Support group - Miscarriages

Hi girls,
Looks like most of us here seem to have a soft spot for girls huh?
Anyway boy or girl doesn't really matter lah. Just healthy enough already...i think it's just that little girls can be dressed up right?

Java, I remember u said u feel a suan and heavy feeling on your genitals..same here. a bit like sore after too much u-know-what, right?
I feel it mostly when I'm sitting on the toilet bowl.

Tubby, maybe ur hubby is feeling too much pressure at the moment? I think what he means by 'just let it be' is not that he doesn't really want, but maybe he doesn't want u both to try too hard and be disappointed. actually sometimes when u let it be, u will strike faster lor.
Don't be sad ok? i'm sure he wants, just dunno how to express his feelings.

hi ladies

just dropping by to say hi. I m doing much better now, emotionally n physically. It's been a mth since the D&C, waiting for 1st AF to come. Have stopped all my exercise routine since preg and now that i want to start, everyone asks me to hold, must continue to 'bu' n not exercise now. Have been putting on weight this 2-3 mths. By the time i start exercising, must put in a lot of hard work.

my hubby has also been doing the hsework this couple of months n i m starting to relief him of his duty gradually now.
hamasaki, i am amazed that you actually told your mil. haa....bravo for your action! hopefully, she'll stop nagging for awhile. but hor, remember to still must sayang mil. or else, she'll have other things to nag daughter-in-law not caring lah. u know lah.

tiny, if we go by the chinese calander that predicts boy or girl, most of us will get girl. i think between the age of 28 and 32, there are many mths that we will conceive girls. don't know real or not but so far, my frens who's of my age all have girls! anyway, same for me, as long as baby healthy, i don't mind girl or boy. will wait for your update on fri!

tubby, don't be sad abt your hubby's comments. think he just want the best for his kids and doesn't think that the timing is right at present. just let nature takes its course then. maybe when both of you are ready, can plan a short trip somewhere to relax, enjoy and ttc.

whitefloral, glad to know that you are healing.
many people said abt not exercising too soon. i tend to agree as physically, we may look healthy but actually, our body still weak after m/c, even after a mth. but think you can start with light exercising if you want to. don't overstrain yourself! take care!
hehe millie ang.. I'm quite naughty.. SOmetimes, really feel so bothered by her words.. But than, will still sayang her after all, she is my hubby dearest mum..

Take care!!
hi tubby,
I do housework during weekends, coz hubby needs to do the mopping. Now that I stay at home, he always expects all other housework to be done by me, for e.g. making sure the water is boiled, etc. The thing is last time all these tasks are done by him when I was working, so now it takes me some time to get used to it.

hi millie,
Don't despair if ur auntie comes this month. At least u dun have to wait long long (36 day cycle) like me last time to see if auntie got come. In the meantime, eat well and sleep well.

hi Tiny,
The feeling is not like after "doing it". Even the 2 sides of the place that u urine, also feels suan and heavy. Sometimes when I go out and esp after walking for some time I will feel this way. Sometimes I buay tahan and will go and press my bottom when I think noone is seeing. Quite unsightly!
<font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, no lah! My BB is not active at all.
She is very gentle, i guess, doesn't really like to move about. Thus i had a hard time doing my detailed scan last week!

Wow, u going to wait till ur MIL dont pressure u?
But i think it is hard u see! Afterall, think she couldn't wait to have a grandchildren to carry in her arm!
But then, it is also better to be relax when u ttc-ing!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i had did the Baby Neck Measurement during my Wk 13. Think <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font> had done it already right? Together with this, detailed scan and triple test, it will give a better idea of chances of getting down syn.

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, as long as u feel positive, with no pain, think BB shld be fine. I feel that u will be feeling ur BB movement more or maybe, more sure than me cos from ur previous few scan, ur BB is very active!

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, yes, i agreed, as long as BB healthy, we will be very happy liao! I also need to go toilet very often! Hate to wake up in the middle of the night nowsaday! Sometimes difficult to get back to sleep!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i think maybe one thing is maybe ur hubby is stress at work. The next thing that i suspected is that maybe, he is worried for you!
After seeing u go through the emotion rollercoaster, maybe he wanna protect u for the time being!
I guess he hate to see u feeling so worried again when preggie again! U know lah, our happiness is always overshadowed by the past, despite trying to be positive. Look at me, every little thing, i get so sad and worried!
hi ladies,
thks for consoling/encouraging me abt my hubby's words... hopefully when his workload is lesser, mabbe i'll hv a good tok wif him... definitely not now... cos his car jus broke down dis morning.. cannot start engine... old car liao.. alot of problems...

