(2011/07) July 2011

yaya, dont worry. if that is the case you are still safe. nevertheless, i will still ask for you. I dunno whether he felt 2 pulses or he is imagining. maybe both are my pulse just tat it could be the "reflection" of my pulses. haha. i have never heard fr mummies here tat they can feel the pulses le.



i m carrying my #1...hahaha...

Woww...ur hubby dun prefer a helper, how? anyone to help u when #2 come? it will be tough on u ya~~~to manage the small n big one...

actuali i oso dun like helper leh...

at my #1 i had maid for few months, just find maid beri mafan.. and cause another set of problem... ... MIL dun like oso... so we hardworking abit loh.. hahaha

feimei & daph, what i did is to employ part-time maid to come over the weekends to do hsework. maybe u can try that daph? then your workload will be less and energy wont be sapped by bb #1 and hsework. i also dun like maid to stay. but when bb come i also dunno how.


i oso headache on this issue...becos my col have been saying that need to plan liao...otherwise, last min horr...everything got mess up...but i also dunnu where to kick start....MIL is working leh....dunnu she will sacrifies to give up her job n look after for me anot leh?? if not, will hv to get a maid lol...realli no choice worr....haiz~~~but i try not to bother with such thing 1st....after 1st tri dan headache bahhh.... =P

jgwee, wow! so we start to buy? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or are we collating? but i read that we can only start using from 3rd mths onwards le.


I think I'll need a helper next year but having a stranger to stay under 1 roof really irks me. If only there's helper that comes in only from Mon-Fri, 7-8pm and go off after that...

feimei, maybe we start to plan this maid issue when bb is abt 5mths lor. at least we dun stress ourselves so early. haha. i dun wanna think too much also. think already i also stress.

elch, i cant help but feeling that by end of next year after confinement (if everything progress 'sui sui')i will need to employ maid liao. yalor, i oso hoping that there will be such service. hmmm, maybe we shld set-up this service?? then rent hostel for the maid to stay. can offer to other mummies... haha...

jgwee, if i already have marks on my thigh and butt do i still use the preventive? or i use stretch mark concentrate, then preventive on stomack n breasts? i blur.

Hi girls,

pillow, feimei, yaya, audrey, wendy, daph... all of you... thanks for all your advice ya?

My hubby asked me to remain positive but i find it so tough...

Yesterday night I told me parents about the news, though worried about the medication, was happy, ate lots over dinner etc.. we decided i skip one day of the medication..

Then i had a bit of pinkish mucus at 8:30pm, so i panicked, ate the medication. By 10pm, the spotting sort of lessened, so decided to go home to monitor situation, and would see doc the next day.

But at 11plus, again spotting, this time with small reddish streaks (fresh colour kind), so my hubby decided should take me to see the doc. We went to TMC and was so glad doc cheng could be called back (i thought it would be another doc at first). I was so worried the whole time..

Anyway the doc scanned and couldn't seem to find anything.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he says there are three possibilities: 1) pregnancy too early, cos ovulation was late 2) cell stopped growing earlier on so now can't detect 3) pregnancy is somewhere else in the body.

of course, 2) is sad and 3) is most dangerous, and doc asked us to just focus on 1) for now.

He asked me to up the medication to 3x duphaston n 3x progynova a day, and to stop the aspirin. Also did a blood test for hcg. he gave me an injection to strengthen womb lining, and asked me to see him thurs morn.

fellow christians out there. i'm just hanging on to God to pull us through this one. only we n God know how much we want the baby.

I just keeping telling myself that maybe it was indeed late ovulation, cos usually i ovulate late anyway...

now still spotting a little bit, but at least the good news is there is no cramping/ abdominal discomfort at all. praise the Lord. the only cramping i have is in my calves n not sure if it's cos i drink too much..?

anyway, just wanted to update you girls now that i've slept the whole night after coming home at 2plus am last night.. i feel slightly better (you know sat night i couldn't sleep cos of medication worry)

so, thanks girls, i'll keep you posted. but i won't be coming back so often to check, so you girls continue to enjoy your pregnancy ya!

luff u all.


pls take good care...n rest much much....dun carry heavy things ya...just sit on ur sofa, rest n relax~~~~dun think of anything...hv a clear mind n wait for thur chkup...

everything will be fine for u, i pray for u!!! (thot i not christian but i pray for u to my god!!!) :D

hi ladies i just tested positive yesterday...doc told me im abt 5weeks preggie..now im having headache to choose which gynae...

any recommendations?

and i tried browsing the hospitals website but not all hospitals state their proce


Take good care!


