Support group - Miscarriages

Java, I carry my laptop around the office as well. I think that's fine. As long as you don't strain yourself, then i think it's ok. I will pray very hard for you and your baby. Looking forward to your postings/sms on Monday. Just saw your other qn- no I don't have nauseas anymore.. eating more and more...:p


Hi U,

So sorry to hear abt your loss. "Big Hugz". Read from other thread that you have a big fibroid which is blocking the bb. It may be a good idea to remove it. Hope you will have a speedy recovery after D&C. Pls take care.
Hi Java,

Why are you seeing TC Chang for the detailed scan and not WK Tan?? Btw, TC Chang is my gynae. He is quite a nice and patient doctor. All the best to your scan on Monday. Remember to update us hor.

Hi Tiny,

Wow, you and your hubby really "ching mei ju ma" hor, know each other for more than 13 years liao!!! I can't help laughing abt the "hanging underwear rolled out in a ball!!!" My hubby also did the same thing b4. ha ha
hi tiantian,
I also dunno. The nurses say that all patients under WC Cheng Clinic, the detailed scans are all done by Dr TC Chang.

hi Tiny,
What do you mean by "hanging underwear rolled out in a ball"? I tot once u hang the underwear, it will naturally be unrolled?
Hi <font color="0077aa">Java</font>, dun wori, i'm sure ur bb is healthy &amp; happy
tink positive &amp; stay cheerful. dun forget to update us ur scan result.
<font color="0000ff">U</font>, I am so sorry to learn about your loss!!
So today, u be going for D&amp;C? Please do take care of yourself.
After that, do have a 2wks mini confinement to nourish your body after that ok! This is because we are considered very weak after M/C!

Hey <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, ur hubby really sew a pillow for u?
Well, at least ur hubby is willing to shed blood for you!
Mine also did the same for my birthday. I told him he must give me a present below $5.00. So he got his mum to help using sewing machine to sew the basic shape of the pillow cover, and then he will sew the buttons and some loose end!
Then he used Marker to write his wording!!
Actually, abit touched by his effort lah!!
Last time he even collected all those tickets, such as movie tickets, amusement park tickets and file them in an albumn with our pictures to give me! So nice.... Hmmm... NOW, just nothing!!! Hai yah......

Oh,by the way,<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, how to ur hubby roll
it in a ball to hang har?

<font color="aa00aa">Missy</font>, that hotel is quite nice, but i think it is abit inaccessible. But maybe with the new Northeast MRT line, maybe transportation is not so bad!! That time, i din consider the hotel due to the location as quite a few of my friends and relatives have no transport. But i did heard that it is quite grand!

<font color="ff6000">Java</font>, i think as long as u dun feel nausea and tired, it shld be ok! For me, i noe immediately cos my BB dun like cos, she will make me feel nausea. That day, i bought 6 boxes of mooncakes
and then after carrying for a while, i will feel nausea!!
Hullo all!

Just came back from a Bali holiday and spent the last two days reading up to catch up on everything that's been happening on this thread! Wah liao, it sure moves fast man!

It looks like almost all of us have experienced the same thing with AF after D/C. I am still waiting for my 2nd AF. Ovulation happened on CD24! But hey, at least it's happening! Better than before, when I didn't have any for 6 months!

Okay, all this is probably very belated but nevermind, I'll go ahead anyway:

Tubby and Folic, Happy wedding anniversary and may you both have many, many, more wonderful ones in the years to come!

U, sorry to hear about your loss. Do take good care of yourself and get proper rest. You are porbbaly feeling very hurt. This won't go away so soon, but you will get over it.

Earlier, I thought I was, but each time I read/hear about another friend/celeb who is pregnant, it's like another stabbing in my heart. Why is it that everyone is getting pregnant left, right and centre and I have to lose mine? I feel bitter sometimes, but I also know that things happen for a reason that we cannot fathom, and that they can only make us stronger.

Missy, Hotel New Otani is quite old but still looks okay. Do you know local singer Corinne May who is based in the US? She had her wedding dinner there last year.

Java, all the best for your scan! Do keep us updated with the results and yes, you and your baby are definitely in my prayers...
hi ocean,
ur hubby collecting movie tickets and filing them into an album reminded me of last time my hubby who fold little paper cranes and put into a bottle, I think got abt 100 of them. There was also a time he picked up shells from the beach and pasted them on a card in the shape of a heart. Thinking abt those times really put a smile on my face, it was a more innocent kind of love. I think our relationship has grown alot since the incident from my first preg, now we know better each other's worries and to give better emotional support. I'm sure there is more room for growth in the many years ahead spending it with him.

