(2011/07) July 2011

zachmummy>> u may wan to try gmarket buy nursing bra?? quite cheap.. less than $20... mine also getting abit tight... thinking of getting from there..


Zann > she promise to call me after she came back to arrange the CL thing... i wonder that how many ladies she is going to promise to do confinement during jul?

Zann > i think better to find other i dun think she can be trusted... how can she promise so many ppl doing CL in jul? right? i am finding another one to help me no choice...

zachmommy> go other day la...no hurry...the shop wun move de...will wait for u there!!!

the bra realli soo cheap?? can buy worr...mine oso getting tight n i saw the nursing bra is like $36+...haven decided to buy yet...soo tot of buying those cheapo one..wear for awhile n can throw!!!

piyo, but if dun try, i scared cannot fit! the ones that i bought from perfect mum now is in terrible condition!! N i paid so much for it..so sad to think that I never do proper research.. i tink i juz buy normal without wire bra will do. Will not buy nursing bra cos when latch i will usually do it in nursing room, so can remove all. if at home, i alr go bra-less

Feimei and Mdm Khoo is right, Toyogo at their warehouse in Toa Payoh is cheaper than outside. I went there on Sunday and those big 4-5tier drawers have free gift (those small 4 tier drawer) Most of their smaller drawers and baskets (e.g A4 size, CD drawers, toiletries basket etc..) have buy 2 get 1 free offers. Even their masking tape is cheaper than outside. Got alot of things there and it's worth to make a trip to look-see-look-see.

unless absolutely necessary, i tink no need to buy nursing bra..as long as it is non-wired will suffice.

If we express in office, will be in a closed door area, u still need to remove ur clothes, so might as well remove off the bra? Haha..that's wat i did last time, i remove everything except my bottom wear and then pump..haha.

piyo, the fit may not be nice.. how to explain ah..even the ones i got from Perfect Mum boutique, i tried look nice. who noes after give birth, the cup size alr different and now when i wear, the side of the cup is open up.. even after wearing clothes, it is so obviously coming out at the side.. ugly!

zachmummy>> where else got cheap and good bra?? last time i wear those with pushup de.. now cannot.. not comfortable... the brand "Uniqlo" u saw.. selling at where?

Ha, just now an old lady was getting off the train so ask me to sit. I din knw she's getting off so I say no need. But before I could react, this man sat down. Ha! Super!!

But I din purposely face him lah.

Actually I can stil use ph to type while standing but not v nice lah...

Oh got a seat when another guy left. This time the lady next to me saw my bump so let me hav the seat.

piyo, at Uniqlo, the japanese clothes store..they hv a few locations, like Tampines One, Somerset 313 is the 2 that i always go to..

cannot wear push up lar.. now i wearing wired bra..so painful esp at bottom, i feel liek going to toilet now n remove the bra and cover with my shawl all the way!

zachmummy>>> i intend to go those CK shop at my hse there to see see those non-wired bra.. i cannot stand wired bra now also..will feel tight..

piyo, i juz went to toilet and remove my bra and sat there for 5 minutes.. it was a relieved!! now gotta 'tong' till 7.30pm to reach home and remove the bra!! my nipple got alot of whitish stuff forming..poor breast! Hahaha

Me going to Ikea for laksa..heard it is nice!

Dunno leh.. Some say is milk that is dried up??

My tummy suddenly feel so hard n painful!! Like going to burst soon. Either my boy is doing some super stretched exercise or I dunno what is wrong. Causing me to hv backache.

Met a colleague fr nxt dept n she said my tummy size is ok for 5.5 mth pregnancy. Hehe.. Relief to know n she manage to guess mines a boy cos of my pointed stomach.

can we eat the cream from those norm cream cakes? very hungry and feel like eating the full month cake that was given by collegue

i merlion a lot in this 2nd tri leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

does anyone experience the same?juz finish merlion now

Pillow, can eat ah.. Those r onie butter cream.

Pinkyrose, *touchwood* but no merlion but no appetite too. Worse when u hv to eat sucky food!!

Yest very angry.. Cannot understand y I hv such a husband. Drive like a road bully n din even realise he has a son n pregnant wife sitting behind. When told him off saying y can't he be gracious n give way he can answer "y must I be gracious n give way?" what kind of person speak that way?? Stubborn ppl that thinks he's driving some armor truck! N he dare to ask y I dun wanna talk to him after that n ask me wat he did wrongly.. Which to him nothing he did is ever wrong. I sat behind his car I oso felt paiseh..

zachmommy my hubby does e same my mum will b e one screaming at him no need to b paiseh jus ignore him lah not u drivin no one will judge u..

now he is betta like .. cut lanes dun let ppl cut his lane.. is so common ..

pinkyrose.. same lah i m still doin e merlion v sian mayb also used to it.. shld b v soon ending liao ba.. :p persevere.. so in ur case pls jus eat watever u wan to c if u can keep some in..

