Support group - Miscarriages

Wow, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, ur hubby very lucky leh!!
Wonder if urs is a gal too... Hmmm.. collegues tell me is the mummy that strike, but dun noe abt hubby!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, din see tat collegue today!
Hehee... so, r u going to start work on the 15th!
Aiyah, my calender in front of me mah! So i help to see whether after lunar 7mth or not! Since already over, then the rest will be whether r u prepared liao to take up the challenge!!

alamak!!! whitefloral... now u seems to rock my solid conclusion liao... dis is wat i experience wif clearblue 2day... mabbe i wait for another week lah... if kenot wait, i secretly go &amp; buy Guardian's one &amp; secretly test... hubby will say i'm paranoid if he see me testing so soon...

thks for sharing...
tubby, you're so cute. there was once that I too kept on walking around my house to see if the stick indeed have a (+) sign.. but after analyzing it for less than hour, i decided to thrown it away..
hi folic, i did not know that baby gal will bring luck to mother as well as to father..

I went to Guan Yin temple to pray yesterday and got a super good lot.. I did not ask for marriage or babies advice but dunno why In the lot, they said that my marriage is a good one and in this marriage, a birth will be born. (a baby boy).. I was so happy so intending to hope that this will come true..

So for all gals who are trying TTC now, stay positive and pray to Guan Yin.. I believe she will guide us along the way and look after us..
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, that time i threw my stick in the bin. Then few hours later, i pick it up and kept secretly. Few days later, cannot tahan, also secretly test it!! When i see that the line more obvious, i showed to hubby! Then he sort of like relunctantly agreed and said see doc first!!

Like <font color="aa00aa">Whitefloral</font> said, maybe u shld test few days later and buy Guardian one. Actually, i think Guardian one is quite sensitive, at least more sensitive than KK. Also it is cheaper than ClearBlue!

<font color="aa00aa">Whitefloral</font>, must guai guai wait for ur 1st AF hor!

Oh yap <font color="119911">Tiantian</font>, i feeling better today. Think my flu recovered, but i feel abit feverish and nausea whole day. Think nausea cos i walked alot and carry 6boxes of moon cake. BB dun like me to walk too much!
How are u recently?

<font color="ff6000">Millie</font>, u so sweet, "jio" <font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font> to ttc this cycle!!

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, keke..
so how? Will u change ur mind since u c, <font color="ff6000">Millie</font> asking u to join her and then u got good lot from Guanyin Budda!
halow ocean, you are so funny to pick up the stick again..
ermmm, i dunno whether to TTC early or not.. might juz stick back to my plan.. See first lor..

dun be sad millie if I did not join you in the TTC program, i believe lots of women out there are also TTC, so dun worry U're not alone..
hi millie, you are so sweet.. thanks for asking me to join you the TTC cycle..

I'm still thinking of whether to ttc early before schedule.. Have to ask hubby abt it..
hi whitefloral, maybe U can test it again a few days later..

juz wait patiently for yr next AF..

hope we can hear yr good news one day..
Morning Everyone!!
So sian, me now in office working!

<font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, Keekee..
Ai yah... think it is humun nature to ponder on things that are not clear!!
That time, i still showed to hubby again and asked him to look carefully!
Hubby very bad, told me, dun have line lah, my eyes playing a trick on me!
So i secretly hide the HPT lor!
eh Ocean!!

ur hubby &amp; mine can shake hands liao... last evening.. i picked up the stick from the bin &amp; ask him to take a closer look... u know wat he says?! 'aiya.. no line lah... dis thing is designed in such a way u jus hv to take a look &amp; dat's it!! not look at it for 10x or 100x one lah!!!' damn pissed wif him...

since it's weekend now... i shall not think too much for dis 2 days... jus enjoy my hubby's company... hope AF come quick quick lor...

my neighbour jus given birth 1 mth ago &amp; they jus came back after confinement... so they invited us to their plc today to look at their bb son... i hope i can hold myself well later... dunno why, i broke down last nite again... aiii....

okie got to go &amp; buy vouchers for their bb liao... tok to u again.. hv a nice weekend sweetie!!
Hi tubby,

I read that the result on clearblue test stick is only accurate for 10mins. Any 'positive' develop after that is consider false positive. The 'line' you see may be the 'residue' after evaporation of fluid.
Maybe you want to do another test in later date?

