(2011/10) Oct 2011

Do you think it's neccessary to see doc?? I'm having nightmare last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


kWXY : if u dun feel safe, better go see doc to make sure

Just heard a news, company gg to hold D&D in October, so sad!!! I will miss it. Shucks

Oh ya mummies have u all thought of buying insurance for yourself the one tat prudential is having for Preggy ladies??

I'm thinking of buying after 1st trimester

Good Morning!


i take with plain water... i tot cannot drink milk in the morning only...


got spotting better go see gynae liao. don wait and make yourself worry... go go go!


did u mean the prufirst? Im still thinking on it.. I think that one only can buy after 18weeks if im not wrong.

good morning everyone! sigh i'm so tired lately. have abit of the red eyes now. good thing not itchy. i should stay away from computers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

KWXY, yes straight go to gynae and eat your duphaston! take good care!

gd morning MTBs,

I am having constipation now..sigh! feel stomach bloated and only passed out little bowel for the past 2 days. Tried vitagen, prune juice, and lactus syrups..nothing works...What should I do? Should i concsult doc?

Pray n love, 18wks... Hmmm.... Tat will b when we r at 4-5mths Preggy...think I will most likely b getting juz to have ease of mind


my gynae tells me to get prune juice and eat papaya to ease constipation...

drink more water at least 2 ltrs and eat more fruits!


You better go see your gynae. I had some brown discharge yesterday accompanied with some constant stomach tightness. I quicky put side my work and rush down to see my gynae. True enough, i didn't think i was being paranoid. My gyane found some blood clot thru the scan luckily not threatening the fetus. He said it was considered common in some pregnancy but not to take it lightly. He gave me a very painful jab to stabilise my fetus and some med to take for 2 weeks and order me to bed rest for 3 days for the clot to clear away by itself. Will need to go see him on monday again may have to take another jab if there's still no reduction. clearing of the clot size.

So mommies, pls do not take spotting or adominal tightness lightly. See your gyane asap if you find anything amiss. Trust your maternal instincts, it will never fail you.

Pray n love, those life plan same as prufirst? I thought the coverage for prufirst is slightly different as it caters more for Preggy stuffs??

hi mommies,

i'm new to this thread. pregnant 9 wks plus. edd 14/10.

i'm having very bad morning sickness. nausea 24hours, vomiting 2-3 times a day. any one experience the same?


i had brown discharge during 7 wks. noticed brown stain on my panty when i went to toilet. so so...worried that couln't sleep the whole night. called the dr next morning. asked me to bed rest for a few days. no more spots after that. he said could be due to cervix changes in first pregnancy.

but don't take lightly for any spotting. seek your gynae advice asap.


ya prufirst did covers during preggie also, then after bb is born...covers bb... i also bit confused. must consult an agent before buying.

the other life plan normally like quite fixed, after certain age can take out guaranteed lump sum + investment gain for education...meanwhile still covers bb too.

Hello Oct11 mummies!!

I'm new here! Due 30Oct2011.

I guess I will be the last one here to deliver!!!

Nevertheless, its so nice to see such a nice and warm community here!


i monitor my tummy day and night. i also notice sometimes it got smaller. especially in the morning. then i realised it could be due to empty stomach.

Angeline, take care ya!

Usu MS will be the worst during the 1st trimester. So you could be 1 week away to less MS! (Of coz there are ppl are MS all the way.. but let's pray that you aren't one of them!!) I notice hunger is the first trigger to MS leh.. so I usually will snack on something to prevent it. :p

KWXY, take care too! U seen your gynae alr?

Royal, yes like what minidairy said, papaya is super good for constipation! In fact there is a papaya milk from taiwan that I always drink. Immediately after that its to the loo!

What kind of supplements are you all taking currently? My gynae gave me a prenatal vitamin that is pink in colour! So now its just folic acid+vitB and this pink prenatal vitamin!


im taking obimin (pink color), calcium anf fish oil... just started taking only in 10weeks. so fast ur gynae give u prenatal vitamin aredi

genesis28 & minidairy

Wow I am so impressed! I am usu so lazy when it comes to such insurance and coverage. Must learn more from you mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think you are really over tired! Take time off to rest or turn in early! Bb grows when we rest! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe this thread is really very active leh.. it will take me ages to finish man! Will slowly do it over lunch time. keke - back to work!


can i have your details so i can update in the table? preggie #1 or #2 or so on?? SAHM/FTWM? hospital and your gynae name?


