Support group - Miscarriages

hi java, hope everything is going well for U and baby.
I dun really understand what the nurse said.. why is the baby so active in hospital and not at home.. hmmmmm.

may God bless all of U..

hi miao2,
So glad your checkup went well. Its really a indescribable feeling to be able to see your bb waving his/her hands and kicking his/her feet. Later on in your pregnancy, you will be able to even feel his/her knees through your tummy. The feeling is simply great! I also hope you dun have to take duphaston in your 2nd tri. Can be quite annoying to keep popping those pills after every meal. Usually gynaes will stop giving hormone pills by 12-14 weeks, but depending on individual case, it can be up to 16 weeks.

hi ULN,
I will keep my fingers crossed for you!!! Hope to hear good news! I can understand how you feel about someone joking abt u having a baby. Its probably a harmless remark, but do take in stride. I'm sure this feeling of emptiness will be filled with another bb soon!

Actually today I'm working from home. This morning my stomach had alot of wind and was quite painful, went to work, then 1 hr later took cab home again.
Hi gals,

Adora, glad that all is well and that you are expecting a boy!
Continue to take care of yourself ok?

Java,good that you manage to calm yourself down with a visit to the doc. Continue to stay positive ok? Jus a few more weeks to go... hang in tight!

ULN, big hugs to you! I hope you can get to test soon. At least, if it is pregnancy, you will be better prepared and have your gynae look at you earlier. Do take care in the meantime!

Miao, glad you have a good visit too! Keep it up!

As for me, I met up with my dietitian on Sat. It is the last visit with her, as she is going back to Australia. My glucose readings looks better than the last vist, since I have been taking mostly home cooked food. Think I can put off using insulin, which is a big relief for me.I only put on 100g since the last visit ( 3 weeks ago) and she is a little concerned. Hopefully, my gynae will be ok with the weight gain and I hope that my baby is growing at a good rate.

Oh, and I forgot one other update... I finally bought some stuff for my little princess
This is something that I have been putting off for some time now. Bought some clothing items for a start. Will look at the bigger items after xmas. The crowd at orchard and all other malls are driving me nuts!!

that's a great news from U folic.. i'm really happy for u.. Merry X'mas and happy shopping..

congrats to U adora for expecting a boy boy..
hi gals, i am back! came back over the wkend but was so tired and back at work today. turkey is wonderful!

ocean, i pray that all is well with u. i know work and responsibility very impt but pls stay at home and rest.

miao, folic, java, glad that your checkup went well.

ULN, hope to hear gd news fr u!

okie, i am going home now. so tired. will come in again tom! take care everyone!

hang in there and u will be holding your healthy happy baby in your arms soon.

Sum, I am also visiting Eu Yan Sang, it's my 2nd visit, was given herbs in powder form to bu qi and bu xue. The physician said I am ok and after the 5 day course, no need to see her anymore.
Hi girls,
I had actually written a long message last Fri after i got back from my gynae's, but had accidentally deleted it..sigh... and was too tired to write another one. Then so many things happened over the weekend and i'm really quite zombified now.

anyway just to update you, my blood test results show that altho hb levels have gone up slightly, it's still not above 12 (11.9), yet my iron levels are high. So my gynae suspects i have very mild thalassaemia..but he says it won't be harmful or anything, just that i should do another blood test in abt half a yr's time cos he can't be sure if my mild anaemia is becos i'm pregnant or not. Anyway, now can't take too much iron supplements cos my iron levels are high. Oh well...i also dunno what to make out of it.

Baby is now 2.1kg! I thought that was rather big for my frame but he says it's a good size.

Anyway I'm rather depressed, just to share with you that the girl who was murdered in KL...well, that's my friend...and in fact we were supposed to meet after Christmas when she was back in Singapore. So hubby & i have been really, really out of sorts these few days, and all we can do is pray for her family and hubby at this horrible, horrible time.
Tian Tian & Folic
Thanks! Will take good care of myself!
So glad that I have regain my appetite. I am able t o eat more nowadays. The best thing is I am able to eat my fav durian now. During my 1st trim, the smell of durain makes me puke.

Don't worry too much & take care!

You take care too!
Hi gals,

glad that your checkup went well. Phew....You must be very relieved now. Jia you, just a few more weeks to go!!!!!

Welcome back!!! Any good news and nice pictures to share????

I really hope the test result is positive....Keep us informed ok?

Do not worry too much abt having mild thalassaemia since your gynae say it will not affect anything. Please take care. Hmmm... your bb weight seems good.

Really sad to know that the lady murdered in KL is your friend.