You may want to check out if there are any gynae that's well recommended around your area. As during 3rd trimester, visits to the gynae is a weekly affair so choosing one that is easily accessible will be good...

welcome pinkrose,

ur #1??? they wun publish their charges on the web, hv to call n chk....for us here,got mummies gg to TMC, KKH, SGH, Mt A...distance may be one of ur consideration...

yup my no.1.... have ttc since AUg..at last,last month tio...heehee

i actually have records in SGH coz of my cyst...do u think i shoud go back there?

and is Mt A or Mt E expensive?


Mt.A not expensive but Mt.E definitely is. Maybe you can focus on getting a gynae of your choice 1st before thinking of which hospital to deliver as most private gynaes deliver in most private hospitals.

All the ladies here will survive through the pregnancy despite all circumstances and we will see our little one in 8 months time. Amen!!

Abt taking care if bb and etc,

Currently my #1 is being taken care by my mum during the day when I'm working. But I have intended to send him to full day childcare when he's 18mths. Last week when I broke to news to my mum that I'm with #2, she said she doesn't wanna take care. (she said it's tiring, but I suspect that she's not pleased with my mil being able to work and so free) was very despaired upon hearing that she doesn't wanna help take care. I actually cried the whole day.

Later on, I came out with the solution that I will pay mum more(double of what I give to her every month) and ask her to help take care of #2 until 'she' turns 6 months old then send her to infant care. Only felt at ease when mum seems to be ok with the idea.

Hi ladies,

I tested +ve over the weekend but I'm a little hesitant to post as my previous ended in a m/c in aug.

Hopefully this bean sticks to me. If nothing goes wrong, then this would be my #2.

A little history, have been TTC-ing for more than 2 yrs b4 striking but it ended in a m/c in aug. So my gynae started me on my 1st cycle of clomid in October.

My appt's next week.

hi rosegal, *hug* everything will be ok, be positive.

hi yaya, a bit scared but well work still need to be done. Can really feel that i get tired easily in this trip. I walk abt 20min to get to my office this morning & it's leaving me a bit breathless thereafter. I think i need to somehow tell my boss to take taxi tmr onwards lol.

i'm also planning to find out more about infant care. my mum is not physically v strong to take care of bb, while MIL is totally nt going to help, with all her ECAs & stuff. It's just me n hb taking care of bb, not safe to hv maid w little one alone at home.

In fact when we told hb's family abt the possible pregnancy news, the whole thing is over within 10secs. Nt expecting champagne pouring or what but still... HB say his family takes time to warm up (??) so give them time. I was not v pleased about it, in fact i wasn't keen to tell them till after gynae visit aka confirmation but HB wants to share it first since they r family. If we were telling close friends, y nt family members. Somehow friends show more warmth leh.

Hi everyone,

I have been contemplating whether to join this thread as my situation is the same as freshpoison77. I had a m/c in Sep and just tested +ve last Fri. Will be seeing my gynae tmr. This is also my #2. My #1 (boy) is going 19 months soon.

pinkyrose, congrats! well, if you have time you can actually read the the previous thread of other mths, not only ours. it is always widely discussed. there are a lot of consideration as to whether which gynae or hosp u wanna choose. gotta zoom down whether u prefer male/female, is distance more impt or being comfortable with gynae more impt. is cost impt too... all these factors will make your selection easier.

freshpoison & jerjer_kids, u are most welcome to join us! it is recommended to join even though not confirmed cos at least u can talk to someone and ask for advice since we are not supposed to tell other ppl. then u can better take care of yourself and bb.

Rose... Hugs..

Hope you are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies,

Need to ask, is it normal to have clear discharge through the vaginal during pregnancy?

The discharge is like those when we are ovulating ...

No bleeding.. Only that..

Audrey, dont worry. I read before that it is normal. that is like some discharge from birth canal to protect baby from infection. i also had it 2 days ago. mine was milky whitish one.


Mine's milky whitish too. Whenever I feel discharge I get paranoid of spotting and will always rush to the toilet to check it out!

Hey rosegal,

If can take leave and rest in bed. Only leave ur bed for toilet, bath and meals. If can, take naps in between. That's what I did last friday. The cramp and bleeding stops.

I will keep u in prayer.

Congrats pinkyrose, freshpoison77 and jerjer_kids. Welcome to the group.

Audrey, I also have clear discharge.

I took the Friso milk last nite and puked twice last night and once this morning. My hubby keeps telling me to try again but the thought of drinking it make me sick. I know it's a waste of $$$ but it's better to waste it then to puke all the meals. I really hope I don't need to drink it again.

elch, i also went to check cos i scared its spotting. but cos i wearing pantyliner it is hard to see whether i have whitish discharge... i only found out two days ago cos lazy to wear panty liner [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha.

brainysmurf, try to drink anmum choc flavor. nicer.


