Support group - Miscarriages

Hi ladies, just wanted to say 'don't give up!' to those who are TTC-ing. I was in this forum last year, now I am preggie and have just exited the first trimester! It can happen again, just be patient!
**spread babydust!**

Qwer - i saw from internet with regards to ovulating twice in one cycle, some say possible, some says not possible... very strange. dun know who one to believe...
That is something interesting... new knowledge for me
hmm... I thought only people with short cycle will ovulate twice a month.

There's nothing wrong with you... Just have to relax
hee... but I think there's something wrong with me... 5 pimples popped up on my face all at once! And I look so ugly now...
<font color="aa00aa">Yasmin, Pochacco, Lyn,</font>
Thanks for helping me surf net &amp; find out more info. I also dunno cos my OPK gave me 2 times positive abt 8 days interval. I think dun care abt it lah. Cos we can't tell what's going on in my body now leh.... Pimpls popped up got many reasons. Could be hormone or oily skin or stress. Sleep late, body easily heaty also prone to pimple outbreak. I've 2 painful swollen acnes on my chin again. Dunno why everytime it attacks my chin.
<font color="0000ff">Pochacco,</font>
During pregnancy, hormone change leh...some preggie hv silky smooth face while some hv lots of pimple outbreak, big nose, dry skin etc. I believe ur BIG BIG pimple is due to your pregnancy. Bear with it, after 10 mths shld be ok.
yup Pochacco, what qwer said is true.. Once ur pregnant, ur hormones changed.. U might have soft silky hair and face or it might turn the opposite.. its all becos of the pregnancy hormones doing..
Thansk hamasaki and qwer...

Qwer - actually i feel something strange with FOng. they never take weight, blood pressure for me at all and i never hear any good comment on this stitching skill but he is jovial. dun know whether to change gynae after 3mths... thinking of Dr. Ho from Mt A... though he is more expensive...
Hello gals

Wah!today very busy cant really chat with u gals. Now coming in for a while to chat

Pochacco - ya! Hormone change liao. Dont squeeze hor, if not it'll become worse the 1st failed pregnancy i oso have a serious breakout.

Qwer - Wow! u ovulate twice a mth. That's gd. Like the gals say u have chance liao. Stress free yeah! hope to hear gd news from you.

yasmime - hee! me too leh, AF suppose to come yesterday n still not here yet. (maybe got chance hor)
or maybe false alarm lor cos i got spotting leh. So long our AF not here we got hope.
Is he a senior consultant or just a consultant? I noticed his clinic not at Mt E or GlenE. I know the specialists at Mt E and GlenE are all senior consultants... It seems like it's a pre-requisite to be able to rent a clinic space there. That's why I usually choose Mt E or GlenE for a specialist.
<font color="119911">Wah Pochacco,</font>
Is that so? Dun scare me leh, hee...hee.... But now u mentioned abt it, I also find it funny. Cos last time my gynae 1st thing do for me is urine test, take weight &amp; blood pressure. This is standard practice leh. Did u notice what abt the rest? Other preggie going to him for they take the preggie's weight &amp; urine &amp; blood pressure? Next time ur appointment u can ask the nurse why.

Juz stick with him for 3 mths 1st. Then decide. Take these 3 mths as 'monitoring' him, haha...see how good he is, &amp; give yourself ample time to decide. For my case, I dare not think too far...cos still unable to conceive yet. Most likely same like u, see him 1st then decide.
<font color="0000ff">Lyn,</font>
I dun think we (Pochacco &amp; I) know if Dr Fong is a consultant or snr consultant leh. Cos fr what I know, he delivers at a few private hospital &amp; his clinic is not in the hospital one.

<font color="119911">Confused,</font>
Nay, no chance lah...think my body system a bit siao liao....or OPK spoilt liao. This is abnormal leh.....of course if strike, I'll be very happy. But impossible lah....last nite CD22, my next menses will be ard CD28-30. How can ovulate 6-8 days b4 menses? I think either my body siao or OPK spoilt.
me so far have not heard any good comments of DR Fong clinic at Tiong Bahru..