hey java,
my hubby oso the same leh!! initially, he will do almost all the hsework (including ironing) when i'm still working.. after dat, he auto switch off liao... expect me to boil water, close windows at nite, switch off water heater... he cheekily says it's my job now... at first i oso buey tahan &amp; complain to my frens, then my frens told me hubby is slogging his life out there for the family, so he jus needs pampering at home.. so now watever i do, i jus feel like i'm pampering him lor... hehee.. it works!

hi whitefloral,
it's been a while... glad to hear dat u r recovering well.. i'm sure ur 1at AF will come knocking on ur door soon..
go easy on ur exercise regime.. if possible, wait for 1st AF to clear up before u start exercising.. for me, 1st AF signifies the return to normality lah... rest well in the meantime..
<font color="aa00aa">Whitefloral</font>, i am happy
to learn that u r feeling better emotionally and physically. Maybe u can start to excerise lightly after ur 1st AF comes. The first AF, is sort of like one sign to tell us that we are slowly adjusting our body back to our normal cycle!
Jia You!

<font color="ff6000">millie</font>, i checked on the chinese calender too. In the middle of the years, quite lots of mth stated that if conceived will be gal.
Agreed with <font color="119911">Java</font> that in the meantime, u must take care of yourself and ask ur hubby dont bath in hot water!
HI gals!

I feel so breathless today! I have been in meetings since 8am and only had a slightly longer break about half an hour ago! WOW!!

Whitefloral, glad to see you check in!
Looks like you are coping well! I am sure your first AF will be here soon and that, I think, is quite a major milestone!
Take care!

Ocean, yah, I know the scan is related to checking down syndrome. At the same time, I am also wondering about the accuracy of such tests. Anyway, we will go for the test since the doc recommended but regardless of outcome, we will still continue with the pregnancy.

Tubby, Men is like that one lah!
Once you preggie again, I am sure he will sing a different tune liao!

Java, thanks for praying for me! I am looking forward to the scan as it means seeing the baby again! Hope s/he will show some new pattern besides sleeping tomorrow!

I will be on leave tomorrow afternoon. The scan is at 12 noon, then after that, prob go shopping/watch movie with hubby. So, I will update about the scan on Friday morning, ok?

Take care!!
hi folic &amp; gals...

it been long time since i log in here....dun kw u all remembere mi anot?

folic,by the way...i did remembere that i asked u about ovulation pain....above the abdomal....left n right side.....meant ovulation day is near.

will it occur pain after ovulation day?thank
hi ocean, I believe yr baby gal is shy.. so not much movement.. the most important thing is that she must be healthy.. I must be totally relaxed be4 I will TTC.. Dun want to put too many pressure on my body and mind.. Not healthy mah..
HI wendyl,

how have you been? I have not experienced ovulation pains before but I believe it will only happen before ovulation and not after. Maybe other gals who have experienced can share?

hi folic,

ok...nvm..i had called my gynae already....nothing serious....thanks..

i am fine.thank you.

take gd care of urself.

will try to online often.
hi all,
How's everyone this morning? Yesterday I have finished my course of ultrogestan pills, hopefully I don't see "red" again. Somehow the pills serve as a safety net for me, now that I have stop taking it, abit phobia that my body cannot produce enough hormones on its own.
Hi All, I was suddenly down with flu today!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, dont worry, by then, your pregnancy shld already been stablize! I know what you been. I felt kind of worry when i finished my Duphaston pills and doc said i no longer required even though i still got <font color="ff0000">intermittent spotting</font>. But try to believe that your BB is growing fine!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, good luck for your gynae visit today. Hope ur BB is guai guai and let the gynae measure the neck thickness.

<font color="aa00aa">Hamasaki</font>, i agreed that you must be totally relaxed when u ttc-ing!
Since u not ttc-ing so fast, try to take care of your body in the mean time!!
hi java,
i'm sure you are doing fine now... be positive okie... *hugz*

hey Ocean,
take care of urself... did u see a doc yet? drink lotsa water okie... i oso feeling abit under-weather since last nite... stomachache,running nose, feeling hot/cold... aii... am drinking lotsa water at home now...
Hi ladies!!

It's been a LONG time since I last posted! I have been very busy..... Congrats to all the mums-to-be! I am looking forward to my turn too. Anyway, there's no hurry. I am enjoying life the way it is now.

