Support group - Miscarriages

Hi decimalpoint,

Do have a good rest. You will certainly be able to have a successful pregnancy. My in-laws were very upset too when I had the miscarriage. Luckily they were understanding and told me that it's ok as long as my life is not in danger. Time would heal their wounds too.

Hope you will have a good rest and nourish your body...

Hi Decimalpoint,
I am sorry to hear about your loss. Right now, do heal well and rest well before you get back to work. We are here to listen. You're absolutely right about letting people know too early...we made that mistake cos we were so excited the last time and all that. In fact, this time round, we only told our parents and close friends near the end of the 1st tri. Do take care.

Thanks, Millie. And I hope you can upload ur photos soon!

I feel so sad after hearing about the earthquake. So many tragic news these few days.
girls may i ask how long did you all take to rest at home? i called my HR today to inform them of medical leave. they asked why and i did not want to say and they say they need to know. Is it true? Do we have to disclose the reason for our leave if we can provide mc from doctor? they say will refer to my manager, so i just put down phone, now waiting for manager to call me.

i am glad there are people here who understand that we feel sad even though it is an early m/c. in front of my parents and pil i have to act very happy, like I am okay and it's just bad luck. but i think i am feeling very much much more better already.!
Hi decimalpoint

Sorry to hear abt your loss. Try not to think too much. All you need to do now is plenty of rest & let your body recuperate. Do drop by & chat with us...we are here to support each other thru this difficult time.

Take Good Care of yourself!
Hi morning gals,

So sorry to hear abt your loss. Please take care. Regarding your m/c, why must u give reasons?? If your HR really insists ,just tell them its some woman problem and not convenient to give details.I'm sure they will understand.

AF came nevermind. At least now u can concentrate on your wedding preparation mah.

Wow, yr BB growing very fast hor. Really excited for you.

Missy Lee,
Welcome back to Singapore. Hope u are feeling better now. Drink more water ok.

How are you?? Hope u are ok.
hi gals,
HAPPY Belated X'mas greetings to ALL!! i am FINALLY ONLINE after MIA-ing for the past week... cos my PC at home crashed... veri bad crash dis time round.. poor hubby has been trying to fix it up cos he can see my boredom at home without logging on... anyway... i am now using a borrowed CPU while our own is still under maintenance...

okie.. a lil' update... i went for my gynae visit last Fri... bb is growing well... gynae pointed out the 4 limbs for us.. hubby says he can see it quite clearly but i am quite bad wif ultrasound images... gynae oso measured the neck translucency thickness for me.. she said it's within normal range... she will arrange for blood test on my nix visit... I've oso signed packge wif gynae & was given prenatal vits & calcium pills... oso bought omega fish oil pills which is supposed to be good for bb's brain development... i am glad i've reached dis milestone...
now praying dat everything will go smoothly from now on & i will not get too paranoid b4 my nix visit... which will be in abt 3.5 weeks time... on package now... it's strictly on monthly visit...

abt my concerns for cervival incompetency... i've asked both my GP & gynae... they said the same thing... for m/c, cervix is softer, so they dun usually use pills to soften b4 D&C... GP even showed me the instrument used for dilating the cervix... a veri slim metal pc...

hi decimalpoint,
i'm sorry to hear abt ur loss... do take lotsa rest & 'bu' stuff during dis healing moments... jus tell ur boss it's a women's issue & u hv MC given by my doc... ensure u hv enuff rest b4 going back to work... *hugz*

hi miaomiao,
happy to hear ur last visit went so well... wif bb waving at u... it's a veri good sign isn't it??
i am same like u... if i dun feel nausea for 1 day, i will get paranoid liao... guess it's really hard for us to relax hor... jus hv to tok to our bb & tell him/her to be kwai kwai & grow well everyday...

hey missy!!
welcome home... it's veri warm nowadays... which is funny for Dec period... i hvn't seen rain for quite sometime... drink lotsa water ya... hopefully ur visit to KK will give u the extra assurance dat things r alrite for u....

dear Ocean,
i am praying for u dat things will be fine for both u & ur princess... *hugz*

to the rest of the gals,
hope u all had a great x'mas & things has been well for u gals... will write more later...
hi tubby, glad to hear that BB is growing well and within normal range..
Can i ask U abt the pre-natal pills and omega fish oil pills/vitamins.. what are the ingredients in it. are they suitable for people who are TTC..
i am intending to buy those today..