Are you ok?? Din hear from u for a few days liao. Hope you are ok. Please update us....

Good that u can put off using insulin and yes, buying clothing for your little princess is a good start. Happy shopping.
hi Tiny,
Wah bb's weight looks good. u r at 33rd week right? I'm shocked to hear that that IBM gal is your fren. Quite scary, coz we tend to go overseas for business trips and this kind of thing can happen. Anyway dun worry too much and keep positive yah?
hi tiny, sad to hear of yr friend's news.. Its really a unforunate thing to happen to her..
May her soul rest in peace and her killer be found soon & Brought to justice..
God Bless Her ..

Take good care of yrself and baby..

Hi ULN, hope there are good news from U.. keep us update gal..

Last night had a good sleep throughout the night, but I had alot of dreams, then dunno how come I woke up discovered tears in my eyes. Eh, you know recently I have a feeling that I might even pop before CNY. Wah then my MIL will be very happy, coz she prefer Monkey babies. My colleague even more funny, she said if I pop on CNY, maybe I might appear on TV, first Rooster bb. hahahaha

How's everyone today?
Halo! I was wondering the same.. where is everybody?

I just came back from lunch. Today, I brought some steamed chicken and towgay for lunch. And my colleagues decided to eat chicken rice. So I eat my home cooked 'chicken rice' with them and use the chicken rice stall's chill sauce

Tiny, glad to hear that your baby is growing well. Looks like quite a good weight too. Don't worry too much, ok? Sorry to hear about the IBM girl. One of my friends know her as well. small world.

Java, if your baby comes out before CNY, that would be fun huh? Come out then can get ang pow liao
My niece is born on the eve of the lunar year, just when my SIL is getting ready for reunion dinner. So now, every year's reunion dinner, we will celebrate her lunar birthday as well

Millie, can't wait to hear your update on the Turkey trip!

hello gals,
Can you all still recall? During your 1st trimester, do your ms feel comes and goes? I am rather worried leh.. Think the bad tots are slowly coming into my mind again. Last Sat, during my check up with my gynae, she says that it's good to have ms feeling because can also be a form of indication that the bb is doing well.

But hor... last night, my nauseous feeling sort of subsided lor. I'm worried. I lost almost 2 kg for the past two weeks because of my poor appetite. I feel nauseous all the time lor. So now when my appetite better I start to worry. See lah!! I'm really going crazy again!
Miao, be thankful that your MS subsides a little! That gives you some breathing space! I lost 3kg as a result of constant throwing up... but I am not nauseous ALL the time
Don't be too hard on yourself! But then, I know how we all wish there is some form of confirmation that baby is ok.
How many weeks are you now? If I am not wrong, you are approaching 2nd tri or already in 2nd tri right? That is when appetite do get better. You need to catch up on the weight lost during the past weeks! :D

I'll be 10weeks this sat. Another 2 weeks to 2nd tri. My next visit to my gynae is on 7Jan 05. Still a long two weeks+ to wait. Sometimes I really get these tots coming into my mind now and then. Really bad hor! Sigh!
miao2, it is only natural that you have those thoughts lor... I am also like that, and I think Java also will say she has same experience. After wat we have gone through before, we just cannot truly relax lor. But really important to relax and relax and relax
Easy for me to tell you.. I also trying very hard. So we jia you together ok?

Thank you very much folic. Your words are always very soothing to hear.

I'll try to relax myself. Certainly we'll all jia you together.

Want to wish everybody have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year 2005 ahead!!
Miao Miao
I was like you too...When MS gets better, I start to worry. Hee Hee!

During my first trim, I kept falling sick + no appetite, I lost abt 1kg. Now, I am in my 2nd trim, just gain 2 kg over pass 2 weeeks

So don't worry, things will definitely gets better when you are into 2nd trim...

Let Jia You Jia You together!
hi miao2,
During my 1st tri I also experience the same thing as you, if you look back somewhere in June/July, whenever I feel better the next day, I worry how come my MS seems better, dunno if bb growing properly or not. Just when I was given a reprieve, my MS came back with a vengence and I start bending over the toilet bowl again. So dun worry too much yah? Ai yah you know why folic's words are always so soothing? She's our Da Jie mah!! hahahaha

Eh how come I'm always the one have to search through Matters of the Heart to look for this thread and start posting so that it appears in the "Last 12 Hours" link?

Have a great day today everyone!!! Tomorrow any of you not working or half day?
Hi java, I actually wanted to post very early today, since I working from home, but too lazy to do that.

