(2011/07) July 2011

re stretchmark cream, i bought liao from clarins (the cream not the oil, like jojo) but haven't start using.

stylomilo, yes crazy weather this December ... you better pack some warm clothings.


good food during pregnancy:

avocados - folic acid, pottasium, vit c, vit b6

broccoli - vit a & c, calcium, folic acid

carrot - vit a, vit b6 & c

pillow4> i oso want to scratch, but in public cannot. go home scratch to my heart's content... haha.

alicia, cary> yeah must ji(1) ji(2) abit.

janice, the test still need to draw out blood one ah? *shivers down my spine* hope i will not be ping xue...

cary, i tried calling TMC and my gynae's clinic but no one answered. think it's the same ba... anyway still have 2-3 more weeks. can find out then.

feimei, yeah i'm hoping to move on to 2nd tri soon. hopefully my ms will be reduced drastically and i can eat more! hehe. during this period, i've a lot of cravings ah... eg. kfc black pepper chicken, black carrot cake, car kuay teow, pizza hut cheez 7, mcdonald sumarai burger, and many more!! but each meal cannot eat too much, otherwise will be merlion.. lol

just wanna share: today nurse asked me if i want fish oil. i said ok. i asked if still need to eat folic acid, she says no. just have to continue to eat the multivitamins and fish oil. but have to be taken after meal.

stylomilo, yes yes, at least a jacket.

sogo, yup or call them tomorrow, think it should be the same.

hi all mtbs

I very poor thing...i have diarrhea since Sunday...i suspect is the freshly squeezed apple juice that i drank. or could be the fish soup that has condensed milk in it that causes it. I am worried if bb is alright since i can only see doc next Mon for the Oscar scan.

I got a craving for Xmas ham when festive season drawing near. any idea if can eat them?

stylomilo, i also got itchy nippies! so ps to say.. haha dunno what to get to ease the itch..

Alicia> i red reviews on palmer not very good. My fren used Mustela and folixia said good.. but i dunno where to get so got the clarins cream instead.

stylomilo: windbreaker better.. the winds there are scary.. dunno come from where one even in queen vic mkt the wind can also blow everything down... my jacket didnt have any use at all..


Melb is famous for it's crazy weather. Was there for my overseas studies when I was younger. It can be summer in the day yet winter at night. So shorts alone is definitely not substantial. It's better to pack something warm as well. Coz seriously you'll never know what the weather is like.


I asked my gynae if i can take fish oil, he say can but still need to take folic acid leh...or u wan to chk w ur gynae???


can eat but moderate lol becos ham is processed meat so nt too much ya...i will oso be eating...kekekeke...ham is my favourite too!!!

thanks ladies, yeah melb has very erratic weather, will pack a few warmer clothes.

jojo> paisay right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think the stretch mark cream/oil may help too.

Shuld I go see dr now?? I hv fresh blood n my tummy is not feeling good. Each time go toilet sure abit of poop (very watery) will flow out with a blob of red blood.

But at this hr no gynae leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi ST,

I had soft stools from last Tue, followed by diarrhoea from last thur... was worried w bb... Yday went KK 24-hr clinic, was given med n hydrating freezer pops! Yummmm... :p if your diarrhoea doesn't get better, gd to c doc... Take care! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

modisch, I read that pregnancy diarrhoea lasts for 1-2 days... But if poop has blood or mucus, hv to c doc...

Btw are u gals' blood pressure lower during 1st tri? Yday doc said mine is low, dunno if it's normal...


yes, i Love ham!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Hmmm~~~better to make it hot 1st lol...if possible!!!

like if i eat subway, i will get them toasted too!


go to kkh a&e bahh...nite clinic sometimes oso quite long queue...play safe, go kkh, they can scan for bb as well...

Me now waiting at raffles woman medical at tampines. The nearest for me cos today was having meeting at changi biz park. Wonder is it cos I was carrying heavy laptops, bags n wearing heels summore gotta climb up n down.

Me now waiting at raffles woman medical at tampines. The nearest for me cos today was having meeting at changi biz park. Wonder is it cos I was carrying heavy laptops, bags n wearing heels summore gotta climb up n down.

Lotsa things going through my mind. Culd it b during USS I play those rides with my son? The mani pedi session at jb or the box I lifted down to take my bags... Sigh

rest ur mind n stay +ive....the blood fr ur poo or from V? if from poo, maybe u too heaty leh....dun tink too much!!!


Shld be k de...do update us


Ur is diarrhea mine is constipation till the skin thr tear n bleed..,think many shld avoid milky stuff


Is ur discharge getting better???

Feimei, i dun dare eat subway coz of the raw veg. Read somewhere not to take salad bar so tot subway maynt b safe. Then again my fren has been eating subway she ok leh.

Sunshinbb, ya i also avoid milk. The diarrhea made me scared. Now my latest problem is backache on the lower right side! The whole right hip n tailbone. Feel kinda sad coz like one prob aft another.

Modish... haiyo... y like dat. could be carry heavy things + some more wear heels or over stress ya.

stay positive & rest well k. no woli. do update us k.

Understand subway lots of raw ham. so is better to eat cooked wan. i act chicken & bacon ranch. nt bad mummies out there can try. add honey mustard & mayo ;)


my dietitian said can eat salad lah...as long not daily, it's ok...i din eat subway daily...maybe once a wk..

stylomilo, just scratch! i sometimes just see no one watching then scratch thru my bra.. haha, so gross right?

wow, after reading the post feel like having subway tmr

mdmkhoo> mayb uterus is growing, I hv tat fm time to time bt went away quite fast. as long the pain nt continuous n no bleeding shd b ok. if u r still uncomfortable, better chk w gynae for peace of mind. take care.

Mdm khoo, im having sharp on off pain at lower abdomen area. Wonder if its ok. I went to A&E to check, everything ok, bb ok but why am i still in pain

modisch, everything ok?

mdmkhoo, how long have you been having the on/off sharp pain? think better to check with gynae.

cannot eat ham ah? I still eat... love ham & cheese sandwich!

the on/off very random or throughout the whole day? if throughout the whole day, maybe call gynae/clinic tomorrow to check. ask if you need to make a trip down.

mdmkhoo, if it is still bearable it shld be ok. sometimes i hv it too. nowadays i cant even lie flat on my back cos i can feel te stretching. so maybe it is the uterus growing...

mdmkhoo, cough till got blood???? then you better go see ...

lizzie, hubby at times are like that ... if the pain is really uncomfortable, get him to bring you to KKH.

mdmkhoo, cramp there? never really heard of. yes I think very bad infection, you better go now ... ask abt the pain and get med for your cough.

mdmkhoo> I feel pain on lower adomen, sometimes on the side or close to vaginal area bt pain is intermittent n usually at night before bed. if u still coughing blood it's bad, u shd get it chk out asap.

