Support group - Miscarriages

Goosh, i still feel so sleepy!!
Hmmm.... really felt like going home to sleep!

Hmmm...<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font> and <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, think it should be 3 gals(<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, myself and <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>) and 2 boys (<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font> &amp; <font color="0000ff">Java</font>) Really hope to have more to join us soon! Oh, we still have <font color="ffff00">Adora</font>, wonder how is she now!!

Yap <font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, din chat with u for quite sometimes!!
Got miss me???
I saw u busying updating in the other threads and recently, the gender of the BB are getting very "RA" leh!

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, sometimes i will dream of that loh... thinking brain still working hard last nite.. No wonder i felt very sleepy today
Really been yawning whole day..

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> and <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>,yap, i just strike 4D. So was telling hubby that we can go for celebration as BB is treating us!
Too bad, only buy $1.. hai yah... But still, feel lucky!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i think i am abt 26wks liao!
Nowsaday, i feel tummy abit heavy and sometimes, i felt like putting a trolley infront of me to hold the tummy!

Hi <font color="0000ff">Java,</font> sorry to hear abt your grandma. i hope she's recovering well. your uncle is rite, SMRT shd be totally responsible for all the bills.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Folic,</font> i've oso heard tat bad dreams need to say it out to dispel it. dun worry, now tat u told us, all the bad bad omens will definitely go away.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Joyce,</font> congrats on having a boy!!

Hi <font color="119911">Miao,</font> sorry to hear AF came but at least she's punctual &amp; you can start a brand new cycle.
i'm glad u started temping, it will definitely help u a lot but dun get too obessesed wif the temps. Remember the key word is still <font color="ff0000">"RELAX"</font>

Hi <font color="0077aa">Tubby,</font> ohh, wat a dream. your hubby muz be so turned on aft u told him abt your dream. but then wrong timing hor, u all left the hse, otherwise can action liao

Hi <font color="ff0000">Ocean,</font> u strike 4D or toto is it? your
bringing you lots of luck huh? muz haf a windfall rite?

Like wat Tubby said, i'm coming to the end of 2ww liao. but my temps for the past few days dun look gd. so sian, my temps r like stock market shares crashing, kip falling everyday. but then a bit strange too, normally my AF will come if my temps fall consecutively for 2 days but till now, still no sign of auntie. hopefully she went on holiday &amp; forgets to come back &amp; report. hope i won't see her for the next 9 mths.

to <font color="ff0000">Tubby,</font> <font color="0000ff">Miao,</font> <font color="aa00aa">Odie,</font> &amp; <font color="ff6000">Tian tian</font> &amp; everyone who's ttc-ing
<font color="0000ff">Missy</font>, wow, if toto... i think i faint
liao... Cant be winning big cos i always got lots of numbers to buy..
Economies of scale mah... buying $1 per number for so many numbers!
So even if 4D i strike, sometimes still cant recover my cost!
But hor, got strike better than nothing, right??

Thus, my collegue was thinkin if i expecting a gal earlier as one of our collegues also strike a few times when she is expecting BB gal!

<font color="aa00aa">Mao</font>, think u have to send a mail
to ur Aunty. Tell her next cycle, no need to come! Only come after 9mths later!
Hi <font color="ff6000">Tubby</font>, duno leh, I'm afraid 3rd one also turn out <font color="0000ff">water gun</font> leh... lol

Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, of coz got miss you lah, I always <font color="ff0000">'loitering'</font> ard Jan 2005 MTB's thread, what I meant was to look out for your postings.
My chart very 'RA' right, our friend, <font color="119911">Java</font> provided it for me

Thanks <font color="aa00aa">missy</font>!!
Hi Odie,

Just a lucky guess. Your job sound like one which needs very specialised training. I assumed you studied in Singapore. in this case, if you aren't a lawyer, it is very likely you did diploma in legal studies lor

Missy,how many DPO r you in now? Could that be the sign of that famous implantation dip? I read that it can happen around 10 to 11 DPO too.
Sometimes the change in weather will also affect BBT, just like myself, my temperature difference can be as wide as 0.5 degree when I sleep in aircon room.
Keeping finger crossed for you, hope aunty flo won't come.

Ladies, got a question. Though I'm no longer pregnant now, some of my colleagues advised that I should still carry on drinking folic fortified milk while trying to conceive again. I got a can of anmum during my last pregnancy and I realise the fat content is too high. Anybody got any recommendation of other brands of milk powder that has lower fat content?
Hi gals,
Have a question for you.

