Support group - Miscarriages

hi gals

i wonder if i can join u all for a chat. My situation is a bit different from most of you. Mine is an ectopic pregnancy and I had it removed 2 weeks ago. somehow I just cannot get over the loss.


pls try to rest and not think too much over it. I know it easier said than done... dun blame yourself... its really not anyone's fault at all. Maybe u can talk to your hubby or someone you can confide in...

do take care... be positive, you will be able to come out of this a stronger person ...

if you are still at home resting, maybe u can try doing something which you had always wanted to do and no time to do .. like reading a favourite book.. watching a favourite show... it will help give your mind a break..

Allow yourself to grief over the loss, just do not dwell into it. have to accept that baby is gone and what is most important now is to get your body back in shape. The emotional times will come as and when. When it hits, just cry it out. There were times when I see mums with infant in LRT and tears just started falling. Even when I caught a documentary on pregnancy, I cried very hard when the narrator was describing how the baby is like at 10week, coz I lost mine at 10 weeks. And I blamed myself, for not being able to carry a little life to full term, for being too active when I was pregnant. Have to keep telling yourself that it's not your fault. Nobody wants this to happen. Must slowly kan4 kai1.

I can understand what you must have went thru... But pls try to think positive. Your bb is now in heaven and living in your heart. That is what I believe for my lost bb...

was your fallopian tube or the site of the ecoptic pregnancy hurt in the process of the operation ? Hope u r recovering welll...
hi suzanne, i'm sorry to hear of yr loss.. my hubby cousin wife too have the same situation and it took them a really long time to get over the pain and grief.. really dunno how to console them.. all i know is to tell them to get over it and take time to grief and when its done, stand up on yr feet and carry on life..

stay strong and positive.. dun think too much of what had happened.. its not yr falult that this had happened so dun ever blame yrself.. try to get over the pain.. we will be here to give U all the support that u need..
Hi ladies,

haven't come in here since last week. I'm a bit blur with all the postings.

To the ladies who just went through d/c, try not to dwell on what is already the past, just focus on getting well and fit again. I know this is hard, because till now, I can't help but tearing whenever I have a quiet moment on my own. Anyway, just try your best lah.

Continue to stay positive, you have gone this far and you will be able to carry your baby girl in you arms in just a few more months. We will continue to jia you for you. At the mean time, take care and make sure your gynae monitor your baby development closely.

I wish I will also have a baby girl like you in very near future.
Both my hubby and I hope that our first born will be girl although my in laws wish for a grandson. That day my mother in law was advising me to try BD immediately after ovulation so as to increase the chance of having a boy, I didn't dare to tell her actually we prefer a girl.
hey Ocean,
i'm sure u'll receive good results for ur scan tomoro...
i guess u hv orady developed a tactic to deal wif those 'attitude' medical officers & nurses... good!! dun be afraid to say ur requests... u r afterall a CONSUMER
govt is subsidizing u, NOT them!! hehe...

hey adora,
glad to know u managed to see ur 'dot' at 4 weeks.. dis is a good sign!!
remain positive..
caught ur bb-dust & keep it for future use... hehee...

hey very sian,
all the best for ur scan tomoro as well... u will see the flickering on the screen & hear the 'pong pong pong' loud & clear...

hi folic...
reading wat u mentioned abt trend on spotting makes my hair stand jus now... hving gone thru' a spotting-bleeding-m/c episode, i dun think i can emotionally handle spotting in my nix pregnancy...

hi tiantian,
read dat u r starting to TTC nix cycle... all the best ya...
hope u'll be nix to spread bb-dust here... JIA YOU!

hi Odie,
congratz on ur new job! guess it must be a veri exciting period for u wif new job & new HOME!!
hv fun wif the renos..

dear ULN,
reading ur postings brought back tears for me jus now... i was exactly going thru' the same phase as u abt 4 mths back... as my spotting after D&C dint stop after 3-4 weeks, everyday i would think dat i m going to die, my body is abnormal.. i failed as a mother to my lil' angel... i think it's retribution for all the sins i've done.. i cry practically every hr the 1st few days... followed by everyday... ALL the gals here hv encouraged me to move on & not cry anymore...but i felt a need to grief for my angel... dis continue for abt 2 mths for me... i avoided all contacts wif frens/relatives except immediate families... slowly, bit by bit, i came out of my shell... until today, i still cry when i took time to remember my angel...

