(2011/07) July 2011

Thanks Cary n Daph!! Am glad for the support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Daph, ya loh. Will also puke when take water.

Normally ice water or 100plus works for me but sometimes will also puke out. Am really worried that my bb wont grow cos i really been eating VERY little.

Now i've been on HL for one month. Doing nothing but lying on bed cos feeling xin ku. Sigh.

Cary, doc also say is fine drinking cold drinks but mum had

been worried when she keep seeing me drinking cold drinks.

Also having stomach pain every nite. Is this normal?

Next wk will be 12wk so hope sunshine will come after that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Hmm... I would suggest that if one fine day ms gets really bad , go to hospital lor. They will take your urine sample to determine whether you're dehydrated. If so they will admit you to hospital, put you on drip. That will ease your worry, at least you're finally getting nutrients through that means. Will 'tiao' your body also. After that you will feel better also. Speaking from my past experience. Now I haven't (I pray I will not) get to the stage whereby I really can't take water at all, so not wise to go hospital. But I really am getting much skinnier. Collarbones showing slot already.

sunshinebb and yaya, you gals are the lucky ones who dun have bad ms ... so enjoy! but the peeing part hor, it will get worse in 3rd tri when the baby gets bigger and press down.

elena, hee older folks will be like that ... but if that's really the only way we can drink water, it's better than not taking in at all - that's my thinking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh! the stomach pain is not normal ... what kind of pain? did you ask your gynae?

Hi gals

MS peaked today though reaching 12 week soon. Puke horribly before lunch and dinner untill face and neck fine vessel burst i think, many tiny red spots.. 1st time ever puke so vigrously.. Yuckss..


Skinny till collor bone obvious? Tats a massive weight drop? Got check with gynae? Try take watever u can. I eat ice cream when i feel terrible. Last week check up oso weight drop 2 kg, but bb grow alot leh, so u no worry too much, think 1st tri bb not gaining much frm wat we eat yet.

Think sometime when we keep ourselves busy and distracted, the terrible feeling not tat bad.

Minus the tedious travellng part, when i got busy at work, seems to forget my ms feeling, when at home during weekend, wholeday terrible..

Jiayou mummies! We can make it!


I'm also thinking whether to see Gynae. But it seems like I'm always seeing him ahead of my supposedly appointment date. Next appt falls on 3rd Jan. But think heck care la, will just go and see him sometime this week. Ya, my pre preg weight is somewhere ard 50 odd kg. I'm quite sure that my weight falls below 50kg now. Not so worried abt bb in me, coz I know that she is fine and growing. Can feel tightness ard womb. More concerned about my discomfort. Haha.


Yap...taken the med, y horrible becos the med add on my current bloatedness n maybe will worse my nausea...i feeling my nausea kick is here liao...feeling soo uncomfortable!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cary, i do felt worry at times..cos my nausea (or the so called worse nausea) is only on week 6 and 8.. quite normal with little nausea for the rest of the days... so kind of wondering y i am lidat..

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berrycarrot, yes, let's jiayou together!

feimei, eww... i can imagine that! dun think abt the nausea kick, if can go sleep now then you will not think about it.

hi mdmkhoo! I'm new here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh dear ... have you seen a doc?

yaya, that's sounds ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I have friends who doesn't have MS at all and their babies are very healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so dun worry too much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks, cary! U hv a gd rest too!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mdmkhoo, u caught in the rain before??? Drink some hot drink n get to Zzzzzz...hope tmr u will feel better!

mdmkhoo, i also having cough and running nose... last sat felt so uncomfortable in my stomach so went to kkh.. i scared i cough too much hurt bb too, luckily doc said bb is fine and showed me the blink blink. so happy and put my worries away!

Cary, i m praying hard loh!! I really dislike my in law like announcing to almost everyone.. Sigh... Told my mil, ask her sh sh. She go tell my fil n dunno whether they got tell those distant relative or nt. Aiyo..

Yesterdae i had the worst ba chor mee for dinner. Ate only 3 mouthful then throw away n end up order chicken rice n ate half. I think my baby dun like avocado drink cos i vomited them out ..

Gd morning mtbs, tues liao. Xmas ard the corner!

Good morning mummies!! IT's alr Tues.. can't wait for Thursday for my OSCAR scan..hahaha.