About OPK, the one that I bought (ClearPlan) is quite expensive so just wondering if anyone can recommend me to "invest" in another compatible brand out there which is not so expensive?

It costs me S$67.30 for five sticks pack.

hi miaomiao,

I also bought clearplan, which I finished before detecting my O day. I know there are other brands like the watson inhouse brand.. I don't know how reliable it is but it still costs around $50.

ladies, just want to share an article from lianhe zaobao, which my mother in law showed me just now.

I am not sure how many of you like to burn essential oil, well I do. The article said that research has found that aromatherapy, particularly use of lavender oil and rosemary will affect the development of the fetus, which will lead to miscarriage. The scientists who did the research do not recommend the use of essential oil for pregnant ladies in their first trimester.

I start to feel guilty after reading that. I just recall that I burn lavender oil almost every other nights during my last pregnancy.
Hi everyone!
I've started full time work again and it's really tiring! Have not had the energy do much after coming home. I do come in to read, but have not posted/'reported'... sorry! I think my body has gone out of whack again. Am already in CD24 and still no temp rise to indicate ovulation. Hopefully it's just a temporary stress factor.

Pageup, your post triggered off a reaction because I used to burn lavender oil almost every alternate day during my last pregnancy too! It was an attempt to 'drown out' the smell of other people cooking food, and the hawker centre about 500m away (my sense of smell was really supersonic then)!

Hi Java, I hope your grandma is recovering well. Good thing SMRT agreed to shoulder responsibility as they should.

Hi Tubby, looks like you won't have any problems getting into TTC action again!
Hi gals,
my AF came reporting this morning
i feel so disappointed now. sigh! this mth will be my 10th mth of ttc. i think i'm the longest TTC-ian here
i'm so worried that there might be something wrong with my body or maybe bcoz i din 'bu' my body after my loss, that's y i'm still not preggie now. i told my hubby i want to take a break from ttc but he doesn't want to, he says to let nature takes its course but i'm worried that i might not be able to take it if i reach the 1 year mark of ttc. i think i will just cont taking EPO &amp; temping for the time being. as soon as i return to spore, i will go see a gynae.

<font color="0000ff">Ocean,</font> your
muz be a very lucky bb, bring you so much luck. muz cont buying all your lucky numbers. who knows when u strike again.

Hi <font color="ff0000">Pageup,</font> i've also heard from my friend about the aeromatherapy thing. i knew she din use essential oil during her pregnancy but i'm not sure why at that time. only after reading your post, then i know the real reason. thanks for telling us
hi pageup,
For me, after my first pregnancy I stopped Anmum, can't stand seeing the pic of the pink pregnant lady infront of the can. I continued taking folic acid pills bought from GNC. Yes, its good to continue taking folic acid for ppl planning for pregnancy, at least when you are pregnant, your body already has a good store of folic acid for good fetal development.

hi pageup, jujube,
I dunno how true is the lavender oil thingee. You know nowadays shopping centres sell that aroma thingee with the green top with water swirling inside? My gynae's clinic uses that with lavender aroma. Also during my 1st tri, I spray some lavender mist onto a wet towel and place it on my forehead. I like the smell and seems to ease my dizzy spells. But there are many unknown reasons for m/c to happen, it may or may not be the lavender oil. No point dwelling on the "what-ifs", maybe for your next pregnancy, just dun use essential oils, just in case. I'm also more careful now, my SIL say I'm paranoid when I keep saying I dun wan to eat this and that. I just wan to be more KS just in case.

hi jujube,
Have you been doing part-time work before?

hi missy,
Dun worry about being the longest TTCian here. It also took me about a year to conceive again. I understand your anxiousness to have another bb again, but such things simply cannot be rushed. Remember RELAXATION is the key! If seeing a gynae will help you allay your worries, by all means go and see one when you are back in SG. In the meantime, yes, continue with your temp charting.