So happy that your visit went well. How many weeks are you now?

Last week end, I suddenly had an increase in vaginal discharge that is some sort paste like.. pale yellow greenish colour. Then it subsided yesterday and today I see none of it anymore. I know it's definitely due to my fungal infection lor. The last few visits my gynae says she will tackle it when I reach 2nd trimester. But I still get worried so I called her... she says if it comes back tomorrow morning, she will want to see it. I think better go and let her take a look lor. I'm just worried the infection might worsen and affect my bb.

My next visit is next friday so still got a long way lor.
hi hamasaki,
the prenatal vits contains alot of vits & minerals such as Vit A, B1, B2, B12, C, D, folic acid, iron, calcium, etc... & the omega fish oil main ingredient is DHA, which i read is good for brain's development for bb & children... i guess for TTC period, it's oso safe to be taken but my tots on dis is it won't be neccessary yet... wat is essential is folic acid... which i think u r taking rite now hor? i was given the calcium & prenatal vits onie when nearing the end of 1st tri...

hey miaomiao,
bb is abt 11 weeks+ now...
looking forward to 2005 as bb will hit the 12 weeks-mark & then the official 2nd tri in Jan 05'....
i hope i dint up bring up any sad memories for u cos i've been hving dis mixed feelings... one hand i look forward to 2005, but Jan 05' wld hv been the EDD for my angel... whenever i look at the new calender, tears will flow....

dun worry dear, fungal infection is veri common among preggies... dat means tomoro u can get to see ur lil' one liao lor?? hehee... at least dat's something u can look forward now...

hey adora,
can roughly let me know when ur appetite is back to normal? i need a rough gauge so dat when i'm feeling 'normal', i won't get a panic attack... ;p
Hi Miao miao,
Fungal infection is very common as tubby says and easily controlled by your gynae. Just ask her to check. I had some infection after i swam in the beach the last dao mei...and my gynae applied some purple coloured stuff to help clear it, and gave me some pessaries to insert to clear the itch. but very leh cheh and irritating lor.

Decimal point, i don't think HR really needs to know leh...just say you will submit your medical cert to them when you come back lor. Actually i was on mc for one day after d&c only but i had the weekend to rest and was back to work on the following monday. I only told my immediate boss about it but only becos i was asked to do some duty on Sat so i explained to her and was released of the duty. The others don't need to know.

Tubby, glad all is well with u!
hi tubby, thanks for yr precious info..
i juz started taking the folic acid pills and my doc also told me to get those pre-natal vitamins from any pharmany like GNC, nature-farm etc etc.. Juz bought a bottle today which i will start taking it tmr morning..

Also, She given me extra folic acid pills that i need to take every morning when i went for my blood test last week..

i really hope that U will be happy coz a new year is coming and that year is an important yar for U.. The year where yr little precious darling will be born..
Dismiss all negative thoughts U have rite now and Welcome the Brand New Year 2005 !!
Good morning gals!!! Finally back to office after a super long weekend!!