You may wish to try other brands of milk. Anmum is not too bad. During my first pregnancy, I also disliked the taste of most brands except Anmum. I actually got samples from my gynae and during the hospital visits. Try samples first then you dont have to waste $.

hi all ladies!

im back from my trip.

yesterday nite had a scare when i reached home as i saw some brown discharge. i got so freaked out cos i dont want history to repeat itself..from brown discharge to full blown mense and i lost my beanie.

went out of the toilet crying. hubby was so shocked..told me to think positive and we pray for it together.

now im monitoring it..so far dont have. hubby said i might have walked too much during the trip and didnt have enuf rest.

i really hope everything goes well this time.


i know exactly how u feel.

hang in there..think positive and pray hard ok.


are u from the march 2011 mtb thread?

looks familiar but i cant remember..i dropped out of there due to my m/c in july.

to elch, jerjer, yes lets pray for a sticky, healthy pregnancy.


dun get unhappy over that...maybe they really slow to share ur happiness?

i oso did not intend to tell but hubby say...no need tell, just hint SIL n she will be the broadcastor....hahahhaa...dan ytd MIL called...dun think PIL will show more concern as they prefer their younger son than my hubby....soo both of us r very independent... :D i oso never hope MIL will quit her job n help me look after....soo will think of something when dates r nearer....

brainysmurf > I started taking friso milk this morning. Hmm how about mixing the milk with milo? To lessen the taste of the milk..

Dear MTBS, tmr is my 1st visit and I am very scared n excited. Btw, may I know that normally for 1st scan (I shld be abt 6 weeks), we are given belly scan or v-scan. Then we must also make sure our bladder is full for better scanning isit?

another qs. Mamil Mama req us to drink 3 glass/day. But I read that 3 glasses is enough for a day of folic acid requirement too. But I am taking 1 folic acid currently. Will I be overdose? Or shld I cut down to just 2 glasses/day and con't taking my 1 folic acid.

It's okie to over dose de right ? :p

The supplements I am taking now is swee swee daily intake, excluding the food I eat..

Cos I m worried I am short of any..

audrey, no leh. i studied before that overdose of folic acid is toxic to baby. cos i took a course on nutrition during my uni days and i remembered it very clearly...


Depending on individual gynaes practice. Some prefer not to use anything invasive as far as possible thus they'll just do a ultrasound scan and not a transvaginal scan. My gynae is one of them. Having a full bladder makes the 'view' clearer...

If we are taking prenatal multivitamins, those milk marketed for pregnant mums are not necessary as it'll only make the mummies fat and not the baby more nutritious. There's only so much that can be absorbed. Some gynaes do not recommend those milk for mummy deeming it unnecessary.

hi ladies....i was having spottings too,thats why i thought my menses coming....

doc says it's normal...called the implantation bleeding but it should not prolong though...

now my discharge is those whitish ones

elch, if that is the case then I better make sure I have full bladder before I go so I do not need to go through v-scan (since u said it is more invasive). I am not taking any multivitamins yet. Tmr see doc then see what he says.


ultrasound scan is not very clear...becos it scan through ur tummy....soo mus very focus then can see clearly....but if u able to see ur sac n lil one using ultrasound, then it's ok de la....but let say not very clear, gynae will ask if wan to do v-scan, which can see 80% clearer...but dun worry, no harm to lil beanie...just the procedure sound scary....c how tmr then u decide lol....dun giv urself extra worry on all these...everything will be 'swee swee'....for U ;)


i took one glass per day....not neccessary to be 3 glasses....u can adjust urself....if u r already full, u can't be forcing urself to drink, right??? u will puke....min. is enuff...

Yeah.. Pillow.. Do update us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My next appointed is on 6th Dec.. Sian.. Long way to go ...


rosegal, hang in there and dun give up. i guess during this period, most of us will worry about this and that. let God take control of your whole pregnancy. have faith in him k? *hugs*

This morning i went for my 1st visit to the gynae. did an ultrasound and didn't manage to spot anything other than my womb. Dr gave me a picture of it though. told me to go back in 2 weeks. asked him a couple of qns... showed him my Obimin film tablet which contains 1mg of folic acid (vitamins and mineral supplements for pregnant women) and the usual 5mg of folic acid that i take separately. is it too much of folic? he said it's ok. to answer pillow4, shd not be a prob. cos my total intake is 6mg.

also asked abt having 3 bowls of chicken essence soup per week, where my mil likes to boil and allow the chicken to "drip out". i like it and my sis in law also like it. so i guess my mil can make for both of us. haha.

Dr Adrian Woodworth can also allow us to deliver at either Mt A or TMC. I will most probably choose Mt A [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

