(2011/10) Oct 2011

RE: Compulsory Blood Test

This is usually done at week 12.

RE: Down Syndrome Test

This is OPTIONAL. Some gynaes highly recommend but it's personal choice.

My gynae only asked if we are doing it, when we said no, he moved on to next item on the list to check with us.

We are not doing the test cos we are keeping the baby no matter what. And the test only gives a ratio. It is not 100% accurate. I know of ppl with high risk results but baby turn out fine. Also know of ppl with low risk results but baby has mild DS. So if it's fated for us to have to care for a special kid, we will take it in our stride. No testing for us. I did not test for my #1 also.

RE: Sashimi/Soft Boiled Eggs

I think if from reputable source, should be ok.

But I down my sashimi with loads of wasabi.


Hi all

I am 7 weeks now n this is my #2. My edd is 29/10. I am with Dr TC Tan at TPS @ KK. My first one was delivered @ KK as well.

I have been trying for my #2 for more than 3 years n had even gone for 1 fresh cycle n 1 frozen cycle of IVF. After my failed attempts, my DH n I decided not to do IVF anymore n just leave it to God. After we hv so decided, I conceived naturally. PTL!

I had vey bad MS last week n was shivering due to feeling cold. I was bedriden n i could not do anything at all. Luckily I was on leave as I intended to train my new helper. Went to Dr last Thur n Dr gave a week MC to rest.

According to Dr, our MS increases with our age, I am in my late 30s.

Does anyone here experience the same thing n how do we cope with bad MS?

Hi twins! Welcome!!

I do not have MS til date. I'm 6 weeks now. Hope you feeling better. Do rest more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, last night I got a shock!! I was hving constipation for the past few days. I went poo last night with some difficulties and when I got up, the toilet bowl was full of blood!! (sorry if too much info) I was terrified!! When I kept wiping, there's still blood!

When I told Hubby, he immed said go KKH, I told him is not vagina bleeding but he kept insisting that how can bleed so much when pooing. So we went to KKH24hrs at around 11.45pm and luckily not many ppl. Waited for 10mins and doc checked bb, everything fine. She just said I suffered from constipation and bleeding came from the hard stools. And told me it's v common. (I'm not too sure if you are like me)

Given me medication to soften the stools. Scary night. Haha

kwxy, it's very common to have constipation during prengnacy. Please eat more fruits cos if the constipation is prolonged, you will get painful piles and that will add to the pain after natural delivery.

If you don't like fruits or can't eat enough, get Fibrogel from pharmacy to drink daily. it is made from soluble fibre which softens stool and also acts like lubricant when you pass motion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KWXY - Hey babe! How are you now? Have been following your eventful pregnancy, and glad u and bb always manage to ride out the storm. Maintain ur positive attitude. Everything will be alright for you in the end! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Pommes dear!! Yes!! Like rollercoaster ride!! Haha...but always trying to maintain happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucky can come here to chat chat...so I don't feel so stressed. How are you and bb? Are you approaching week 12?? Miss you!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidiary.. let me update mine... HS, #1, EDD 13 Oct.. Dr adrian woodworth.. hospital still deciding.. wats SAHM and FTWM ?

KWXY - me in week 13. I really admire Ur positive n strong attitude. Everything will work out fine for u. Take care n take more fluids to curb the constipation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies, i just went for scan yesterday and saw my tiny little bean. gynae says growth in on track and showed us the strong heartbeat. hubby and i were really very happy! showed our 5 mth old darling but she just giggled away. lol!


my EDD is 30 Oct. thanks for updating! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi I've a set of brand new Philips Avent Digital Sterilizer (keeps contents sterile for 24hrs) going at $150 (UP $199). Bought wrongly cannot fit the bottles that I have. Interested please PM me.

Hi, Need help. Am 2 mths preg.

I seems to have stomach flu since ytd. Can I take charcoal tablet to cure the Diarrhoea?

Went to a clinic and doc presribe this to me but I no confidence in the doc. Thanks

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Amci: jia you, we will b rooting for u here!! Hav u went for second opinion? Do update [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Royal: yes, charcoal can take. I had diar during last nth n took charcoal for abt a wk, my gynae say it's safe. He also recommend me to drink yakult so as to intro gd digestive bacteria in the body. U can try too!

1d1r, minidiary: got anymore tips on how to overcome nausea?

I tried ur sour plums tip, it did helped for e past wk. Bt recently ms got very bad. I even vomit out suddenly at my work table. It was so sudden, no warning, tt I cmi to toilet at all! N it jus keep coming in waves aft waves uncontrollably. Lucky I only drink water before tt so only water came out. Bt it's still quite a shock. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my update: Dr TB Lim EDD, 24 oct, this is my no.2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

that's all right?no need my age hor? ;)

PTL!baby is ok, bleeding stopped.I was discharged fr Mt A after staying there for 3D2N with 3 or wassit 4..homonal jabs to stabalise baby no. 2, hurts my ass like @#$#&!

doc ordered no more bfeeding no.1, says bfeeding causes hormonal instabality to no.2...i really loved bfeeding no.1, the boding time and also the weight loss from bfeeding!

time to hang up the pumps for next 7mths

Cherrytrinkets: welcome back! Gd to hear all is well now. Do take care n rest more ya? Jia you jia you!!

ok I try honey lemon, thanks for e tip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] does e salted crackers taste too plain with water? Maybe I'll eat with Milo instead, hehehe... Nowadays tastebud prefer strong taste! ;)


I am also experiencing worst MS. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] vomit my breakfast for the past 2 days... today my dinner oso puke out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]... my hubby also got a shock cos that never happens to me when i was preggy with #1.

