(2011/07) July 2011

Sogo, how many weeks are you now? No sac also? As for Folic acid. 6mg is ok. I mean if it is like 10mg or so… I think so.

Dear all,

Must we take "mummy specified milk" eg: Anmum, mamil mama or its ok to take normal fresh milk like Anlene, marigold etc.

I have discharged too but mine its abit yellowish in color. is tat normal too?

Anmum is nice especially the chocolate favour. Mamil Mama cannot make it. Usually Gynae will have samples hence try before you buy.

I currently taking fresh milk, specifically from Australia. Hahahha... I very paranoid now hence will avoid food from source with less stringent quality control. But I am not rich hence cannot indulge in organic food. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mine's Dr.Adrian Woodworth. He's my gynae for my #1 as well. Chose him because I've read many good remarks on him, accesibility and also cost saving...

Pinkyrose - I have problem choosing gynae too but i suppose the following factors are worth considering in order of importance. (just 2cents worth of my opinion[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

1) You have to be comfortable with the gynae

2) Cost per visit as well as which hospital does your gynae delivers

3) Distance as you may have heard towards the last trimester, it will be weekly visit instead of monthly visit.


u can refer to the archive n search for out chart...we hv all our gynae n hospital listed...

Hi Tze

I just did a read up on the "mummy specified milk" and I think we should drink them instead of normal milks. "mummy specified milk" has more nutrients that pregnant women would need as compared to normal fresh milk. One example will be folic acid.


did ur gynae offer v-scan? i hv this issue in my previous preg....my gynae can't find using ultrasound but she asked if i wan a v-scan....i was quite worried so did not think twice, i ok to do v-scan....suprisingly, when doing v-scan, i can see the sac clearly....dunnu y ultrasound not able to see it....

Thanks Serene for the info, I guess i have to do a switch then. not a big fan of milk and normal milk is already a chore to me hahaha but i will have to "force" myself i suppose

feimei - v-scan as in vaginal scan? my 1st scan was that. i was told that my bb is too small to be noticed via ultrasound scan hence v scan is necessary.

Also, I've read somewhere that if you have enough water in your tummy it should aid the ultrasound scan too so avoid going to toilet before your scan.


no need force de la, all mummies here r not fans of powder milk but think of it's for lil beanie good...u will naturally take it...becos we want them to be healthy mahhh, right???


So sorry, can help to remove my name from the list. I failed my pregnancy again. I am in KL now, having slight red discharges and saw a Dr here. He did scan for me, found that my sac has no heart beat. So I have to go and will do D&C when back to singapore.

Bye everybody. Have a smooth pregnancy.

Hi lynn

I have the same feeling as you regarding the reaction of the in-laws. i am staying with my in-laws and they have been taking care of my hubby's niece and nephew since they are born. (The children only go home on the weekend.)

I am the first in my family's generation to be pregnant hence my side are all very happy and excited when I told them. But when I told my in-laws, they just nodded their head, smile and say 'good lor'.

Like you, I dun expect celebration or whatsoever. But their reaction just sort of disappoint me. Probably also due to I am very emotional at this time hence more sensitive.

My mum consoled me and encouraged me to think on the bright side. Maybe my in-laws areg laughing inside their room. Just that they 'paiseh' to show. =)

I guess your in laws are like mine. They maybe very happy just that they dunno how to express. (^_^)

ET2008, I'm so sorry to hear that. Do take good care of yourself and hopefully you will be back in thread in no time


yes, v-scan is virginal scan...

correct, ultrasound still can see...but very dark, not clear thou....esp we at such early stage....we trying to 'catch' lil beanie in there....so to assure they r in...v-scan will be clearer...i guess when we in our ltr stage, no need v-scan ler bahh...cos lil beanie grow n will be visibile more clearly....


very sorry to hear that...*Hugs*

u be good gal to do a mini-confinement n try again, ok!!!

the door here r oways open for u, do pop-by when u r free!!!

take care! *Hugs*


this also my hubby side 1st grandchild....PIL oso no reaction leh...hahahaha....nvm to me la...can't bother with them...as i know, they dote their younger son more...soo waiting for their another DIL to go preg, guess they will be more happy...

dun bother with how they feel too much, as long we r happy, ur hubby is happy, that's enuff!!! ;)

elch and pillow4, yes i'm with Dr Adrian Woodworth. according to the ultrasound pic, i'm 6 weeks 4 days. must have sac is it? hmmm..

as for his package, it's $588.50 including 7%gst. includes unlimited visits (doc says about 18-20 visits), blood pressure checks, urine tests for sugar and protein, routine blood tests, ultrasounds scans done in the clinic, antenatal vitamins, postnatal visit.

oh ya, if we sign up and decided to "drop out" half way, we are supposed to pay them double! $1177 cos this is a special rate (according to the nurse). not sure abt the previous rates though. hope the above helps.


Wow now they have a 'drop out' fine! Never heard of them having that 3 years back. It used to be $550 nett for package.

Though the ultrasound pic shows 6weeks, bear in mind that it is ultrasound so it might not have captured the sac. Don't panic. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] When's yor next visit?