My hubby asked me last wk abt him and I could only replied dunno.. TO me, I dun really like the nurse there lor.. find her a bit rude.. so i wun consider going there to see him...
Lyn - mmm, i didn't know about the senior consultant in Glen and Mt E... maybe can consider doctor from there...

Hamasaki - you been there before???

Qwer - ya... feel very insecure... so sianzzz. in dilema...

i saw alot of good comment from Dr Ho from Mt A which i really tempted to change... gals, do you have any other goods gynae to recommend???
<font color="aa00aa">Pochacco,</font>
So far does he shows any concern for your case? Did u sort of willingly monitor your case closely cos got PCOS mah....or is he couldn't be bothered type?
Pochacco, I just went in to ask for more info and details of Dr Fong charges and fees etc etc..

the nurse there seems so pek chep to answer my enquires.. (somemore no patients at that time, so quiet)..

Ask her 1 or 2 q, her face turn black black liao.. So pissed of with her that i storm out.. So will never go and see him no matter how gd he is..
Qwer - oh must be positive thinking leh, As long as AF not here, we still got chance right

Pochacco - My 1st gynae will ask me to do only urine test every time i visit him. Then i went to tis another gynae (at Mt E -Dr Datuk Chew) n saw most of his patient taking their weight, urine test n blood pressure.
Qwer - he will sit down patiently, listen to what you say and do the necessary action... nothing much being ask.

Hamasaki - agree that some of the nurses there not veri good, attitude problem...
<font color="0000ff">Pochacco,</font>
Wah like this ah....a bit hard to decide. If I were u, also in dilemma. Dun bother abt the nurse lor...see gynae, not see nurse. I a bit scared leh...cos last time was told to see him to do blood test but didn't heed the advice. So now, if strike, will be hyper kan cheong. I think I'll still see him for 1st tri. Then change if dun really like him. No point 'risking' ourselves not seeing him juz bcos of the nurse's bad attitude right? Calm down &amp; think quietly...discuss this issue with ur HB.
He's a fertility specialist. I believe what he can do for you can be done at another fertility specialist... It's just whether you are comfortable with him or not... If you wanna consider Mt E, I can ask my sis's friend who's working there to recommend...
Thanks gals... i will go home and think think think and keep you girls update... i think the big problem is nobody have seem to use him before and i dun know his stitching skills...

have tot of using Dr Ho as it seem that comment about him are all veri good... i called up the clinic and the nurse say if i wan to go on sat got to book 1 mth in advance... really or not???
<font color="119911">Wah! Pochacco,</font>
Ma chiam booking a dentist ah? Dr Ho so 'hot' ah? But sometimes hor....personal opinion hor.....gynae too bz also no good. Need to see him must wait &amp; wait, very troublesome. But it's kind of subjective....some pple dun mind the waiting time as long as the doc is very very good.
hi pochacco
1 mth? wah... that's very long leh. but normally those working mtb prefer to go in weekend so that they dont' need to take leave or timeoff from work.

i agree with qwer that gynae too bz not so good in the sense that longer waiting time, and tend to rush or no time for more questions from you loh.
Hello Ladies,
I m back. My AF came on the 2nd day in BKK, 1stly, abit disappointed, 2ndly, very irritating &amp; ma fan loh to have AF come when travelling.

Anyway, I tell myself now I have yet another month to build up my body.

