkey sandwich if it'll get you stressed.

Stick to your pregnancy diet and avoid gassy foods such as cabbage, beans, fried foods, onions, or anything that affects your particular digestive tract in a painful or musical manner.

i was quarrelling with a supplier...i got too emotional and very angry angry....then i felt some slight twists in tummy...then went toilet and saw brown stain...very scared now.

KWXY (kwxy), take ur duphaston and rest for tmr, dont go to work already... i had brown stains when i was in taiwan last week, i immediately popped 2 duphaston and it went off immediately..