I'm 5 weeks today. Still pondering if I should visit him this Fri/Sat or wait another week or 2...


shld be able to see sac lol....if the ultrasound scan is good, shld see tiny dot lol...that's ur lil beanie.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, i went on a "full bladder" stomach cos my sis in law warned me not to clear my bladder for ease of seeing. anyway doc says that it's normal so asked me to go back in 2 weeks. didn't offer v scan though. maybe he saw that i was quite nervous when he did the ultrasound on me? cos my hands were clasped tog.. haha...

tze, was it painful when you did the v scan?

Et2008, sorry to hear that. hope the next pregnancy will be smoother. take care.

elch, the amt is $550 written on the paper, but not inclusive of gst, so i suppose now the biz is better, that's why it's no longer $550 nett? hehe. thanx for your comforting words. my next visit is on 29 nov (2 weeks from now).

if you are excited about it, feel free to go at 5 weeks. however most mummies told me "no need to go so early one". around 7 weeks also can. is it your #1?

feimei, maybe my ultrasound scan is not so gd? cos my hubby commented that the machine seems abit old. haha. hope to see more things in 2 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


It's not Dr. Woody's style to do a vaginal scan. He only touches us 'down there' when it's absolutely necessary. E.g. Pap smear, check for dilation and etc.


when i'm at my 5th wk, i could only see a sac but not the hb so i went back again after 10days so confirmed that my sac has a hb. And could tell you that the 10 days seems so long cos we were worried. So maybe you might want to wait a little longer before visiting to spare yourself from the agnoy


u shld relax....dun tense up...

v-scan is like how u go through pap-smear....not painful for me...but again...diff ppl got diff lvl of painful....


Its not painful just abit uncomfortable i should say. So long you are relax, you will not feel the pain. Just stay relax [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For me, I was tense but my gynae was very nice, kept talking to distract my attention so it turn out ok


ya...mi too!!! as too anxious to noe if lil beanie is inside...so watever pain is not there...

elch, tze, feimei: thanks for sharing. feel better now. *heaves a relief* this forum is a great place! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sogo, Tze,

This is my 2nd pregnancy. My #1 is a going 25months old cheeky boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Though it's not my 1st time I still feel very anxious and excited! For Dr. Woody, 1st consultation fees can be offset from package once we sign up so I keep hoping to go early to see that sac is at right place and etc...


Forgot to add that Dr.Woody's equipment is not the latest and best one around hence that explains the more 'inferior' pic...so no worries about not seeing a sac...

Both my hubby and I like Dr. Woody alot. We like his calmness, sense of humour and attitude! :p

elch, sounds like u r a happy mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1st consultation fees can be offset becos u sign up on the spot? or u signed up on the 2nd visit and they offset your first time fees? are u staying ard bp/cck area?


Oh yes I am! Haha! 1st consultation fees is offset on 2nd visit when you sign up the package. I stay at Punggol so I visit Dr. Woody's clinic at Compass Point.

Hi mummies

Sorry to interrupt. I have a BN Clarins Body treatment oil to let go (Hulie Tonic). It improves skin's elasticity and firmness helps to pevent stretch marks bought it at Tangs for $80 with price tag on it now letting go at $50. Please pm me if interested. Self collect at my place.

et2008, i am sorry to hear that. i w same sitas in that same situation a year ago. pls take care of yourself. do drop by when u are free. we are looking forward to hear good news from u again.

MTBs, pls pray for me. i am gg for my 1st visit tmr am.. very scared now.

ET - i am sorry to hear that, please take care dear.. and do pop by when you are free...

Mummies - Talk about reactions from PIL.. I was kinda disappointed too.. Cos my hubby took some courage to tell MIL about it (just like asking mama to sign report book).. end up, she is like.. "oh.. den u becareful lor.. " I listen le.. sianz..

its gonna be the 1st grandchild from the family name ..

Anyway, anyone has a good way to stop the itch at the nipple/aerola area? i tot i did a body scrub to stop the itch... Its like super itchy now... =(


Try nipple cream. Avent or Medela will be good. It'll help. Nipple/areola area is itchy because the skin is stretching. Don't scrub it , it'll only aggravate it.

audrey,put powder. else, u can spray the evian spring water (the one with white bottle and orange writing one). that always work for me when i have itch cos it is cooling. spray a few more times and it will "numb" it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Avent/Medela Nipple Cream is safe to apply now and even during breastfeeding. Applying now will moisturize the nipple/areola and 'path' their way to a long breastfeeding journey...;p

ladies, i am a bit worried here abroad. I notice i hv v v tiny little bit of brown discharge, only saw it on toilet paper that i used to wipe, which i something i normally hv prior to full period. I also realise that i hv nt felt any of my usual symptoms such as bloated stomach, slight cramps etc yesterday. Even my sore breasts seem to be back to normal Am v worried, esp being alone here. Can anyone help to ring up your gynae and ask is this normal or what shld i do?


Hi Ladies, i am joining this club! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now currently on the search for gynae. Just curious, may i ask if any MTBs staying in the east or tamp area? How far do u girls go for yr gynae chkup? Am totally lost now.. Any recommendation?