Have a good day girls!
<font color="ff6000">Good morning gals! its rise &amp; shine!</font>

hi <font color="ff0000">java,</font> thanx for your big hugs
i know this kinda thing can't be rush, its just that the feeling of disappointment overwhelms me everytime AF comes. but its only in the begining of a new cycle, after which i will be ok. i just need to let out my feelings, thats all
i always tell myself not to get too obessesed wif ttc &amp; just let nature does its work &amp; that i will get preggie when the time comes. luckily, i still have my
to plan, something to keep my mind occupied with for the time being.
<font color="ff0000">java,</font> sorry for being nosey. how long exactly did it take for u to get preggie again? did u see a gynae or do anything special to help u wif ttc? if i din remember wrongly, u did see a TCM physician rite?
hi missy,
Hey I feel exactly like you when I was TTCing. Do you know in the first 2 mths of TTC, when my AF came, I was so disappointed until I would take MC and hide at home, then I would go to the library and borrow books on taking charge of my fertility, and what food to eat to improve my chances, etc. Unfortunately TTC is not like taking exams, if you fail, you think you can pass the next time by studying harder. There are many other factors involved.

Took me abt 10 mths to get pregnant, for me, it was harder coz my menses haywire, I remember there was one month it became CD45 even. Also I was having alot of "bai dai", which I suspected affect my chances of conceiving. So in Feb this year I tried TCM for 3 mths, at least my menses regulated to CD36-37 and my bai dai reduced.

But I very kan cheong spider, I quit my job in late May and went to see a gynae. By then I gave up seeing TCM liao, coz very ex and tiring to keep drinking the bitter herbs. My gynae scan and said everything looks ok, my hubby supposed to go for sperm test, but fortunately I got pregnant, so save $$$ no need to go. My hubby also happy, prove that his sperm still in good working condition!!! hahaha u know guys lah, very ego when it comes to their manhood!

The only difference for that month I got preggie was I was staying at home during O day and days after that, and I took Robitussin to thin the cervical mucus. That's why I got bb boy! Dunno how true was that, was it ocean or folic who told me. Can't remember.

Dunno worry about being nosey! Feel free to ask me any questions, though I can't say I'm an expert.
Oh <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, abt the aroma thing, i saw it in Chinese news sometimes last week. According to the Taiwan scientist(i think), they found that certain fragrance would actually help to ease our menstrual cycle and in term induce our Aunty to come!
So if it is a preggie who breathe in, the chances of miscarriage will higger.
Else, it would cause a defects in the developing BB in the womb. Cant really remember in details, but this is roughly what was reported!

As for the milk
, <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, i suggested you drink <font color="ff0000">Nestle Non-Fat Milk Enriched with Folic and Iron</font>! This milk is actually designed for women and i've been drinking it after my my M/C. Even now, i din buy those Anmum... continue drinking this and best of all, i get my hubby to drink it too!

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>,
so sweet of you to look for me there!!
I always impress by your chart. Wondered how u do so nice in table form and especially on the updating of the gest. wk!!
Oh, our <font color="119911">Java</font> so like that one...

But hor, u must not tired yourself hor!! Cos hor, u now got <font color="ff0000">S</font>, <font color="ff0000">M</font> and <font color="ff0000">L</font> boy boy to take care of!

<font color="ff6000">Missy</font>
, dont be so sad!
Maybe you are too stressed up. Like what ur hubby said, let nature takes it course and relax yourself.
And u r about to come back right?

Who knows, after u back in S'pore and busy preparing for ur wedding, you will have a BIG surprise?

<font color="0077aa">Jujube</font>, maybe ur body takes sometimes to adapt to the new working schedule. Yes, do try to relax yourself. Hmmm... feeling tired? Can it be u....
Too many postings for the last 2 days.... and hopefully I don't miss anyone out.

Java... don't blame yourself for not being able to visit your granny in the hospital. She will understand. I hope she is doing better now.

Ocean... next time must give us a few numbers ok? Must share your "joy" with us mah kekekekekek :p

Pageup... smart girl to make such an accurate guess. I have read from somewhere that it is advisable for preggies to stay away from burning of essential oils... though I am not really sure how true it is. Guess that everyone prefers to err on the safe side. But like what Java had mentioned... a miscarriage happens for various reasons... so don't be too hard on yourself.

Jujube... its been a while since you post. I think your body is a little off the beat because of your new job. Once you settle in... everything should be back to normal. Give yourself a bit of time to adjust.

Missy... glad to see that you are positive and keeping your mind occupied with your wedding preparation.

Ladies... I'm trying to be a bit more pantang now but I shall keep it within this circle... I finally tested last night and got my BFP ^.^ v Going to see my Gynae tomorrow. However I had an outburst last night (yeah... must be those hormones). Somehow I don't feel as overwhelmed as compared to the 1st time round... and I felt guilty for not being "fair" to the little in me :p Well... maybe I am just too emotional with all the major changes in life lately and counting the days to my supposed EDD - 5 Nov :'(
hello ladies,

Good morning.