First time I hear when u carry heavy things u will feel nausea. Sorry ocean, not to laugh at you. I only remember having nausea if I eat something which the bb dun like. For e.g. the mango in rojak. Wah u bought 6 boxes of mooncakes? For who, urself? My company had some mooncakes frfom Raffles Hotel. Wah very nice leh, the lotus paste is smooth and fresh, only thing is very sweet!

Sigh, really look forward to going home, having a slight headache now. Past few nights didn't sleep well.
Java, you never sleep well bcos you sleep too much in office is it??

jujube, you enjoyed Bali? I enjoyed myself very much! Congrats on being able to detect ovulation! For the cycle where I conceived, I also ovulated very late, CD 27-29 I think. So as long as you ovulate, sure will strike one day!

Ocean/java, you all do such lormantic things ah!
Fold paper cranes and collect tickets? :D ahaha like movies like that. Me and hubby already very old when we got together, so don hv such 'innocent' moments!

U, sorry to hear about your loss. Take care!!!

Java, all the best. I have faith in you and your baby ;) And yes the mooncake from Raffles is good... I love it too.

Jujube... welcome home ;) Good that you are ovulating.... it means that hope is there.
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, u very bad, said <font color="119911">Java</font> sleep
too much in office!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, u bad bad, say dun wanna laugh, still laugh at me!
Dun noe lah, so that day, i just bought back 2 boxes. The next day, i carry another 2 boxes and went food court to "ta pao" rice home.
U noe what, immediately i picked up the rice and walked for a while, i felt nausea again!!
I noticed this pattern and also found that my BB dun like me to walk very long.... If not, feel nausea again!!
Food wise, i can eat anything under the sun!!

<font color="aa00aa">Jujube</font>, image{wel} home!!
So how was your holidays???
Hi <font color="ff0000">Jujube</font>, welcome back! i tink tis is the 1st time i see ur msg here coz me a newcomer. glad to hear tat u r ovulating. good luck! let's jia you wor

Hi <font color="0000ff">Ocean</font>, i've seen the exterior of Otani, looks old indeed but the ballroom quite grand lor. if the interior &amp; food is gd, i won't bother abt the exterior. anyway, i can oni decide when i return to sgp. hey, my hubby same like ur hubby leh, he keeps all the movie tix during our courtship days &amp; till now he's still keeping the amusement tix
Don't worry ok. It's oredi Friday today, so just relax and enjoy the weekends ahead and keep us updated ok....

I've bought the OPK liao. Wow, very expensive leh - $67.30 for 5 sticks of test.

Hope able to detect my ovulation day soon.

So sorry to hear about your loss. As the gals here has advised, you'll need lots of rest and eat lots of "bu" food to nourish back the body lor. Take care ok. You can feel free to share your tots here when you are ready..
Hi <font color="ff0000">Miao</font>, wow! y ur OPK so expensive? $60+ for 5 sticks oni? here in States, i paid US$14 which is abt S$25 for 5 sticks. anyway, i hope u find ur eggies soon. good luck! jia you jia you
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, not we lomantic, it is our hubbies that are lomantic.... But hor, for me, that is last time... Hai yah.... <font color="119911">Java</font>'s hubby like very good leh!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, the mooncakes, i bought 2 for my mum, 1 for sis, 1 for MIL and 2 for myself!
Now, i craving for Snowskin Durian Mooncake!

Oh, i got eat the Raffles Hotel one, but think that it is too sweet!
hi folic,
ya lor suan me. dunno leh I really hope this dun become a sleeping pattern. I keep waking up at 2am after that can't go ack to deep sleep liao.

hi miao,
Ya I know OPK sticks can be quite ex. Did u try checking out the MarketPlace in this forum? I saw somebody selling OPK at reduced prices. I mean since you already bought 5 sticks, I hope you can conceive within the 5 tries and no need to buy any more OPK!!
Hi Jujube,

Welcome back. Hope you have enjoyed yourself.

hi ladies,

Wow, all your hubby so sweet leh.

Hi Ocean,

My goodness!! How did you manage to carry 6 boxes of mooncakes??? Me carry 2 boxes just now already complain very heavy.

Btw, just now I went to Bugis junction to queue to buy Goodwood park's durian and espresso mooncake but espresso one out of stock liao. So angry!! Queue for so long then realise it's out of stock.
huh? Java, I dunno there is someone selling reduced price OPK leh!! Anyway, buy liao lor. Thank you so much. I also hope just this once I spend this amount on OPK then forever dont need to buy liao..