Dear decimalpoint,
I'm sorry to hear abt your loss. I hope you feel much much better today. Time will heal your wounds.

hi tubby,
Yes. The prenatal vitamins are to be taken in your 2nd tri. I used to ask my gynae how come I was not given the pills in 1st tri. She said its better not to take anything in 1st tri, except folic acid. You can also eat 1 hard boil egg per day, it can strengthen bb's neck. That's what I'm doing. Your appetite should improve after 14 weeks. What week are you at now?

hi miao2,
I dun understand how come ur gynae said that the fungal infection can be tackled in the 2nd tri. Usually when I complain abt excess discharge, my gynae would do a culture test for me. So far I already did 3 culture test, all came back negative. I think i should be doing the Strep B test soon. I really hate the scraping feeling at the cervix. Yes, I think you did the right thing in insisting that your gynae take a look at your prob.
tiny, my gyane actually gave me the whole week off, she asked me to rest and go back to work next year. my manager called to "interview" me and said he wants me to go back this week, cos year end is very busy, we need to do closure for projects. i said i need to rest, i am not feeling well, he asked me why, of course i didn't tell him. then he started to press on, so i finally said i had an operation. he asked me what kind of operation, i didn't tell him again, then he started to insinuate things, from plastic surgery to ivf... this man is really very imaginative! but the point is he said he need to know so that he can judge whether i need to rest. at that point i really feel like slamming the phone already! i dun feel like telling a single soul at the company, since nobody knew in the beginning, and i dun wish to explain more. what i am more angry about is i feel he is doubting me for being on medical leave. r u close to ur immediate boss? my boss can be an angel at times, and turn into a monster the next minute without warning. so i am not close to him to feel like even telling him. and to tell a man somemore makes it more uncomfortable.
decimal point,

I think your manager is too much and a busybody. You dun have to tell him. You can tell him, whether you need rest or not is not up to him. It's up to your doctor. He's not a doctor. Tell him it's something personal.

I would also not want to tell anyone in the company.
Hi gals!

I was on leave yesterday. So many postings!

Tubby, glad to hear that everything is ok. I am sure you will be alright. Keep yourself occupied in the next 3.5 weeks lah. Very fast, it will be your next visit again. With so many festive celebrations, I am sure it will not be difficult to let time jus fly by!

Hamasaki, I am very well! Thanks! As for the multi vit, you can prob take those multi vit for women, which should be enough. The fish oil is more for the brain development of the baby, so I don't think you need to take it now. It doesnt taste very good

Miao2, why don't you just go visit your gynae? It is a simple culture test. Don't think need to wait till 2nd tri.

Decimal point, your company is really weird. I don't think you need to explain your reasons. Anyway, your MC will be from the gynae right? Maybe when you pass them the MC, they will sort of guess? Anyway, don't let them pressure you into going back. It is important to rest well during this period and to recuperate. Take care!

A quick update on my gynae's visit yesterday. My baby is now 1.02kg at 28 weeks. Doc says that's a good size. I put on 300g since the last visit 4 weeks ago. Baby also put on 300g during this period, so I hv not gained any weight. Doc says that as long as baby is growing, it is ok if I do not gain any weight. I am quite pleased with that actually
Doc also says that baby is now considered viable, meaning if she should be born now, she will have a good chance of surviving. That puts my mind at ease. Doc also asked me to monitor the movement closely and to see her once I feel that there is decreased movement. My next visit is in 3 weeks time, on 17th.

Ok, need to clear some work b4 I come surf more web

I have decided to take temperature starting from tomorrow
. I think my doc will want to see the BBT chart in my next visit. On top of it, it's stated that knowing the timing of ovulation are essential for investigation and treatment of infertility.

I was given folic acid just in case I get pregnant again. I am also taking prenatal vitamins and iron, but I have been taking these ever since my operation.
Good morning everyone!

Decimal point, sorry to hear about your loss. Stay strong. Your manager does not have the right to know about why you need to take MC. Why not just say you had an op for a woman's problem? Or offer to do some work from home (negotiate the amount) to get him off your back?

Tubby, good to know that everything is fine for you. You are very brave, to keep asking all the questions. But it's important to ease your mind as well, so keep asking!

Wow Folic, you are nearing the final lap already!