Wow so many postings.

Miao and Missy,

AF came never mind. jia You again next month. This also means you can BD again. (FYI, <font color="ff0000">Java</font> has been craving for BD'ing since she got pregnant, ha ha). Me also no good news this month as aunty is on the way liao.


Wow, strike 4D again!!! Your bb gal really brings you luck hor....


Hope yr grandma is recovering well.
<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">Congrats congrats</font></font> <font size="+2"><font color="ff6000">Odie</font></font>!!!

<font color="0000ff">Have a happy and healthy nine months!!</font>
Oh Odie,
I'm very happy for you leh!! Don't think too much abt the 'supposed EDD' lah. You must look forward to your new EDD mah...
All the best to your gynae's visit tomw okie.

Wow!! Another graduate to catch up liao.

Hi odie, Very Happy for you!!
BIG HUGS!!! Hope you have a good visit to the gynae tomorrow. It is common to feel emotional at the moement
I am sure you will develop special feeling for this new little one
Have a happy and healthy 9 months!

pageup/jujube, don't be too hard on yourself regarding the essential oils thingy. I did not read the article but my hubby did. He said that it only indicates that there could be potential risk and it is not conclusive. Anyway, like what Java says, there are many causes for micarriage and yours are not necssarily linked with lavender oil.

Missy Lee, BIG HUGS!! I think Java said it all
Just have to be patient. For me, I got preggie after nearly 1 year after my loss. Although I only tried for about 7-8 months, my long cycles means that I only had about 5-6 chances during that period. Don't be disheartened. I am sure your chance will come soon.

Ok, need to go for a short walk to work off my lunch. Talk to you gals later!

Oh <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>
, i feel so happy for you!!
So really, from double happiness
, you give us another pleasant surprise!!

Wow, i feel very exicted
as it appeared that our next batch of graduates will soon emerged....
Oh.... great!!

Update us tomorrow hor!!! In the meantime, rest well
eat well!!

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, i understd how u feel abt the "supposed EDD", cos it nothing happen
, i will also be due around that timing in Nov'04.... But then, u just try to stay happy and start talking to ur little angel
to tell BB to grow healthy, ok!!
This is what i do too when i first discovered that i preggie!

Actually <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, i meant to ask u, did u buy our customary date? That is the number that i strike!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, maybe BB wanna treat her daddy and mummy for dinner. Also BB's daddy birthday is next mth!
So, can call for celebration!

<font color="ffff00">ULN</font>, how are u recently? Hope
that u r feeling better!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, so, have u been seducing
ur hubby? Think he would be very happy if u do that!
I noe my hubby would be too as last time he always complained that i only look pretty when i going to work!
Once i home, became "aunty" liao, especially now!
He very bad hor!!
CONGRATZZ!!!! Odie....
really really veri happy for u!!
i guess when our 'supposed' EDD lurks around, we'll get edgy &amp; emotional... but now hor, u hv something to look forward to liao... must remain upbeat &amp; happy okie??

err... Ocean... i intend to seduce my hubby tonite leh... *shy shy* dunno will succeed anot.. cos last nite he worked until 2am plus... if tonite he's tired... then no chance liao... anyway, i hvnt got a dip in my temp yet... &amp; hor, i hvnt seen my watery/transparent CM oso... veri sian...

i hv to let out abit here... u know hor, in 1 corner of my mind, i wish i can get preggie before my 'supposed' EDD arrives leh... so dat at least i wont be so sad when the date comes... but i know the more i wan, the more i won't get it.. aii..
Hi Odie,

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS</font> Its triple happiness now. First you got a new job with <font color="ff0000">40%</font> increment, then you got keys to your new house and NOW you tested <font color="ff0000">"+"</font>. Must really call for a celebration. Do update us on your gynae's visit. In the meantime, pls take care
Thank you every one for the well wishes. Yup I will look forward and stay positive... because this is what I have been waiting for ;) I hope I can see the heartbeat tomorrow... a little ambitious since it is still early... but am keeping my fingers crossed.