my dear, it's not a easy path to walk... but u can definitely walk out of it... i am a emotionally damn-weak gal & if i can do it, u can!! SLOWLY...
come & tok to us... it's therapeutic... if u hv time, read thru' the's uplifting to know many of us hv got success stories to share after m/c... dis is wat hv been motivating me to move on... now u hv to rest well... 'bu' ur body...

dear suzanne,
i'm sorry to hear abt ur loss... as u hv undergone a major operation, pls rest well & 'bu' ur body... drink chicken essence everyday... & DOM at nite... (i always remember my dear Ocean's advice when i mentioned 2 things..
hi pageup, same same as U. i also prefer to have a baby gal while my in-laws is urging me to start a family soon and its best to have a grandson as the first-born.. sometimes, i felt so pressured by their words..

i felt that when it comes to baby making, should let the couple they themselves to decide when to have a baby when they are ready. and no matter if the baby is a girl or boy, they are after all, our child and we can't choose the baby sex at all. it all depends on God and Heaven whether they want to give us a girl or boy..
Morning girls,
Hope everybody's feeling better today. I feel terrible, haven been sleeping well for the past few days, so everyday come to work like zombie. Really look forward to the weekends!

Good luck for your checkup. Look forward to hearing your update.
Hi gals!

Suzanne, welcome to the thread. I can understand the loss you are feeling. I hope you can find a closure to this sad episode soon. Most of us have gone through the stage of despair, anger, sadness, but all of us have become stronger as time goes by. Hope it will be the same for you.

Tubby, just look at me for eg lor
My first preg, I spot every other week and never once managed to keep my appt with the gynae, cos I always ended going in earlier due to spotting. But for this preg, it has been smooth sailing so far and it always bring a smile on my face when I am able to go the hospital at the appointed time.. like later this morning
I am sure you can make it!

Odie, so happy you got the job!

Good morning gals!


i cannot understand how you are going also lost the bb abt the sametime as you. for the past two week, i counld not sleep well till not..even i try to keep myself, nite classes...etc...
maybe we should think of the positive side..coz my gynae..the bb might not be healthy even if we are able to have it.
Good morning girls! Wow! tis thread is moving damn fast! gotta catch up liao.

<font color="ff0000">Hi ULN,</font> pls pls dun blame yourself for your bb's loss. its not your fault or anyone's fault. there's really nothing we can do to stop a miscarriage from happening, not even the doctor. at tis moment, its impt to gif yourself sometime to grieve &amp; cry if it makes u feel better, but dun get too worked up coz your body is still weak aft the op. i noe the grieving process is emotionally draining but remember to lift yourself up aft all tat. rite now, dun tink too much abt ttc again if u r not ready yet. gif yourself sometime to heal. rez well &amp; take gd care of yourself. come in here &amp; chat wif us, it will make u feel better. remember, u r not alone, we are here for u.

<font color="0000ff">Hi Suzanne,</font> i'm sorry to hear abt your loss. i noe its hard for u, dun tink too much, ya. take gd care.
Good morning ladies... I cried yesterday and couldn't sleep last nite. I only had 4 hrs of sleep... somehow cannot get back to sleep. I dunno whether I am normal or not.

I know my baby is dead. I try not to think but my brain just dun let me dun think.

I started walking around the house doing some housework. I think maybe I am too free resting the whole day that's why lead me to think so much. But I started bleeding more last nite
sobs... I dunno what else can I do... But I drink chicken of essence and take iron pills hopefully to bu my blood loss...

