(2011/07) July 2011

morning ladies...

Ixoral, I'm staying in the East but my gynae is at SGH cos he was recommended by my family doctor + my hubby is a civil servant so going to govt hospital for checks are subsidized.


elch, mummy for a 2nd time woahhhh... must be very excited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sogo: we have the same LMP right? 28 sep?

I went to woody last night, 6w4d too.. saw my little beanie hb bumping up and down..

And Woody is very generous.. first thing ask me want mc to rest and sleep more anot hahah

thanks tze [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

px22: i read that Dr Woody's clinic is in Sengkang right? Is he recommended? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Btw where does he deliver? Just curious..is he angmoh? Sry for so many qtns!

brainysmurfs - I'm feeling pretty bad today as well. urge to puke is very strong and I seriously suspect its the folic acid that stir up the uncomfortable-ness in my tummy.

This morning I woke up thinking it is Sunday and was almost late for work lolz.


Yup though 2nd time still anticipate every day of pregnancy very much! Can't wait to see gynae end of this week as I'm feeling very different from previous pregnancy. Not fatigue, no metallic taste in mouth, not hungry easily, no frequent visit to the loo, not extremely thirsty...kind of worried but still being positive about it!


Dr. Woody is indeed very generous with MC! He's always ready to give us lots of it!


Not Px22 but just to kaypo. Dr. Woody's clinic is at Sengkang Compasspoint. He's quite popular. He delivers in most if not all the private hospitals but mostly TMC and Mt.A. He's an Eurasian. He looks cool and bo chup but in actual fact he's not. Some people will like his style some will not.

ixoral: He has both SK and CCK clinic.. SK operates afternoon/evening, CCK is every morning + mon/thu evening think u can google for Adrian Woodworth Operating Hours and you will get the info.. I go to the CCK one..

Woody was voted as 2nd best gynae in Singapore in the Asian Parent Website la.. Tats y i chose him.. 1st was Lawrence Ang. And alot of forumers say Woody's stitches very very good.. Just that he is abit chop chop, short and sweet and dont talk too much. Catch him in a good mood and he will even tell u jokes..

Delivers only in Mt A and TMC.. I asked the nurse last night liao..


Dr. Woody warms up towards the end of our pregnancy...think he doesn't want us to feel too 'attached' during 1st trimester as things are still unstable.

Thanks for clarifying that he only delivers in TMC and Mt.A! During my time, he's ok delivering at Mt.E as I did enquire before. End up, I still opt for TMC though. He's very popular with the nurses there. All of them call him Woody!

Yes forgot to reply tat angmor part.. Dad is aussie, mum is chinese. But my husband say he looks VERY chinese. Dunno how true, the form u fill in when u visit his clinic had this qsn:

"You wished the dr to converse in English/Chinese/FooChow/Hokkien/Teochew/Others"

Wah I am foochow also dont know the lang.. Woody knows wor..

Yup Elch.. I was checking becos I am fine with Mt A/ Mt E/ Glen E.. Just dont want TMC cos hubby doesnt like the parking lots and everything. Nurse says only these 2, but i guess if u really insist, pay more and woody will still deliver at the hospital of ur choice ba

Px22... we got the same dialect grp! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ladies,this dr woody's clinic in compass point which level?is it near the banquet?

looks like almost everyone take him...hmmm i might consider...

what are all these package abt?the $550..i dont understand.haha

jgwee: Hi my fellow villager! only 2% of us in singapore.. can u speak? I dont even understand..

Elch: DH dont like.. also bo bian. Mt A ok la.. looks like kindergarten so more comfy environment...

