(2011/07) July 2011

maelyn - when do those classes start? do we have to be second or third tri before we can go? or is it for after birth? clueless. :p



I also did it without epi leh... I usually have mad migraines and i find that my migraines are worst than my natural delivery leh.. I did the breathing technique and did alot of counting to distract myself from the pain. I believe you can do it also! ;)

Childbirth Education Courses

Here you go. Goto this website and scroll to the Childbirth Education courses.


I can't remember how much, my note book not here with me.. But anyone can call the number to ask. Normally you need to register once confirm 20 week. Got 6 lessons altogether and the course outline is stated in the website. If you want to attend Mrs. Wong class, then when you book , you must specify that you want to attend her class. Better book early when comes to 20 week coz her classes are quite popular.

If you are not delivering in TMC, you can still attend the class, just that you will not have discounts. Weekdays classes are cheaper compared to weekends.

Agreed that mrs wong's classes is interesting. But we were kinda purposely late for one of the classes when she showed the video on giving birth. Hubby didn't want me to watch. Didn't want me to have the bad impression that birth giving is so painful. Hmm basically I just prayed about easy delivery without epidural and I got it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Rosegal. I just can't wait to go for my next appt and see what doc has to say. Its like dunno what I should do next besides taking medicine and waiting for my next appt and working. Anyone can suggest anything?

maelyn, daph, you are one brave woman... ok, daph will add u soon. hee. mummies, we shld add each other on fb! haha

Ok.. I found the benefits of Mt A ladies card..

Savings off total bill

• 10% off Ante-Natal Course

• 10% off Consultation Fee at the 24-hr Clinic

• 15% off at Health Screening Centre*

• 10% off at Retail Pharmacy

Great Eastern - Free 6-month insurance coverage for newborn*

Stem Cord - Exclusive Cord Blood Banking Package*

And a free special limited edition cooler bag while stocks last.

* Terms & Conditions apply

welcome karen!!!

dun worry too much, we are also learning n picking up info fr each other...dun feel lost, u hv us here!!! :D

where is ur gynae?


i bot one bottle from Mothercare during my previous preg....i still hv it, so will continue to use...heard fr the salegal, that stretchmark cream is quite sellable....let me go home n check in detail n let u know further....i oso heard mummies using other brands, all depend on urself lol...i think Watson or Guradian got sell those small bottle one, u might wan to try which one u like, then decide fr there if to continue or change other brand lol....

hi xinyue, it is great to hear that you already can see ur bb hartbeat. It is a good start!

Hi feimei, yes i am excited with the app on Monday. Will update my second gynae visit. Hope everything is fine.


dun stress urself too much....everything will be 'shun shun' for u on Monday....ur lil one will blink blink to wave to u... :D

hey rosegal, can u please share your experience on Mt A if u are going? I am not in Sg yet so i cant go. I hv been to MT A for body check-up 3x and i love the doctors & sisters/nurses there. My wish to hv my delivery there if possible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will be seeing Dr Chua Yang at Upper Bt Timah (even though i am staying in AMK). She is highly recommeded by my gf, not sure about her charge but it seems she's v patient & thoughtful. Let me do a report 2 wks later (and finally an official confirmation of being pregnant too).

Ladies, we are not supposed to eat sashimi right? My Japan col is arranging sashimi's dinner for my boss & me as welcome dinner, how am i going to avoid that? I don't plan to tell anyone in office till my gynae's visit which is after my biz trip. and i do love sashimi a lot... *hee*

wendy > thanks.

feimei > what is the stretch mark cream for? do we need to use now or after givebirth?


I think it depends on the coverage under CSC card. for us its only for outpatient bills. Delivery charges + hospital stay is NOT inclusive. But lucky for me, I could still use my company benefit to claim.

I'm currently using Clarins stretch mark cream but I heard Clarins Oil is much better but I'm not sure which oil is that hence thot of asking ladies here who may have a better idea. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey Tze, the Clarin oil full name is called Tonic Body Treatment Oil. You can look at the website: http://sg.clarins.com/beauty-product/body/pregnancy/0204/

Its description: "A toning, energising 100% pure plant oil to help prevent loss of firmness in the skin. Perfect to use during pregnancy or to complement a weight-loss programme.