After Sun bad puking, yesterday meals were only indigested and I kept burping n burping nia. I try not to drink water after meals and even before sleep i dun brush my teeth leh cos i scared the moment i put something inside, i puke. Hahaha.. Appetite seems to be getting better too so that is a good sign..

Today I am week 12.. another week to 2nd tri or this is alr 2nd tri? haha

morning girls!

im back at work for the 2nd day after a 3 week Hospitalization leave. So siannnzz....

my next appt with gynae is on 23rd Dec 2010.

Really hope my precious baby rabbit is growing well and strong...we, as mothers, cant help but worry....

Hee I guess we just need constant reassurance. First trimester is really an emotional rollercoaster...

On a happier note, I shld be at my 11th week now! :D

Just CANT wait for the gynae appt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but really, these 2 days are like the longest 48 hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

modisch, ppl said 2nd tri start on 13wk but 1mth got 4wks mah....soo official 2nd tri shld start on 12wk, right? i also very confused.....hahahaha...my oscar scan is next wed...but ytd saw bb...at least can relax abit n enjoy my xmas... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies, no time to post due to busy Monday at work yday.

today is end of 12week but these few days MS still.. ahem.. I took urgent leave today while I was waiting for the bus this morning. told my boss will work frm home. got bit of giddy spells n more puking n coughing.. with green phlegm.. totally drained of energy.

after reading thru the posts, seems like most going thru abit of a rough time these few days... jia you!!!!!

but i went bbcenter n check..2nd tri start at 14weeks! Hahah..i oso dunno.

i hope i will feel good cos i need to bake a few log cakes for Christmas..hehe


my gynae advised me that the NT Scan and Blood test will cost $150 - $200. TO be taken at NUH. Which doc doing the scan and test, I dont know. but definitely not my gynae. results supposed to be out in a week's time.

Not sure if price inclusive of gst. going for it tomorrow.

janice > my gynae adv me not to do a walk in but to book the Scan and test through his nurse.

I guess in the end 1st tri or 2nd tri doesn't matter as long as our MS subsides asap!!!!!

irritating!! I can hear n feel the typhoon at my gastric area.. arghh!!!!

xinyue> oh this is much cheaper. where can i book it? can i book directly from NUH? i will go for this one if it is cheaper than e one in thomson. i nearly faint when e nurse told me its like $488 for OSCAR scan + BT. on top of tat i m paying additional S$500 to fly back and wasted my previously-booked-airticket of another S$500.

so much $$$$...-_-

janice > i am not sure on that.. will help to ask tomorrow. I really hope the price is really $150-$200 and no hidden costs. since most of MTBs here says common price is between $300-$400..

morning all!

feimei, feeling better? 2nd Tri starts from week 13 onwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yaya, ah! so your MIL is not the pantang kind? thought most old folks are hee... nevermind lah, let her share the good news. Her first grandchild?

lizzie, hi! and welcome back to the workforce. Just 2 more weeks to go! Jia You!

modisch.bebe, 14 weeks then 2nd tri ah? so strange ...

xinyeu, you doing your OSCAR tomorrow? me too!

Janice, xinyue> I'm gg for my Oscar test on thur at parkway east. cost is 315 all in.

mummies> any idea how long it takes for results to b out?

stylomilo, hihi ... you delivering at Parkway East too? I'm having my OSCAR scan tomorrow there as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stylomilo, my gynae says if scan in the morning, results shuld be out in the afternoon..

my scan will be at 8.30am, hopefully bb is cooperative! By 10am shud be completed and then i will go back for gynae check in the afternoon

modisch.bebe> tks for the info! it's good to know tat results r immediate. I'm 37 n been worried abt the upcoming test. hope bb will be fine.

cary> yes I'm with dr Heng n will b delivering at parkway east cos it's juz 3 mins fm my pl. great to know there's a mummy who is w parkway east, as it's nt a popular choice. which gynae are u seeing? how many weeks r u?

cary, dunno le.. my sis in law (which is my hubby's sis)'s child counted as 1st grand child or not?

sigh... i know they all v happy when hearing it..but then i also worry at times mah cos 2 incident last time.. dun feel like so many pple to know until i pass 1st trimester le...

tdy no nausea liao..just feel queasy lidat, dun feel like vomitting (puke out action i mean)..maybe my baby tdy like the peanut waffle i ate for breakfast! but i do get hungry v easily lor...one of the symptom? i hope it is good! lol.