An update on myself: my cycles are getting erratic again, I don't know what's wrong. Am in CD47 and still no sign of temp rise or ovulation. The past cycles were shorter than this. I am trying to be patient, but getting a little worried and 'pek-chek'. Does any one have any idea how to encourage ovulation?
Hi decimalpoint,
I'm not that close to my boss and she didn't know abt my pregnancy either but maybe cos she's a woman it was easier for me to tell her that i had a m/c. She didn't ask much after that and just asked me to take care and rest then. I was grateful for that. Your boss is indeed kaypo. Just that i can't understand why he can still ask so much after u told him you had an op! Yes, worst of all it's like questioning your integrity or your doc's integrity! Maybe u can say you had a d&c and ask him to find out himself what that is. i think he won't even know what that is..But still, if you don't feel comfortable telling him u have the right not to. Just produce the mc when u go back.

Folic, glad to hear abt your progress! You have been taking small steps and are finally reaching the end!
So happy for you.
hi decimalpoint,
Why your manager so like dat one! So distrusting. Why not just tell him you had a miscarriage. Let him handle the awkwardness. At least next time when you get pregnant again, he will be careful not to assign you so much work.

hi folic,
I'm so envious of your weight gain. I think over the weekend I gain 1 kg liao, coz my cousin bought a chocolate Gelare ice cream cake for $40+. I was so tempted so I ate some cake.

Sale! Sale! Everywhere having sale!!! So tempted to buy clothes.
decimalpoint, actually, i wanted to suggest wat java has suggested as well. Jus tell him straight into the face about the miscarriage. teach them a lesson for being so nosy!

Hi Tubby,
Wow so fast, u are 11 wks liao. Glad that your checkup went well. But hor, y do you need to sign up package at wk11?? I know of some clinics only offer package from 5th month onwards. Is it cheaper this way or more exp??

Hi Jujube,
Could you be
liao??? Have you test ?

Hi Folic,
Hmm, your bb is growing very well.
. You must be very relieved now.

Hi Millie,
Waiting to see your pictures on Turkey.
hi decimal point, i find that yr boss is realy too much.. he should not pester to ask u abt the operation that u have done.. Just tell him that its yr personal thing.. If U dun mind, can try out what folic and Java had said.. Told him that U had a miscarriage..
Take good care gal..

hi folic, that's great to hear that U and baby are doing so well.. so happy that in bt 3 mths time, yr darling will be born.. Wish U and family happiness and good health..
I think when i'm pregnate, i will get those fish oils vits from the doc..

Hi ULN, me juz bought a bottle of pre-natal pills from Nature-farm yesterday.. it was the last bottle so i'm lucky to get it.. the staff told me that its sells really fast among those women who are pregnate or TTC..
Saw the ingredients list and find that these are all the things that i needed..

Take care gal..
u know on xmas eve, my hubby invited his colleagues over for dinner. Some of them wanted to see my wedding photos. I paiseh to let them see my actual day photos, coz then they will notice my pregnant state in the photos. I scared they will ask questions, so end up I ask my hubby to let them see the studio shoots. That time my tummy not obvious yet.

When my hubby show them around my house, I was not very comfortable letting them see the baby's room. Because I'm pregnant now, to an outsider, they think that its normal to see the bb cot. But they didn't know its been there since last year. *sigh* me thinking too much again...
hi Java,since U're pregnate now.. try not to think too much of the past and dwell too much on negative thoughts..

Not good for U and yr health..
Take great care gal and God Bless U..

God Bless all the gals here.. Its really wonderful to know all of U here..
hi decimal point

sorry about your loss. pls rest well and do a mini confinement. your boss do not need to know the reason of your MC as long as you are able to produce one. Probably to get him off your back you might want to let him know about the m/c if u are comfortable and tell him u do not want to talk abt it. When I had a m/c, told my boss and dept by email and nobody talked about it when I returned to work 2 weeks later, appreciate their understanding & sensitivity. One colleague from another dept had earlier guessed I was pregnant and when she commented recently 'u hide your tummy really well, still cannot see', I just told her there's no more baby and told her politely not to ask anymore questions.

Sum, u may want to check with your physician on the powder prescibed if you are TTC coz mine told me to stop once I test positive as the herbs may cause m/c in rare cases although it's meant to support the pregnancy.