Thank you all of you... Probably I should psycho myself it's not my fault. I dunno if I will have the courage again to try to conceive after 3 mths. My gynae told me after 3 months can try again. I am scared and confused. I am not young anymore... Last nite I watched Channel 8 "tan huen lun jia". See so many babies there I feel so sad for myself. There's one guest who had her first and only child at 39. She adviced people to start younger. She wanted more kids but becos of her age she can't. Everyone on the show saying the feeling of having a kid is amazing... I have friends and colleagues who had told me that before.. I feel so sad that I lost this baby... I hope God will guide me through and give me the courage and be able to stand on my feet again... MY mum just reminded me yesterday that my wedding dinner is less than 3 mths away... I have no mood at all to think about that. Suddenly I think what I can do today to bury my sadness... will go look at my guests list and arrange the table seating...

Thank you all of you to read my long story and give me some comfort... Really appreciate it. I have nobody to talk to now. Hubby in Singapore, I am in JB. I am too sad to call my friends. I have no mood to talk to my family and no strength to talk too long...
Morning gals.

Hi <font color="ff0000">ULN</font>,

Like wat the other gals have said, pls do not blame yourself. Everything is fated. Maybe your little angel is not fated to be with you this time. You are physically very weak now. The most impt thing now to "bu" your body and not dwell abt the past.

With a stronger and healthier body, you will be more ready to start TTC'ing again. If you need to "talk", come in here. We are here for u. All the ladies here are "Guo Lai Ren". We understand fully the phases you hv gone thru. Be strong, ok ?
Hi gals

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will try to be strong but somehow i will like crying whenever I see things related to babies, pregnant women etc. My emotions is going up and down like a roller coaster. At times i will postiviely think that I can get pregnant again but at the next moment i will start becoming pessimistic and wonder if I will encounter such pain again. I am turning 31 next mth, not young anymore...

The only lucky thing is that my ectopic pregnancy was detected early and my doctor managed to save the tube. however having gone through such laproscopic surgery also means that there will be a higher risk of having similar case in the next pregnancy. That's my greatest fear and worry.


Don't blame yourself too hard. It's good that you can find something to do and keep yourself busy. In my case I tried reading more about what causes my ectopic pregnancy but I cannot find an answer to it. Like how one of the site I visited put it, it's just unfortunate that I was the one. things just happened and I have to come to terms with this. I know you can do so.
Hi Suzanne,

"BIG HUGZ". I am sorry to hear abt your loss. Hope you are feeling better now. Take care.

Hi Odie,

So happy you got the job and keys to your new house!!

Hi Ocean,

Praying very hard that your amniotic level will go back to normal today. Pls keep us posted ok?

Hi Folic,

You too, update us on your checkup and the gender of you bb. I also have a gut feeling that SHE will be a gal.

Hi Tubby,

Tks. Let's jia you together.
Yes. Its good that you "force" yourself to look at the guest list and keep yourself busy. Maybe if its not too tiring for you, you can go out of your house and walk around. Having a breath of fresh air can do wonders to your soul. Take care yah.

hi Suzanne,
I'm sorry you went through a lost. Like wat u said, lucky your etopic preg was discovered early. Yes, there's a higher risk of the same thing happening again after laproscopic surgery, but I hope that won't stop you from trying again. Miracles can happen. In the meanwhile, rest well. Did your gynae tell you when you can try conceiving again?

hi odie,
Congrats on getting the job. That's a good news, perhaps that signify you will get another good news? *hint*
hi ocean,

ya lah i agree with you.. when you speak face to face with KKH nurse they dun really dare to be rude to you but never i expect thru the phone they cld be so impatient and rude. Actually so far those nurses that i've met face to face are alright even those more impatient ones i've a way to deal with them. Somes good ones, i've even wrote in two complement letters complementing two nurses there..a few of them are good infact.
I am like you b4 thinking of the $ i cld save from being a subsi patient so i shld stay put.. but just one bad experience from them its really enuff.. Anyway even b4 this encounter with them i've already decided to get a fix gyne after my 6th months so now i may bring forward 1 mth earlier. Initially i never thought of going to a pte doctor but my mum insist leh.. she said its better to 'bao' a fix gyne cos' those trainee officer cld anyhow "stitches your V" .. One of my fren's fren who just delivered even got infection down there due to improper handling by the MO end up lots of complication and her BB's head abit 'out of shape' bcos of the mishandling of forceps the MO uses. I dun want to take this risk lah..To get pregnant is a blessing so i rather spend more for delivery.

