(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

orangey! how's Tw? I'm going in 3 weeks time. is it very cold there?

btw are supermarkets available there? need buy food to cook porridge for baby.



Miss u here!!! Long time no see in forum! Birthday bash on 5 mar (sat). Most likely at a condo function room in simei. Havent confirmed bcoz can only book on 7 feb onwards. But most likely ok bcoz going to book at 1st day when booking is available. Will update all mummies when done.


Y u wanna quit? Not happy with current job or miss bb at home? Tot u said going overseas with hb?

Mumofamelia - tink u gotta stand up for urself n ur children. I will neva allow anyone to say my kid stupid. So insulting n not gd for child's pychological development - Would lead to low self esteem in future lei. Next time she say tat again, jus retort calmly "who said she's stupid, all kids r like tat, must be patient" ..then the steamboat thingy, i would purposely squeeze myself in and scoop the good ffod out for my HB, myself and even my PIL, jus to get the msg across to them. since they dun have the right to be unhappy or even complain coz tats exactly wat they have been doing for years! saying is easy, but i guess the "ren wu ke ren" qi in me wld have played a big part in delivering the above tat i wld bochap n give all out oredi

But of coz, i hope all's well n settled oredi. Happy reunion wif ur elder dd!

Wonderland - Last time my gal drink S26 also green stool..its alrite one, so long as no LS is fine...phlegm thingy bnot sure lei. see pd? coz they cant spit yet, so prob some medication to help disintegrate it??

Orangey - let bb orangey eat more fruits n drink water, weather cold, so very 'dry' hehehehe

today tired for my boy, he slpt after milk at 730pm... Collected his ang paos n had buffet, I gave him shark fin, curry potatoes, ngo hiang, fish.. How u all bring bb out? I think is really tiring, cos he climb here climb there, especially wan to get down on floor. Dirty lor... Imagine people walking here n there.. I bui tahan stay at home better...

I got a kids acct for my boy til nw I set aside savings for him but no time go bank in, last wk go n chk wif a bank lady scare his acct auto close cos only got $1 from the bank Hhhaa.. So now I think shld queue next wk to bank in everything including his 1st cny $.


you didn't open his bank account with bank that got those bank in machine? its easier that way then no need to queue. if all $2 notes, then no choice but to queue or you exchange with him loh. you use the $2 notes for daily usage.

that's what i do to do away with queue. another good thing will be can deposit coins into their account without having to pay service charge. :p

for sharkfin hoh, got to monitor leh. #1 had allergy to sharkfin when i give him when he was 18 months. we were having reunion dinner in a resturant. his eyes got puffy the next day and he only drink the soup and didn't eat the actual sharkfin. cos i pour some soup into his rice to feed him so that its not too dry. i never do allergy test at all for all food given to him so was surprise that he reacts to that. so will hold back sharkfin for him till much older.


His is posb kids, I queue for 1st round cos will receive 1st bank in gift, hhaa wan to keep for his souvenir. Last fri went chk its a saving box with lock n key, I signed up his acct online n got welcome gift, stationery set.

jus read abt shark fin in ur post, miss it jus now... I didn't do allergy test or follow any rules onli nv give those tat r not suitable for his age.

Hope he is ok with it..

Those souvenirs, will keep til he old n let him see his 1st coin bank. Those gift cn b use 1 mah... Y u throw away.


i also never do allergy test or 3 day food rule. just give anything anytime one. that's why was suprise to see that he react to it.

mine are ocbc ones. i don't really like free gifts given by company cos i find gifts quite useless loh. always end up keep for sometime then goes into the bin when i do clearing.


The weather quite temperamental here. On days the sun can be bright and temp can go up to 20 degree but at times it gets real cold and temp can drop to 12 degree but so far it is staying constant ard 16-20 degree but the winds are quite chilling so better prepare 1 thick jacket. It is quite easy to get to supermarket but that also depends on where you are staying but thunk best to bring your own rice cause the rice here are short grain rice vvvvvvvv starchy! Bb orangey not really use to it but Bo pian have to let him eat.


haiz... bb orangey ytd n try no poo.. We fed him apples but still no poo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Getting worrie~~~~~


Try baby yogurt if available. That day I gave my bb 1/3 jar of Organix Peach & Yogurt Rice Pudding and she poo right after that. Can also try papaya and avocado. If bf eat more fruits yourself. I think white rice porridge might cause constipation.

Good morning and happy new year to everyone here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey: no poo from baby? Hmm massage his tummy in circular movement?

thanks orangey .. hopefully by the time i go the temp is better. but think it's not as cold as zurich so shd be ok. just let him wear fleece pants and jacket.

poo poo .. feed bb orangey papaya if u can find? pear is also good. sometimes when overseas change in envt will be like that... don't worry.

Morning all,

3rd day of CNY, fast huh

I may have to take leave feel not enough time for rest hhaaa..


