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  1. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Hi all, Went for my ds in the morning. Confirmed that it's a bb gal!! So happy!! [IMG=] also said that her legs r long, same as the daddy. Haha. Told my in laws just now and they r happy cos they only have 1 grand daughter (who...
  2. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    Zachmommy and Diana, Saw in ur previous post abt the CL. Is it XueLian? I just called her this morning and she said that her own daughter has not delivered yet since cny period. Shd be ard these few days to go for surgery. Her daughter in law is going to deliver in may 2011. Wonder if it's...
  3. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    feimei, i'm fine and into my 5th mth soon come this thu. is yours a baby gal? mine is most likely to be a gal too cos in my previous visit to the gynae, dr says there's nothing that is stick out. hehe.. hoping for a gal too, to help me take care of bb2 and/or bb3. any mummies thought of a...
  4. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    hi everyone! didn't know there was a gathering! haven't login for a long time.. gosh... almost forgot my pw! haha quite a no. of new mummies!! welcome!! [IMG=] only recognised a few familiar ones... px22, feimei, jgwee...
  5. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    just wanna share: today nurse asked me if i want fish oil. i said ok. i asked if still need to eat folic acid, she says no. just have to continue to eat the multivitamins and fish oil. but have to be taken after meal.
  6. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    janice, the test still need to draw out blood one ah? *shivers down my spine* hope i will not be ping xue... cary, i tried calling TMC and my gynae's clinic but no one answered. think it's the same ba... anyway still have 2-3 more weeks. can find out then. feimei, yeah i'm hoping to...
  7. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    hi cary, cos i noticed there's another Oscar test stated on the paper and i thought it's different compared to the one i wrote above. haha. thanx for clarifying [IMG=]
  8. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    hi Mummies, i haven't login for a long time le. hope everyone is fine and healthy! [IMG=] feimei, glad that u r ok now. must take care and rest more. noticed that alot of mummies are going for oscar scan. today is my 3rd...
  9. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    px22: so cute the way u describe ur beanie. haha. when is ur next visit? mine is 29 nov. i'm thinking if i shd change it to 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks later. cos by then will be 9 weeks and hope to see bb's hb too.
  10. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    px22: my lmp is 30 sep. happy for u that u r able to see your little beanie! mine cannot see yet. hope i m ok... most likely i'll choose Mt A. wendy: congrats! beautiful and perfect! woohoo!! must be really joyous upon hearing it. serene: i dun have menstral cramps but more of wanting to...
  11. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    elch, sounds like u r a happy mummy! [IMG=] 1st consultation fees can be offset becos u sign up on the spot? or u signed up on the 2nd visit and they offset your first time fees? are u staying ard bp/cck area?
  12. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    elch, tze, feimei: thanks for sharing. feel better now. *heaves a relief* this forum is a great place! [IMG=]
  13. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    elch, the amt is $550 written on the paper, but not inclusive of gst, so i suppose now the biz is better, that's why it's no longer $550 nett? hehe. thanx for your comforting words. my next visit is on 29 nov (2 weeks from now). if you are excited about it, feel free to go at 5 weeks...
  14. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    feimei, i went on a "full bladder" stomach cos my sis in law warned me not to clear my bladder for ease of seeing. anyway doc says that it's normal so asked me to go back in 2 weeks. didn't offer v scan though. maybe he saw that i was quite nervous when he did the ultrasound on me? cos my hands...
  15. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    elch and pillow4, yes i'm with Dr Adrian Woodworth. according to the ultrasound pic, i'm 6 weeks 4 days. must have sac is it? hmmm.. as for his package, it's $588.50 including 7%gst. includes unlimited visits (doc says about 18-20 visits), blood pressure checks, urine tests for sugar and...
  16. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    rosegal, hang in there and dun give up. i guess during this period, most of us will worry about this and that. let God take control of your whole pregnancy. have faith in him k? *hugs* This morning i went for my 1st visit to the gynae. did an ultrasound and didn't manage to spot anything...
  17. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    hi ladies, today is the 1st day that i wanna throw up, before brushing my teeth. early this morning was my first time and when i reach office, i feel like puking again. Luckily didn't have a heavy breakfast. From 2pm till now, wanna puke a few times but nothing came out. Does morning...
  18. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    i bought folic acid from ntuc unity. cheap too. about $3-$5 per box
  19. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    px22, extra hands/legs? i thought the baby will become "very crab" (lame and funny). haha... family is cooking crabs and i haven't announced to them yet. was wondering if i shd inform them first abt my pregnancy, so i stay away from crabs, or i can try to eat a little bit (cos i love crabs!!)...
  20. S

    (2011/07) July 2011

    july baby, then u'll have 2 kids born in july! can celebrate together. haha