ULN, U can get those basal temp thermometer with 2 decimal places. Got mine at Guardian.

My temp has been lower than usual cycles, should not be affected by the cold weather right? As fertilityfriend pinpointed my ovulation with dotted lines instead of solid line, hubby and me still contd to BD alternate days. My temp has dipped below coverline and rose again today, so confusing. Hubby joked that we need to find out what guys can take to 'bu' in case he runs dry

jujube, r u taking folic acid or EPO? realised my cycles are 'shortened' after taking them regularly, though cycles still irregular and long.

Very touched to see ladies here conceive again after your loss. Do remain strong.
hi gals,
hhmm... finally, a rainy day for me to laze at home... been dozing on & off for the whole afternoon...

hey java,
me at 11weeks+ now... appetite has been erratic, 1 moment good, nix moment gone... i hope it's a sign dat i'm progressing well into my 2nd tri
thks for the tip on hard-boiled egg... it's my fav!! easiest to prepare oso... hehe...

hi jujube,
my gynae calls me 'kiasu-soh' now... buey tahan!! ;p cos i tried to bargain to see her in 3 weeks interval... nix visit i will try to bargain again...

i guess taking up package is cheaper... cos usually a visit to her cost ard $100, last visit we paid $500 upfront & we dun hv to pay her anymore until delivery.... but if u go on unscheduled visit, hv to pay $45/visit...

hey folic,
my nix visit is on 18th... 1 day after urs... we countdown together ya...
is it a norm to visit gynae at a shorter interval once we hit 30 weeks? it's not stated in my package... they jus indicate monthly visit...
Hi All, sorry
for not able to post again
last week as i was admitted to hospital again!
i went check-up on last Mon and the water index was only 2.6cm which is so much lower than KK average of 6.0cm.

So, immediately the doc said i had to be admitted
and maybe to induce as this level is too low
though the CTG showed BB heartbeat ok!

But on Tue, 21/12, when i went for a scan again, the water level had rised... My case was put to a panel of doc who had a discussion and resulted in doing a few blood tests to find for infection and again to chk for leakage. Still, KK cant find the causes.

But on Wed, i was sent to delivery ward as CTG indicated BB's heartbeat got query.... Again, was another false alarm.

On last Thu, at wk 35, i was sent for a scan to check on BB's blood flow and growth. From the scan, BB had grow 50% compared to the previous growth scan at wk 32. BB is abt 2.6kg, but my water index is only 4.0cm.

To me, after having so much scares, i asked the doc if i can be discharged again!
Dun wanna stay there.... So was asked to sign a letter but need to monitor my water level.
I just went back for check-up yesterday and was told that my water level was abt 5cm. But i need to go for check-up this coming Thu. If the level fail to rise above 6cm, i will be induce for labour since i had reached 36wks on coming Thu!

Now, <font size="+1">induce labour???</font>
Sounds scary
and heard that very painful!
Goosh, I am not prepared yet... but maybe it is better, otherwise there is so much frights in between!!

<font color="119911">Decimal Point</font>, i am sorry to learn about your loss and that u had such a sad Christmas!
However, do take care of yourself now and "bu" more!
Do rest
more hor!!

And for those mum-to-be, do stay as positive and as relax as you can be!
Really, it helps!
I know it can be difficult, but must try,ok!! I also try to be relax!

For those who are currently ttc-ing, jia you!
for you all!

Well, i guess the key things for all of us is to <font size="+2">Relax</font>!

Ok, think i better log out and go hm to rest!
Hi folic/ java,

Sorry. I'm very sua gu one. What is culture test? If is a test for something important then I will ask my gynae in my next visit liao.

Hi all,
I went for my gynae's visit this morning. I was the first patient there but because I was there w/o an appt so gotta wait for a little while.