Firms, tones and prevents skin slackening by improving skin elasticity, while also helping to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. It leaves skin hydrated, soft and satin-smooth to the touch. "

Hey girls, do we start apply the stretch mark cream after 1st tri? I heard from some staffs from mothercare that we should apply after 1st tri, cos it is much safer when baby is stable.

Hi Feimei, thank you all so much. Yeah, suddenly it feels like you can't do this and that. My friends were telling me not to do hair treatment etc,, My gynae is in Gleneagles, His name is Dr Chris Cheong. Have you all had a hospital in mind?

Hi Karen. cannot dye hair etc as there are chemicals apply on our scalp. I brought baby care magazine and it is mentioned inside as well. I think of the chemicals that our body might absorb so not safe for early pregnancy.

Wendy, thks for the info.

To everyone,

I'm abit kaisu, i start using already... cos i was scared off by my gf who is going to due anytime soon. She told me that her stretch marks are like spider webs creeping everywhere on her tummy and boobs area. ahhhh!!

However, I also heard that stretch marks are genetic too!!!!

oh dear.. Thanks a million for letting me know Wendy. Which magazines do you think it's good to read up about pregency and all? I just bought motherhood but would love to have more options. BTW, the stretch mark oil, think it would be great to use early. My friend stretch mark was really so bad and she only started using like the last tri of her pregnancy.


I was told my many MTBs on the June thread to read up this book call

"What to expect when you are expecting" by Heidi Murkoff.

Apparently this has everything we need to know and I'm only on the 1st chapter :p

Thanks Tze, I'm getting all excited. Lots of things to plan, many things to do and to keep up with... Haha

It is really nice to join this thread and know so many things and to meet so many nice MTB with all these information.. Thank you everyone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I m thinking of subscribing to magazines too...

Any recommendations?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My fb is [email protected] [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi rosegal,

1st time in this thread and happen to read the postings here and saw what you posted about TMC. The room you were in previously in TMC is the Observation Room. Not the Delivery Suite. The Delivery Suite is only for 1 mummy and hubby + the medical staff. It is a big room with a lounge chair, tv and etc. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


guessed wendy provided u with the ans....as i know, stretch mark cream can start be use at wk 6 or 7...no need after 1st tri....

i oso heard abt Clarins but not sure good anot...no harm trying....

do u use iphone? u can download the app "What to expect" fomr apps store, it's free!!! i hv quite a few diff apps...quite useful...

*nob nobs* I have both the book and the iphone apps.(damned kiasu) hahaha. I have baby centre apps too kekek

What other apps is useful?

hi ladies,

today is the 1st day that i wanna throw up, before brushing my teeth. early this morning was my first time and when i reach office, i feel like puking again. Luckily didn't have a heavy breakfast. From 2pm till now, wanna puke a few times but nothing came out. Does morning sickness happen in the afternoon too? quite uncomfortable...

btw just to update, i finally mentioned to my family about my 6 weeks pregnancy. didn't intend to inform them so early, but yesterday sis in law cooked crab, got to "announce" first as not sure if i can eat. keke. when i went home, told my in laws about it and they are so happy for me. really glad to have made that choice to tell them.

oh yes, btw my

EDD : 13 Jul 2011

Gynae : Dr Adrian Woodworth

Hospital : TBA

BB Gender : TBC (hoping for a gal)

Nos: #1


i installed 'weekly guide to pregnancy from essential baby', quite useful n got info on food for preggie...i oso install 'babybump', 'pregnancy', 'babymed'....hahahha...tink i even more kiasu than u...i m kiasi!!!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks for adding mi Daph... he's 26 months already.. into TERRIBLE 2!!!

I oso like the pic where by 3 of u close ur eyes... newborn Seth is so cute!


Mine 15 months. Still very guai. Hope he remains like that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Since both of you are 2nd time mummies, is your tummy showing earlier than before?

My #1 is going 25 months this month...

