(2011/07) July 2011

Soon-to-be> Thanks for sharing your friend's positive review on CBP LV [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Feels abit more assured now.. That is a convenient place for me as i work in that same bldg..hee. But me and dh have yet to go down to chk out the place yet..been procrastinating :p Aimming to do it soon!

Feimei> me also same situation like u.. got to put baby in IFC right after maternity.. my MIL stays in msia but will come down during my confinement period. No guarantee how long she'll stay.. cos she may be bored in sg with no friends plus not sure if she's gg back to work or retire officially. Then my own mom still working fulltime.. So no choice IFC is our only option.

Wendy> congrats on your good DS result! yr gynae is the one that does the scan for u? so thoughtful to give u a cd!


now i know what it meant by healthy can liao. gender does not matter. when sono confirmed that it is a boy, i dun even have any feeling at all. all i am concerned is the kidney.. even if she tell me gal, i oso dun care.... now gg out to orchard to shop, dh is gg somewhere there.. i scared if stay alone at home will anyhow think.,,

Dun worried pillow ur boy would be alright. Ur gynae already said need to monitor dun worried he would be fine. God will bless him

Hock Hua..

I keep hearing mummies here mentioning about Hock Hua. May I know where is the shop? Is it some kind of retail for chinese medicine like Eu Yan Sang? I was thinking where should I buy my herbal/tonic ingredients for my confinement? ( e.g. red dates, longan, etc..) Should i get from Hock Hua or neighbourhood medicine stalls? Any recommended chinese medicine shop in SG which is reliable and cheap?

pillow> *pad on shoulder* ur boy will be fine...since gynae will monitor n will hv follow up scan, everything shld be ok...dun tink on -ive side...will affect bb...tink +ive n bb will be fine...i understand is easy to say then do it...but u hv to tell urself...u must be strong, then bb will grow well n be strong!!!

did u ask gynae need to be on any special diet? or any supplement to help???

hi pillow4, dun worry k! All will be fine and god will bless your son! You dun cry le k.

ixoral, yes. My gynae did the scan. I am surprised that he gave me a cd to keep. =)

feimei, my tooth is alright now. =) But going to go some filling soon again!

dun woli pillow..... since god bless us wif little precious they wont jus take away jus like dis. so god will bless littles ones ;) cheer up. dun cry... be strong & talk to bb ;)

pillow>>> dun worry so much... everything will be alright... ur bb will be strong de... think +ve... if not will affect him de.. bb can feel ur emotion...

Last time, our mummies gathering with bbs were at a condo function rm. Maybe we can do catering but have to pay ahead lor...

Those with kids easier to take care cos the kids can play in the room.

Btw, anyone here taking the flu vaccine?


Don't stress yourself out too much k. Have faith in your baby boy that all will be well. Like what the rest said, stay positive!

hi everyone! didn't know there was a gathering! haven't login for a long time.. gosh... almost forgot my pw! haha

quite a no. of new mummies!! welcome!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] only recognised a few familiar ones... px22, feimei, jgwee...

pillow: it's a blessing that bb is still ok. since you've asked for prof's help, things shd be better since they are the experts in this area. Stay strong and bb will learn from his mummy too! *hugz*

Pillow. U are already half way through pregnancy.. I understand yr worries n sadness.. But don't be.. Easier said than done. As it can affect u emotionally n physically.. Wat u can do nw is to heed the gynae advice. Everything will be fine.. Our prayers be with you.. Take cr..

Pillow, I agree with what suing says. Also, the doc actually say can monitor, so dun worry too much. Your boy will grow out of the dilation. I can understand how u feel, when my bb1 had uti and had to d all the test, my heart just cry out and pray that he is fine, healthy. Continue to stay cheerful and be there for ur bb. Like the prof say, as long as the heart js fine, it's ok. *hugs*

feimei, i'm fine and into my 5th mth soon come this thu. is yours a baby gal? mine is most likely to be a gal too cos in my previous visit to the gynae, dr says there's nothing that is stick out. hehe.. hoping for a gal too, to help me take care of bb2 and/or bb3.

any mummies thought of a name for your bb yet? :p


Don't worry too much okie? If doc says is ok and will monitor, it will be ok de..

When I went for my DS, the songrapher spotted a cyst in bb's left brain which measures 0.7 x 0.5cm.. Quite big considering bb's size and i was very worried..But my gynae says that it is not really a cause for concern coz it's still in development stage and most cysts probably disappear after development is complete. So, I trust my doc and didn't think too much.. Will follow up on the size of the cyst on next visit on 12th march.

When bb is developing, there will sure be some irregularities here and there.. But most of them will become normal when bb completes development in our tummy. So, you must be strong and think positively coz our mood can affect baby de.. Happy and positive vibes will make our baby stronger :D

Pillow> yeah right now u hv 2 be strong! concentrate on building up your health n taking any supplements prescribed by e doc. Also close monitor by e doc. everything will turn out to be good. you be strong and your bb will be strong too!

jia you ... jia you ... jia jia you!!

Oh yah.. About the calcium, multi-vits and fish-oil..