I dun collect 'free gifts' hahaa those tat have meaning " 1st coin bank, 1st watsoever" I will keep for my boy to let him see it next time.. even his 1st cny clothes, 1st jeans tat I bought him or even next time 1st underwear hahaa I will keep it for him ( but that will be in photograph ) cannot keep a worn underwear for years bah :p

I received company gifts like manicure sets, multi charger, towel, multi purpose pouch, and even recent a customised thumbdrive till now also nv use in the end I gave away.

I dun throw cos its new, so see who wan jus give, others may feel it useful rather then keep with me n take up space.

Chk with u all thumbdrive with no specified brand safe to store files/pics in bor huh?

Morn Mommies! Done wif house visits...later prob bake some cookies then go aunt house to HUAT!(hopefully la) yday oredi lost $$ hahah..

anyone tried doidy cups for their babies? i'm trying to wean off bottle!! not successful with mag mag not successful with avent spout, not successful with nuk spout ...

he likes to drink from our cup. i'm thinking of trying a doidy cup. where to buy any idea?

Yesterday evening, I went home and saw my elder gal. Really miss her alot.

Today evening going over to my bil's house to have reunion dinner with my mil and hubby's siblings. Dunno how to react. Asked my hubby whether got called his mother but he said just sms-ed his brother and he said every morning mil cried infront of them. THen I talked to my hubby over my mil's matters. Mil complained to hubby that I showed bad face to her but I told my hubby that our conflicts started when she stopped working and when I pregnant with my #2. I told him that this pregnancy is very painful and tired and I just endured and at the same time, I still need to look after my #1. Even mil talked to me very nasty, I just ignored and tried to please her. Maybe that day I really could not control, I raised up my voice and she thought that I was scolding her. MY hubby tried to explain to her that I did not know their arrangelment but she just did not want to accept, felt that All are my false. Then she complained abt all her happiness like cleaning the whole house, pray to ancestor. I told my hubby that I never expect her to clean the house. Then now, she voiced out all her unhappiness. Then now, she just wants us to feel guilty.


C2 fell fm the sarong just now. went to xray (the only place open is a pte hosp), and there is some internal swelling in his left shoulder. doc says prob some internal bleeding as well. i really have to think how to wean him off the sarong liao.

am very heartpain to see him in pain. gotta immobilize his shoulder too.


a bit fast to wean off bottle yes?


hugs and courage for your evening later!


how long din bb orangey poo already? massage tummy in clockwise circular motion or exercising his legs in a cycling movement may help. or like kdd says, water water and more water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bet you have already tried that though


wah you missing in forum for a long long time.... welcome back! hugs.

*sends HUAT vibes to sgsc*

(cellow wonders aloud if i would get a cut of sgsc's winnings. keke)

Cellow - wats wif cny n falling bbs???!!! isnt tis supposed to be happy occasion? sigh...i noe exactly hw u feel coz mimi jus fell off the bed AGAIN too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i jus left to boil her porridge in kiitchen, then i heard loud "pum", rushed in to find her lying on floor, facing down. My heart was bleeding n crying as i tried to calm her down.. very sad. luckily she looks ok nw, jus tat we tried feeling all over her hoping to find tat pain pt where she landed, but no reaction lei. Jus gotta observe.

C2's fall sounds serious..poor boy. internal bleeding hw to treat? Hope C2's shoulder heals up well n fast fast!

Huat vibes ah...tks, but nw no mood liaoz..totally sianz. dunno stil wanna go anot. shf la, better monitor mimi. Earlier tot wanna bake cookies one, but realised NTUC Nex baking ingredients super limited. Gotta go phoon huat better.


saw PD for phlegm pb already but the medicine does not seem to help. Will go for review and see what the PD say. thinking of getting second opinion from another PD.


hope C2 gets well soon. Must be a real frighten for him when falling. Ohya, my boy is no longer using sarong after going to IFC. Initially he was still looking for it but later he rejects it coz he cannot turn left right while sleeping... so now i don put him in sarong le.


give ur boy water or juice. Massage will help too.


Wats doidy cup? I also wan buy.

bb falling

I think now our child learning to stand and exploring every corner in the hse, my boy also keep knocking here n there. Dangerous to let him stay alone even on floor, they cn off balance n knock themselves..

I nd to ask how u all manage cos they holding on table or anything to stand and if we keep holding on to them they may nt hav chance to walk. So how? Can't b letting them fall down huh.


Wish C2 shoulder gets healed soon. Is the bone hurt? Now they know how to sit up and crawl not safe to sleep in sarong. It's about time to wean off sarong. My nephew did not want sarong any more when he is near 1 yr old. My bb never likes sarong as I only bought one when she was 4 mths and with sarong she couldn't turn. She slept in playpen until 6 mths now sleeping on big mattress.