Ocean... okie, I will start communicating with the baby from today =) Its always heartening to see batches of pple "graduating". I still remember the TTC thread with a handful "graduating" at the same time and even though I don't post but I can feel the joy for them. Aiyah... no worries. I'm sure the rest of us look glam when going to work but at home we look like ah sohs... kekekekekke. I have to admit that I look very different when going out and at home :p Tell your hubby not to hiam... he should be privileged that you are willing to be his huang lian puo... and not everyone has the opportunity ;)

Tubby... actually I had the same thoughts too that if I get preggie before the EDD... I won't feel upset. But it doesn't seem to be the case :p Anyway... good luck in your attempt tonight ;) Men cannot stand temptation... they usually give in... muwahahah :p
hi ODIE,
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Do keep us updated on your progress after you visit ur gynae. Dun worry about not feeling as excited as compared to the first pregnancy. Its normal to be feeling more apprehensive the second time, after a previous loss. Think happy tots okie?

hi ocean,
eh wat u mean by "Oh, our Java so like that one"! I'm not a sex pervert, if that's wat u are refering. I'm sex DEPRIVED!

hi tiantian,
eh you reveal my secret lah, say I craving for BDing. BTW wats the long word for BD?
hi odie,
I still remember last time you were complaining abt no new job and no bb also. See now you are blessed with so many good things! You must be very happy! I also feel very happy for you.

Hopefully this is a domino effect, one after another will get preggie. tubby, missy, miao2, ...

Yup Java,

Certainly hope so too. Jia You everyone!!

I've booked my airticket for holidays to Perth... in mid-Nov '04. Take a break lor. Hope to get good news after that lah.

hi java,
BD = baby-dancing...

hi Odie,
yup.. men usually give in to temptation.. but hor, if he's tired or hungry, then i damn shiong.. got to work damn hard... hahhaha... ;p
quick quick spread ur bb-dust to me hor...
Hi Gals

It has been a while since I lasted posted.

Congrats to your bb &amp; new job...whow looks like everyone is so envy of your 40% increment...hee hee me too leh.....this is really DOUBLE happiness!

I am going to see Gynae later in the spotting just stopped these 2 days. The last visit, Gyane took some of the discharge for lab test, will know the result later....SCARED SCARED

Really hope everyting is is healthy!
Hi Java... yup I think it could be the mix feelings... that's why getting emotional. Oh ya... I nearly forgot about my complaints until you mention it. Guess that I was really really down when nothing was going right for me and getting all upset about failing to conceive :p Now I really do believe that one must relax... my hubby was out of town last month for a week and I was all prepared that it is likely we will miss the eggie... so I wasn't even thinking about this issue.

Miao2... good luck and hopefully you will bring back a baby made down-under!!!

Tubby... as per your request... ~*~*~* BABY DUST ~*~*~*

Hi Adora... when will your results be out?
hi tiantian, tubby,
I dun crave for BDing, coz already got bb dancing in my tummy liao. I crave for PURE SEX. Don't you all miss the good old days where you do it for fun and pleasure and not for baby making?

hi tubby,
ai yah if ur hubby is hungry, then cook instant mee for him lah, after eating, he got strength to go all the way liao mah. aaahahahahah So tonight I can feel Punggol having earthquake? hehehehe

hi adora,
Hey been seeing ur post in the Mar/Apr thread. Do keep us updated with your gynae visit. But your gynae took the discharge from your cervix? Hope you will see your bb's heartbeat. u r at 5 wks right? Some ppl will see the heartbeat betw 5-8 wks, so dun worry too much.

hi odie,
Sometimes things happen when you least expected!
Hi <font color="0000ff">Odie,</font> *Congrats* i'm so hapi for u!!
looks like my words came true, a new job, a new hse &amp; now a
on the way. now must start to
well. keep us update on your progress &amp; dun forget to throw some
my way.

Hi <font color="ff0000">Java,</font> what do u mean when u said u have a lot of 'bai dai'? is 'bai dai' same as cervical mucus? i've thot of taking robitussin too, read somewhere that it helps to thin cervical mucus. maybe i will try it this mth. i'm still taking EPO to increase my EWCM coz i hardly have EWCM &amp; i think this greatly decrease my chance of getting preggie. i oso hope i will get preggie before i even need to see a gynae.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Miao,</font> jia you jia you
i hope you bring a 'made in perth baby' when you come back.

Hi <font color="119911">Folic,</font> thanks for your words of encouragement
i certainly hope my time comes soon!

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tubby,</font> can consider telling your hubby abt your erotic dream again. hehehe.... it mite turn him on again, who knows? btw, wat CD r u now?