You may wish to take into consideration these few factors..

But i must say sometimes MO no doubt more inexperience they are more stuck up and spend less time with us as compared to consultant.. Have u ever experienced visiting the gyne at the same time a training MO sitting beside them to learn? If have leh.. twice liao..

Hey, no worries on your scan, all wld be fine
HI gals!

I just came back from the hospital. Everything looks good. Baby is growing on target and again turn around to smile at us... Think the baby is very cheerful
And baby is also very cooperative. So I now know what I am expecting
But since I am meeting Java and tiantian tomorrow, I would like them to guess and then I will post the 'results' tomorrow

ULN, yah, I think it is a good idea to focus your energy on the wedding first. Who knows, you will get a honeymoon baby?

Hey Suzanne.... take care. Like most miscarriages... it happens without a sure reason. The main important thing is to stay positive and have faith that things will only get better through time.

Folic... you must remember to tell us hor :p

Java... I donch noe.... erm but somehow gut feeling tells me otherwise for this month again. Don't know why... just a feeling. Anyway... will still hope for the best ;)
hi ULN, there was a period of time juz like U, that i juz can't stop thinking of my baby.. everywhere i go, i think of him/her. i cried when I'm outdoors, i cried when i saw little ones cruddling up to thier mummys. i simply switch myself to another world and even at times felt so depressed that i want to commit surcide..
i dun even do housework at all, all i remember that i kept myself in my house all day simply doing nothing but cried the whole day..
my hubby even have to drag me outdoors to walk around..

but luckily, after a few mths later, i slowly pick myself up.. even though doc told me that i can try for a baby after 3 mths, i simply dun have the mood to try.. so now even after 3 yrs, i still have not get myself pregnate.. simply becoz i'm still not ready for one..

give yrself some time to grief and hopefully after that, U will learn to pick yrself up..
i believe one day you will be ready for another baby and be a proud mother to yr child..
take care and god bless u..
hi folic, i'm so anxious to know of yr baby sex.. alamak but still have to wait till tmr..

so happy to know that yr baby is growing strong and healthy.. but she/he is so happy and cheerful.. always turn to smile at U.. so cute..
Hello gals...

I am feeling better now. Tell you what, I just went out and had a hair cut
cut away the sorrows
I got my hair washed... finally after 2 weeks... and "sun bian" have a cut... feel like dyeing oso for a complete new me... Hopefully hubby see me tomolo wun be shock. When I was at the saloon, the lady who washed my hair for me has two kids already.. really envy her. She got her very cute 3 mth old daughter in the pram at the saloon... such a cutie... bless them...

Tiantian, Ocean went for a scan today I think...

Hamasaki, I try not to think about committing suicide. I know that is serious depression and is serious enough to warrant medical treatment. I had suicide thoughts on and off, but I keep telling myself no, I cannot think of that... cos I will leave behind my loved ones very depressed. I had depression before when I was in the UK pursuing a piece of paper. It was very bad when my studies had no improvement for a year even though I worked day and nite everyday including weekends. At that time, my parents and family, except my hubby, did not want me to return home cos they were afraid I will give up my studies just like that. That was very sad to me and at that time I have thoughts of committing suicide and cry every day to sleep. I cried in the lab, I cried in the office, I cried in my room, I cried while cycling. I even thought of how should I die. I seeked medical treatment there and got some advice from the doc. After a lot of struggle, I return home for 3 months and I got much better and continued the paper chase (though I am still after that paper now). Actually paper chase is the biggest regret in my life. Maybe I have not pursue that degree, I would already have a career and kids by now. And conceive young without so many problems now. My friend said I am a professional student liao... I have been studying all my life...

I really do not know when I will get back my courage to conceive again. Maybe I should ask the doc about "bi yun" on Saturday...

Folic, let me have a wild guess. From the scan, your baby is normal already and you gotta know the sex already?

