(2011/07) July 2011

my gf went for c-sec this morning....

40 weeks.

excited for her.

going to visit her tom.

She married ang moh, already have a 2yr old son, this time round is mei mei.

Must be very pretty, fair skin and big eyes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


afternoon, mummies...

juz finished reading the archives... hee...

had done DS ytd and all are well... forgot to ask abt bb weight tho...

n i m having a prince~~~ DS done in 1 hr cos bb not cooperating... crouching and cannot see heart... stay outside for 20 mins and scan again... still not turning... then sono suggest to go toilet... i went n rub my tum tum telling bb to be guai n turn then when done i go grab something to eat then gotta go fetch kor kor liao... miraculously he turned~~~ must be too hungry liao... hee...


All doin okie?? For de first time in my life, Im wearing leggings.. So comfy!

Mummies, I been gainin alot of weight.. Scary eh... How to control? =(

Hi Mummies,

I have already given birth and have following items to clear

EBENE Bio-Ray Body Shaping Belt

7 days, Shapes your Body Improves Posture Efficacies Include:

1. Emits Bio-Ray to promote blood & oxygen circulation

2. Trimming down fat pockets around tummy and achieving

a slimmer waistline

3. Firming sagging skin and abdomen

4. Providing ample support and relieving backaches from past

injuries or strains

5. Improving body posture to relieve stress on the lower back

Bought at 119 from Unity, selling at 50% off

Size L

Condition- 8/10


The First Years Breast flow Microwave sterilizer

Two free breastflow bottles included

Price- Market Price S$50, selling at S$ 40

Condition- Brand New /Unopened


Denin Blue Max Kool Maternity Jeans

Size- XL

Bought at 69.90 from Kiddy Palace, Selling at S$50



Maternity Pants with elastic Band

Two Pcs – Black and Brown

Size-Free Size

Bought at 19.90 each, selling at S$10 each

Condition- 9.5/10


Please PM only, if interested.

Collection near Boon Lay MRT/Jurong Point (Any Day)

congratZ, XW!!! kor kor got companion!!!

maureen> which hospital u working at? i oso think hospital got their in-house infant/childcare?

Dear Mummies,

Congrats on your new motherhood journey. Sorry to interrupt but I have the following BRAND NEW items for sale. Please PM me if you are keen.

1) Tollyjoy Rubber Mat

2) Medela PureLan Nipple Cream

3) Tollyjoy cotton wool

4) Different designs of giftset

Urghhhh its so irritating! I got tripped by a lady at tanjong pagar and she is not even apologetic. she sticks out her leg while queuing for food.


was quite worried at first cos he says he like meimei more... but then when i say didi can play power rangers with him, he got so excited... even ask me when is didi coming out... he wanna bring didi to sch~~~ so cute... hee...

maureen> if sending bb to infant care and u working noon shift, can get ur hubby or in laws to fetch bb after their work....

XW> he wan to show care for meimei mahh..thats wat a kor kor will do...but if come to play companion...is diff lol...they got partner to play w...then u got more of ur free time lol...

muffin, u fell down? Did u scold her? Terrible leh..

if maureen is working graveyard shift, cant be she bring her bb to hospital at 2am in the morning rite? It doesnt really sound right.

Maureen, anyone helping you if you need to work odd hours? U can find a bbsitter, and then if u r working night shift or early morning shift, ur hb can go pick bb up.

Unless ur parents or in-laws can help u to take care when u r working shifts (that's wat one of my fren did). She's working in hosp too, staggered hrs. If her hb cant help (he work as housing agent), they send kids to mom's place to take care. When she dun work in the morning, she bring back and take care of them herself

Hi all,

Went for my ds in the morning. Confirmed that it's a bb gal!! So happy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] also said that her legs r long, same as the daddy. Haha. Told my in laws just now and they r happy cos they only have 1 grand daughter (who is now 6 mths) and 3 grand sons.

Muffintop, did u injure urself? Hope bb is fine. Take care.

hihi all mtbs

finally free to come in

Congrats XW...counting down to my DS 2...3more days....super scare.....starting to get paranoid again...cos seem like bb dun much movemnt this 2 days

muffintop...r u ok??? yesssssssssss agreed with Feimei...if me gg to give her tight slap 2

sunshine> Ohhh...u dun look 'shang liang' anymore...influence by my vi-lant...hahahahaa...ya...ur DS this thur horrr....

haha Feimei...i dun wnt to be shang liang...alway ask to give up seat...now must be very siong...suddenly remember 1 day my younger sis say that if really one day my bb is gonna bully in sch/child care...i will surely chong all the way fr work...n fight with the kid's parents who bully my bb

sunshine> all mummies r protective towards our own kids....ohh...fri, not thur...abt the same la...fri after scan, can go enjoy breakfast n go shopping!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muffintop: Hope u & bb are doing ok. Drink some warm water to calm yrself down.