Hi <font color="0077aa">Tiantian,</font> nvr mind abt that stupid aunty coming. we can jia you together wif miao &amp; tubby! we can even wait out the

Hi <font color="ff0000">Adora,</font> its gd that your spotting had stopped. dun wori too much abt it, i'm sure everything will turn out fine. dun forget to let us know your result.
hey java,
hhmmm.... i still hv good ol' pure sex lah... during my 2WW... during my supposed fertile days like NOW!!, when making out, bb-tots r constantly at the back of my mind... hehee....

no lah... my bed is quite solid.. so u won't feel any vibrations on ur side... i try to be gentle oso... hahaha... ;p

hi adora,
me today at CD10...
hehe... ya lor, i oso tot of retelling the erotic dreamm again... damn jialat hor.. hv to resort to such 'means' to get horny... *blush*
<font color="0000ff">tubby,</font> u got the wrong person leh. its me asking u abt your CD, not adora lah. i think you muz be too excited abt tonite's mission, tats why now blur blur
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, so tonite is the nite!
Oh...nevermind abt those CM or whatever!
Just enjoy
the nite!!

Dont think too much
abt the supposed EDD cos i felt that no matter wat, we would still feel sad on that day!
Just enjoy the exicting moment that u and ur hubby would had first!
Say... like tonite!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, no lah, for <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, it would be <font size="+2">Tripple Happiness</font>!!!
Well, let's wait for <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>'s appt tml and after that to spread
Baby Dust to this thread here!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>...My dear <font size="+2"><font color="119911">Java</font></font>!! What's on your mind when i said, <font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">"Oh, our Java so like that one!"</font></font>
People just shy shy
to know that u sooooo.... cheeky!!
Me still a very shy and conservative person hor!!
Cannot take too much excitment... Heart already beating fast with BB, now u all and even <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, talking abt <font size="-1">Bed</font>!!

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>, how's ur visit today?
<font color="ff0000">Spotting</font> during my 1st trimester may be due to implantation and/or left over tissues from last cycle. Sometimes, can be from placenta, but this is normal. Hoepe
to hear good news from you!

<font color="ffff00">Missy</font>, u also got lots of cute cute pics!
U all must Jia you together hor!!!
Dearest all,
Hello!! Haven't come in for a while and sooo happy to hear good news!!! ODIE! Congrats! I know what u mean by a bit pantang...i think we all took a little (a lot actually) longer to announce the 2nd time being pregnant. Don't worry, just be positive and very soon you'll be counting down to your EDD!
And of course, congrats on your new job too!

Java, i know what you mean abt 'pure sex'..and i think my hubby craves for it even more!! Just yesterday he asked me, "Next time when we try for another child, will it be as stressful?" haha...i guess he really misses those times when we can just enjoy making love for the sheer pleasure of it...
Hi Odie,
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I think I am going to make an attempt to come in more often, it makes my day brighter just reading about your BFP!
Don't dwell too much on the supposed EDD, now you have a new EDD to look forward to! Here's wishing you a blissful, trouble-free 9 months!

Hi Java,
I was freelancing for the past six months. Quit my job after I got pregnant, then the m/c happened. So while resting at home, I took on freelance work to earn some pocket money.

Hi Oceans,
Yes, I think I should try to relax. Not preggers lah, sex has been very safe 'cos I want to wait till 3rd AF is over before TTC-ing.
Hello gals,

Wow... so many postings to catch up. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS ODIE
I feel so excited and happy for you
Congrats to all who are expecting (just in case I missed you out).

Ocean, I am feeling much better already. For the past few days, I am basically on my bed reading or sleeping, except going toilet or meal time, and today computer time. My bleeding has reduced a lot liao. My gynae gave me lots of iron supplements and told me what to eat and what not to eat.

I went for counselling too. The counsellor said I looked pale
. I still feel a bit giddy now and then. Then she told me what to eat to "bu".

Just to share with you gals the recipe:
some red dates,
some gou ju zhi,
some pao shen,
meat (pork or black chicken).
Put all the ingredients into the pot and boil. My mum double boil them in the slow cooker. If using black chicken, use the thigh part and debone the chicken. Boil them and eat everything including the herbs. Eat them before going to bed. Dun put bones inside, just meat cos bone will absorb the goodness of the herbs and gotta be thrown away... wasting the goodness of the herbs. Take this every 3-4 days to "bu" after m/c.