I am in a super holiday mood. Hope you gals have a great weekend ahead!

Hi girls, thanks for the well wishes. I just pray for justice to prevail.

I'll be seeing my gynae again later. This time I'd better ask him about the procedures and all, realised that I have no idea what to do/who to call etc. or even what signs to look out for! So lousy hor..supposed to spend the 9 mths reading up & preparing, but where did time go?!!?

Miao, don't worry k? Not everyone has ms anyway...i didn't, so on one hand i was glad, but on the other i wasn't assured if i was pregnant or not...! And look at me now, can't even sleep properly at night cos baby's kicking like crazy!!!!! My hubby thinks i should cut down on my sugar intake, cos she seems to be hyperactive. But i just think she's like her daddy.

Well, have a good day, girls, and if i don't have time to come in, just wanna wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! God bless all of us, our angels and our babies to be! (I'm sure there will be many more to come in due time)
Morning gals,

Don't worry too much and enjoy your xmas ok??

gals, I am now in my 2WW again. Haiz, so sian....The waiting period is really killing me.

Here's wishing everyone a very happy christmas and a New Year filled with love and peace.

Hey Tiny,
Where are you giving birth? Your gynae should give you a pre-admission letter to the hospital during 30 weeks. So in case labour starts, just need to check into the hospital, the nurses will call your gynae.

Sian, I know the gynae wil be starting those vaginal checks soon AGAIN!!! During the 1st tri, alot of vaginal checks, then 2nd tri dun have, now 3rd tri start again. Ocean, Tiny, have u gone for the Strep B test?

YES. I wish everyone a Merry Christmas!!!
<font color="0000ff">MERRY X'MAS TO ALL!!!</font>

I can feel the joyous mood too esp when you go dowm to Orchard Rd.

Hmmm...tmr no half day for me...*sob*
Hello everyone!

Have a very blessed X'mas and a wonderful New Year!
May 2005 bring you lots of love, laughter, lust (for those of us who are on the 'jia you' team), and lovely babies (for the preggie mums)!

yes, sure need lots of lust and baby dust to TTC.

May all your christmas be filled with love, peace and happiness. Let's all have a great 2005!
hi everyone,

been busy clearing stuff over the past 2 days. here's wishing all of u a very merry christmas!
be merry and happy and all of us be blessed with healthy chubby kids!

i will upload some turkey photos to share over the wkend.
Hi java,
I'm delivering at Mt E. Finally got down to asking about the procedures! My gynae told me to call him first rather than check in to the hospital, so that he can advise me whether to go in or not. He says that if it's really early stages then no point going to hospital. might as well carry on with whatever i'm doing until contractions get closer. he's like so super cool abt it, but i think when the time comes i'll be so kan cheong and excited already! haha..anyway baby has grown so much, she's now 2.4kg and just a week ago she was 2.1kg! I think i shall have to watch my food intake this festive season!! If not dunno whether can push out or not...

Millie, can't wait to see ur Turkey photos! So can assume you had a great time? Merry Christmas to you too. Hope you can get some rest before going back to work..or is the holiday season even more hectic?

Happy Christmas once again, everyone!

My prescription from Eu Yan Sang was for 15 days. Physician told me if I take everyday, feel heaty, then stop 2-3 days &amp; continue again. Indeed I felt heaty after few days course, sore throat etc... I don't know if I should go back &amp; see the physician again after 15 days course, the physician didn't tell me anything leh......

Btw, here's wishing everybody here A Merry X'mas &amp; A Happy New Year!!! I hope the next coming year will be a very fruitful &amp; joyous one for everyone of us here!!!
Hi gals!

i'm finally back in Spore. still trying to adapt to the weather here. i think my body is very weak, i fell sick the moment i touch down, still haaving flu now. anyway, i've been to the polyclinic, got the referral letter to KKWH subfertility clinic. sigh, the word 'subfertility' sounds so depressing. hopefully my check up goes well.

Merry Xmas &amp; a Happy New Year to each &amp; everyone!!! May all our wishes come true!!!
Hi Gals,

Merry Christmas!!!

Its been a crazy week... I just want to catch up with my sleep over this weekend.

Ocean... work is important but your health and the baby should be your 1st priority. Do what you can and don't get too stressed out about it. If you know that you have done your best... give yourself a pat on the back.

Tian Tian... lots of baby dust to you!!! Stay hopeful kay.

ULN... I suppose that you will be a bit more vulnerable for now. Don't take it to heart... I'm sure the other party didn't mean it.

Tiny... sorry to hear about your friend. Take care of yourself in the meantime... you are almost there.

