(2011/07) July 2011

px22 i think of crab almost everyday. but have to stop myself cos of the supersitious. but few days before i found out i preg. hb n me wallop 2 big crabs... yummy


pillow4: me too, i was enjoying the chili and black pepper versions 2 weeks ago and tot i didnt eat enuf. 2 weeks later crabs and scallop and prawns make me puke. Now I fret over wats for lunch everyday cos baby seemed to dislike all my favourite foods so I have nothing to eat for lunch *sobs*

i finally managed to read the archives.


sorry i missed your qn.

MYC is music for young children.

Done with my gynae visit.

My first visit cost me $150 plus.

This visit is $170 as my gynae gave extra meds to standby for my trip tomoro.

On top of duphaston, he gave anti giddy and vomit pills for me.


im still early to see heartbeat.

Went to see him again to scan for sac and get all clear sign for my trip.

He scared to let me go w/o checking again as i m/c in july.

Now he said ok can go but be careful n dont walk too much.

Saw a nice sac..5.2mm..so tiny to me but he said its normal.

Now i can enjoy my trip and wait for another visit on 2 dec..by then will be 8 weeks and just nice to see heartbeat.

That day is also my son 3rd bday..hope for good news to give him.

px22, extra hands/legs? i thought the baby will become "very crab" (lame and funny). haha... family is cooking crabs and i haven't announced to them yet. was wondering if i shd inform them first abt my pregnancy, so i stay away from crabs, or i can try to eat a little bit (cos i love crabs!!). since eating crab is ok, i'll take some, in moderation (i try). haha

sogo: at least tats wat i heard.. some pple have extra fingers or something.. not sure if my superstition version is correct haha. I also haven't asked anyone since nobody knows that I am preggers too..

lynzi: how many weeks are you now? I was in my 5th and my sac was 1.74cm.. 5.2mm is half cm? and I put on 2kg already!

omg - this thread is supersonic. who's creating a table? so nice.. :D

i bought folic acid while ttc from watsons - think it's much cheaper ... can't remember the price liao, but i think it's less than $5 for one whole box.. maybe can check it out for those interested..


ur sil n sis r right, start taking folic if u ttc...i hv been taking that even after my m/c till now...soo still carry on as of today lol...i only take once in the morning, which is sufficient lol...


folic can be taken before or after food, not much of complication....


will update ur record.... :D


my col oso say...try to avoid crabs as grandma story saying that bb will hv more 'hands n legs'...difficult to control...but in med term, if can also not too much becos, still classified as seafood....not too good for early stage mummies....

hello lynzi,

my sac is 10.8mm....doc oso say still small...when it reach at least 21mm, u will be able to see ur lil one... :D


It's Me....i m creating the table, try to upload tonight...

i bot my folic acid from Guardian, $3.75 for one pack...i bot fr sgh before, even cheaper, $2,70 onli...hahahhaa...

Ya sogo,

Can save on birthday cake too. Buy 1 enough. hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I didn't take crab for my previous pregnancy but end up my son 'more hands & legs'! haha..so not true. But heard that sotong is a big no no.. I dun take either.. i took durians & end up in heavy weight according to gynae.

Now i can only take soupy stuffs and like the rest of mummies, can't take oily/deep fried foods.

Everyday feel so heavy and bloated 'machiam' like in 3rd trimester liao.. cannot imagine as days goes by... hee


First thing I did when I reached home today was to dig throat! Haha. Think my main prob is I'm very gassy but I don't know how to burp. Bloatedness makes me feel like puking. If only i know how to burp...

Daph.. try pointing your chin down towards your throat, then say something, like "Garage, garbage, garfunkel" something with Gar.. haha.. i think that's like burping :p

Fei mei - many thanks! how about other details, like which part of s'pore we stay? i stay in the east :p

EDD : 10th July 2011

Gynae : Dr L C Chang

Hospital : TBC

BB Gender : TBC


hahahhaa...no need other detail ler bahh...but if u gals wan to indicate location, i dun min put in the field... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


even i can burp n fart, i still bloated....hahaha...i tink i got gallons of gas to let go in my body...same as u, the bloatedness make me wan to puke... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

px22 and audrey, when i read u both posting ur weight gain, i was glad cos i think i din gain at all. then just to be sure i go and weigh just now. i put on 1kg! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

daph, i cant bring myself to force vomitting. haha. see whether i can tahan still

rosegal, ur method works le. when i try doing tat, i really feel like puking but then i quickly stop. cos i hate the aftermath. haha

yar, feimei, thanks so much for the table! haha, actually i think everything for me seems tbc actually, except for the doc.. but just put first bah? :D

thanks a lot feimei!

pillow 4 - heh, dun force yourself to burp la.. it's just that i thought if daph feels so bad she has to force herself to vomit, then can try this.. sorrie - cos first time i hear someone dunno how to burp, so cute :p sorry la, not teasing you k Daph? :p

btw, just now i was at ntuc, and a pharmacy, but cannot seem to find milk powder for preggies.. where do you get it?

would love to include my name on the list but let's just wait till i pass first tri. I dont want to jinx it and have to drop out of it.


u might want to include another column for which no of child is this pregnancy, maybe another column for gender of older children and a column for edd.

I have just finished major packing..phew.

Gosh..reading in you gerls postings on weight gain and size of sac made me worried.

I went to do some research on the average size of sac according to week by week.

Im just into my 5 week so the measurement looks normal..hehe.