Oh missy, I never know they are selling it so cheap in the States.
Ocean &amp; Java,
Exactly...when you hang out the clothes naturally you will straighten them out and hang right? Well, my hubby just takes out the clothes from the machine and puts them on top of the drying rack. ok, he will straighten out the t-shirts to hang, but for the underwear, he won't bother so he will leave them in balls and just put them on top of the rack lor!! so when it's dry, they 'harden' and you have to pull them apart!!!

ocean, you mean when u carry heavy things you feel nauseous? haha interesting! your baby very smart...send signals to tell u she's not happy! but wow...6 boxes of mooncake...!!
<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, i went to Crown Prince Hotel, then in the mist of long Q and hot sun, bought an extra one. Din know it was so heavy until i carried them!
So after i went back to office, i just brought 2 boxes home per day lor cos my BB doesn't allow me to carry heavy stuff!!

Oh, is the expresso mooncake nice??? Sounds like very delicious leh!!
But hor, i better cut down on eatting those sweet things. Recently ate quite a few mooncake in office. But hor, i still have not eat any snowskin mooncake leh!!

Oh <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, so ur hubby's one is actually not hang
one lah! But to put on a rack to dry one???
Was thinkin if hanging, due to the gravity pull, all clothes will be unrolled mah!!

<font color="0000ff">Miao</font>, i hope u dun use it again after u finished them!
Hi Missy_lee,

I heard that Otani just changed their management and their food and beverage will be taken over by one of the very popular restaurant group here. So I guess it will be better than what it use to be

U, like what other ladies here say, just concentrate on recovering. If you need a 'listening ear', you can come in here to share your thoughts, I find it rather therapeutic to 'talk' to someone who understand what we being through.

Hi Jujube,

I also feel depressed with all the pregnancy news from relatives, friends and those celebrities.
Sometimes, I just wonder if I have done wrong in the past and the miscarriage is a form of punishment for me. Why can't I have a smooth pregnancy like everybody else?

Actually, my last pregnancy was sort of surprise to us as it was only 2 months after our wedding and we didn't really ttc actively. When the pregnancy terminated, it really hurts. I think I understand why people say losing something is worse than never have it before.
Hi <font color="ff6000">gals</font>! have a nice weekend

Hi <font color="ff0000">Pageup</font>, my situation is similiar to yours. my pregnancy came as a surprise too, we juz got ROM &amp; we weren't ttc at tat time, juz tat hubby accidentally shot inside. but i was ready to be a mummy &amp; was really thrilled to found out tat i was preggie. sadly, our happiness oni lasted for 2 weeks

i agree wif u, "losing something is worse than never have it before" &amp; i would say "having it before but not having it now makes it worst."
Hey Pageup &amp; Missylee, what you said is true. But try to look on the brighter side. To add on, you can say "and it will make you appreciate what you have a lot more"!! Esp for the guys. I feel that altho I was prepared to be a mummy then, my hubby never really was. But now I can see that he wants so much to be a daddy too, and that makes this whole pregnancy even more meaningful. At least when you get pregnant (which is going to be soon!) you &amp; your hubby will really, really appreciate what you are blessed with. Cheer up ok?
yes have to look at the happy and positive side.

i guess sometimes the guy juz act act one but when one day U announce that U are pregnate, mostly will see a happy face from him.. The whole pregnancy will be very meaningful then.
Hi gals! How's the weekend? I feel so sleepy that I can sleep all day long

It is raining heavily here in Alexandra, wish I am home sleeping.

Java has gone for her detailed scan today. Hope everything turned out well for her!

It has just started raining over at my Bishan side.

Yes. Java's having her detailed scan at TC Chang's today huh! Praying for her....
hi ladies,
i dint go to work today... hehe... cos last nite got wedding dinner so i tot take a day off to rest at home... hmmm... i miss my good ol' tai tai days...
i'm going out dis afternoon to run some errands...

hi Tiny,
kenot help bursting out in laughter when i hear ur description of hubby drying his undies.. i wld hv vomit blood if i saw my hubby doing dat! but i guess guys will always be guys.. at least he's helping you wif the hsework...

hi Ocean,
wow... u really shdn't carry such heavy load now.. good dat ur lil' princess reminded u... else hor, u sure carry all 6 boxes back at 1 shot rite? notti gal... dun strain urself...

hi java,
hope ur detailed scan today turned out well for both u &amp; ur bb...praying for both of u now..