My gynae took a scan on my precious and I can see that it has grown quite a fair bit leh. My gynae says precious looks rather tall.. just like father.
Precious now measures 4.56cm... the machine indicates there 11 weeks + 6days even though I'm only 10weeks +.... now almost filling up the sac liao. She also measures the neck thickness of my precious and she says rather thin so should be low risk for down syndrome but... next visit will have to do further test to confirm again. And also to test for Thalessamia (hope I've spelt it correctly)

Next, my gynae did a check into my vaginal and realised rather thick yeast infection in the vaginal so she inserted some medication for me. She says it's very common to have infection in the vaginal for pregnant woman. She also gave me some solution for washing the private parts lor.

Anyway, my mind is more at ease now when I see my little precious moving in my womb. It's so amazing leh... My next visit is supposed to be 7 Jan 05 but bec I went to see her today... now my appt pushed back again three weeks later... It's the same date as yours leh..tubby... 18Jan 05.

Ok. Gotta go liao.
hi ocean, do take extra care of yrself now since U are abt to deliver soon.. Keep us update more ..
Take care ..

take care miao.. hope that everything will goes well for U and baby..
Yr precious will be as tall as her daddy.. that's great.. Take care gal..
I hope mine too. (hehehehe)..
ocean, you have very cute post, with all the emoticons, very expressive!

meanwhile i am quite tempted to tell my manager i had breast implants and i am conjuring all sorts of facial expressions he may have in my mind....
but i am definitely going back to work day after tomorrow, i think i have rested enough, need to work liao!

glad that all those who have bb now r doing quite well, really happy for all of you...

i will restart my folic soon to prepare myself for next pregnancy! thanks girls for all the support the past week, i am recovering quite well and fast, to my own surpeise too. but definitely, reading on this thread has been a great help, to know that I am actually not the only one and many of you have gone through worse. i want to give everyone here a good tight hug. *hug hug*
Hi Tiantian, no, I am not pregnant. No need to check. I have been taking my temperature every morning and it is still at pre-o temps. So there is no way I could be preggie... I wish I was though... I am getting paranoid that there might be something wrong, and telling myself to stop thinking too much about it!

Ocean, I am very amazed and impressed! You and baby are both very strong...

Hi Whitefloral, I am taking both folic acid and EPO! Hmmmmf! How come nothing is happening?!

Decimal Point, you sound much more upbeat now, that's great!
Do continue to take good care of yourself.
Millie ang,
I didn't do acupuncture at Eu Yan Sang. I asked the physician but he said no need for now. He said if juz medication can work, no need acupuncture. He did tell me some of the reasons of m/c...he said could be this, could be that...sigh...I'm too tired to listen to all the analysis &amp; reasons. One thing though....because I'm studying at night (Mon, Wed &amp; Fri) &amp; also working...he said I could have stressed myself too much &amp; the foetus is not stable in the womb. Furthermore I also fell down 1 wk b4 I was admitted to hospital. I think lots of reasons.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Me too had m/c 1 wk after I learnt that I was pregnant. Though only 5 wks pregnant then, I was also very sad. Like you, I tried to act happy in front of people...but every night I'll cry. But please decimalpoint, think of your health now. What's over is over, now have to look forward, to let your body rest, to think of ways to strengthen your body. My gynae gave me 3 wks medical leave then, so my mum cooked some confinement food during those days to strengthen my body.

But one thing though....after m/c...even after abt 2 mths, my legs are still weak. Walk a bit already very tired. That's why I went to Eu Yan Sang to see physician. He told me 1 m/c is very much hurting to the body than giving birth 3 times. I think I agree with him. Cos during my 1st pregnancy ( my gal now 2 yrs old), I could walk immediately after giving birth &amp; legs not aching at all. But this time m/c, legs are weak. Does anyone here experience same symptoms like me? Weak legs?

So decimalpoint, if possible, don't overstress yourself with the office work etc...must really rest &amp; take good care after m/c. In that way you can have a better body to plan for your future pregnancies.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Me too had m/c 1 wk after I learnt that I was pregnant. Though only 5 wks pregnant then, I was also very sad. Like you, I tried to act happy in front of people...but every night I'll cry. But please decimalpoint, think of your health now. What's over is over, now have to look forward, to let your body rest, to think of ways to strengthen your body. My gynae gave me 3 wks medical leave then, so my mum cooked some confinement food during those days to strengthen my body.