Hi ladies, i went for my 2nd gynae visit yesterday and we all saw the heartbeat! It was amazing, Dr Henry says it is hard to hear now on doppler but he says it has a perfect size based on my LMP. Right now my bb is about 3.5mm big at six weeks. Hubby and me are relieved when he says " Beautiful and perfect". So glad all the nausea and tiredness are worth it. The second visit costs us $126.20 (Consultation is $50) which i felt it is not expensive. On both times, we only did belly scan and we could see the sac etc, dun think V-scan is required unless Dr cant see anything at all. My next app is 3 weeks time which is in my 9th week. =)

By the way, my doctor dun recommend Palmers brand of stretch mark cream. He actually told me stretch marks are genetic and all these creams are of no use. Hehe.. But he told me if i wanna try, Clarins are of a better choice in terms of the contents which is safe.

pinkyrose: 550 is for unlimited scans and checkups and multivitamins and routine blood tests until delivery.. doesn't incld all the hormone pills and non routine blood tests and OSCAR scan etc. Include GST thats 588.50

feimei, thanks alot! Yes, it is touching to see lil beanie growing with each visit and i could rest my mind abit to see that heartbeat is formed. Hope everything will be fine for everyone!

pinkyrose - my gynae is prof Tan Hak Koon (Head & senior Consultant of O&G dept). He is a nice guy but most of the time I find him speaking very fast and makes me very kan cheong lolz.

ohh i see...i was recommended dr Yong Tze tein or Dr Devendran...

i still dunoo who to choose...

btw 5 weeks can go make appt already meh?

girls, i did an u/s last friday, can see sac n yolk and they rescheduled me to see my gynae for the first time on 30th nov instead of today.

im now at 6wks.

is that late or is it ok?

Hi Lizzie, i think it is fine as long as you are comfortable with it. By Nov 30th, you will be able to see bb in a clearer view and by then you will hear the heartbeat.

Pinkyrose, on week 5, you will be able to see the sac and yolk. It depends if you want to go now or wait for week 6/7 to detect the heartbeat.

Hi Lizzie, hehe.. yes. I am like tat as well. I will prefer to see early so i could rest my mind.. My next app is in early december..

px22: my lmp is 30 sep. happy for u that u r able to see your little beanie! mine cannot see yet. hope i m ok... most likely i'll choose Mt A.

wendy: congrats! beautiful and perfect! woohoo!! must be really joyous upon hearing it.

serene: i dun have menstral cramps but more of wanting to throw up. i suppose menstral cramps are also part of ms. so dun have to worry. it's normal.

brainysmurfs - haha so its true that pregnant ladies are forgettable...

Pinkyrose - i did my 1st scan at 5th wk.. cos i was too anxious to see my bb but was ask to go back after 10days for another scan to detect bb's hb..

called the hospital liao, Wendy. She says, my slot is the earliest available. :eek:

cos i went to KKH A&E to check up on my slight cramp on Thursday (kancheong spider mah). then I was told to come back on Friday to do U/S. I did the U/S and they saw the yolk and the sac. At this juncture, my appt with gynae was on 15th Nov (Monday).

Then the duty doctor, told me that its better to reschedule a later date since if they were to do an u/S, gynae will also see almost the same thing.

At that moment, I agreed (slaps face)!!

Now I regret cos Im back to worrying again LOL

Im nw at 6 wks (same as you i think).

Keeep telling myself no excruciating pain, no blood, no spotting, baby is fine!

I just need constant assurance, at this stage :eek:

sogo: don't worry.. I can see mine clearly cos I cleared my intestines very well yesterday.. down a big glass of prune juice. U will see yours the next visit.. meanwhile jus stay happy n positive cos mummy's mood will affect babies..

When u finally get to see it, u will laugh.. My beanie looks like he is relaxing on a couch, crossing his legs.. hahaha

Hi Lizzie, you will be fine!! It is great that you can see sac and yolk already! With a little more waiting, you will see your bb. They might think with a short period, there is not much difference so hang on, your bb will be doing great!

My friend recommended me Dr Madelaine Tan or WK Tan, both at TMC under the WC Cheng clinic.

Any girls here under them?

My LMP was on 3Oct. How do u girls count approx how many weeks u r in now? i didnt use the digital clearblue to test..