My 2nd AF is still not here. I done a test last thu too, it was negative initially but saw a faint blue line when I look at it again after a few hours. A couple of days later, I look at the my BBT chart on fertilityfriend and realise that I probably just ovulated. I think will test again next week if my 2nd AF is still not here. If it is still negative, i think i have to see my gynae liow. Keep finger crossed. Today, is my CD57 already
hi ocean, Gd Morning.. DUn sian, today is Sat, will be a half day work.. so after work, can go out and enjoy yrself..

U so funny.. yah we gals always like to ponder over things.
Always I wonder how, I wonder why !!
Hahhaaa...<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, looks like hubbies are really from the planet!!
Maybe they are scared that if results turned out to be negative, we will be more disappointed!
Sometimes, they might have good intention, but hor, the way they told us hor, really wanna <font size="+1">Stranggle</font> them!

<font color="ff6000">Pageup</font>, really? This ClearBlue test kits had such features? Usually, the test kit manual will read that the results after so many mins will not be accurate! But then, if there is a line, the line will still be there!

Hmmm... hey, <font color="ff6000">Pageup</font>, does that mean to say maybe u had strike too?
Maybe? Maybe??? Kekeee...
hi tubby, dun be sad.. I'm sure yr turn of being a mum will come true one day.. Go and learn some tips from yr neighbour as this might be useful for you in future..

Dun think too much.. yr wish to be a mother will come true one day..
hi pageup, what Ocean said, I think so too. maybe you have strike..

WHo knows maybe maybe its true.. waititng for yr good news now..
Hi gals,

I am bored at home today...

Hamasaki, that lot sounds like the same one I got a few months back!
Good luck.. mebbe you can start TTC early lah!! hahaha

Tubby, I think the best ones are the digital ones from clearblue... have will say preg, don have will say not preg. No need to strain eyes to see at all. But a bit pricey lah

Ocean, actually, I always nag at my hubby for buying 4d and toto. but he just can't stop. Sometimes, I say, what he wins is not enuff to cover what he has betted! hahaha. but i guess it is the joy of winning that keeps him going. I never striked anything b4 and don usually hv luck at lucky draws. But my hubby usually hv such luck!

hi folic, seems like we might have the same lot.. For my case, It has not come true, so I dunno if what the lot said, I will get it.. I hope the lot will come true.

did the lot said that you will have a baby boy.. Mine did..
hi folic, since yr hubby has luck in toto and 4d, then let him play.. but dun bet too much lor..

since you are bored at home, why don't go out and Gai gai.. (shopping).. take a walk outside yr home also quite good..
<font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, my lot said i got BB boy, but i had a princess!
Other than that, i think so far all the predications are quite true!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i also dun hv such luck in toto, but once in a blue moon, i will strike 4D. Like u say, not enough to cover the cost, but the moment of strike, still very happy!
However, when i currently expecting this princess, i strike small small one 2 or 3 times liao!!
Then collegue told me another mum-to-be expecting princess also like that!!
So maybe princess will give us some luck!
wah, ocean ur gal brings u luck! folic, maybe u shld start buying 4d then. join in with ur hubby

hamasaki, u tempt me to go and pray for another lot but i scared leh.agree with u. shall pray for guan yin's blessings and remain positive. nevermind if u not joining me in ttc-ing. hee....maybe u will strike jackpot without even consciously ttc-ing!
hi ocean and hamasaki,