My doc asked me to eat kailan, "heng chai" (hokkien), red dates drink, black beans, if boil soup with meat must eat the meat, broccoli, pig's liver (yucks). I have been eating rice with lotus root soup boiled with pork and black beans, and kailan. At least my doc this time spent some time to advice me. Maybe he got time cos I went on a weekday, or he worried...

I gotta think positive. It is a blessing in disguise that I got M/C cos the baby is no good. Now I leave aside what I gotta do, just do things that will make me feel happier. Listen to soothing music, play the piano, read something light

I have also heard about aromatherapy is not suitable for pregnant woman. Certain scents are ok, but majority are not. So better to avoid.

Missy lee, are you preparing for your wedding too? Me too
. My dinner will be in Jan 05. I signed the papers in 2000 liao. I still dun have much mood to prepare and I just postponed my PS cos I now physically unfit to go out yet.

Hey Miao2, I also deciding when to go to Perth too. But it gonna be last minute. Might be mid-Nov after seeing my doc. I will be going there alone cos hubby cannot take leave. I want to get away and san xing...

Adora, I pray for you... Hope everything will be fine...

Another thing to share: If you are free, have a look at this website It is a charitable organisation founded by a Gyn/Ob in the private practice. There are counsellors to teach you about TTC. There are also useful information about TTC. And oso information about fertility, being pregnant, etc. There are a number of couples who have benefited and got kids after going through their counselling sessions.

Ocean and missylee, your posts is so colorful. I feel happier seeing those cute icons

Ok, later gals.. I gotta take a rest liao... Getting a bit giddy...
<font color="ff0000">ULU,</font> first of all, thanks for your website, its great. i didn't know there's such organisation in spore. i'm glad to hear u are feeling better now. but must still
well. Jan 05 is only 3 mth away, u must be looking forward to your wedding. we ROM in 2002 but my
date not fix yet &amp; the actual preparation will haf to wait till i return to spore which is in 2mths time. we r thinking of holding it in Sept or Oct 05 tentatively. btw, where r u holding your dinner?

<font color="0000ff">Tubby,</font> got accomplish your mission last nite??
hehehe... kaypoh kaypoh a bit
hi missy,
How come you are awake so early in the morning? 6.07am!!! I mean "bai dai" as my vaginal discharge, which is different from cervical mucus, which you get it more during fertile period. My discharge is sticky and lumpy. So I was scared that it will affect my BD. It also prevents me from identifying my fertile mucus. Actually I still get it now that I'm pregnant, everytime I go toilet and wipe that area, some gooey, sticky discharge comes out! Looks like kaya! I highlighted this prob to the gynae, but the culture test showed no fungal infection. Last time, my fren told me that my problematic discharge prob occur because I didn't do my confinement well.

hi tubby,
Ya lor yesterday you must be quite gentle, or your bed very solid. I didn't feel any vibrations at all. Anyway last night was so cooling and nice, great for a good night rest!

hi jujube,
Yeah, you must come in my often! We also hope to hear BFP from you soon! jia you!

Hi Tiny,
Yes, my hubby feels the same way, say I treat him like sex object!

hi ULN,
Glad to read that your bleeding has reduced tremendously. Thanks for the recipe. I love to cook soup with red dates and wolfberry, then put fresh logan to sweeten the taste. Goes great with my black chicken!
<font color="ff0000">hi java,</font> the reason y i always post so early is bcoz of the time lapse. U.S. time is 15hrs behind Spore time if i din calculate wrongly. the time now is 6.15pm &amp; its Tue evening. i notice i also have a bit of 'bai dai' after my ovulation but mine is not lumpy, just sticky, i'm not sure if its the sticky cervical muscus that u get after ovulation. i used to have lumpy white discharge &amp; was diagnosed with yeast infection, have to take medicine to treat it. anyway, i'm very worried that there might be something wrong with my body, therefore have to ttc for so long. my mind keep imagining the worst scenario
so scared now.
hi missy_lee,
hehe... must be too excited thinking of how to seduce my hubby that i misread the postings liao.. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED LIAO!! *shy shy* hubby quite cooperative last nite... he even teased me by asking me 'must be secretly calculating, tonite got egg egg izzit'?? i jus smiled at him...

hey java,
i told u so liao... we were gentle last nite.. i remember a few yrs back, we were in a shabby hotel &amp; the walls were sort of divided by 'thick board' &amp; not concrete wall... &amp; our bed started banging (damn lousy bed!!) against the wall... when we left the room, happened to bumped into 'neighbour' wif kids, the mum gave us quite a funny look... hahhaa...

hi jujube,
glad to see ur postings... yup! good to earn some extra cash... now it's yr-end.. alot of weddings &amp; x'mas gifts to buy...
Good morning gals,

This thread has becomes so lively for the past 2 days thanks to <font color="ff0000">Odie</font>.