Im overjoyed at any slight weight gain as its super hard for me to gain despite eating like a horse..hehs.

no need ke qi, all mummies...just a simple charting nia~~~ :D

as what lynzi mentioned, mummies u may wan to feed mi with e additional info like no. what child is this preg?


u found the info on the sac size by weeks? so mine is also normal lol...cos i oso quite worried...5wks, 10.8mm..but doc n nurse keep saying is normal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

#1 here too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gonna zzz now. gdnite mummies!

Pillow - you gao xing de tai zao... 1kg =p

I know i post at this time sure kenna from u de..

Tml i got no school =p can sleep till the sun shine high... =)

so strange... two days ago so sleepy, like eyes so sore, then yesterday like so 'jing(1) shen(2)', went out for dinner, then energy v quickly zapped then went to bed.

but realised that in the bed, like couldn't really sleep so easily...

pple have fluctuating moods, i think mine is fluctuating symptoms.. haha...


Just read your post. Was too tired last night, slept at 11pm. Err, I tried, but, sorry, didn't work for me. But I was laughing reading your post! Haha. The other time hubby taught me how to burp I ended up yawning! I give up...


Just let out gallons of fart this morning. Haha! but yah, still feel nauseous.

heh - sorrie didn't work for you Daph [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope u feel better soon! at least dun have to force ur self to vomit, sounds so poor thing...

heh, letg out gas is a gd thing though, right?

as for me, i've been burpg like nobody's biz.. hubby is amazed.. but i think he might think he's pregnant too.. cos he's letg out gas both ways too.. oops, tmi, sorrie.. :p

audrey, no lah wont scold you. at least u can sleep long long. ytd i also had a good noght sleep. dun remember waking up middle of the night. first time after so many days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] told my baby to pls let mummy sleep. good girl. haha as though i know it is a gal. then i really sleep all the way! maybe it is really a gal. now so 'jing shen' when i wake up.

rosegal, i oso loving pears now.

daph, maybe your air is supposed to come out thru southern path? haha. like mine. i also let out like nobody business, esp when dad is ard. told my hb maybe the baby wanna talk to him... he said yayaya, later daddy will talk to you. mins later, he farted... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nuclear bomb!

Hi MTBs,

Can i join this tread. My EDD suppose to be in Mid June but on 2nd visit i was told that it should be 7 Jul 2011 instead.

Please add me to the list :

Hospital : SGH

Gynae : Prof Tan Hak Koon

Nos: 1st bb

morning all mummies...

looks like everyone got a good sleep...i also did not wake up to pee last night...maybe too tire...but wake up, my neck very ache...realised my pillow in wrong side... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


good, at least u can let out some gas...not realli mus burp, if can fart, jus be it lol...farting is not a crime....hahahhaa....ya...even gas is out...still feeling bloated n nausea...nvm...after 2nd tri, we shld be fine!!! :D


hahahaa...u got ur hospital available...ok, let me update tonight bahh... :D

hello tze,

welcome...no worry for join which ever thread...even my EDD on 9th July but gynae say will not be full 40wks...soo if minus ard max 2wks, i will fall into last wk of jun lol....sooo...dun get worry on the EDD, it's changing and changing, no one can confirm, that's y it's EDD = Estimated Due Date mah.... :D let me add u into our clan chart...i oso at SGH...but diff gynae....hope we can pop into each other...!

hahah... ya all tbc... tmr after 1st appt shd b able to let u knw the edd...

i like Mt A leh... DUn care must gif birth there! haha

welcum Tze...

Feimei.. here's mine

EDD : 7 Jul 2011

Gynae : Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital : Mt A

BB Gender : TBC

Nos: #1

hi tze, you are most welcome to join our fast-moving thread! Congrats!

feimei, i'm hoping my bb will popo up before 20jun though. so that she will be a gemini, like me! 2 geminis irriate the father.. was planning for gemini actually. 20jun shld be ok, dun think it will be so premature ba.

jgwee, y mt A good? can share?

daph, u also funny lor. take turns.

wow i just realise tat i kept referring my bb to she/her... haha. btw do you all know before the gender process is taking place, our bb by default is a she? just to share....

I think the nurse over there is helpful.. and the room is nice oso.. so comfortable... hahah.. tat x i stay in the new reno room...

ooo and i got a LONG stay... 5 days 5 nights!!!

2 days induce (imagine i stay in the birth suite for 2 days!) ... but my cevix oli open 1.5cm (after 2 days) so gynae decide to burst the water bag for mi till 9cm... gynae says cannot already... emg-C! (faint) so cut open n get my #1 out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi feimei, here is mine.. Hehe..

EDD : 12th July 2011

Gynae : Doctor Henry Cheng

Hospital : Mt A

BB Gender : TBC

Nos: #1

Hi jgwee, i also love Mount A hehe.. I stayed very nearby as well so very convenient for me. My coming appointment is on Monday! Can't wait..


hahahaha...same horoscope as u ahh...good!! i tot of 4th jul bcos it's my ann...so can celebrate together...but seem like hv to be earlier than 4th jul...


sure, will update urs... :D

jgwee, i just saw the pictures of the hosp. so nice. like hotel. and there is baby presentation? what is tat? think i no choice, gotta choose govt hosp cos hb has csc card le.

hey pillow4, some hospitals have tours leh.. so you can decide on see which rooms/hospitals you are comfortable with. I know Mount A has that. =)


ya the newly reno 1.. reali nice leh... hee hee.......for the presentation i'm not sure wat is tat.. i rem they got class all tat... but i got no time to go.. hahah just stay in the room...

cos c section i can't reali walk ard...

my anni is on the 1st leh.. i dun think will cum out so late.. my 1st 1 cum out at 38 weeks... and is sooo tiring.. the tummy sooo big... haha

