(2011/07) July 2011


haha.......... i certainly hope so.

then again, my gynae did tell me that having MS means your pregnancy is stable wor......

But, having diff symptoms may also mean having diff genders.



pillow4: me too.. throw up alot of bile in the morning.. but after eating spicy kimchi hotpot then taste is gone.. and yes my mum also had to handwash clothes for the whole in-laws family when she had me! poor mum

Feimei- yes we should do a lunch with all the big tummies.. thats going to be such a funny sight!

Gynae also said to me that very strong symptoms means very stable pregnancy.. I didn't have much symptoms initially, after i started taking hormone pills all the MS and giddiness started coming... the more u puke, the stronger your baby.. And she asked me to take milk powder for preggy mums, that makes baby strong and smarter and grow bigger. Tried it this morning but the taste was so horrible that I cant stand it and threw all away...


ya...alot ppl say MS meaning stable preg but again, frenx ard me, all not hving MS and their kids now...hyper-active also, all also healthy...soo still very up to individual...


shld try to drink, i started drinking mine...but each day intake, my dietitian break it into two session for me, becos each in take is 6 scoop n thats too much for my one in-take, my sugar will shoot up, so she break into two part, 3 scoop for each, at least my sugar lvl wun shoot up....if u dun like the taste, there's some choc flavour...shld be ok bahh...i m drinking Dumex Mamil Mummy, not bad taste...i got phobia drinking power milk but bo bian, mummies need all the nutrients for the bb, specially the DHA, Omega, folic....bla..bla..bla...soo...think of it...u hv to drink...

I think the main thing is to have faith in all our babies that we are carrying and for those who are praying to God, leave both mother and child to God for blessings ;)

Hi pillow4,

I'm not sure leh. But I rem the instruction paper states 3week+ = 5 week from LMP (something like that). So now I should be ard 6weeks.

Mayb that's y the nurse said that I'm abit late to see gyna.

I'm also experiencing more cramps today. Abit worried. These days I can hardly finish 1/2 bowl of soup noodles.

If I go polyclinic to get referrals for gyna in TMC don't know if it will be cheaper or not(trying to save more $)

Congrats Serene.

Feimei, my friends say that don't eat too many papayas at this stage cos baby not stable. But do drink payaya milk during breastfeeding.

I will let u know my EDD after my 1st appt on Monday.

So anyone can give me a range on how much the package for gyna checkup costs or no need to take up package? Need to see if mine is too ex (ard $2.6k, not incl medicine), if yes, I may change.

feimei, jgwee: can we mix the milk powder with cold water? I had the choco one today and it really smells. Tats EnfaMama.. eww. Normal HL or marigold milk doesnt have the same effects ha?


ya, my frenx said his wife take Annum, not bad but i started when i sign up in Dumex website n they get u to choose their product, so i choosen Mamil Mummy lol...

hello brainysmurfs,

np, do update me after ur visit.


use warm water, not cold water leh...preggie shld not drink too much cold drinks, hv to cut down worr...how abt u go dumex website, register as member dan u r entitled for a goodie bag, fr there, choose their milk product n try, if u like it, dan u can start buying that....

that time wan to try enfa mama becos it's choc but hubby say choc too heaty leh, better dun la...soo i buy back mamil mummy lol...

starry, thank god that your #3 is smooth sailing. can relax liao. hehe. i hope that no ms = gal. cos i dun have it yet.. but then being said, if it equates to not stable, i'll rather have ms. haha.

px22, why do u need to take hormone pills?

feimei, is DHA, omega, folic inside the milk powder? so still need to take folic acid separately? or take both?


missed out ur 2nd part qns...those fresh milk like HL, don't hv those nutrients that we need. those are normal milk with high cal, low fat...but for power milk, it contains, DHA (for bb brain), folic acid, omega 3...all these nutrients r need esp in early stage when bb is forming their brain, spinal cord, organs...after early stage dan u start drinking, not much help lol....becos everything r formed, can only improved them....u get wat i meant?

hello sogo,

the pill folic acid is sufficient but if u drinking power milk, it do contain some but no worry, u wun get over-dose for folic acid... :D

feimei, haha.. cos i'm taking multi vits which consists of folic acid, and also taking a separate folic acid pill every morning. now i'm drinking anlene creamy milk powder for my breakfast (a new flavour! which i quite like it). didn't check its ingredients though. whoops.

feimei, so early can start t o drink the milk already? wont make us fat ah? cos i know there is a lot of fat content.

brainysmurfs, i dun remember polyclinic will refer you to private hosp le. wow, ur package very ex. i have not taken any yet but i heard from other mums their package ard 700plus to 1000plus only.

Hi, for first time mummies who may be at a loss on how to handle BB, breastfeeding, I have a few reference books from TMC which would be useful.

Pl take a look and PM me if u are interested. Tks.



more details here:



how come u take multi-vits n still take folic separately? ur gynae asked u to? the multi-vits itself shld be good enuff ler bahh, like me, i din take multi-vits, thats y i take folic acid lol...check with ur gynae...dun think anlene got any nutrients that bb need leh, the most is high cal n omega3...u may wan to check it out...