If you girls remember, I was very angry with my boss and was abt to quit. He requested me to stay..... Told him I don't want to cover too much of my colleague's work during her maternity and he was ok with everything I proposed! So here I am..... He has treated me better since, making sure I don't suffer from additional stress.

The good thing is I am getting away for a few days and will be totally switched off!

Take care mums-to-be and good luck to those ttcing!!
<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>
, very long time din see you here!!

Glad that ur boss is treating you well.
You are going for holiday?
Hi Ocean

Hope everything's well with you. Yes, me flying off tonight to Maldives! Just pray that the weather will be kind to us....
yes ocean, I am preparing to take lots of vits to build up my body..

U better take gd care of yr health now that U have come down with the flu.. Drink plenty of water and rest more.. I'm also a bit sick too..
my AF came knocking this morning!! one day before the expected date! i am a bit disappointed but overall relieved esp since getting the not so gd lot. don't know if it's coincidental or guan yin niang niang heard me. i was praying and wondering on the way to work if i am pregnant and ask for a gd pregnancy. next thing i felt was wetness!!!

thks ladies for your support. i am rather glad that my AF is here and i don't have to wonder. shall be positive, rest well, work less and aim for successful ttc.

folic, will try to log in early tom morning. hope to see your update! and tiny's too!

java, don't worry okie. remember, relax and have positive thoughts!
i believe your gynae will monitor your condition. are you going for checkup again soon?

ocean and hamasaki, take care! there's a flu bug going around. drink more water and take more vitamins!

curly, glad that you have a session with your boss and things look fine for you. enjoy yourself in maldives! envious envious!

tubby, just enjoy 'er ren shi jie' with hubby for the time being. how's the car?
thanks millie for yr kind concern..

Dun worry millie ang, I believe Guan Yin will bless U with a successful (+) sign the next time.. Juz keep on trying and pray to Guan Yin always..

U must have 100% trust in Guan Yin.. I know she will look after U if U believe in her..

be positive and stay happy..
Hi gals!

Good morning!

Millie, at least your AF is showing up when it is supposed to... then at least no need to go through agonizing thots on why cycle irregular etc! I am sure you will have a baby soon!

Curly, wow Maldives!! so cool! Enjoy!!

An update- The scan went well yesterday. Baby is very very cooperative and we completed the scan within 10 mins. The other couple after us was told to go for lunch then come back, cos baby was not in correct position. So mighty pleased with my baby
Anyway, I will only know the results in 2-3 days time.. so I think if I don't hear from my gynae by Monday, things should be ok. I have an appt with her on Thurs. The gynae doing my scan won't tell me much cos she says my gynae will explain to later. Baby has grown to 6+ cm.. almost double in 2 weeks. I hope baby will continue to grow nicely!

Have a great Friday!


morning ladies...
haha... me rarely online so early one... dint really sleep well so decide to loggin...

hi curly,
enjoy ur maldives trip ya... can imagine u &amp; hubby basking in the sun, enjoying the moments... aaahhhhh.... tell us more after ur trip..

hi Ocean,
i hardly drink cold water nowadays... hehee... now feeling better liao... but stomach still abit pain...

hi millie,
althou AF is here, but dis shd set ur mind at ease from dat 'lot'... rest well &amp; get ready for the nix battle in 2 weeks... good luck!
my hubby's car ok liao.. luckily it's car battery &amp; not any major problem...
thks for asking..

i did something 'bo liao' jus now... went to test wif HPT.. cos hor, my AF still nowhere in sight.. 5 weeks 1 day liao... damn irritated... since i still got 1 stick lying ard, decide to use it... but hor, aiii... i tot i saw a veri veri veri faint 'vertical' line leh.. (using the '+' clearblue) but hubby says dun hv... now abit like hanging in the air... damn sian... at first i was happy dat it's '-' (relieved actually!!) but now hor, aiya! will jus take it as '-' lah... i wan my body to rest more before conceiving again..
Hi Folic,
Logged in early today to hear ur update. glad all went well! Now's my turn, leaving soon. baby has been moving a lot last night/this morning...i think it's also very excited about 'showing off' later

Millie, all the best for this cycle. take it that the not so good stuff is all being washed out! Keep us posted, yah? U'll be fine!
hi millie,
Nevermind there's still next month to try. In the meantime keep fit, do the things u want to do, when u r pregnant, u cannot eat alot of things, do alot of things. Now the thing I miss most is swimming. I wish I can go to Downtown East to swim and play, but in my current condition I can't.

hi Curly,
Nice to hear from you again! Enjoy ur trip to Maldives. Sometimes we must voice out our displeasure at work, if not ur boss will not know that we are unhappy, I'm glad things work out for u. Stay stress free!

hi Ocean,
Thanks for the reassurance. I'm so paranoid. I feel like asking my gynae to let me continue with the utrogestan pills until my third tri. Can I ask a personal qn? Have u resume intercourse with ur hubby though u said u still have intermittent spotting?

hi folic,
I'm glad to hear that your scan went well. I'm sure ur results will turn out ok too!

hi tubby,
I feel so excited for u! Maybe u can try again few days later?