Confirm I didn't strike.
My 2nd AF just came knocking on my door while I was complaining about its long absence.
It is disappointment and relieve for me at the same time. Well, we weren't actively trying anyway, guess we can start now. Hopefully, this cycle won't be another ~60 days cycle
Just a question after reading about Pageup's experience: does 2nd AF take a longer time to arrive? I am also waiting, it's CD23 and no sign of ovulation yet!
*high five* pageup!!!

my AF oso came knocking on my door yesterday... saw red last evening &amp; today, flow came...

i was more relieved to see AF dis time round.. cos i felt my body not ready yet... i had mid-cycle spottings in japan... so hopefully dis fresh new cycle will be back to the good ol' days..

when i'm ready to TTC, i intend to see gynae to check my menstrual lining... she says dat thin menstrual lining is not ideal for implantation..

dunno whether there's any truth in wat u've mentioned... cos my 2nd AF took 38 days to come..

tomoro i will be working as temp for 1 mth... jus treat it as earning extra cash for myself... hehee... hopefully i can loggin during office hours.... take care everyone..
hi ocean, wow, yr little princess really bring U lots of luck.. so good.. anyway, i will not think too much of that lot that i got.. will let nature take its course and whatever god give me, i will gladly take it..

hi millie, i also dunno whether i will be so lucky to strike without even TTC.. see 1st..
Its up to U if you want to go and pray for another lot.. I was prepared to accept any good or bad lots.. so i juz go ahead with my decision to get a lot..
its ok pageup and tubby.. can always try again &amp; again &amp; again..

I know that one day, You two will be reporting yr good news to us.. Good Luck !!

in the mean time, take gd care of yr health, body and mind.. Remain at tip top leavel..
Hi tubby,

hee hee, we sychronized

Is thin menstrual lining a common problem? Does it usually happen every cycle or not all the time? Now you mention it, I'm not sure if I should have a check by my gynae too.

But I wonder how are the doctors going to check. If my understanding is right, our menstrual lining only thicken to get ready for embryo implantation during ovulation time. Which means it is quite difficult to ttc during the time when we have gynae to check. If we get ok this cycle, can we assume next cycle we will not have such problem and is ok for ttc? *blur*
Hi <font color="ff6000">Pageup</font> and <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, in a way, think it is good that ur AF had arrived, though i felt abit disappointed!
But then, at least now, you two can ttc after this cycle!

<font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, my BB gal got bring me some luck lah... not alot! But she also give me lots of scares!!
I guess nothing will be better if she will grow healthily and let me have a smooth delivery!
Wish the same for the rest of the Mum-To-Be too!

And for those that is ttc-ing, all the best!
Hi gals,

so many postings in the last 2 days!!!

Hi Tubby,Pageup and Jujube,

My 2nd AF is exactly the same as you. Go haywire and came only after 60 days!! And I actually used 3 HPT to test if I strike or not. Waste $$ only lah.

And Tubby,

I think all men are from MARS. They just simply cannot understand what we women think and feel. Do you know that I am still keeping the 2 HPT that I tested positve??? And my hubby say "you siao huh? throw away lah!!"


Yes, you are right. For HPT, we should not interpret any results after 15 mins as it will not be accurate any more.

Hi Millie,

I intend to start TTC next month so we can jia you together. Anyone joining us?? Odie?? Hamasaki?

Hi Ocean,

I hope you have recovered from your flu. Me now, very excited, looking forward to the cruise holiday on Wed. It's quite relaxing on the cruise, also very good for expecting mothers as there is no much walking. Maybe, you can "hint hint" your ah lao.
No lah <font color="119911">Hamasaki</font>, i dun think my gal is playing with me!
U know, till now, i still having <font color="ff0000">intermittent spotting</font>! Although the occurance is lesser as compared to 1st trimester, sometimes, i think i prefered not to see it!

Then, since preggie, tummy constantly pain, but cant really tell why. Doc suggested that might be cos i suffered a M/C before and thus uterus is more sensitive to the expanding. But then, if my womb is sensitive, then how come sometimes i cant really feel my BB movement?