<font color="0000ff">Adora</font>,

How's your checkup?? Can see BB heart beat??

<font color="119911">ULN</font>,
Glad that your bleeding has reduced and tks for the receipe and the useful website.

<font color="ff0000">Tubby</font>,

So <font size="+1">SO MISSION ACCOMPLISHED LIAO</font> Hope your AF will not come for nine months.

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>,

Update us on your checkup hor........

<font color="119911">Ocean</font>,

See I <font size="+1">STEAL</font> so many of your pictures, hee hee
dear missy_lee,
mabbe u can take the focus off TTC-ing &amp; concentrate on planning for ur wedding day... u can start collecting info from various websites.. shd be veri interesting for both u &amp; hubby... &amp; hor, perhaps when u r back, u can make a trip to gynae for a routine check... better than to let ur tots run wild rite? of cos i hope dat u'll catch the bb-dust from Odie &amp; the rest of the preggies for dis cycle!! JIA YOU!!

hey Odie,
keeping some of ur bb-dust safely in my pocket &amp; sharing wif miaomiao, missy_lee &amp; millie...
hmm... hardly see millie's postings nowadays...

hi tiantian,
aiyoo... still a long way to go leh... me onie CD10 last nite... *keeping my fingers crossed*

ask u ladies huh,
dis morning, i saw a patch of eggwhite CM &amp; can stretch up to 4-5cm apart... is dis my EWCM or my hubby's semen? i dun recall my hubby's semen to be so stretchy one leh...
Hi Tubby,

<font size="+2">YES</font>, this is your <font size="+1">EWCM</font>!!!!. Don't miss the chance and rock the bed again tonite.
I've ever experienced this sort of CM state on the morning after previous nite's BD'ing before. Also not too sure if it is our EWCM or hubby's excess semen.

I've so far not able to identify my EWCM state one leh.

hi tubby, miao2,
To differentiate whether izzit EWCM or hubby's soldiers. Try going to the toilet to do a tissue wipe, if throughout the day, you still get the stretchable mucus, then its EWCM. If you only get it once or twice in the morning, the night before BD, then most prob is the leftover sperm.

hi tubby,
I will keep my fingers crossed for you that your aunty will not be coming for the next 9 mths!

this morning I went to toilet hoping to make cake. Sit on the toilet bowl for very long, the cake never come out although I have the stomache kind of feeling. After sometime I gave up, went back to my cubicle. Dunno whether izzit I try too long, muscle ache or what. But I tot I felt my vaginal muscles aching. I was so worried and sat very still at my cubicle. Luckily after lunch, the aching feeling not there liao. Really give me a scare!
hi miaomiao, tiantian &amp; java,
usually i'll get some clear discharge after BD session the nite before, but not veri stretchy kind.. dis morning quite stretchy...hhmm... i'll try &amp; see whether can get my hubby into mood tonite... but i doubt it lah...

hi java,
the transparent discharge is still detectable in late morning &amp; jus now (1.45pm) but become more watery liao.. anyway, i've orady made an appt to see gynae for a scan dis sat (CD14) to see my eggie.. &amp; chk menstrual lining... hopefully all goes well...

mabbe u sat too long &amp; trying to push out ur 'cake' lah... strain ur vaginal muscles... glad to hear the aching feeling is gone... *pat pat*
Hi all

Results for the brown discharge was infection.

Gyane said the discharge was due to low lying I have to be careful now not to lift any heavy things...Hubby said he will do all housework from now...hee hee hee.

I am in my 7th week now, heard BB heart beat yesterday...everything seems normal.

As BB has not fully developed yet so Gyane said won't really know if BB is normal. This is because my first BB didn't developed normally so had to be terminted at 12 weeks. So I am still quite worried...I am trying to stay positive.

Will be seeing Gynae again in 4 weeks time.

hi adora,
Congrats on seeing your bb's heartbeat! Dun worry too much, think more positively. What you can do now is to eat well and sleep well. The rest is not within your control. Are you working now? Try to lie in bed as often if possible. Also no intercourse for the time being!

hi tubby,
Are you doing temp charting?