Haha I have no idea leh! I rem for the first one, she gave me only during the 2nd trimester. Maybe she feels that I have lost too much nutrients so need to "bu bu shen" so she prescribe everything?

But hor this obimin is really much "tastier". The old one that I have taken has this fishy smell that really makes me feel like puking wo!

minidiary - here are my details

Baby #2



Caroline Khi

Thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also hope my MS won't be through out pregnancy. i'm counting the days to get into 2nd trimester.

yah, so fast your gynae give u prenatal vitamin?

i'm taking folic acid, aspirin and duphaston at the moment.


obimin is tasty? u sure or not? i found the smell very awful... and such a big tablet. I use tablet cutter to cut half only I can eat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i'm so sorry to hear that! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] *hugs* please be strong. what else did gynae tell you? did he say why suddenly like that?


be strong... im so sad to hear that.

did u do vscan or ab-scan? sometimes bb heartbeat might be hiding. will u see another gynae?

I saw Dr Benjamin Tham today. Did a v scan and couldn't find it. Now at tmc level 4 to get another detail scan to confirm it. Dr Ben tham said he won't recommend d&c, in a few days time I will have heavy bleeding and bb will come out as well.

I do not know how I can handle this, I just saw strong heartbeat last wednesday and Saturday! I have no more tears and Hubby is here with me.

It's so painful to break the news to my mum.

Sayang KWXY, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's not going to be easy indeed but you've been strong. Hang in there. Do take really good care of yourself k! Lot's and lots of hugs!!!

Hi mummies

I am new here.. Currently pregnant wif my #2, Edd 29 oct.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

any mummies Noe hw to cure insomnia n loss

of appetite?


be a strong girl okay? it's very hard to take this kind of news but now just concentrate on resting, recuperating.. try again in a couple of months.


my edd is 1 nov, so got chance that i may be later than you. hee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi! i also need cures for loss of appetite. but no insomnia problems since work and my girl can wear me out easily.

KWXY, oh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm sad to hear your news. Please take very, very good care of yourself.

Kwxy, take care ya...

Babymummy, my edd is 31 oct so 1 day later than yours : ) pray n love, pls update my edd. Thks! Btw, I also very confuse abt the insurance plans let me know when u find some research ok...

KWXY, really sorry to hear about it. Take care and be strong ya!

starry and genesis28!

Haha... I really thought I am going to be the last in line! So good to have company!

Which hospital do you two intend to deliver in?


Ah.. in that case I think mine is not obimin leh. It's a sugar coated prenatal vitamin. The outer casing cannot be removed. And it really taste sweet when I put it in my mouth! Yes the pill looks huge but I think I was well trained with my #1. So now when its #2, my throat is trained to swallow it "smoothly". When it's 2nd trimester, we will be prescribed fish oil. And that is the really awful one. Huge pill and fishy smell when one burps. But no choice.. its good for bb brain! No matter what muz get it down! :p

Thanks mummies. Dr Benjamin Tham had been very encouraging and asked me try again. Im having some cramps and I think I will hv the heavy flow soon.

AF will come 6-8 weeks later.


stay home and do a mini confinement. if can, boil some old ginger slices in water, add brown sugar and drink a few times a day. it helps warm the uterus. take care!

baby mummy,

i will be delivering in MAH again. loved that place! felt like i was staying in a hotel instead of hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies in the mood for some shopping?

So many sales going on!

There should be another taka bb fair usu in Aug/Sep so it's ok to stock up later!

Mummies with used bb bottles, u can trade in your old ones and get a new one from Medela for $6.90!

(Usu avent/pigeon also has trade in offers but I am not sure if they have it currently though so need to ask the SA there k!)

Isetan Private Sales

18 March 2011

Baby items from avent/pigeon/combi etc going at 20%+ 3-5%(for members)

Isetan Scotts



Event : BabyCare Festival 2011

Location : Singapore Expo Hall 6B

Date : 18 – 20 Mar 2011

Time : 11.00AM – 9.00PM (Ends at 8.00PM on 20 Mar)

Admission : Free

Event : Baby Fair At Takashimaya 2011

Location : Takashimaya Square B2

Date : 9 – 27 Mar 2011

Taka Card members get additional 6% rebate.

Happy Shopping!


Baby mummy, i will b in TMC.

Chiat luck keep on feeling hungry....how to keep my weight under control at this rate I'm eating... Then juz Nw colleagues asked me am I pregnant...oh gosh... I try to Siam the question by saying Mayb hor... Then talk abt other things....