But one thing though....after m/c...even after abt 2 mths, my legs are still weak. Walk a bit already very tired. That's why I went to Eu Yan Sang to see physician. He told me 1 m/c is very much hurting to the body than giving birth 3 times. I think I agree with him. Cos during my 1st pregnancy ( my gal now 2 yrs old), I could walk immediately after giving birth &amp; legs not aching at all. But this time m/c, legs are weak. Does anyone here experience same symptoms like me? Weak legs?

So decimalpoint, if possible, don't overstress yourself with the office work etc...must really rest &amp; take good care after m/c. In that way you can have a better body to plan for your future pregnancies.
Thanks fore reminding me. I'll check with the physician in my next visit. Currently I've no plans for next pregnancy yet. I'm juz worried &amp; wonder if my body is healthy now....juz wan2 rest few mths more.
Hi gals

ocean, that is really quite a scare! Glad you are ok. But I think you should consider inducing if the water level is so unstable... at least you will be at ease and not keep wondering if everything is ok. Those are so heart stopping moments! Take care of yourself, ok?

Miao2, looks like your doc has treated your infection. culture test means she will swipe some of the discharge in your vaginal to test if there is any infections.

Tubby/Miao2, now we can countdown to the next visit together
Yes, it is common to have more regular visits towards the end. According to my package, it should be a visit every 2 weeks once I reach 34 weeks. So, I think it would be every 3 weeks for me now till 34 weeks, and then 2 weeks subsequently. At 36 weeks onwards, it would be weekly visit. Tubby, I am sure your doc will ask you to go more frequently towards the end.

decimalpoint, hehehe, actually if you tell them you got breast implants also not bad
That will get them wondering all day long if it is true

Hi to everyone else! It is a quiet day in the office for me. Nothing much to do today. I might sneak out of office later to go Robinsons to buy a baby cot :p

sum, i think m/c really have many many reasons one, hard for dr to pinpoint. when i asked my dr, she also just say can be this or that, but one thing is certain in my case is that the womb is bleeding cos it is trying to push the sac out. i decided to wash it away instead of wait for two weeks because the bleeding is really too much, and the position of the sac is getting nearer to the cervix opening, on its way out. most importantly, my dr say there is not just no heartbeat, but she can't even see the baby using vaginal scan.

cldn't agree more that body feels weak after m/c. i went down to buy newspapers, just walk only about 400m, i feel so breathless already. i dun experience weak legs but always have sharp pain at the low abdomen area when i want to pass wind.
Hi Ocean,
So glad to see your reply. Was wondering if you have already given birth.
but hor somehow I just feel that you will see your little princess b4 end of 2004.
Keep us update hor.

Folic, not bad leh can "eat snake".
Actually I also nothing much to do this week cos most of my colleagues on leave and boss will be back only on 6th Jan 2005.
Hi Ocean,
I can see that you are very strong. Take good care... Dun think about the pain now, if there's a need, better induce. You still can opt for epidural for the pain

Sum and decimalpoint,
A lot of people also told me... They rather have 3 births than 1 miscarriage. Mine happened 3 months ago, and I feel that my health is not as good as before. I get tired very easily nowadays. I was very stressed during the last pregnancy cos I gonna be 6.5mths on my wedding day and doc suggested induce at 28 weeks, which gonna be like a couple of weeks after my wedding. Plus I had huge fibroids and I had nightmares every nite. There are a lot of reasons for a miscarriage, but the majority cannot be scientifically proven. I think stress play a major role.

I will also feel weak when I walk too much and get very tired. Nowadays, my hubby seems to be walking faster than me... Maybe now I am slower...