Elle, I think you get what you pay for. I had an operation before at NUH years ago. I think NUH is one of the better structured hospital. My doctor was interested in teaching his students. I also got many people coming to examine me. I just had an operation at Gleneagles and the experience was very different. I was amazed the staff at Gleneagles were so efficient and caring. Dun have many people touching me. I stayed in a 2 bedder and whenever I press the bell, the same nurse will come to me everyday within seconds and they seems to know me and my condition very well. The better side of NUH is that when I was pushed to the operating theatre, it's a relaxed atmosphere with the radio. Though there's a lot of people around me, they chat with me until I was knocked out. The bad experience at Gleneagles was that I was on the operating table before I slept and that was a scary feeling. The atmosphere was quite serious cos the staff need to work efficiently I guess.
My sis just had her breast lumps removed at SGH. She went to the breast clinic and everytime it will be a different medical officer. I went with her once and it left me a very bad impression. The doc so hyperactive and slouch in his chair as if he was going to lie down, and shook his legs. Worse is he dun even know the different procedures available to remove the lumps. We have to tell him what we want! And he asked how come we knew so much. I am familiar with breasts screening cos I did a research in screening for breast cancer before.

Folic, I have not planned where to go for honeymoon yet. Maybe last minute skiing somewhere in Europe which we always wanted to do.
Me and hubby used to travel 2-3 times a year around Europe so we had many "honeymoon" liao. My lost baby was a mini holiday baby
I just sms my hubby this afternoon that I wanna go to Perth when I recover, but he got no time to go with me... Maybe I will go there for a week to "san xing" alone...
hi uln, glad that U are slowly picking yrself up.. its good to have a change now and then.

i got my depression after i lost the baby. was consider a medical illness from what the doc and my hubby told me.. at that time, i was also pursuing a higher degree but luckily i manage to pass it off with flying colours despite my grief and sadness of losing my child..

i guess its my baby blessing that makes me able to see the world full of beautiful colours and people around me supporting me by giving me the will to stay strong and not kill myself..

its good to go abroad once a while to relax and hope u will have a wonderful trip..
morning gals,

This thread is very quiet today.

<font color="ff0000">Ocean</font>, How are you?? Hope your scan went well yesterday. Log in a few times to check if you have posted.


Glad that you are feeling much better. In fact I also went to rebond and colour my hair after my m/c just to have a change and I feel refreshed after that.

Agree with you, what we pay is what we get. Esp. for service line, the higher you pay the better you'll get.. For consultation and scanning i dun really see it very impt to have a fix gyne so i wld stick to my subsi status.. but coming to delivery stage i wld definitely opt to go for a fix gyne at least i'm assured for the kind of service to be expected.
I dun want to stay in KKH as a subsi patient and during delivery time as what some others have gone thru and said "depends on your luck lor" see whether a MO or experienced gyne wld deliver for you.. I cant imagine myself in the delivery suit when other trainee officers looking at me as if i'm a guinea pig..

Glad to know that you are feeling better.. since you've went for a hair cut start everything afresh again.. dun think abt the past.. look at the positive side of your future.
Dun simply think abt ending your life.. that wld be a very selfish act bcos your loved ones wld be the ones who suffered most should you leave them. All of them love you, so you have to love yourself more..

I'm sure you wld be able to conceive again in the near future.. Take things easy dun always brood about the past..
I wish you good luck and all the best in whatever you do!
i forgot what did i done after my depression illness have went away after a few mths after i miscarry my child.. sort of went to a facial and a shopping spree..
change myself from head to toe..
but luckily my hubby did not scold me for spending a lot during that time..

that's a good change ULN. i'm happy for U.. take care..
halow halow where is folic.. i'm waiting for yr baby annoucement.. so anxious to know how everything with yr cheerful and happy healthy baby..

remember to post here today.. so anxious..
HI gals! So sorry.. been busy today!

Yah! I am having a gal gal!
So my instincts is correct.
I am happy cos I guessed correctly. hahaha!

ULN, glad to hear that you are feeling better. Looks like many of us go cut hair or do something with the hair.