Zachmummy>>> dun be angry.. Man!!! Mostly like tat.. My hubby is also like tat.. Worst when ur car is modified to race, and he himself is a driving instructor who thinks he is driving safely... I scream till dun wan to scream Liao.. I Juz close my eyes. My PIL say until dun wan to say Liao... When someone irritates him on road his so call skilled and Pro driving skills all out... The more u scream the more fierce he goes... Nv think of consequences Coz he call himself skillful driver... Then he will say this is more exciting then u spend money on roller coaster... Faint~~~~

Wendy, I onie worried abt my son's safety cos my hb's eyes dunno place where when driving.. that day at car park, one car drove past him (he's supposed to give way) yet he kept on going till i said "Hey, thr's a car in front of u" then onie he brake-d..n told me he din see.. i was like, the car was juz in front of u n u din see, i wonder where he place his eyes..

I really dun care how he drive when we are not in the car but when we are in the car i expect safety first! What for wanna race with the time? When things happen, it will be too late to regret and be sorry abt.. till now he still do not understand this concept! I will make it a point to tell him off in front of his parents this weekend.

hahahah zachmom> dont u know? u never really learn how to swear until u know how to drive.. Men are all like tat.. My husband is a super mild tempered and placid person, but when he gets behind the wheel he turns into an ugly monster... just like this morning...

I told him to stop by the road side and let me drive instead.. That will stop his nonsense.. cos I am am worse driver than he is lol

he will stop.. but only for that day.. the next day he is back to normal so i must scream at him everytime he does that.. The thing with men is, they never trust anyone else to drive their car... so once I take over the wheel he will scream, tat will give him a taste of his own medicine..

zachmom> yes mine also got his car 3years ago.. his parents, my parents all think he is a maniac as well.. I am the only one used to it.. driving fast is fine, but not weaving in and out of traffic and cutting lanes/tailgating

anyway, he juz sms me n said that he is not in the wrong for last night.. well, fine with me. As long as he is on the road, nothing is ever wrong.. even if he scratch his tyres, he will blame the kerb instead of his poor u-turn skills! Men!!!!

Zachmommy and Diana,

Saw in ur previous post abt the CL. Is it XueLian? I just called her this morning and she said that her own daughter has not delivered yet since cny period. Shd be ard these few days to go for surgery. Her daughter in law is going to deliver in may 2011. Wonder if it's the same CL that we r talking about?

Hidaya> Don't worry about baby movement coz I believe u'll feel it soon! Maybe after dinner, u lie in supine position (baby hates most) and keep very still for about 30mins and just try to feel.... see if that works[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

PX22> Thx for introduing me the freestyle pump. I guess I'll get the exported one at 450. Baby fair @ expo coming but last yr it was selling at 700+.

Zachmommy> Wow u eat only half bowl of rice? I salute u man! IF i were to just have half bowl, u'll hear me whining for food every 30mins! lol

Feimei> Doggy style and the BIG O is perfectly ok. no harm to baby! Don't worry and just have fun!

Pinkyrose> Don't worry about your small tum tum. Mine is small too but when I did my u/s the dr says my baby is growing well. My tum is small that I still fit into my size 25 jeans! lol. Just that its a little snug and when I et gotta unbuckle:0 Hope your u/s baby is growing well and that can give u a peace of mind[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

contemplating should I hire a nanny, stay in maid, or put my newborn in infant care.. Any recommendation? I am working as a staff nurse on 3 rotating shift work.. so cant really stay home and take care of bb. If I put at infant care on my afternoon shifts I cant pick bb.. only reach home at about 11pm.. mother-inlaw and parents are all working adults. any recommendation?? any one knows about the costing too??


Isn't that nurse can bring their baby to the hospital's baby care while they are working? my friend did that last time after she given birth.

wow all your dh so gung-ho ah? Mine like opp... drive quite careful. think i am the impatient one when he drives... then he gotta remind me cos i am with him so he is driving carefully. after hearing all your stories, i realised that he is not too bad after all.

zachmommy, i ate the cake liao. yummy. just ate bk mushroom swiss double that is tapao by my dh just now.

kath i totally agree on tat but i also dun wan him to drive like tat when we r not in e car with him .. coz i dun wan him to end up injure n burden me n e rest of e family ..


i took the train out for lunch just now.

was standing cos super packed.

not that i am bothered by it, cos it's only 2 stations away.

But this auntie sitting in front of me, looked at me from head to toe, and kept staring at my tummy.

when the girl beside her left the seat, she immediately signalled for her friend to sit beside her, then looked at my tummy again.

well, my only conclusion is i dun look preggy, just look FAT!

*roll eyes*

