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  1. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello! It's so good to 'see' all the 'old' people here again! Just to update, I am 20 weeks preggie now. EDD in early Nov.
  2. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi bellybutton, where did you find the book "supernatural childbirth"? I have been looking for it! Thanks!
  3. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies, just wanted to say 'don't give up!' to those who are TTC-ing. I was in this forum last year, now I am preggie and have just exited the first trimester! It can happen again, just be patient! **spread babydust!**
  4. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello gals! Haven't been visisting this thread as I just came back from a holiday to Cambodia. It is a beautiful place - though awfully dusty and sandy -and Angkor Wat is awesome! Java, my heart dropped when I read what you went through. I am sure you will be a parent one day; it will...
  5. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Tiantian, no, I am not pregnant. No need to check. I have been taking my temperature every morning and it is still at pre-o temps. So there is no way I could be preggie... I wish I was though... I am getting paranoid that there might be something wrong, and telling myself to stop thinking too...
  6. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Good morning everyone! Decimal point, sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong. Your manager does not have the right to know about why you need to take MC. Why not just say you had an op for a woman's problem? Or offer to do some work from home (negotiate the amount) to get him off your...
  7. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello everyone! Have a very blessed X'mas and a wonderful New Year! May 2005 bring you lots of love, laughter, lust (for those of us who are on the 'jia you' team), and lovely babies (for the preggie mums)!
  8. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Thanks Tubby! Hi Tian Tian, yes, let's jia you together! Hi Java, I am so glad you guys still remember me! Trying to sneak in as much as I can at work! Thanks Folic! I have long cycles, so it's going to be a wait-and-see... but will enjoy the process anyway! ;)
  9. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Positiveme, thanks! The gynae took a swab of cervical fluid to check that there is no bacteria or infection, checked my ovaries to see if they are fine, and looked at my uterus - no growths, no fibroids, everything clear and lining in place. And told me to continue having sex 2-3 times a week!
  10. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello! Sorry for the extended silence, and congrats to the new preggies! I just went to see the gynae yesterday to check that everything is in order, and am glad to report that everything is fine! So I will be starting my ttc journey now. Blow some babydust my way please!
  11. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Tubby!!! CONGRATS!!!!! Wow Odie, I hope to have a dream like yours some day...
  12. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies! Happy weekend! The sun was out this morning and when I went out at 8 to buy breakfast, everyone was out: the old folks doing tai chi in the park, the families with babies and dogs, the kids in the playground, the aunties and maids with their marketing... and sun rays casting...
  13. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Odie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I think I am going to make an attempt to come in more often, it makes my day brighter just reading about your BFP! Don't dwell too much on the supposed EDD, now you have a new EDD to look forward to! Here's wishing you a blissful, trouble-free 9 months! Hi...
  14. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi everyone! I've started full time work again and it's really tiring! Have not had the energy do much after coming home. I do come in to read, but have not posted/'reported'... sorry! I think my body has gone out of whack again. Am already in CD24 and still no temp rise to indicate ovulation...
  15. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ULN, It's good that you are picking up the pieces and moving on. If at any point you do feel that you are losing control, please seek professional help. If you need contacts, let me know and I will email them to you. I think a few of us here (myself too) went to have haircuts or rebonding or...
  16. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi whitefloral, miao, hamasaki, i also keep everything (receipts, documents, reports etc) in an envelope. i also have three scan pix of my baby which i still keep in a photo album. i can't bear to throw anything out. no matter what happened, it was still my baby and part of my life history...
  17. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hullo all! Just came back from a Bali holiday and spent the last two days reading up to catch up on everything that's been happening on this thread! Wah liao, it sure moves fast man! It looks like almost all of us have experienced the same thing with AF after D/C. I am still waiting for...
  18. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Just a question after reading about Pageup's experience: does 2nd AF take a longer time to arrive? I am also waiting, it's CD23 and no sign of ovulation yet!
  19. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi gals, just wanted to share this site of artwork by women who have experienced pregnancy loss. Their work is beautiful:
  20. J

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Java, *BIG HUGS* Your family (you, baby and hubby) will be in my prayers. Stay strong.