Last night was a sleepless night for me. I think I worry too much in the daytime until my fears turn into horrible dreams at night. The thing abt pregnancy dreams is that u wake up feeling that the dream is very real. My first dream is I dreamt I saw red on my pad. When I woke up in cold sweat I analysed the dream and realised that the red thing which I saw on the pad looks like the Prego spaghetti sauce I ate during dinner yesterday. I still got some leftover sauce in the fridge which I plan to eat for lunch later, dunno if I still dare to eat! Ha so paranoid right?
The 2nd dream even more stupid. As my hubby and I cannot have 'real intercourse' due to my spotting incidents, I dreamt that he go and satisfy himself by finding other woman!!!! When I woke up I feel like hitting him with my pillow. Anyway I tried to go back to sleep just now, but still cannot. Maybe later in the afternoon hopefully I can catch some sleep.

My company ask me to start earlier, instead of 20 Sept, start on 15th Sept. This means I have 3 days less of rest and afternoon naps. But at least I start work earlier and dun think so much at home. Do u gals think I should start work earlier?
Hi Java,

I like your second dream! so funny! hahaha. Think it's a good idea to start on 15th... then you don hv to think about silly dreams like this

Hi gals, the clinic just called and my results are ok. So everything is fine
Thanks for praying and thinking of me and my baby!

tats a great news folic.. at least U know that yr baby is growing up properly.. keep it coming with yr latest updates..

dun worry tubby, i'm sure U will be successfuly the nxt time.. juz relax yr whole body and mind 1st beofre trying to TTC. dun put any unneccesary stress on yrself..
heh tiny, yr baby is so cute.. keep us update of yr scan..

hi java, its best to start work early, at least U will not think too much and scared yrself up..
Hi Curly,

So nice to "see" you again. Glad that u hv a talk with your boss and he started treating you well. Enjoy your holidays and tell us more abt maldives. Me too, going for a 4d/3n cruise tour with my ah lao next wed.

Hi Ocean,

Are you feeling better now, take care hor...

Hi Millie,

AF came never mind. Jia you next cycle. Lots of bb dust for you..

Hi Folic,

Glad that your scan went well and I'm sure the results will be good too. Do keep us updated

Hi Java,

I think you think too much liao. Tat's y you have sleepless night and horrible dream. It may not be a bad idea for you to start early so you can concentrate in your job and not let your thinking go haywire.

Hi Tubby,

I think you succeeded liao!! So happy for you. Maybe you can test again a few days later to be doubly sure. Lots of BB dusts for you........
hi folic,
Yes. That's great news! Glad everything's going so far good for you.

hi hamasaki, tiantian,
perhaps I shd start earlier, but there goes 3 days of afternoon naps.
i've been analyzing wif dat stick eversince dis morning... (for 4 hours plus liao!! hehee) Conclusion: NOT preggie! cos hor when i plc the stick against something bright (for eg, PC screen, dat vertical line does not show up at all.. i guess dat 'v v faint' line is due to wetting of the paper from urine sample...

sorrie to cause java &amp; tiantian some disappointment... but for me, i'm glad i got the results i wanted... past few days my mind in a swirl...

15 sept is wed.. abit weird hor.. but quite a nice date to start brand new work... i oso say u start early better... focus ur tots on work...

dun read too much into ur dreams... i'm sure ur hubby will understand....

great for u &amp; bb.... take dis weekend to celebrate wif hubby ya... :0 does it mean dat u dun hv to take the usual triple test liao?
enjoy yr trip with yr hubby.. An early bon voyage tian tian..

hi java, try to make the best of these few days to rest more more.. sleep more and eat more more too.. But think at the positive side, you can get an extra 3 days of work-pay..
heh tubby, U're really a funny gal. have been analyzing the stick for the past 4 hrs..