XW: Congrats on having a prince and the gd DS result. My boy is the opp of yrs. My nephew pyscho him that a didi is gd coz can play Beyblade with him and he was convinced that didi is gd. So when his teacher asked if mummy is having a didi or mei mei. He looked down on the floor and reluctantly answered "it's mei mei lei~~~" then his teacher continued asking so you like didi or mei mei. Again, with his solemn face he replied "but doctor said mei mei lei~~~" Haha...But he is def getting over it nw coz i told him mei mei can also play with him. He's been talking to his mei mei throughout the day:)

Sogo: Congrats on getting a long legged princess! Model in the making huh.

DS: Going thru my DS this coming thursday morning. Hope all is well.

HUNGRY!! Ate 1/2 bowl of ramen for lunch it is is not even 1/2 of the original size.. ceh!

Now i feel like eating MOS burger..cos tonight's dinner is durian! Lolz


uh oh... i finished 1 WHOLE bowl of ramen, noodle and soup... everything cleaned... hee... cham... getting fat... gained 3kg in the past 1 month... hope all goes to bb...


he likes meimei cos all ard him all meimei mah... no didi... but he still sweet lah... will still kiss my tum tum say hello/goodnight to didi...


juz hope they dun fight lor.. hee....

thanks for ur concern, i didn't fall but in order to break the fall, i had to stamp one feet really hard. after that i was aching down below.

agree, really should give her a slap. i was with my husband.. and he was so pissed.

anyway, first time i ate at Shenton house.. the food there is nice and cheap.

busy these 2 days to log in at last managed to finish reading all the archives...

Congrads to all with gd DS result and getting to know the gender... Counting down to my DS on the 12 March, seems so far away...

Im also feeling hungry every 2-3 hours but till date only put on 1 kg... Dunno where all the food go to???

Yap starting to see ppl eating durians gonna buy some soon... Just get 1 good quality one to enjoy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XW: I'm sure he'll love didi. It's utterly impt to let him feel bonded at this stage. My son used to refer to bb as "your baby" but i told him it's not my baby but "our baby" so nw he refers to mei mei as our baby[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

muffintop: I bet yr hb must be real pissed off. Gd thing u din fall.

My son is abt 3.5 years old. Yr 1st one is also a boy right? Hw old his he?

sunshine> today ur turn to pop this qns: wat to eat???....ytd is me asking wat to eat??? i m totally numb in wat to eat...jus eat anything that will be full n my gal is happy...no craving, can eat anything but yet...eat till super duper SianZ~~~~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


my boy oso refers bb as "ur bb"... now i make him call didi instead... the thing is my sil is expecting a gal... delivering in may... i m worried dat my boy might love meimei more than his own didi... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Wowww....black pepper crab...no need soo good feast bahhh....need to save for lil bunny...cannot everyday 'ho-liao'....

Feimei: Same as u, i dun have any craving and not particular abt food. But still feel sian abt eating. Perhaps my only craving is instant noodle:p

Am meeting my secondary sch pals for seafood at Punggol (Tebing Lane). Dunno how to go, sound ulu to me. Cham...

cactusnah, my boy is 21 months now. I tell him mei mei inside tummy, he will kiss mei mei goodnight. and ask mei mei to drink milk.. haha

who is eating black pepper crab?? yummy,crab is one of my favourite food.. white pepper, black pepper, butter cream, soup crab... yum yum yum

cactus> i oso ate instant noodle once last wk...after soo many mths of 'tahan'....hahahha...but cannot eat too freq ahhh...no good...wat to do...jus eat for the sake of bb lol...as long not hungry...ok liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i very 'qing cai' one....

Was also thinking what to have for dinner... Planning to buy durian for dessert... But dinner... Really dun know what to eat...

Till now still in office finishing up a rpt before I can leave for the day... Most ppl have already gone home so quiet here...