Ocean, hope you will post soon.

tiantian/java, it was good to meet up!
nice meeting both of you!

thanks tiantian for yr info.. at least i dun need to wait so long till my neck is dropping out..

wow folic, yr baby girl will sure be a cheerful happy little kid when she is born.. she also brings U and yr hubby lots of $$ luck.. now i finally believe that baby gal will bring good luck to their parents.. my guess of yr baby sex is bingo..

so happy for U.. god bless U all..
It's good that you are picking up the pieces and moving on. If at any point you do feel that you are losing control, please seek professional help. If you need contacts, let me know and I will email them to you. I think a few of us here (myself too) went to have haircuts or rebonding or colour after our loss too. For us it signifies a new beginning and letting go of the past. I had two haircuts! Don't worry too much about the future yet, concentrate on getting your body back to good health and you will be able to TTC again soon!
hi all,
Just to say hi. Have a good weekend!! Me looking forward to catch up on my sleep.

Yes. Nice meeting up with you two!
<font color="ff0000">Hi Folic, Congrats!!</font>

Like Java, I am longing for weekend to catch up on sleep...hee hee have been dozing off in office lately...feeling real tired.

Going to hybernate this weekend!!

<font color="0000ff">Have a GOOD Weekend Gals!</font>
Hi gals,
I did something happy today
and was out for almost the whole day. I got my keys for my new nest
Very happy cos it looks good. But I just started bleeding quite a lot when I came back. I dunno is it becos I have walked too much or it's my menses? Can anyone share with me how long after D&amp;C do you get your first menses? I am bleeding like menses and am worried cos my internal wound feel a bit painful today...

Hi hamasaki,
Wow... Maybe it's the baby's blessing. I am also doing a higher degree. I have been stuck with my thesis (the final stage) and after this lost, I am trying to tell myself to get it over as soon as possible. Sometimes I have the spur to just sit down and write my thesis for the whole day. But I do not have the mood most of the time. However, nowadays I just do not want to talk to anyone nor go out with my friends, cos I'm still quite emotionally unstable and sad. Maybe it gonna be a blessing in disguise to force me to stay at home to complete my thesis when I get better.
Shopping spree sounds good... I want to change my style of clothings too. But I cannot go shopping yet.

Hi Elle,
If I can have a normal pregnancy, I would go to KKH as a subsi patient - to save cost and there's no need for a fixed gynae. Does that happen in the delivery suite at KKH with so many MOs watching? It sounds quite embarassing cos the private parts le... I have a cousin tried for 4 years for a baby. She went to 3 gynaes when she's pregnant. 2 in the private and 1 government hospital as subsi patient. Actually quite a good idea though a bit KS. She's delivering very soon, these few days perhaps.

Hi jujube,
Maybe I will go cut my hair one more time and add some colors when I am better
My sis said I dun look different... Maybe not drastic enough.. oh... just remember, forgot to ask hubby today.
hi ULN, i got my menses right after i had the operation last for abt 1 week. as when i miscarried my child, there is a bit of her/him still left over inside my body so had the operation to clear it..
i too once lock myself in the house, dun want to talk to anybody and shut myself off from others.. it took me quite a while to come out from the hole.. hope one day, U are feeling stable and I hope U can come out to enjoy yr life as U once do.. go shopping spree etc etc anything that U like and enjoy to do..

i hope one day when U have the mood, quickly finished off with yr thesis.. when i'm doing my thesis at that time, it took me abt 3 mths to finish it coz i kept on dragging it till the very last min.. but luckily still manage to hand it up on time..
I have to thank my little darling for his/her blessings as I got really good results.. my hubby also said so..
take gd care of yrself and may God bless U..

yup, its quite embrassing to have many trainees doc and nurses looking at U while U are giving birth.. if i saw them looking at me, will chase them out.. can't stand their staring etc etc.. such a discomfort..
<font color="ff0000">Hi Folic,</font> yipee!!! so happy for u! another princess addded to the group... so who's next to find out the gender of their bb?