Mamil Mummy is low fat, i know, the word low fat is jus a deciving words....hahahaha...no matter wat, power milk will make u fat but my co told me that she compare her son with her frenx son (her frenx did not drink power milk), both r diff, my col son very 'jie shi' that type while her frenx's son, like abit soft soft one...soo that's the milk power effect lol...i mean Not a must to drink, still depend on individual ya~~~

feimei,it is better if we drink plain powdered milk and not the choc one? thinking of buying anmum. but since u said mamil is good. will try that. tks!

feimei - thanks for ur tips about how to tell my parents the gd news.. dunno leh, at first was contemplating tellg them after my first scan, but that is so far away!! 23rd. i go back every week for dinner so i think i might not be able to resist and have to tell them this wkend!

audrey: that's gd planning sia!

smurfysmart? - hey, we're seeing the same doc - LC Chang! hey, shouldn't you be in the june group since your lmp is 19 sept?


sure...no flavour oso can...those with choc flavour is jus a 'camoflague'...it's still milk power lol... :D go register at dumex website n get their goodies bag, u can choose their milk power...before u really go n buy those tin...


just check out the website, not sure they still giving the goodies bag upon registration anot but no harm trying lol...it's a very informative website, it give u info on the food and how r we develop going on....


ya...like Audrey mentioned, there's small tin available for Mamil mummy...u may wan to test water 1st...


preggie need to drink milk too, beside bb milk power, they hv for preggie n breastfeeding mummies...

tks feimei, will go and register soon. i watch discovery home, where they deliver babies and such. quite fun and scary.

rosegal, this thread is superb fast. if u miss out few hrs u will be "outdated". trying my best to catch up.

mummies, think i'm feeling yucky now. the feeling of bile is getting worse now. feel like vomitting. but dun wish to force myself to vomit. but it is so uncomfortable. mummies, do u all just open mouth n vomit or must use fingers to poke? sorry ah, i dun have ms before and am not sure whether is this the feeling i am supposed to get


yes, u can start drinking but if want for confirmation, u may wan to consult ur gynae for opinion 1st...


thot i also dun hv MS but my nausea make me wan to puke but try coughing, but nothing come out....dun use ur fingers to dig, gal~~just like normal feeling that the things is up in ur throat...n when u open mouth...everything will come out....

feimei, tks for the clarification. so now i know vomitting means open mouth things flow out, no need to dig... haha. now my upper chest very "tong ku". like wanna vomit but cannot vomit. then the bitter taste still in my throat/mouth. keep swallowing.

rosegal- mine is EnfaMama Chocolate flavour. It sucks. eww. either that or I really don't like milk powder

sogo- i was having brown discharge and cramping ma.. so went to see gynae he gave me hormone pills and jab to strengthen the womb for baby..


I'm having my tiny break now before seeing my next student. Munching bread and potato chips at void deck now! Honestly, I feel puking. Shoving food down so as to feel better. Can't get hungry or else ms will start.


I force myself to vomit when I'm feeling sick. But can only do it at home. What I did was by brushing deep near my throat. Once I throw up, the feeling is shiok! Haha. Does it sound gross?

feimei, my 1st visit to gynae is next mon. thus haven't consulted him yet. body is weak so take those multi vits for ladies to boost up "the shortage" in calcium, zinc, magnesium, etc. my sis in law and sis told me that if i wanna prepare for my pregnancy, must start to take folic acid, that's why have been taking it separately.

It's advisable to take at least 400mcg or 0.4mg of folic acid. Hope all MTB are doing that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

px22, oic.. may ur womb be strengthened [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

daph, try to stay away from all the titbits ah. not gd for bb. but if it's one time off, is ok. how abt taking biscuits?

The other day i asked the gynae, I read in some forums it says 500mcg per day, but wat guardian sells is 5mg- ie. 10times.. Am I overdosed?

He say no wor. 5000mcg or 5mg is the correct dose, and tats for ttc. Now that I am preggers, he ask me to eat one pill twice a day, instead of just every morning.. I hope he is right

hi all,

no time to come in today.

Trying to clear my work as i left earlier.

Now at gynae waiting for my turn for second visit.

This is my no 2 and yet im more worried than with my no 1.

So scared n wondering if all is well.

daph, not gross la. cos that is what i do. but i use fingers. seriously i really feel like doing it tonight when i am home. so maybe will feel better. been downing a lot of water to get rid of that taste.

i just started on my folic acid, bought from GNC, which is 800mcg. Not cheap after seeing what u ladies hv bought, it's $17 (without member discount). GNC has another multi-vit meant for MTB but i decide to wait till my first gynae visit and consult her before i consume the other supplements.

Hi feimei,

yes u are right. It's exactly what you had described. And i'm sorry to hear what you had gone thru in your previous experience. But I am sure this time it will go smoothly for you. *hugz*

Pls add my details when you create a table.

EDD : 6th July 2011

Gynae : Dr Loke Kah Leong

Hospital : Parkway East hospital

BB Gender : TBC (wishes for a girl)

Hi pillow4,

My 1st boy (unplanned) was born on 10th July 2007. 2 days after our birthday. Got spotting on our birthday but no contraction till next day july 9th then give birth after midnight so become 10th july.

Ya stay positive k.. Have more faith. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

As for MS, i do not experienced any MS during my 1st pregnancy and my baby is quite active and healthy so no worries for those who doesn't have any MS.

BTW, I paid $90 for my 1st visit for my medicines, scanning and 1st consultation.

Congratulations to Serene! Hopefully can detect the baby soon.

px22: it sounds quite a lot.. hmmm. if that's what the doctor advise, shd be ok ba..

anyone knows whether we can eat crabs, now that we are pregnant? any opinions?

sogo: gynae says its ok.. by right crabs are fine

By left- superstitious pple tell u no... Cos baby will have extra hand/leg fingers or dunno wat...

For me- puked and hated the taste of crab when I tried it 2 days ago.. I use to love it... Problem solved

I would think as long as u have the craving and you are happy eating then should be ok? In moderation of course. No point suppressing the craving and make urself miserable. Happy mummy = happy baby