<font color="ff6000">Java</font>, r u going to start work tis comin Wed?
<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, thanks!
My cold had recovered!! But these few days, the nausea feeling is quite strong. Sometimes, even if i lay down, still got that feeling!!

Oh yap, enjoy your cruise this coming Wed hor!! Relax relax and enjoy!!
Then hor, after that, wish
we can hear some good news from you!
oic ocean, maybe U can check with yr doc again to ask him all the problems and doubts U are experincing now. if he still can't give U a good answer, how you thought of seeking another doc advice.. maybe another doc have the answers to all yr doubts that U are having now..

I too find that its best not to have those spotting during pregnancy.. not that good and as mothers, we will worry a lot for our little one..
hi ocean,
yes! I'm starting this Wed.

Good luck to those who are TTCing next month!
hi pageup,

i oso dunno leh... cos dat time when i had prolonged spotting after D&amp;C, i went to another gynae for 2nd opinion... she told me not to get preggie for dat cycle as my lining is quite thin.. then i ask her will thin lining affect pregnancy.. she say will affect implantation...

but she say mabbe dat time thin is due to D&amp;C... ask me to go back to her whenn i am ready to TTC.. during my ovulation day... go back to her &amp; she'll scan for me.... dun think wil affect TTC cos if she scan the egg at the rite size.. then can start bb-dancing straightaway...

i will remember to ask her ur question... cos i'm wondering oso...

hey tiantian,
i oso still keeping my previous positive HPT... but my hubby kept quiet for dis one... cos we tot it's a good way of remembering the joy of hving dat lil' one...
jujube, i didn't hv a delayed 2nd AF. so i guess it dpds on individual.

yippy tiantian, so happy that someone is ttc-ing with me. as u notice, thread quite quiet recently on ttc cases.
gd luck to both of us!
enjoy ur cruise!

tubby, how's ur 1st day of work?

java, 2 more days to WORKING....sometimes how i wish i can quit and take a break. but sometimes, rest too much quite boring hor.

ocean, don't fret abt the spotting. i believe ur gynae is monitoring ur situation well and u hv gone beyond ur 1st trimester. my aunt had spotting throughout her pregnancy period for her 3 kids. of course, it's best not to hv spotting but i hope this will help lessen ur worries. do rest more in bed if u can.
Morning Everyone!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, so now u only left with today to laze at home! Must rest well well hor!!

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, thanks for your concern!
But hor, i think i sort of getting abit immune to those spottings liao!
As long as i dun get severve pain and spottings is not that much, i just sort of monitor it!
Me now feel stronger than during my 1st trimester!!

Good luck in ur ttc-ing!
Good morning everyone! I feel so lazy these few days! Yesterday, I had bad nauseas and went home to sleep from 4pm to 7pm
But I had a con call at 11pm last nite.. so today, I feel tired again! hahaha

Java, do you have the feeling like it is the first day of school for you tomorrow?
Good luck!

Ocean, glad to hear that you are coping well!

tiantian, millie, jia you jia you! even though the thread is quiet about TTC, doesnt mean you are left out! We are supporting you so you don feel stressed out!! good luck!!

hi everyone! hope everybody have a great day today! It is raining heavily now... wish I am home! Java, enjoy your last day of 'freedom' ah!

hi ocean, folic,
Last night I was so angry with the HR of my company. She called me to tell me that she forgot to give me the medical form to Raffles Medical Hosp for employment checkup. Ask me to go down today and get from her, then go down for checkup. I told her I got other appt, ask her to mail the form to me, no way I'm going all the way down to Suntec to accomodate for her mistake. Then she tell me to start work back on 20th Sept. I say how come from 20th change to 15th, then now change to 20th again. She say its an oversight on her part, coz most of the ppl coming in on the 20th. Give me the impression that she is not familiar with her work. At first I was mentally prepared to start work tomorrow, then now Wed, Thurs, Fri also dunno do what. Anyway just take it that I got a few more days of afternoon naps. Maybe I go catch a movie or something.