How's <font color="0000ff">Ocean</font> doing?
Hi folic, congrats on having a girl!
Remember I once posted that somehow our instincts always accurate? well, another case proven! Now you and Java can matchmake yr babies

Hello ULN, I just had some time to look thru all your posts. You do seem so sad, but i hope that by writing it down, you actually get it out of your system, and you can start to heal soon. The feeling of loss will always be there when we think or look back, so we just have to focus on the present (healing) and future. Maybe like ur mum says, ur wedding is in 3 mths, that's something to look forward to!!! My wedding is definitely one of my fondest memories and i'm sure that you can make it one of yours too!
Do take care of yourself. At least you know what it's like to be depressed, and i'm sure u wouldn't want to get into that 'mode' again, yah? Here's a big hug for u
Hi all, I just recieved a birthday card from Frisocare which was meant for my Angel daughter, QianHui... Tomorrow is her birthday and she'll be 1 year old if she still alive... Wonder how is she now?
Hi All, thanks for all your concern!
Sorry for not logging in as i had an exam on Fri and i din study at all. Thus after the checkup on Thu, was busying studying!!

Had done a scan on Thu. Was quite angry with the sonagrapher cos she blocked all my view.
Then within 5mins, she told me okay, done! <font size="+1">I din even get to see my BB!</font>
Anyway, since, i saw my BB last week, i justed asked how as the purpose of my today scan is to find out my anmiotic fluid index. The sonagrapher just told me ok and give me the report. Saw that it stated 6.4cm.

When i went to see the Specialist, she told me 6.4cm was alright as long as it is over 6cm. Actually, to tell the truth, last Thu, my index was 5.4cm followed by 6.8cm on second scan. This wk, it was 6.4cm! Dont u think it is still abit low?
But since the Specialist said it is fine, then i just believe her. Then she helped to check my BB heartbeat. BB was at a rate of 153beats!!

So now, i still try to drink more water!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, congrats on a BB gal!
So the theory abt BB gal bring some fortune to her parents is quite true lah??

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, also happy for you on ur new job! At least now things are more or less confirmed! So is ur pay going to be higher than what u expected?
Hmmm.. isnt it double blessing, u r also getting ur apartment keys??

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, heehee... abt the DOM and the ess of chicken, i really do think they did help me to recover faster. DOM i only start to take after i finished my medicine!! So are u still working now or ur contract finished liao?
Hi Joyce, BIG HUGS!!!

I am sure QianHui is doing fine in the angel world. I hope you have a quiet time remembering your dear daughter tomorrow.

Ocean, I am glad to hear that things are fine. I am sure you will be alright. Don't be overly concerned.

Hi Hamasaki,
Thank you. I will try to finish up the thesis. Probably will go back to the UK to finish it... More drive there when I think of when I can go home again...

I have just seen my doc today. The histology ruled out molar pregnancy. So, dunno why my baby died. Maybe due to the fibroids that I have got. My doc said something that I am lucky to have got pregnant
... sounds as if I will not be able to get pregnant easily. I still cannot sleep well at nite so the doc gave me tranquiliser and asked me to see a psychologist
. He said it will help me to recover from the grief and loss faster.

Hi Tiny,
Thank you for the hugs...
I think I am in mild depression now, just cry on and off everyday...

Hi Ocean,
I did experience the frustration of not being able to see the monitor during the scan... It's kinda keeping us in suspense. My very first scan was by a gynae at Mt E and he had a flat screen in my view while lying there to let me see exactly what he's scanning. Then, after that I went to Gleneagles x-ray department for further scan and I cannot see what the sonographer was scanning and I have to keep asking... It got a bit frustrating when the sonographer too engrossed in scanning me and not answering my questions.
Hi Ocean,

I specially log in to check if you have posted. So glad that the amniotic fluid is back to normal. Don't worry so much, you and bb will be fine.

<font color="ff0000">Folic and Java</font>, yes, its nice meeting up with you. Finally I can put a name to a face.

Java,hope u manage to catch up with some sleep.

U again missed my posting

Good to hear that your scan has gone well..