My lmp same as yours. According to baby centre, we're 6 weeks 2 days today. Edd, 10 july. Hope that helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

px22: so cute the way u describe ur beanie. haha. when is ur next visit? mine is 29 nov. i'm thinking if i shd change it to 3 weeks instead of 2 weeks later. cos by then will be 9 weeks and hope to see bb's hb too.

Thanks Daph [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] oh no 6 weeks and i havent chose which gynae to see yet..

have u all booked your checkup packages with yr gynae yet? I read for dr wk tan @ wc cheng clinic, the charges are abt 3k after gst till delivery, exclude hosp, med, scans. May i ask if this charge rate is normal?

But i also read that Dr Adrian W. is about $500+. So am quite confused as to whether i am comparing apple to apple in terms of what the package includes.

Appreciate any advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I had a totally traumatising time at KK A&E last night...was spotting a little so after work decided to pay a visit there since my first "proper" visit to gynae only in 2 weeks time (as still early stage). The gynae there was was very rushed and rough in doing the vaginal scan and apparently burst a polyp near my womb while probing ard. I was screaming in my head when I saw all that blood come out but she said it was all from the polyp and my womb is "closed" and she can see the sac. However, she proceeded to paint all the what-if worst possible scenarios thereafter and I have to go back for more blood tests later this wk. I'm still trickling blood from last night and still recovering from all these nasty shocks. I also plan to go and visit a proper gynae soon as I don't want those rush-rush job types...need nurturing and coaxing one not just anyhow shoving here and there....:'(

Hi bubbles, sad to hear that! It id definately a bad experience. Could suggest you visit a proper gynae asap to make sure things are going fine?


I'm staying east, parkway east is just 5 min drive away from my home. But I'm still going back to mt e cos I delivered my #1 and #2 there.


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Items include:

BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, RP:$29.90

BN mothercare nursing gowns x 2 @ 35, RP: $75

Preloved mothercare swaddling blanket in pink@ $15 RP: $39 (used less than 5x-bb dun like)

Preloved Dale abdominal binder. @ $25 RP:$65 - $80 (used once)

Preloved EGG maternity black shorts @ $20, RP: $159 (worn less than 5x)

And many more..for more pics and descriptions,

please see here http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

If keen, please PM. Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.


sad to hear ur bad experience...but do recover quickily fr the shock n move on to another 'proper' gynae bahhh....i can say...those A&E doc...some r trainee and they r not as good, she noe u r preg n shld be more gentle while doing v-scan...how to rush such a thing and in the end, what a mess she created...anyway, no pt angry with such doc...get ur own gynae n hv proper chkup....

Anyone here in their Week 5 here? What symptoms are you ladies experiencing? Other than sore breasts and bloatedness, I don't really feel pregnant. I know it sounds crazy but I'm hoping for some morning sickness or whatever to make sure that I'm pregnant. As much as I know that every pregnancy is different I still can't help but to compare with my 1st and get worried...

Hi eLcH, i started to get nausea in week 5(last week). It is getting terrible and till now. I actually pray not to get MS leh.. Right now, i am feeling the bloatedness, sore breasts, nausea, tiredness. My sense of smell is getting stronger and i feel like puking when i pass by coffeeshops or the exhuast system. I just hope my MS gone so i could work properly and regain my lifestyle.

Hi wendy,

At least you know that your hormones are escalating at a healthy level! For my 1st pregnancy, I feel bloatedness, sore breasts, fatigue quite early. Throughout the pregnancy, I vomit less than 3 times. I enjoyed my pregnancy very much!


For those who have gone for your 1st gynae, do you sign on the package on the spot? May i know around how much your package is? Thanks[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Elch> i think i'm abt wk5/6 (not gone for my 1st visit yet). but i dont feel anything.. no sore breast, fatigue or MS. Is this normal?? Your comments make me scared!