hi folic,
How long did ur con call lasted? Do u have another colleague who can take over the night calls for you? Why dun u ask ur coy to let u work from home?
hi folic,
I read ur posting under Gestational Diabetes.
I didn't know you have to go through with the drawing blood from arm thingee 7 times a day. Glad to know you are strong regarding this matter.
have a good sleep tonight folic..

hi java, have a wonderful last day of rest at home.. dun think too much abt tmr job.. wish U gd luck..

gd luck to millie on her next TTC..
hi millie,
It's true that stay at home can be quite boring. But it was useful for me during my 1st tri, coz of all the MS and tiredness. But then it resulted to me becoming a couch potato and lazy bum. Floor dirty oso dun bother to sweep. Now I also very sian to cook.
Hi gals!

Java, then good lor... wait till 20th.. you can go back to beauty sleep. These few days like quite good to sleep in the afternoon.

As for the diabetes thing, I sort of accepted it liao lor. Anyway, it is just 2 days out of each week. I think I can still handle that
The bright side of it is that since I watch what I eat, I will not put on too much weight during preg. My objective is to put on only about 10kg.
Dietitian says if I can keep within that range, I should be ok.

Hamasaki, GD is caused by preg hormones. It prevents insulin from being absorbed by the body and hence the mother becomes diabetic. As the baby grows bigger, it becomes more difficult to control GD with just diet alone. Then, the mother might need to inject insulin on a regular basis until delivery.

I am hoping that by monitoring my diet, I will be able to control the sugar levels and not be dependent on insulin.

hi millie,
since it's onie a temp job, i won't be asked to do anything exciting... jus some mundane tasks like data entry &amp; counting of stocks... &amp; helping wif the filing...

jus taking my own pace to complete the tasks... hehee... hubby ask me to 'pretend bz' to escape more arrows... hahaha....

hey java,
good lah... use dis extra few days to rest at home... dis morning i think it rained in central parts of s'pore... i heard thunder &amp; was thinking 'damned! shd be at home lying on bed in dis kind of weather' hehee....
hi folic,
I'm sure u will be able to control ur sugar levels. Already ur hubby strike toto and u can curb ur temptation to eat at the jap restaurant. I'm not as strong willed as u. I'm still trying to cut down on my calorie intake. I still like to drink sweet drinks. Somemore my hubby recently bought 1 tub of vanilla and choc chip ice cream, its tempting me in the freezer.

hi tubby,
hahaha ur hubby very good at siaming arrows. Even if u finish ur tasks earlier than expected, pretend to be still doing them. The rain was just a passing cloud leh, it showered awhile then stop, now its damn HOT in my house. I just switch on the aircon in my room, will be reading a book and napping awhile inside. At least u working, got free aircon. Take it easy yah.
Hey Java, forgot to answer some of your qns.. actually, it is possible for me to work from home, since I work mainly with people from overseas. But I feel bored at home and I will sure nua at home and not do work. Anyway, my boss is very flexible with me. Like yesterday, I just go home after informing him. The call last nite lasted till midnite. Tonite, got another 11pm one.. some of my colleagues will take the calls and update me as well.

btw, when is your med appt at Raffles? I going on Thurs. If you are also going on Thurs, mebbe we can meet for lunch.

hey java,
u r rite... i got free aircon &amp; beverage here... hehee.... but still... reading a book &amp; napping is more luxurious to me...

my hubby huh??!! i 'scolded' him &amp; he says he giving me good advices cos he's 'army-trained'!!! veri good at 'siam-ing arrows' one... buey tahan!!

hardly sees ur message nowadays? how hv u been? did u managed to get dat job u wanted? keeping u in my tots...

take gd care folic.. hope after U have given birth, the preg hormones will go back to normal and U won't need to inject yrself with insuling ever again..