So now i take honey lemon and some preserved papaya strips (whitish) type. It does help abit.

benben: did u take any anti-nausea med? i took whenever i vomitted, if not i duno how to continue working. sigh, i noe its not good to keep eating med also, bt really no choice leh.


No. My gynea did not prescibe any to me as i did not throw up for the past few weeks. Just feeling nausea only. The vomitting only start yesterday, exactly on week 8 day 0. I will only see my gynae on 22 march. Hopefully can tahan til then.

I will still need to look after my gal on weekdays alone. Hopefully I wouldn't hug the toilet bowl too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes Pommes...drank 2 litres of water today and have to run toilet so often...hehe

Mummies, im going to bed soon...NITE NITE and SWEET DREAMS!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

benben: oic... mayb u can ask him for it the next time then. tt time my gynae gave me was like a "just in case" kind of med. turns out i really have to eat it, as much as i wished i dun have to...

hahah, ya. toilet + sour plums r my best frens now ;p


u can try pure cranberry juice, i find the sourness can reduce MS... my MS was bad starting week 8 and half week 9, now back to normal again... just tummy bloated. no sudden urge of vomit. before that, it was really unexpected...vomit sudden but little la...

tomolo is my turn to see Dr Ben... my 2nd appt..waited so long. hopefully he can ask me to stop Duphaston... I wanna see my bb tomolo. excited!

Good morning ladies, glad to join in this thread.

Went gynae on sat. Now 10weeks, baby at 2.8cm. Heartbeat very ok.

This is my #2. last pregnancy no MS or anything.

Tis time feel very bloated , ESP at night. Can't take dinner at all.

As for MS, not that bad. I still can tong.at times, always feel like puking.Den will puke some water, not food though

Gals, I tried taking San zha, it kinda works a bit for me. U all can try.

Good morning mummies! it's monday again... oh yes, so poor thing Japan, with the tsunami, such a sad thing.


oh good good, u managed to see your little bb. i can't wait for my next appt.

Thanks, Creamdonut.

I was worried..cos that doc looked like student doc to me. when he prescribe the medication, he was referring from a bk. So, i wasn't too confident in him then.


oh no, i'm so sorry to hear that. do you want to wait it out? and i agree with the other mummies, do go for a second opinion. hope everything will be ok for you.


thanks 4 ur warm welcome.

Pray n love,

Thanks 4 updating.

Hi ladies

for those that r spotting, u can dice some lotus roots n cook them with a handful of glutinous rice. This recipe came fm Dr Zou (TCM) @ AMK whom all undergoing IVF will know. I came fm the IVF thread n the sistas there shared this recipe. The sistas sweared that it worked 4 them. Try it!

hi mummies, i am back from my taiwan trip! lost 1 kg during the trip, kept vomitting.. haha.. but it is good la, at least i dont get left behind in singapore and can go with my family and daughter..

got a bit of spotting on 2nd last day cos my gal sat on my tummy the night before, so scary.. but it went away very fast after taking medication..

how's everyone and everything? the forum threads went so fast...


yes! so happy to see my little bean. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now gotta wait another 3-4 weeks to see it again.


so happy for you that the bleeding stopped!! really PTL. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope you have a 'soon soon' (smooth smooth) pregnancy from now on. keep confessing health to you and your baby daily!


just read about your ordeal. will be praying for you and baby's safety.

good morning everybody! Welcome and congrats to twins, happymomo and babystarlet!

Yesterday i've caved in to sushi... cucumber and the sour seaweed. loves! my nausea went away through the night and had a good dream of my family of 4 being happy together [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] morning woke up and vomitted gas out. i think i should start on my night snack of horlicks lite so i dun have an empty stomach.

i cant rem who's the one who suggested giving meiji chocolate milk to my kid. thanks so much! his CC teacher praised him for being able to squat and stand up on his own without support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

have a good week mummies!

amici, do seek 2nd opinion. Since you still have preggy symptoms I'm sure your bb is alright. Lot's of hugs for you and your bb. Take Care k!!

KWXY, about constipation. It's very common for we preggies so must drink plenty of water. It doesn't mean you eat a lot of veg, your stool will be soft. It is actually the water that makes the faber soft and bulky. Do keep yourself well hydrated k. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kwxy, i ate papaya everyday when i was preggie with #1 and nvr have problem with constipation.. prior to papaya, i took the cranberry juice. at first it worked for me, but after a while, no use liao... so far, papaya is the best


i tried eating papaya also but doesn't work. seems like only those fibre drinks will work for me. just had bad constipation yesterday. super xin ku. hope won't develop piles..

YOOO HOOO OCT mummies!! Morning!!

I drank more water now...and also the medicine to soften the stools...hope it will get better!!

How's everyone today...MONDAY BLUE AWAY for FTWM...jiayou!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OHHH OHHHH....while im typing now...i just burp or rather like want to puke...i can feel the acidic juice at my throat!! YUCKS...better eat something...dun wan to go on empty stomach.

Starry, so happy you and BB are doing well!! God heard your prayers!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

starrymommy,thank you!yes!!must continue being joyful and pray and pray[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

minidairy:i'm ftwm,now having mon blues

n..sigh, tired sia, wanna fold my arms n sleep

FTWM here, how u overcome tiredness at work man??



haha!! good good. have nausea means your body producing a lot of pregger hormones. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


sometimes not easy trying to work and stop thinking negatively. i also find it challenging especially when i hear 'bad news' from other friends and mommies.. shall not share here and spoil the mood though. let's just trust in Him and be joyful in whatever we go through! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm.. overcome tiredness huh? chat in forum lor. haha!! oh, and online shopping. hee hee!!