Very tired. Going to sleep now.
Hallo Bluebells &amp; Lyn,
since u both around, I wanna ask, I feel giddy, like floatish floatish these few days when AF is here. Dunno if I m too tired or symptoms of something else. U all say leh?
Hi Lyn, wah the trip very siong. Shop shop shop non-stop..hee hee..Yep, in a way my cycle is back to normal &amp; I roughly know when I will ovulate loh. How? U have not gone for chk up yet right? Have yr gynae returned?
u r back.

have a good rest.. chat with us tomorrow when ur energy all built up.

i try not 2 work OT.
dun really like 2.
but sometimes no choice. That's why my colleagues so surprise when they see me buy dinner back.
but now go home also alone, so stay and work lor.
if HB at home, i usually try complete my work fast.
guess priority differs between men and women, cos my HB will just work OT, and just sms me that 2nite work late.
i also think so.. maybe low blood. floatish floatish when u bend and get up or wat?
take care, dun stand up too fast after sitting down hor. yah, take more "bu" food.
Feeling giddy during AF, the most likely problem is not enough blood - anaemic. Eat more kailan, pig's liver. Or drink black dates, red dates and longan water. Gotta have enough blood also to prepare for next pregnancy.
Wah.. Did you buy a lot of things? Nice to shop hor? My sis just came back from 2 weeks in Laos via Bangkok. She bought this egg roll with pork floss... very delicious... kekeke... that's my snack for now

I think maybe now the priority is to earn more money... and hope for career advancement...
hee hee.
so happy. my HB just sms.
ai.. c lah. last few days he kept sms-ing me, i told him no need lah, waste $. so he stopped 4 a while. then i realised that hey, i missed even his sms. so silly hor. haiz, won't tell him not to sms liao.
Lyn &amp; Bluebells, floatish when I m walking. My flow more heavy this time, coz I walk alot. mmph maybe I go boil Ba zhen to drink tomorrow. very I was shoppin in BKK, I have that floatish feeling &amp; for a spilt second, I was worried there is another earthquake...coz the other time the Tsunami earthquake was felt in BKK too. Haiz...I think if tomorrow still like that, I will see a doctor. Or maybe I m too exhausted.

Bluebells, same here, when I work OT &amp; my hubby call me to say he can go home, I will quickly pack up &amp; go with him. But he hor, dun care one, he doesn't even tell me he works late anymore coz very very rare he doesn't...hee hee...
hahaha... bluebells, I will also feel that way... hahaha... That's why men say women hard to understand.... Last time I asked my hubby dun buy flowers for me cos waste money... now when I see people holding bouquet of flowers, I feel that I want also... hehe...
You might be too tired as well with heavy AF. Think you better go and have an early rest... Meanwhile eat more kailan and pig's liver. But not too much in one day also la...
I missed the days when I just came back to Singapore for holidays when I was in the UK. Everytime I came back for one month. For that one month, my hubby will sure knock off from work at 7.30pm - 8pm and we will go for dinner togather. Then Saturday and Sunday, he will not go to work... haiz... now I have to have dinner alone. Sometimes, Sat and Sun he also gotta work.
Having said these, I dun wish to leave Singapore for long also
Lyn, shop is nice to shop lah, cheap mah. But the weather is terrible...hee hee... me also snacking on the stuff I bought there now. I visited some temples there n pray pray, the monk also sprinkle "holy" water on me &amp; hubby, hopefully we not so suay already...hee hee.

Bluebells, so sweet. Dun ask him not to SMS lah, he also misses u mah.

ok ok...I really need to sleep already. When I returned, last night I slept from 9 to 7 still not enuf. I shall find some liver &amp; kailan to eat tomorrow, thanks for the advice, Lyn!
ahh... I remember my cousin who tried for 4 years to conceive, went to Bangkok every year to pray for baby... It was a difficult time for them cos they got the house and money, and everything except kids... They went around to pray pray... I know they went to Bangkok very often...

Sleep well...
yah... if not, too much cholestrol from the pig's liver. but kailan eat much also nvm. veggie.

yah lor. now tat i think we r married, V-day no need flowers lah. save money for future. buy "sensible" gift will do. but when the day comes and no flower, will want it. then when he offers to buy, will say dun wan liao. ha ha..
women's heart, deep as ocean.. ha ha..
hahaha... my hubby always say "women, from different planet" Or "women, different species"... hahaha... Sometimes he gets angry with me... I will tell him "women, different species ma..."