hi missy)lee &amp; pageup,
totally agree wif wat u guys said!!! evenn when i'm TTC-ing last time, when AF comes, i always tell myself it's OK, can try again nix cycle... i rather see red then hv a unhealthy pregnancy... cos i know i sure kenot tahan to go thru' the loss... alas! it had to happen to me... many a times, i oso ask myself if it's retribution... but i hv slowly learnt to let go of dis question liao... but of cos! it still hurts when i see/hear abt other's smooth pregnancy lah...

hi miao,
i oso wish dat u'll onie need to use dis batch of OPK...
did u visit ur gynae concerning abt the irregularites of ur last AF?

hi U,
*big hugz* pls give urself plenty of time to grieve &amp; walk thru' dis difficult passage of ur life... feel free to come in &amp; tok wif us... like wat the others hv said... it's impt to rest &amp; 'bu' ur body at dis stage...
Hi ladies,
Just got a miscarriage recently and subsequently went for a D&amp;C. Miscarriages has got to be one of the worst things a gal could ever experienced... Could any of you help me out with a few questions?

1. There is some blood flow after the D&amp;C. How long does it last? I was told it would be 6-7 days.

2. Did any of you have any milk production? I actually saw a bit of milk flowing out when I was cleaning my breasts!!

3. How soon after the D&amp;C can we try for another baby?

Thanks and hope you're all doing well...
Oh, me feeling sleepy now!
Must be <font color="0000ff">Monday Blues</font>!! Feeling nausea now.. Wondered is it cos i drank milk tea this morning!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, do update us on your detailed scan and hope everything is well for you BB!

<font color="0077aa">Pageup</font>, please dont think of ur loss as retribution!
Think of it as this little angel might not be fated to be borned in our family! Like yourself, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font> and myself, we had conceived quite fast after our customary!!

I also din expected it cos my menses was very irregular and i actually thot my chances of getting preggie will not be easy! But then, i was found preggie and was feeling very lucky at that time! But suddenly, before i knew it, i lost the BB!

I guess what we went through taught us to appreciate life more! Not that we are not previously, but the feeling is totally different when it really touches my heart.

Goosh, suddenly, i really dont know wat i wanna to say, but i guess with everyone of us here supporting and listening, all of us will make it sooner or later!
Jia You Everyone!!
I think i posted twice earlier!
So just edited and deleted the posting!

Feeling hungry now... Dun noe wat to eat leh!
hi autumnloss,
*big hugz*

1. the bleeding after D&amp;C usually takes abt 6-7 days... some ladies actually do hv it abt 2 weeks... if it stretches beyond 3 weeks, pls go back to see ur gynae for a scanning..

2. i was 8 weeks pregnant when i had my loss.. &amp; i oso had some milky water from my breasts... according to gynae, nothing alarming.. the pregnancy hormones will take a while to disappear &amp; things will be back to normal again...

3. for D&amp;C, the timeline given by gynaes wld be after 2-3 cycles... but we go hv ladies here who hv success stories after 1 cycle... do listen to ur heart... dun rush... when u r ready, then TTC again..

pls come in here to chat wif us often... take care..
Hi Tubby,
Nope. I just called her clinic and told her my irregularities. She told me to monitor for a few more days, if heavy flow increases or persist further then come down and see her lor.

Luckily for me, the next day 2 days after calling her, my menses flow sort of subsided into brown discharge then stop liao lor. But all in it took 7 days to stop when I normally take 4-5 days.

And now I'm attempting to use the OPK starting tomorrow (CD12) because my usual cycle is 29-30days. Hope can detect my O day soon..
Hi everyone,
It is a rainy day today... really feel like sleeping...

Hi Java,
How's your scan? Hope it turn out well.

Hi autumnloss,
Teletubby had given you the answers to your Qs. Every body is diff so that will be a gauge. My bleeding after D&amp;C is only about 7 days with only the first 3 days extra heavy. But prior to my d&amp;c, I was bleeding already so maybe that's why it is shorten. I was 7 weeks plus pregnant then. For trying, I got pregnant only after one menstruation. I had d&amp;c on 30 April, menses came around 20+May then in end June, I got pregnant.

Do eat more tonics to build up your body. I feel that it is because of those tonics I took that's why I got pregnant easier and could carry my second pregnancy to full term.

Hi Pageup,
Dun feel that way. Like what tiny also mentioned, every angel was here with us, no matter how short, for a purpose, to teach us something, to bring us something.