Feimei/cactus>>> once in a while eat instant noodle also not bad, it always come to my mind when I have no idea wad to eat for dinner. But hor... In the end Nv eat. Coz my hubby will count the packets. Sure to Noe is me who ate it. Then Kanna scolding Liao...

cactusnah, the seafood place at Punggol has nice ambience hor.. i was there i tink last 2 weeks having Popeyes..hehe

went to buy durian at my fave haunt but was told D24 n MSW not worth to eat now cos expensive. Bought 'red prawn' instead.. taste wise so so nia but better than nothing lar.

fei mei, i oso din eat 'ho liao' daily.. i make it a point to eat better food on saturday and sunday brunh cos sunday dinner must eat at in law's place which is such a chore cos food is cold n yucky!! Usually end up hungry at night, be it i m pregnant or not..lolz

hi all did my ds yest and phew! everythg is fine and well.i. spent abt 1 hr in the rm coz baby was too active,sono had a hardtime to find her organs n take measurement.

she's of normal size n weight and growing well,which realy makes me feel less worried coz i told doc my tummy very small.

me n dh were quite shocked initially when we were told its a girl coz all those predictions n old wives tale show that im having a boy so we were mentally prepared for a boy.haaahaah.so old those ring test,all wrong leh.and we keep asking the sono u sure its a girl and she showed us the distinct 3 lines n nothing protrude out of the private pArt

but we were happy la coz as long as bb is healthy.i more happy coz can dress her up.haahaa

so i can start shopping liao!!

those goin for ds soon,dun worry k.everytg will be fine.ohh me n dh slow talk to bunny the day b4 and she really open her legs big big to let us see but was too active.hehe

muffintop: Oh yr boy is only 21 months old and knows hw to tell mei mei to drink milk ah? So heart warming right?

Aiyo, i forgotten that we're supposed to avoid crab till i read yr post on crabs this morning! Was yakking away with my friends and automatically help myself to the crab. kaka...

Feimei/piyo: I think i had at least 3 rounds of instant noodle for this pregnancy. 1st pregnancy totally avoided, 2nd pregnancy abit luan-luan lai. I've so much food choices at the old airport market but i'll end up tabao for everyone else and head home to cook my fav instant noodle.

zachmummy: I like that place. It's quite crowded when we went yesterday. Nice food, great company plus the fantastic weather makes it a perfect evening. Btw, u stay near that area?

pinkyrose: Great to hear the gd result for yr DS. U mean u've all along predicted bb to be a boy? Anyway, girl is also gd. My tummy is also very small, imagine non of my 10 friends whom i met yesterday noticed that i am pregnant till i told them half way thru dinner. It really makes me worry abt the DS tmr. Hope bb is fine & developing well...

i oso ate alot of instant noodles be it from first pregnancy or second pregnancy..haha. even during my 2nd mth of maternity, i oso eat instant noodle for lunch cos when u r alone at home, instant noodles seems to be the easiest choice. I just add fish inside to make me feel much healthier! Alot of tomyam too..

this time round, not sure if i shuld just order catering for lunch then save the hassle to think of what to eat. I have frens catering confinement food even at 2nd mth of maternity leave to help increase milk supply.

cactus, i stay 20 minutes walk away..

Morning mummies....

I eat instant noodles almost once every week wor.. DH eat with me, nv scold also. I just eat watever makes me happy..

FML!!! I just blew 300 bucks for nothing... Yesterday I was having a sharp pain in the lower right of my tummy since 11am.. Pain until cant walk. Then my other preggy colleague said her gynae said these pains not supposed to last more than 10mins, otherwise not good must see doc.. So i crawled to the nearest gynae near my office, only to find an empty clinic cos he is on leave. Then I walked to OUB plaza cos another colleague told me they had gynae there- Ya but only in the mornings and must fix prior appointment.. Then i crawled to my normal GP who had ultrasound at the Arcade but she told me the person who analyses the ultrasound is not in today and asked me to go A&E instead.. WTH.. after 3 failed attempts I almost wanted to smash something up if I wasnt in terrible pain..

Limped back to office, finished my work and informed my boss.. DH came to fetch me to KK.. and they referred me to Delivery Suite?? I only 23weeks not delivering leh pls.. These guys strapped me to heartbeat monitors, check for dilation, did blood test urine test, wanted to ward me for the night for further observation.. I insist on not staying- so they made special arrangements for me to do ultrasound to check for appendicitis cos all the docs pang kang already.. Nothing found cos baby was too big and blocking the appendix n ovary from view. So in the end still dunno wats wrong with me.. Ask me to monitor myself or else get warded for a couple of days.. and all these cost me 300! Now no more pains in the tummy.. but heart very very pain ahhh

Any mummie with the same pain?



Why cannot eat crabs? I took a lot of it over the past 2 months!


Any recommendation for confinement food caterer? I should be going for it as well as most likely I'm not having a CL.