If for me, the stick is no longer on earth. coz I would have dump it into the dustbin long long ago liao..
Hi Tubby,

u r so funny... anlaysing the stick for so many hours! Mebbe u shd bring it to the park, where there is more light.. and do more 'experiment'?!

Triple test is actually more than testing for downs syndrome. There is also blood test to check the mother's health eg thyroid, anaemic etc. So I think I will still do some of those tests later on.

folic, so glad to know that you have received great news after the checkup!
now waiting for tiny's update!

java, have a gd rest over the wkend.don't think so much ok. gd that you'll be starting work soon.helps to keep your mind occupied.

tubby, you are so cute! actually analysed your stick for 4 hrs! why not try another stick if you are still wondering?

tiantian, thks for encouragement. how are you?

hamasaki, any chance you'll be joining me in ttc-ing this cycle?
<font size="+2">Maldives!</font> Wow, that's a nice place! <font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, enjoy your holiday!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, very hard to say lah! If there is no line, under any direction, brightness and whatever, there will not be a line!
Remember, when i first tested positive, my line was also very very faint, almost invisible, till hubby said i think too much!
Maybe, u waited for a few more days and see if ur AF is here! If not, get another test kit. Can buy those Guardian brand one. One pair at $15.90!
Remember, there are some of us who tested and tested again!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, cant advice if u shld start work earlier. But rather if u feel that u r ready, then go ahead to work.
At least, on the 15th, it is already after the Lunar 7th mth!

But hor, u really got weird dreams! For me, i dreamt that my collegues won S$100k in a lucky draw. Wondered if it will turn out true, cos got one time, i dreamt that another collegues strike top 3 of theD, and she really did!
And the funny things is, these collegues are not even close to me!

By the way, for ur qn, we seldom BD
. Think we almost cut off as hubby felt that BB is not stable, plus i still having <font color="ff0000">intermittent spotting</font>!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, enjoy ur crusie!! Me never been to crusie before!! Envy you!!

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>,
good for you on the good results!!
Ocean, my hubby strike toto last nite
I think got a few hundred dollars. You think it has to do with baby gal luck?? hahaha I hope so!

hi ocean,
haha I never even calculate that 15th is after 7th mth. So did u tell ur colleagues that they win $100K?

hi folic,
Wah he so lucky, I remember last time ur hubby oso strike toto and he brought u to the Jap restaurant in intercontinental hotel. So now where u ask him to bring u, since u can't eat raw Jap food liao? Eh remember all the good frens here hor *hint hint*
Java, yah hor.. I forgot about the other time he striked also...this time, of course cannot go jap restaurants lor... cannot eat raw food, so sian! actually, we wanted to go to a jap restaurant for our anniversary on 21st, but now cannot liao. This time, I ask him to donate to my 'handphone funds'
I want to change h/p but donno want to change to which model... any recommendations?

ok, shall heed your advice and wait till 1st AF come then start exercise. Like all of u, the AF will signify my body has tuned back on track. waiting...


it could really be a positive. when i 1st tested positive, it was also a v v faint line, tilt some angle can see, some angle can't see. Then i used Guardian to test, still faint but much clearer than Clearblue.
hi millie, I'm still thinking if I want to TTC this year coz I was planning to TTC early nxt yr only.. Maybe I might change my mind than both of us work hard towards our goal.. Jia You!!

Folic, i think maybe yr baby gal is bringing U gd luck.. since yr hubby strick a few hundred $$, can ask him to buy some baby items tmr..

hi hamasaki,
dat stick in my bin liao.. after i concluded my analysis, i throw it away... dun wan to ponder abt it liao...

hi folic,
thks for ur explanation on the tests...
aiya.. my hse bright enuff liao.. walk here walk there look up look down... must be veri thorough one.. kenot play play...
i even take fotos wif my digital cam &amp; see whether it can capture anot.. haha... i too 'free' at home, it's quite entertaining actually... dat's why can spend 4 hrs on it...

hi millie,
will see how... if mabbe nix week still no sign of AF, go straight to GP liao... cos for the whole cycle, we onie did it once without protection.. dat is immediately after AF clears... so strike jackpot, today's test will be '+' liao...

ya Ocean,
i wont buy Clearblue (wif + sign one) anymore.. unless positive veri easy to see.. if negative, the test window is veri fade.... will try Guardian's one nix time.. thks...

ooh folic!!! lucky ur hubby hor!! strike again..&amp; now weekend liao... wow... veri good timing leh.. must be ur bb's luck... i beliff in bb's luck..