I watch yesterday's channel U at 10.30pm... the two mums lost their 2yrs+ first borns without any symptoms... But they were VERY brave and they too say that their child was here on a mission, to show them what is love and the families never stopped talking abt them with their subsequent children. I think that's how we feel too...

And I must say again how this thread and all of you have supported me in my time of sadness. Those mums I mentioned above to Pageup too, had no one to turn to and they started a group too to give each other support and hope. I am glad we had each other, to learn, to share and to be there for each other... Seeing that program makes me feel so grateful to all of you... Asians really have little support for all these...No one wants to talk abt it and no one gets help...Sigh....Getting a little melancholy now...

Hi Folic,
How you? Kiss kiss baby for me! As for "lomantic-ism", never worry! Linda is your fren in having non-romantically inclined hubbies! HEhehehe....Older hubbies are such... Most romantic thing he ever done? Eh...think it is e diamond ring he got
me as a 'proposal' ring AFTER we decided to get married (look, he didn't even proposed) and we bought e wedding bands.... How's that? Hahhaha...
I always say I kena cheated by him cos I young and naive...Only 22 then leh... he old bird liao.
Hi ladies,

Good afternoon.

Hi Ocean,

Espresso mooncake sold out liao. Never had a chance to try but heard from others, it is very nice.

<font color="0000ff">Java</font>,

How's the detailed scan?? I'm very sure your BB will be fine.
<font color="0000ff">Hi autumnloss,</font>

I'm very sad to hear abt your loss. Pls take care and take alot of 'bu" things. To answer your questions:

1) My bleeding took more than one week to stop.

2) I do not have any milk production. I was 8.5 weeks pregnant then.

3)It is better to wait for at least 3 cycles after D&amp;C to ttc again becos it is better to strengthen your uterus 1st b4 trying again.
Hi autumnloss, sorry to hear about your loss. I did not have milk flow. However, as my miscarriage happened at 23 weeks, the doc did give me my one tablet to stop the flow if it does start. Depending on how early your miscarriage happened. If it happened at later stage, the doc might recommend 3-6 mths break. For 1st tri losses, usually, the recommendation is to wait till at least 1 menses cycle has occured. But more importantly, you should only start TTC again when you feel emotionally ready. Come chat with us often!

Linda, so farnee to read about your unlormantic hubby
Actually, I am not a very lormantic person either. I don't even have a diamond ring
Just that sometimes, I feel like tekanning him to make him do to things that will make me feel pampered. hahaha. Also, I know it embarrasses him to do such stuff and it is fun seeing him embarass. hahahah evil hor??
Baby is doing fine! I can feel the movement almost everyday now. I think this baby is very active! I have never felt movement so early the previous time. Maybe I know how it feels like!

Hi autumnloss

All of us here will be able to understand how you are feeling now because we've all been there.. Don't worry much now.. Most important is to rest well and eat "bu" food to nourish back the body ok..Feel free to come in and talk to us when you are ready lor.

My Ans:
1. My bleeding after D&amp;C takes abt 12 days.

2. I don't know when I lost my precious 'cos I knew it only during my 8.5week visit to my gynae. I've no milky discharge..just having the dark areola (area around the nipple) for about 1.5-2 weeks then everything goes back to normal again.

3. My gynae advised me to try again after 2-3 cycles... Well, it still depends on individual lah. I know you'll have the strong urge to try again immediately just like me when it happened to me the other time. But better to be ready mentally and not only physically lor.

Do take good care ok
<font color="ff6000">Linda</font>, u watched the Channel U show last nite?
For me, i cant bring myself to watch it. I felt that it is too sad for me!
But strange hor, initially i actually thot Channel U is showing those horror show one and i wanna to watch!

<font color="119911">autumnloss</font>, so sorry to hear about your loss!
Remember, at this point of time, nothing is more impt than to "bu" your body! Do eat more nutrious food!

Ok, to answer your qn for your reference only:-
1) For bleeding, mine for about a wk, followed by on off spotting for another one week plus or so.

2) I dont have any milky liquid.

3) As for how soon we can try after the D&amp;C, if u had a miscarriage in the 1st trimester, i understand that the fastest timeframe u can try is after ur 1st AF. However, some gynae suggested after 2-3 cycles so that ur body had regulated back to its normal condition.

But i think, most importantly is how u and ur hubby feel when ur body had recovered! Are u ready to ttc?

I also can't bear to watch the show. I think it is too sad... scared I can't take it.

Oh btw, for ladies who are TTC, I saw a program on CNA yesterday. It is sponsored by Eu Yan Sen. This episode talked about infertility. The couple featured tried IVF but I think it ended in miscarriage ( I caught the show halfway). Then they went to the Dr at EYS and did acupunture for 3 months and also medication. They subsequently conceived natrally. The doc was saying that initially, when the lady was there, her hormone levels were out of whack, due mainly to the IVF treatment. So she try to fine tune the hormones and try to get the couple to conceive naturally. For those interested, you can visit Dr Xia Rong and I think she is based in the EYS clinic at Paragon.

I have been to their clinic at Camden medical center before. All the docs there are specialists (not like the general TCM practioners outside). I saw Dr Ge Ming for tuina when I had the muscle aches and he is very effective. There's lots of info on the website so I think it's good to browse around as well

hi girls,
I guess the feeling of going through a miscarriage is a terrible experience to go through. I am about 6 weeks+ preg, but the doctor said that the gestation sac is too small, so only has only 30-40 percent chance of pregnancy will continue. I am suppose to go for a review tomorrow. If the baby is not growing, I will have to go for D&amp;C tomorrow.

This is going to be my 2nd miscarriage, so I sort of know the procedure. However,I still feel abit apprehensive and mostly very xian. I cannot help wanting to get over and done with it. But, really hope my next preg is going to be successful. I really hate this feeling.. sigh
Hi VerySian
Maybe it will turn out ok tomolo? Sometimes we never know. Take a good rest and let us know how tomolo ok?

Hi Oceans Folic,
I felt kind of affected when I watch the show. My hubby also ask me not to watch but I wanted to know why and how it happened. After the show, I get so paranoid... But to me knowledge is power. Although certain things we have no control over, but if that information, any information could help, I will learn it and use it.

I wonder how is Java...
Bigger bigger huggies to you...

Have faith. Things might not turn out that way as you think leh. Rest well and don't think too much. Keep us posted tomw ok.
HI Very Sian,

Hope your review turned out ok. Will pray hard for you. Do come to this thread and chat with us. It will help you feel better.

Linda, true, I think you are right about learning more about things. That is the attitude I have after my loss last year and I try to share what I can find with others in similar situation. Somehow, yesterday feeling 'weak'!

Java should be with hubby today as they are on leave. Hope to see her post tomorrow.

Pageup... don't say that of yourself. No matter how long or short the pregnancy was... it was a blessing and have faith that you will be blessed with another baby in no time.

Folic... what an active baby you have in there. Maybe he/she is trying to assure that everything is fine in there :p

Hi Autumnloss... sorry to hear about our loss. Take good care of yourself. In my case, my bleeding only lasted for 1 day, but like what the rest had mentioned, it ranges from individual to individual. If it gets too long for comfort, be sure to consult your gynae. For a loss in 1st trimester... generally gynae will advise to wait for 3 cycles before trying again. However, my gynae did mention that even if one should conceive before that it will be ok as long as you have recovered physically. But do at least wait for 1 cycle before you try again just to be sure that your cycle is back to normal... and most importanly that you have recovered emotionally as well.

Hey VerySian, I know what you mean. But do remember that you should never loss faith in yourself kay.
yo yo ladies, I'm back!!!! But rather I was back since 2pm plus, but went to have my afternoon nap. Dr TC Chang is very professional and skillful, checked the heart, kidneys, etc, everything looks normal and healthy. Except the brain seems to have small cysts. Dr WK Tan said that its quite common and most cysts will disappear by Wk 28. So I'm going for another detailed scan at Wk 30. Nothing is conclusive and I will still continue to pray hard. As I was lying down on the bed doing the detailed scan, my heart was beating very fast, at the same time I was praying.

Oh then she also say my blood sugar level abit on the high side, must cut down on the starch and carbohydrates. So folic, the expert in this area, I must ask u for some advice on what to eat. I decided to order my tingkat dinner back, more healthy compared to eating the bak chor mee from my foodcourt opp my house.
Java, I am so happy to hear that it went well! Was thinking and praying hard all day long. So happy that baby is normal and healthy! I will send you the wat to eat list through email. I just scanned it over the weekend

Java, Yes! See lah? We told you not to worry right? Ha!

I heard Dr TC Chang is very professional lor. He's my very good friend's gynae too. This friend of mine keep asking me to go to him when I got preggie the other time.. but hor. I feel very paiseh with male doc leh.. anyway, never mind lah... Very happy for you leh!!!

hi folic

i jus read that you also have your miscarriage at week 23. did you doc tell you the reason? cos for mine, my doc has no idea at all..