By the way, i got funny dream le.. this is not the 1st time i dreamt liao... dreamt that my hubby or dunno who is making out with me.. weird weird le... anyone still got imitate with hubby during 1st trim ah?


i think you stay near me, cos my place to Parkway East is just 5min drive away.

However, Dr Heng is not my gynae.


i had a terrible nightmare last nite.

dreamt that i was walking with my 2 boys.

then suddenly my #2 went missing!!

woke up crying!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_cry.gif]

morning got up quickly went to give him a big hug and kiss!

by the way, my gynae said 1st trimester is week 12. 2nd is week 13 onwards..but dunno until which week.. lol.

stylomilo, I'm with Dr Heng too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My #1 was delivered by her as well and also at Parkway East - I like that place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm 12w tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will see Dr Heng first then head to Parkway East for the scan.

yaya, cos yours is the first paternal grandchild mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my MS was so bad, where got mood to get intimate? so poor hb loh hee

Cary, i hope this time my pregnancy will be shun shun... i am praying real hard for it.. coming gynae will only be after xmas... seems so near and yet so far!

wa... congrats wor! hehee.. i am reaching week 10 these 2 days time... still long way to go~

stylomilo, cary> i am also highly likely to choose my delivery at Parkway East. As my niang jia is just 5min away, and my lovenest and close relatives are all in the east [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You girls stay at telok kurau area?

jas> who's yr gynae? Since u mentioned u stay near parkway east too. i'm seeing geraldine tan at Katong, under thomson women's clinic. I like her!

hello gals...I am back at work after 1 wk of MC. Gynae still wana give me more Mc, i said No...me wk 10 this wk. Cant wait for week 12 to come. My MS n appetite is getting better...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jia you all!

Anyone with Dr Ang Huai Yan from Gleneagles? I'll b delivering at Mt A though.

so nice to see some of u going for Oscar scan, mine will be 8 Jan, 2 more wks!!

oh ya, saw a few 1983 mummies here. Add me in fb too! [email protected]

yaya, it will be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just stay positive

ixoral, they've recently renovated and it looks so much nicer than when I was first there years back (east shore) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe you can go for a tour before you decide? but since most of your relatives are in the east, it's actually easier for them to visit you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] like mine hee ... I used to stay in Tampines but now am staying at SK. So if you see geraldine tan, she can deliver in parkway east too? not TMC?

hi alicia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your gynae very good, can give so many mc one.

hi Mummies,

i haven't login for a long time le. hope everyone is fine and healthy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

feimei, glad that u r ok now. must take care and rest more.

noticed that alot of mummies are going for oscar scan. today is my 3rd visit to my gynae. he told me to go for a 11-14 weeks Nuchal Translucency (Down's Syndrome Risk Assessment) and FA Scan - Obstetric U/S. Anyone knows what is this? I'll be going to TMC on 4 jan 2011.

Hope all MTBs will enjoy ur Christmas!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sogo, that's the OSCAR test we are talking about [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi cary,

cos i noticed there's another Oscar test stated on the paper and i thought it's different compared to the one i wrote above. haha. thanx for clarifying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

stylomilo> thanks for ur great info. although parkway east a bit far for me, but i might consider this option since its cheaper. do you have any contact i can call to make appt?

xinyue> i m still counting on you regarding e oscar test. could u pls kindly info me once u got e answer tmr? i m very eager abt this.

btw i just booked e airticket, will be flying back this sat, 25th Dec. i m da*n worried abt oscar scan and gynae visit.

cary> ya she can deliver at TMC or Parkway East.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i was just there 2 weeks back to visit a friend. Looks not bad inside. I dont know how they used to look like inside, so cant compare. But what i can see if, the new exterior paint of murky yellow color is quite yucky.. ha ha.

sogo> i hv enquired e one from TMC i think costs ard $400 excluding blood test. blood test is $88. e nurse from dr jocelyn wong who is from TMC quoted me this price.

sogo, hmm really ah, maybe best to clarify with your gynae or the nurses then?

jan-ice, the package that stylomilo took is with our gynae but, our gynae is on leave from this Sat till year end. How long will you be in Singapore?


ixoral, haha ya, agree on their choice of exterior paint colour - can't they just keep it white? since she can deliver at both places, can really consider Parkway East - more convenient. At least after you deliver, if you need something, your hb can still go home and get it or start bringing the hampers/gifts back first etc.