Noticed that there are not that many posts for thsi week. I hope everyone is doing well =)
Merry Christmas Gals...

My AF arrived... Doc said maybe I am too stressed up with my wedding preperation and flat, so AF late...

I cannot seem to find the TTC thread in SP. I have a question. Does anyone know to take the temperature to determine ovulation, is it a special thermometer? Or can I use a normal digital thermometer?
miao miao, r u the one at the july 2005 mum thread? do u remember me? i started to go to that thread about last week, but now no more cos i no longer "qualify"...
i spent my christmas eve in hospital, doing a D&amp;C. for me it was all very fast, i knew of my pregnancy 1 week ago, and one week after, GAME OVER.
i spent the past day reading this thread, very sad to hear some heart-wrenching stories, and also very encouraged by the many success stories after the m/c.
must say that there are many brave girls here! May all have a blessed 2005!
Merry Christmas gals!

ULN, you can use a normal digital thermometer as well but if you want to use the special basal body temp thermometer, you can also get it at pharmacy for about 20 bucks. Well, glad that your AF arrived, at least you can concentrate on your wedding preps and not be too stressed on whether your body is ready for a new life. Take good care of yourself!

Tiny, good that you have sorted out the admission process
Makes everything so much more real right?
I am so excited for you.. can't wait for the day you deliver!

Missy, welcome back to Singapore!! Hope you get recover from your flu soon. Must maintain positive attitude! Hope your check up will bring your some good news soon.

Decimalpoint, sorry to hear about your loss. Take this opportunity to recuperate and recover both physically and emotionally. Come chat with us more often. I hope you find comfort here in sharing your thots and feelings.

Hi millie,
Hope to see your beautiful turkey photos soon...

Hi Missy,
Welcome back to sunny Singapore.

How come the referral letter is straight to the subfertility clinic? What will they check there? I feel like visiting the polyclinic too then get referral to KKH for my condition. I did not get good news last week when I visited my gynae. In summary, my gynae said my condition is serious enought not to be left untreated... and he gotta monitor my condition every 3 mths for next 3 years. I felt so sad and have been keeping myself busy to prevent my mind from wondering too much... Doc oso mentioned if I do get pregnant (think if I am super lucky), I gotta go and see him asap and gotta take injections

Wish you good luck in your check up.

I find my body "haywire" already after the miscarriage... I still feel nausea when my AF came. This morning, I woke up very early to go to the toilet cos I feel like vomiting... Dunno what's wrong with me...

My hubby's colleague, who is pregnant about the same time as I was will be attending our wedding... I hope I wun see her on my wedding day... I think I will break down cos it will remind me that I had a miscarriage...
On the positive side, my love nest is almost ready
. I quite like the design of my designer. The actual thing looks much better than his drawings.
The marble floor polished till very shiny already. Yesterday I have been doing the cleaning and now ready for the electrical appliances to arrive on Tues.

Ok gals, have a nice weekend.. I gotta go and keep myself busy...
hi Decimalpoint,i'm sorry to hear of yr miscarriage..
Do take yr time to grief and slowly build up yr body strong.. Rest well and take more tonics..
Take care gal..

hi ULN,do relax and dun stress yrself up with all yr wedding preps and nest home..
Take care gal..

Hi folic, how are U now.. Hope U are feeling great..
Hi decimal point,
Yes. I've replied to one of your post sometime back. I'm so sorry to read about your recent loss. Feel free to come and chat with us.

The girls here have all been through it... be it at which stage of our pregnancy.. it will still be very distressing but we will get over it one day. So take some time to grief but must not forget to take some tonic food to nourish back the body. Rest well for at least the first two weeks after your D&amp;C. Don't walk around too much.
belated merry christmas everyone!

decimalpoint, so sorry to read abt ur lost. do rest well and take care of ur body. we are here to support one another.

ULN, look on the bright side. gd that ur AF came. ur nausea may be due to stress. be happy on ur wedding day and don't broil on the sad thoughts ok. take care and look pretty on ur wedding day

tiny, how exciting. i am really happy for u.
look forward to seeing ur little princess' photos.

i pray that all is well is ocean. ocean, please update us ok!

thanks girls, i am resting well, maybe it is good i did the D&amp;C on Christmas eve so I have a long weekend whereby husband is home to take care of me. Will return to work next Thursday, cos dun want to miss out too much on my work. Good thing I didn't have to explain to everybody cos nobody knew. Next time(if successful) i am not going to tell even families so early. think my in laws are pretty upset, cos this is their first grandchild after a long wait.
