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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Wonderland, Congratulations on the arrival of your gal! Time flies.. your boy must be very happy to have a playmate soon.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Re: Baby Bites Bought one pack few mths back, tried it ourselves and felt that it is too salty and stopped giving to baby. Don't want to get baby addicted to snack... saw one Malay boy grabbing a box from the shelf.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Jas03, My baby also rejects bottle so I tbf till now. After 1 yr old we can feed them 3 meals per day on top of milk as milk alone will no longer meet their nutritional needs whether it is bm, fm, or fresh milk. Fresh milk can be fed to a 1 yr-old toddler.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Chips, Have you tried drinking the FM? I tried drinking different brands of FM including Friso 2 and felt that it is more watery and will get hungry faster. Since your boy is growing fast, milk sure won't satisfy his hunger. Add some oil (can use extra virgin olive oil) in the porridge so...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Good morning mummies! Chips & Orangey, Have a good start in your new job Chips! I also noticed that my gal does not like watery food anymore. Saturday the porridge cooked was more watery and she did not like it. Sunday we steamed pomfret fish and we gave her fish with rice and...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Celynlee, Re: Fish Keeping PUB uses Chloramine and chlorine to treat the water. Anti-Chlorine does not remove Chloramines from the water. For the safety of your fishes, it is best to use an Anti-Chlorine and Anti-Chloramines and leave the water overnight and only do partial water change...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Chips, Ask maid don't rinse with water when hot. Glass lid should be able to withstand heat but if rinse with water when hot will crack. I am cooking porridge with Buffalo stainless steel pot, fast and save energy. Porridge ready within 1 hr.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    movenpick, I bought from Cheong Choon store. 1 set 4 panels $109 I bought 6 panels $163.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    SG_SC I'm using Jorubi Aloe Vera gel, the uncle at organic shop told me it is good.. can even heal diabetic leg abrasions.. It soothes and promotes healing to bruises etc. Sometimes my finger pain I apply some will feel better. What oilment your mum bought? Now in living room I got a play...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    SG_SC, Wish mimi will be ok. Understand how you feel.. last wk my baby also fell from the platform bed and hit her left forehead. I was there just never thought it will happen so fast guess she is sleepy. A big bump which I've never seen appeared immediately. I applied some aloe vera gel on...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    gbh, Calm down.. I think you have too much household chores to do.. anyway to reduce the works? Don't depend on men to do things our way. Have you read the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? Nowadays I'm happier to take care of all baby stuff myself. My hb also does not listen or...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    1sttimepapa, I have fed my baby threadfin/salmon/cod fish/sweet potato porridge. If we cook soup for ourselves like lotus root/carrot/Huai San/pork spare rib soup, can give baby some carrot/Huai San/pork (if it's soft) mashed with rice and soup. My baby does not like Nestle cereal as it's...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Cellow, Wish C2 shoulder gets healed soon. Is the bone hurt? Now they know how to sit up and crawl not safe to sleep in sarong. It's about time to wean off sarong. My nephew did not want sarong any more when he is near 1 yr old. My bb never likes sarong as I only bought one when she was 4...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Orangey, Try baby yogurt if available. That day I gave my bb 1/3 jar of Organix Peach & Yogurt Rice Pudding and she poo right after that. Can also try papaya and avocado. If bf eat more fruits yourself. I think white rice porridge might cause constipation.
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Mumofamelia, Sometimes men are low in EQ and don't know how to express themselves. What matter most is whether he cares about you. My mil not in sg have to travel to bai nian. Every yr we sure go as my husband enjoys the get together not because have to. Now with baby, baby wellness is above...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Mumofamelia, Good that tomorrow you can reunion with your elder gal. Must spend more time with her so she will be close to you. Let you mil know that you have worked hard to pay for the expenses to clear the misunderstanding. Why you always have to give in when quarrels and they are big...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Mumofamelia, I think your mil and husband have those old timer thinking. She still thinks that you have to have her permission to do things and your husband thinks that you can't talk back no matter what 愚孝。I think to talk back is ok but try not to scream or else people will say things. Time...
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    恭贺大家兔年新年快乐,万事如意,笑口常开,宝宝快高长大! 恭喜发财!
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Good Morning mummies, It has been so quiet.. today I'm the earliest. Enjoy your reunion dinner. Wish you all a early happy lunar new year!
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    (2010/04) April 2010 mtb

    Cellow, Spinach is "Po Cai." Many food contain oxalic acid especially leafy greens such as spinach. For normal people not to worry unless you often eat a lot. List of food that contain oxalic acid:
