Support group - Miscarriages

Hi girls.

just went to see Dr Ann Tan today, praise God, it was good news! the water that she infused was still there, and bb has grown!.. and the blood flow to the placenta is normal. She is still not able to identify the reason for me drying up, but she said so far, the signs are good, and I can see that both her and the nurse were genuinely happy for us. This is really God's work...

Amy, so sorry to hear about your case. i totally understand what you went through in KKH. we received the same bo-chap treatment there..

I've done a lot of research about gynaes in singapore. in your case, you should go to a doctor that specialise in fetal maternal medicine (sub-specialist in fetal abnormlity). In Singapore, i think there are a few renowned ones. Prof Yeo from KKH, Dr Ann Tan in Mt E, dr Henry Cheng from GlenE. However, amongst them all, i'd highly recommend Dr Ann Tan in your case. She was the chief of high-risk pregnancy in SGH, and she had a lot of track records for delivering bb of high risk pregnancies. She is an expert in scanning, her machine is like those in KKH which is capable of scanning for abnormality in 1st trimester.

Most importantly, she really has a heart for patients, and she is very pro-life. She will try all ways and means to save your bb. So far, in my case, she was the only doctor that gave us hope and told us she'd stand with us as long as there's a fighting chance. All other gynaes that we saw told us to terminate. Just read an article about her in her clinic today, she said her calling is to help women of high risk pregnancy to deliver bb.

I also just learnt from a friend who's in the midst of a lawsuit against her gynae, who is in his 50s and did not detect her bb's congenital defects. she said not all gynaes in singapore are certified to scan the foetus, especially those in the 50s and 60s. and of course, not all machines are capable of detecting abnormality. so if you belong to the high risk group, it's important to choose a good gynae that specialise in complex obstetrics scans.

Hello gals...

I am back again! I went to see gynae this afternoon, with all my temperature charts this time. haha... By the way, my chart looks like "preggie chart". Too bad AF came... Gynae was happily telling me I could be pregnant from the chart... but I told him cannot be cos menses come lor... Too bad... Then came home and had a "relaxation therapy" in the jacuzzi and then steam bath
. Shiok le... Now waiting for hubby to come home again...
Hi Amy, here's Dr Kowa details:-
Mt E, #16-17/18
Tel: 62351151
Like what BellyButton mentioned, I do think u need to have a good gynae. I do wish that if u r seeing Dr Kowa or Dr Ann Tan, they will be able to provide a solution for u!

Oh, i felt so happy for you!!
Sometimes, it is true that no explaination can be found. Mine was the case. The gynae cannot track why my water level was low and then high abit and low again, cos all possible tests had been done...

Nevertheless, yes, I gues, this is the miracle of life! Life will find its way to survive! Hurray and jia you! Remember, rest well, drink more water and talk to ur baby!
Jia You!!

Confused, yes, Dr Kowa is at Mt E. I feel that his charges are high, but he is good according to my SIL. There is a case whereby he detected the BB having clecth(spell) lip and told the parent not to give up cos he can do surgery to correct it. But the parents being perfectionist decided to terminate the pregnancy.
He tried to pusuade them, but they refused!!

So he was quite angry but cant do anything cos afterall, the parents had the last say.
Remember my SIL mention that Dr Kowa cannot tahan pple who dun treasure life!! I think he care lor!
<font color="0000ff">Belly Button,</font>
In this world, miracles do happen!! Happy for you too!! May God bless u &amp; baby!
belly button,
it's really a miracle!
i am so happy for you... whilst reading ur post, i kept smiling and nodding away. ha ha.

all the best and have a smooth preggie...!
hi gals

take care amy. wish you good luck.

belly button, congrats!!! feel so relieve and happy for you.

hi mei2, so far got nausea especially when it's time for a meal and during night time. nowadays, my stomach won't tell me if i am hungry but my nausea will tell me. hehe....

hi starlite, i got m/c once, so, doc said this is considered as 2nd pregnancy....

hi bluebell, actually i knew about it about 2 weeks ago. 'cos gynae said the size of the waterbag is smaller than normal size, i don't wanna announce yet till i saw heartbeat 2 days ago. it's really an amazing thing to see bb's heartbeat.
morning gals

ocean -oic. Can sense that Dr kowa treasure life. so sad leh, the couple decided to terminate the bb. Yeah! one of the gals at did recommend Dr Kowa to me.

Bellybutton - really feel happy for u. Pls rest well n be positive till u give birth yeah! Miracle do happen so long we dont give up hope.
Tomoro my turn to gan cheong liao. Dont know gd news or bad news. Sure cant sleep well tonite.
<font color="aa00aa">Hallo Bluebells,</font>
No lah...I'm at another's TTC thread. I'm fine thank you.... Oh your HB coming back already hor? Happy right???
hi confused.. i understand how you feel. i also always very gan cheong when i go gynae. but dun worry ok, i'm sure it's good news. keep us updated.

hi ocean. you also have oligohydramnios?.. i wonder what is the cause of it, and i wonder why one day the water disappeared completely. what kind of tests did you do? for me, my first gynae Henry Cheng said it may be due to placenta, Ann tan said blood flow to placenta is ok, it could be due to kidneys instead.. but up to now, it is still a mystery.

so you gave birth to a healthy baby? at how many weeks? did you mention your bb has go to for therapy? what kind of therapy may I ask?
thks everyone here. u all are so kind &amp; helpful.

hi ocean
i hv fixed an appt to see Dr Kowa next wed. each time when i visit a gynae, i will be very very "gan cheong" and also very tense. all past unhappiness start appearing especially when i start to talk about the past, my tears drop...
for ann tan: consultation with detailed scan including doppler to monitor blood flow in baby cost about $270.
but i think normal consultation with normal scan should be cheaper, about $150 i guess.
Hello gals,

I am back

I am getting quite disturbed again... Suddenly, so many people asking me "When are you going to have baby?", "Are you planning for one now?", "Better to plan for one when young.", etc. I guess I will have more of these questions coming my way. I even day dream of the scene that I am telling my mum that I am pregnant again. Yesterday, the nurse at my gynae's clinic asked if I am pregnant already

I went for a full month party last weekend. My friend conceived at the same time as I did. Now her baby full month liao... Mine is gone forever. Initially I dun wanna go, but I told myself I gotta move on. So I went. Then they asked whether I am planning for one. I said "not really in the agenda". Then, we were talking about gynae... then pple asked "are you pregnant?"
Somehow pple here associated seeing a gynae with pregnancy.

This morning, I told my colleague that I was almost late for my doc's appointment yesterday. Then she asked what doc I am seeing... She asked " Are you pregnant" too. Maybe today I too free to think too much at home liao... haiz...

Hi Bellybutton,
Do keep a positive mind and have faith in your gynae
. Will pray that you will have a healthy baby
Bellybutton - okie, will update u gals tomoro.

amy - Glad that you've made appt to see Dr Kowa. Dont think abt the past anymore. look forward. U should start thinking positive liao cos U've found a gd gynae.

Lyn - oh!Dont be sad. Can understand your feeling. And maybe ppl ard you care for u. Juz tell them when its time to come, it'll come. Dont stress yourself. Since gynae say u could get pregnant n show that u ovulate. (maybe wrong timing) so dont stress yourself too much yeah!
hi lyn, dun get too disturbed about gynae nurses asking if you are pregnant, no doubt it may appear insensitive. i think it's a routine question they were told to ask, coz if you are pregnant, then they might need to take your blood pressure and test your urine before you see the gynae...
.. dun think so much!
Hi BellyButton, i was detected low water level at wk 23. Prior to that, I had intermittent spottings. The gynae did explain to me the possible causes of a low water level. Ok, let me extract the infor for u!

My Cherish was borned at 36wks, but since 32wks, i was in and out of KKH. Think at 34wks, the gynae wanna me to stay and drag till 36wks, at least the BB is stronger and then induce labour. My water level could not reach KK's minimun std of 6cm. There was one stage where it dropped to abt 2cm... really scary, thot hv to deliver immediately, but when chk again, level increased abit.

Everytime i admitted, i really wonder if i cld carry my BB, and seeing those already delivered with their BB around them, seriously, my heart was filled with envy. Cos i dun noe if i can see her, afterall, i had a M/C b4.
Still i try to remain positive, talk to my BB, drink birdnest, drink more water, rest more.... jus anything that will helps... And finally Cherish was borned on New Year Day!

At birth, Cherish was required to stay for additional 1 more day cos her blood sugar level was low. Also my BB need to re-test on hearing cos both ears tested failed.

And on the next day, suddenly, the nurse told me the BB doc wanna see me. I was worried.
She told me maybe due to low anmintic fluid, Cherish only lie on one side and as a result of not enough water to swim abt!

But now, everything is ok, except she still required therapy to correct the weak muscle.

Amy, i understand about how u feel abt talking abt the past... i think the gals here all do felt the same. Although my loss was a 1st trimester, whenever i think back, i still felt so sad when thinkin back.... I wish Dr Kowa will be able to help u!! Jia You!
haiz... gynae said my chart looks like preggie chart... gynae was happily telling me i might be pregnant cos my chart shows it... but i told him menses come liao... so mission failed lor... anyway, did not try very hard lately also. Only BD like once a week...
hi ocean, didn't know kkh had a minimum standard for water level.. mine was borderline, between 5.5 to 6cm during my last two scans with KKH, but they never say anything.
i think mine dropped also to less than 2cm during my last scan at GlenE (we were so fed up with KKH), that's why the gynae suggested termination.
but didn't the gynae at KKH suggest water infusion if yours dropped so low? one of their main concern for low water is that the bb's lungs are not able to mature and expand.
did the low water affect the growth and size of your bb? my bb is kinda on the lower percentile, but dunno if it is due to the low water
Ok, BellyButton, i extract the information that i posted sometimes ago from what the gynae said base on my memory:-

Reasons for Low Amniotic Fluid
1) Infection - If this being the cases, no matter what trimester you are in, chances of doctor asking you to terminate the pregnancy is very high.

2) Water Leakage - There is no reasons why this happen. Sometimes, might be the mum-to-be accidently knocked onto something, or maybe have a fall. However, if the leakage is not big, the hole might be sealed up naturally and pregnancy can continue.

3) Sporadic - Some preggie can measured a low index count at one times and then sudden increase in the fluid index.

4) Abnormal BB - The amniotic fluid is mainly make-up of BB urine. It might be that BB's kidney is not functioning properly so not much urine is flow back.

5) Abnormal Placenta - Placenta is weak and unable to provide enough nutients and blood flow to BB.

Effect of Low Amniotic Fluid?
1) Miscarriage
2) Premature Labour
That is if your index level is very low. However, if yours is at borderline, it is just high risk but must monitor closely to ensure that it wun dropped.

What can be done?
There is actually no medication to help to increase the water level. Therotically, drinking more water does not really help to increase the level but recently, there are studies that reveal it might assist in increasing the level abit higher.

If it is a water leakage and the hole is small, what the doc can do is give u some antibiotic to prevent infection. But there is nothing doc can do to seal up the hole as the womb is inside the body.
BellyButton, yes, there was a minimun std. So i was surprised that if ur level is 5.5cm, the KKH sonagarpher will attached a paper on ur scan to ask the gynae to take note. They r sort of like very kia su one lor.

For them, anything b/w 4cm to 6cm, warrant the attention. And if dropped to below 4cm, worst!! And they always wanna me to me admit to monitor closely.

At that stage when i dropped to abt 2cm plus, the gynae told me might hv to induce immediately. I was sent for a longer CTG at the delivery ward and rescan again. Very Surprisingly, the level increased to abt 4cm plus, but i was warded cos having contractions. That was ard wk 33 liao, i think.

Did they did a culture test on u whereby they like "scop" ur discharge to test for leakage? Also, they did a blood test on me to chk on infection. Hmm.. i was also send for growth scan to chk on the blood flow to BB frm plancenta, brain &amp; also heartbeat.

All test revealed normal! Oh, BB growth size is considered normal, but jus the water level is always below borderline....

Ok, if let say that u really hv to deliver prematurely, KK will actually inject an antibiotic which help to support ur BB lung. This is wat happen to me, though in the end, i din deliver lor! Sometimes i felt that the antibiotic does help cos my BB's lung appeared ok aftwer birth, cos though she had jaundice, it was due to breastfeeding jaundice and never required to be admitted due to that!

U must always tok to ur BB and then monitior his counts too! Really, do rest well!
thanks ocean for the comprehensive explanation.

so you were with KKH all the way? Were you working during your pregnancy?
I started with GlenE under Henry Cheng until i was diagnosed with oligohydramnios at 15th week. at 17thweek, i asked to be transferred to KKH under Prof Yeo due to the high possibility of premature birth. but we were not happy with the treatment and service that we received at KKH. Prof Yeo sent me back to work on the 19th week (water index was still at 6), and one week after i started working, i didn't feel good and went back to Henry Cheng for a scan, that was when he broke the bad news to me that my water had completely dried up and my bb stopped growing and i should consider termination.

we were quite angry with KKH coz i was only scheduled to go back for scan on 22th week, by then it may be too late to take any corrective action. went to Ann Tan at my 21th week to do the amnio infusion.

now i'm thinking if everything goes well and i were to continue with this pregnancy, should i remain with Ann Tan or go back to KKH, in case of premature birth and the high hospitalisation costs. in dilema. any advice?
Dear Amy,
I'm sorry for what you have gone thru, but never give up.
My colleague, she had m/c 5 times due to low placenta. For the 6th time she was pregnant, she was bed ridden in the hospital thru out e 9 mths of pregnancy. She ws like u, her gynae stiched her vagina to prevent pre-mature birth. Her baby boy was born on 34 wks as they could not hold any longer.

Now he is already 4 years old, I asked her would she consider for 2nd one, she told me finanically, she has to prepare a great amount. And she was on hospitalization leave for a year and luckily she had an understanding male boss. If she really wants 2nd baby, she will have to be prepared to lie on her back for 9 mths. But I'm sure to a mother, no matter how tough the journey is, everything would be worthwhile when u hold the little angel in your arm ^v^). So perserverance is important here. Never give up! Recently, I heard that she is considering for 2nd one, it's going to be lots of turbulence, no doubt, but everything would be worthwhile, have faith in yourself and have faith in our father, the mighty God. May god bless all of us with healthy babies
Baby dust to all of us

Hi Ladies,

I've juz came bk from Evacuation. My b b cant survive on the 8 wks. Can anyone advice me when I can hv my mensus after evacuation or so call DC?
hi girls.
Has anyone read this book called "supernatural childbirth"? It's written by a Christian couple who miscarried many times and were told by doctors they cannot have children. But they found the truth in the bible that God is the one who commanded man to multiply and God says we can have children. So by standing on God's truth in the bible, they managed to have 4 healthy children, and the last 3 were delivered without any pain at all, as that was God's intended way for women to bear children in the beginning.
I'm reading the book now, very encouraging. there's even a chapter that teaches you how to pray for and speak to your bb to grow and develop well, as well as to your body to adapt to hold the baby. For Christians who are trusting God to conceive and a successful pregnancy, do grab hold of the book!
hi bellybutton,
thanks 4 sharing the cost.
i would think that if financially u r able, then 2 stay wif Dr Ann. She has performed the miracle which all of us were praying for, for you.

sorri u had 2 go thru this as well.
The coming of ur menses depends on individual, but it shd come between 4-8 wks (as some of us do).
Mine came at 6 wks. Anything more than tat, do chk wif gynae.
Not sure abt your gynae, but i had to go back for post-DC checkup after 2 wks.
yah.. can now count on my fingers the number of days left for HB to be back. yeah!

how's ur gynae checkup? everything okie?
tomorrow is my checkup. Dunno check wat also.. cos i also no chart for him to see.
Still contemplating wan 2 c him or not.
Hi Bluebell,

I;ve gone for checkup already. Dr told me that I can start trying after 2 mths.

Are u trying for b b after DC? I'm thinking of using OPK to detect my O date but I do not know how to use. Can you advice me. Thanks!
Hi Bluebell,

I;ve gone for checkup already. Dr told me that I can start trying after 2 mths.

Are u trying for b b after DC? I'm thinking of using OPK to detect my O date but I do not know how to use. Can you advice me. Thanks!
hi bluebell.
hubby and I can still afford the antenatal consultation and the delivery charges under Ann Tan. it's more of the neonatal care and the charges by Mount E that we are worried about, just in case bb is prematurely borne and needs to spend sometime in the NICU. any idea how much is the daily charges in NICU in Mt E? and assuming bb is borne on 28th week, how long normally does the bb needs to be hospitalised?
Hi All,
Yesterday went for scan. Cld not detect heartbeat. Gynae said might have conceived late. Eventhough from last period which is on 3 Apr I shld be 8-9 wks preggie but pregnancy only looks 5 wks plus so have to go for scan again 2 wks time. Very worried!
dun worry yasmin.
i was also like you, only detected heartbeat very late coz i think my ovulation was very late. did you do a self-test on the pregnancy kit?is the line very faint? mine was, so gynae said that means i conceive late.
BellyButton, yes, i was all the way with KK. In fact, I was surprised with myself too cos i really had a very bad experience during my M/C to the extent tat i wrote to KK CEO to complain. Even told myself not going back to KK liao.... And alas, before i know it, i was preggie. Intend to change after 16wks, but dun noe y din, and suddenly was slap with low anminotic fluid at wk 23..... And i was all the way under subsidise rate cos i plan to change at later stage....

I heard my case was put under study by a panel of docs from the Houseman(doc too) during my last trimester too when i was in and out of KKH. Had "visits" the delivery ward for abt 3-4times...

But i guess i was "luckier" than u cos mine occured at wk 23rd while urs was at wk 15th. As for whether u shld go back to KK, i really dun noe.
But what i feel is that if u r not under the subsidised rate, i think the charges will be comparable to those private gynae outside.

Suggest maybe u stay put first and look at the situation. When is ur next visit?

Yasmin, try to stay positive! Talk to ur little ones. U might have ovulate late. I heard that some only detected the heartbeat as late as wk 9. Jia You!! I know the fear is there, but try, jus try to stay positive!!

Baby Mandy, how r u? U r going into "the making" frm this mth onwards right? Good luck!!
Hi Bellybutton and ocean, Thanks!
Yes, I think I conceived late. Cos my cycles are quite long. Cld be one of those cycles with 38 days. So guess thats why so late. Hmmmmm will wait out the 2 wks for the next scan. Hopefully by then can see heartbeat. Meantime will stay positive. Thanks All!
hi gals
i am seeing a chinese sinsen who help me to "tiao" my health. should I tell Dr Kowa when i visit him next wk?
hi jujube,
you can find the book at most christian bookshops, such as Mt Zion, Life, Tecman. I bought mine at the Rock bookshop at Suntec City (one floor below carrefoure, next to the Sun Marine Foodcount).

Hi Ocean, my next visit is next wednesday. i think Ann Tan has scheduled me to see her every week. yah.. hubby and I also have bad experience with KKH. sigh..

I also picked up the book supernatural childbirth when I was trying to conceive for many years without success and while i was going thru the period of grief when I had miscarriage last year (after years of infertility). Its very helpful and bring faith back into my heart... I read it again few days before I gave birth to my son and believe God for a easy delivery ... a supernatural one. though there is some pain but I think its by His grace that I managed to go thru it without need of pain relief etc.

think i buy it at if i din remember wrongly...
sorri, i dun noe how to use the OPK. but i think the gals here can guide you. Eh, maybe they didn't log in yet.

talk 2 bb.. tell him/her mummy wanna see you grow big and healthy!

think no harm telling gynae. rather him to know everything than to blame on anything. u noe wat i mean?
hi bluebells
u're rite! i should let him know since i hv choosen him as my gynae. i must have faith in him. will update u gals next wk.
My gynae told me to use 2nd urine in the morning for OPK. On the internet, almost everyone say cannot drink water for 3-4hours, and test between 12pm-8pm. I did that "wrong" way and get all negatives. I believe more in my gynae than the internet. I shall try the 2nd urine this cycle and see if it works.
Hi BellyButton,
PRAISE GOD!! Real glad to hear you are doing better each day! Even my HB who very occassionally reads this thread remembers you as the one whose BB needs injection to have more water to swim in. I just updated him that u are doing much better n he's really happy for you too! We'll continue to pray for your BB. = )

My friend sent me a copy of Supernatural Childbirth after my last m/c n truly it really encourages me. Esp this time round for my 3rd try at pregnancy, I would read outloud some of the prayers guide in the book everynight to claim GOD's promise for all women to have children and also to remove all my fears, esp before each gyne visit. Highly recommended! = )

Hi Ladies,

Glad things went well for u, BellyButton. Miracles do occur after all!

After DC, sorry to hear abt your loss, do rest well.

Bluebells, wow yr hubby coming back already! Yr neck must be very "long" from waiting. hee hee...

Lyn, more shopping over the weekends? I took 1 day leave on Monday to "comb" orchard. Ha ha...

All preggies out there, stay happy n positive.

hi clare and hubby,
really thank God for people like you and all others in this thread who have been very supportive.

i told my 4-year old niece that my bb just had an injection through my tummy, showed her the injection mark, and she looked so horrified!.. then she commented that my bb is very brave.. heeee

hey girls,
ask you all something. sometimes in the night, i get a ache in the tummy that feels some sort like mild menses cramp. is it normal?