I asked the nurse and also did research online..

Take multi-vits and fish-oil in morning and don't mix multi-vits with calcium. Avoid drinking milk or taking food that r high in calcium 2 hours before and after taking multi-vits.

There r no side effects if u do take them together, but.. calcium impedes absorption of iron which is in the multi-vit. So our body will not be able to fully absorb the iron which is very needed now. Our multi-vit usually contain vitamin c as well coz vit c can increase iron absorption. So, it's good to drink fruit juice or eat fruits rich in vit c for breakfast after taking multi-vits. Avoid drinks with caffeine (coffee, tea) coz they also restrict absorption of iron.


sogo> i just came out with a full name for my baby. my hb is useless..cant think of any unique name for her. -_- i guess its mother's instinct.

all mummies> is it really 4k from govt?? i tot only 3k.

Pillow -

Baby pillow is working hard on developing now.. Let's not be upset and give it any more stress.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feed yourself well, get enough rest ... And also.. Dun frown...

If not, it will be stressful for your bunny de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jan - it's so Awful to fall sick.. Cos cannot eat medicine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pp alot of water in bah.. I did that in Sunday.. Pumping 500ml at one shot b4 I sleep ... Woke up Still feeling dehydrated.. I pump another 500ml.. When I wake up.. Miraculously I feel good!

Audrey> sure is..especially flu. nowadays virus r getting so strong..flu or sore throat can last quite some time. its good u drink lots of water..must keep yourself free of virus. i dislike drinking water. hehhee..


Gynae says no need to take extra folic already in 2nd trimester coz my multi-vit (I am given hemoplex) has folic acid 1.0mg inside.

Pillow - Stay strong for baby... He needs ur encouragement...

On IFC I also planning when bb hit 3 mths to start sending for half a day to get used to it before I put him there for the whole day after my ML end... Also no one can help me take care... Although my MIL offer but I rather be a SAHM than to let her care for her grandson... She did not even take care of DH when young, throw to grandma cannot cook dunno hw to bathe bb... Still offer to take care... NO WAY !!!

Booked my IFC when bb was just 3 mths as it is quite popular and afraid of not being able to get a place if start to reserve only after birth... However need to pay 1 mth fees as deposit to secure a place... Teacher:Baby ratio max 1:3 usually is 1:2 and cost $600+ after subsidy... Like the principal and teachers there... They also have a registered nurse at the centre...

janice> yes, i m into my 20wks this wk, will mark 21wks this sat lol....

Lynn> which ifc u sending ur bunny to???

lynn> my 1st skool oso say if wan to secure seat for bunny, hv to pay deposit lol...becos they can't promiss will hv seat by then...i guess this yr, the seats r like hot cake!!!!

My IFC is at Bishan United Montessori Schoolhouse... Yap nw IFC are like hotcakes suppose more FTWM and also parents may still be working or like in my case dun want MIL to take care... I actually booked and paid for my CL, IFC before DH tell her I'm preggy...

Dun want her to take care when she has no experience and also my bb to grow up like her... Will faint [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feimei - For My 1st Skool the centre STD will really depend on individual principal... So gd to have a gd talk and to understand the direction and teaching style... Was also concern with their max ratio which is 1:5 u might want to double confirm although within MCYS guideline but personally feel that 1 adult would not be able to ever handle 5 infant...

Lynn> thanks for sharing!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya, the person in charge did said tat mcys stated ratio is 1:5 but she say the principle revised the ratio becos they oso felt 1adult cannot handle 5infants...soo they change to 1:3 starting tis yr!!!

Will be touring the sch this sat...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can't sleep!!!

Pillow, hang in there. Baby will b alright. At times like this hard to cheer up but we must trust wat our gynae said n when the kidney is in full function, it shuld not dilate further.

Jan, i guess diff gynae will prescribe diff vits for mummies but the standard is always fish oil n calcium. Fish oil to promote brain cell growth n calcium for our bones. My gynae oso gave me another med which is iron + folic. I rarely take that - cause constipation.

Gals, u noe my schoolmate was saying she get 12mths maternity leave in Denmark!! Envious!!!!!

Morning all mummies!

Zachmummy>>> ur fren so good ar... 12mth maternity leave... Paid one?? One yr no need to work still have money... Not bad... Here co boss all so mao..... Take one more also will die Liao.. If not for the govt, I think alot of co will sack the pregg ba....

A pity no improvement in paternity leave here...

The my 1st skl which I put mine on waitlist for nov, did not ask for deposit.. In sengkang area...

I made up my mind to put there though ratio is 1:5.

Good morning mummies! Very excited about the DS today.

Kath, u stayed up all the way? How o work today.

Supplements: my doc give folic, obimin and neurogain ( fish oil). I asked for iron when I was feeling faint few weeks back but only taking occasionally. No calcium, coa I drink milkm and Milo everyday.

Planning for my baby moon. Any suggestions on japan? I have three days there.


Morning all mtbs

Gd luck muffintop...do update us

Yesterday bb so cute..was calling bb u thr...I feel the kick...haha finally bb respond to me