Elle (elle)
Username: elle

Post Number: 903
Registered: 9-2003
Posted on Thursday, October 07, 2004 - 11:44 am:

hi ocean,

ya lah i agree with you.. when you speak face to face with KKH nurse they dun really dare to be rude to you but never i expect thru the phone they cld be so impatient and rude. Actually so far those nurses that i've met face to face are alright even those more impatient ones i've a way to deal with them. Somes good ones, i've even wrote in two complement letters complementing two nurses there..a few of them are good infact.
I am like you b4 thinking of the $ i cld save from being a subsi patient so i shld stay put.. but just one bad experience from them its really enuff.. Anyway even b4 this encounter with them i've already decided to get a fix gyne after my 6th months so now i may bring forward 1 mth earlier. Initially i never thought of going to a pte doctor but my mum insist leh.. she said its better to 'bao' a fix gyne cos' those trainee officer cld anyhow "stitches your V" .. One of my fren's fren who just delivered even got infection down there due to improper handling by the MO end up lots of complication and her BB's head abit 'out of shape' bcos of the mishandling of forceps the MO uses. I dun want to take this risk lah..To get pregnant is a blessing so i rather spend more for delivery.

You may wish to take into consideration these few factors..

But i must say sometimes MO no doubt more inexperience they are more stuck up and spend less time with us as compared to consultant.. Have u ever experienced visiting the gyne at the same time a training MO sitting beside them to learn? If have leh.. twice liao..

Hey, no worries on your scan, all wld be fine
Good morning gals,
Today I'm not at work. Yesterday I was at home the whole day, was vomiting and had abit of fever. I suspect I'm abit heaty, coz the day before I ate durian puff. I know I cannot eat durians and famous amos cookies when I'm pregnant, coz these foods will make me very heaty. Felt terrible yesterday, like as if my MS came back. Today still abit weak. Hopefully tomorrow I can regain my strength and go back to work.

hi ocean,
specially log on to see if you posted. Was worried about you over the weekend, coz you didn't post since Thursday. Glad to hear that your amniotic fluid level has returned back to normal. Good luck for your exams!

hi ULN,
Hope you feel better today. You still sound sad.

ok logging off to get more sleep....
Morning Everybody!!
Hmm... it's Monday again! Always feel quite <font color="0000ff">Blue</font> on a <font color="0000ff">Monday Morning</font>!!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, thanks!
Yap, me still trying to drink more water as feel that my water index is just slightly above borderline!

<font color="119911">ULN</font>, really?
Actually i thot only KK's sonagrapher will block patient's view... Din realised that other hospital also got such problem!
How u feeling today? Hopefully ur pain had subsided!!

<font color="0077aa">Joyce</font>, like <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i believe ur little Qianhui is doing fine in the little angel world! Hope u have a peaceful Sunday!

hey ladies,

veri happy dat my 3rd AF arrives on dot yesterday.... meaning my body is back to normal liao... i hope lah!! juz hope dat my flow is heavier than the last AF.... *fingers crossed*

as discussed wif hubby, i will go for scan on CD 14 to check on my menstrual lining... if gynae gives green light, then we'll go au-natural dis cycle... hehee...

hi folic,
congratz!! Another princess on our list... veri happy for u... so bb gal will bring luck to their parents lah... hopefully me will hv bb gal in future as well...

thks for giving me the confidence to my next pregnancy... u r now my 'idol' liao!!

Hey Ocean!!!
see!! i'm veri confident dat things will go well for u...
ur gynae did mentioned dat above 6 will be good rite? drink more water nowadays... when u going back for ur regular visit?

ooo.... i am still working temp... they jus shifted office to Robinsons Ctr... veri CBD for me... abit buey tahan... will work on daily basis until end Oct... then they will review again...

hey java,
rest well at home today... it's drizzling dis morning... had to drag myself out of bed &amp; still trying to catch my sleep while pee-ing!! hahha...

hey Joyce...
ur angel QianHui is enjoying herself at Angel Land...
Hv u know the sex of ur bb for dis pregnancy? remember to share wif us the good news ya... take care..