Whitefloral, thanks... I forgot to take my temperature this morning... My hubby woke up to work, then I woke up to kiss him good bye when he goes to work, then I forgot to take temp and went to brush teeth and breakfast... MAybe tomolo...
EPO are hormones and are equivalent to "dang gui". Better ask your doc about EPO... My doc told me I should not have taken EPO. EPO might had contributed to my fibroids growth and hence miscarriage due to fibroids.

Decimalpoint, I think if you tell them you got breast implants, guys will sure stare and wonder.... haha... but quite fun to fool those KPO...
I am starting to imagine... Maybe will see Ocean's and her princess's picture on Straits Times on 1 Jan 05 - first baby in 2005... It's so close to New Year already. Or last baby for 2004...
I am so excited for you le, Ocean...

K, I gotta go already.. gonna continue to prepare my wedding invitations then go to my love nest to wait for deliveries... My dining set came without the chairs last nite...
hi ocean,
I pray that you and your bb will be able to cross over the weekend, next week u will be at 37th week. bb is already considered full-term. No worries about inducing labour. The gynae will just insert the tablet into your vagina, put u on drip. Then you can request for epidural. After that watch TV also no problem!!

hi decimalpoint,
Wow u got breasts implants! So can fill C or D cup? The only time I got cleavage is when I'm pregnant. hahahaha

hi tiantian,
ai yah u no need to envy folic, u also can eat snake wat. Suntec shops got so many sales!! Tempt me to spend money.
wow folic, can relax and eat snake.. hahahaha
really tempted me to go shopping..

hi ULN, do take care since yr wedding is coming soon.. relax and dun stress yrself up.. Take more vits or tonic food and rest more..
Maybe Ocean baby will be born on the New Yr Day.. Hooray.. can get red packet..

God Bless all of U Gals.
hi java, i think i will be like U too.. can get clevage only when i'm pregnate..
now, me starting to wonder how big my boobs will be if i'm pregnate the next time..
ULN, i dunno if EPO equivalent to dang gui or not, but i know dang gui is good for nourishing the blood and aids blood circulation (bu3 xue3 and huo2 xue3). that's y my dr say dun take dang gui after D&amp;C in case the blood comes again. So I have not taken any chinese herbs, dun even dare to take DOM. My bleeding is almost gone, only traces of blood. i also have fibroids, but my doctor says no need to bother about them as they do not really affect the chances of conception or the pregnancy itself. i asked the dr if they caused my m/c as i have read somewhere that when u hav fibroids, they fight with the baby for nutrients. but she says, they don't, and even if they do, baby wins.

java, i used to have cleavage also leh, but now deflated liao. the people at the office used to say i look like stephanie sun from a certain angle. so now i am back to that angle. i will need to get some padded bras to show results of my operation. or i should wear jacket so that it'll be like, now can see, now cannot see...
hi decimalpoint,
u mean the breasts implants are not lasting? can deflate one?

hi hamasaki,
Mine definitely not as BIG as Zoe Tay's. Dunno how come hers can become so big where she was so slim before pregnant.

Did u all watch Zoe Tay's show last night? I didn't know that Ivy Lee's first pregnancy was 7 yrs ago. Do u all think she went for IVF or it was natural?
hi java, ivy lee pregnancy is a shot-gun case.. she was abt 2 or 3 mths when she tied the knot 7 years back..

I watched Zoe's show last week and yesterday.. all those babies on the show was so cute and funny.. I learn a few things from the program as well..

Zoe's boobs seems to be bigger than her tummy.. got lots of milk inside..

hopes she can get back her figure after giving birth..
java, you beri the blur lah. Decimal point did not really go for breast implants lah! She jus want to spite her boss and give him false reasons.

ULN/Decimalpoint,I think it is important to check with doc before taking any vits/EPO or any off the shelf medication, especially if you know you have certain conditions and not sure it the medication will affect. I always say, don't be over eager to take all sorts of medicine without appropriate advice. Take care!


hahahahaha. I very blur blur. decimalpoint, very funny leh tell that to your boss.