Poor mimi fell off bed again. Recently my bb also fell off bed. My husband was playing with her on the mattress (about 25 cm) and 5 mins later I heard a loud "pum" and she fell on the floor facing up and crying. I worry she hit her head as her head is heavy but chk here and there no bruises. Can't leave bb on bed alone when they are awake. Also can't rely on men to supervise.

bb falling - Going to buy those Korean eco friendly soft PVC bumper playmat to put in the living room for bb to sit and play. Must always supervise as they tend to fall down especially when sleepy.

Hj and chips

Doidy cups - I did a google and here it is [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Cellow and sgsc

I hope the babies are ok now. I know how heartbreaking it can be. The other day I managed to catch my baby in time, but somehow scratched his face. He looked as if he was wearing a red eye patch. Thank goodness it went off.


I've been pondering too. I had to carry him the whole time the past two days! Was afraid to let him crawl on the floor (not sure how clean it is) or cruise in my in-laws's house. Just in case he hits against the hard flooring. How do the rest cope?

At home, we have a play yard with a mat inside. He can crawl, cruise and do whatever he wants in it. The rest of the house is out of bounds. Now we are tempted to get a mat for the in-laws.

Orangey, I hope bb orangey has done it! I'm been waiting too. Since yesterday. It's such a joy to be able to smell that scent everyday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I hope the evening has proceeded well for you. It may be awkward at first, but you are staying under the same roof. So forgive and forget.

To the rest of the mummies - may our babies grow up happy and healthy!


oh dear for mimi and you!

no treatment for internal bleeding. sorry i shd add that the bleeding, according to the doctor, looks like capillaries only around the cartilege of the shoulder bone socket. xray shows that bones are all in their correct positions.


thanks thanks. somehow... i dun think he ws frightened at that instance. he is currently more pissed off that he has lost his mobility... cannot crawl around or stand up to cruise now. keeps protesting by screaming into my ears. *cellow inserts ear plugs and attempts to keep my sense of humour*


thanks thanks. bone not hurt.

to be fair to Mr C, all the falls for C1 and C2 occur under my care.

oh yes on the not loving hubs anymore.... do set aside some alone time to date him... might bring some of the spark back. valentine's day and yuan xiao coming lor. the babies are only w us for 20+ years, hubs is till the end of our lives.

totally random thought

a baby zebra is out of its mother's care by the time it is 8mo. hmmm.

when i learnt this, i told C2, he is 2 months overdue to move out of the house liao - HAHAHA! - let alone become citizen on *my* bed.

he just ignored me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

the link that chlosper posted reminded me that i have ordered pediped shoes fm debabyshoppe.

oh dear, Cellow hope C2 is ok now. sg_sc too... bb fall very heartpain wan.. I jus went thru one episode some time back ... btw, thanks 4 remembering me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am still trying to find a way to stay in touch wif u gals here without using ofc terminal...guess have to wait to upgrade phone to dataplan


sayang. c2 get well soon.


yes, its heartpain to see them fall but being a 2nd time mummy, i'm more immune to it liao. evil hoh.

chips & chlosper,

what this evil mummy did during #1's time and even now. this mummy's idea is no need to child proof the house cos they will need to learn and we can't protect them forever.

i only place 2 corner protector in my whole house and they are on my tv consol. i got a playmat between sofa and tv consol for them. no restriction on where they want to crawl and go. nobody follows them around too. they can hold on to anything to stand up, be it sofa, high chair's legs or anything that they can reach. nobody stops them. they can open and close drawers, nobody stops them too. only when they fall and cry then we will go 'rescue' them by carrying and hug them to stop them from crying. after they stop crying, go back to that spot and tell them they should be careful and not to do certain things to prevent themselves from falling.

both of their little fingers got caught by the drawers before and they cry in pain. after 2-3 times, they dare not play with it anymore. or they will open the drawer but no close it cos scare their fingers get caught again. #2 is more timid, i just need to call her if i see it, she will not dare to touch, turn her body and start to cry.

to me, only when they fall then they get to learn from their mistake. of course, we don't purposely leave them on high place and let them fall from there lah. any fall from learning to crawl and stand is ok to me.

#1 when he was 9 months old. don't ask me how he gets there, i got no idea also.



#1 crawling and play under my glass coffee table. don't know how he gets in since the hole is so small. i didn't move anything when i took this pic.


see the mess, #1 created in his room. he pulls the drawer out, take everything out, overturn the chair. all these happen when nobody was looking or notice till we hear the chair overturn. all these pictures when he was 9-10 months old.

To all mommies here, wish u all be healthy n happy always n your bb grow healthily In e year of Rabbit!! Huat Ah...

Mumofamia: dun think of divorce easily.. Cool down n think of husband n children n y they r with u in the first place....

hj, chips & chlosper,

there is a kind of sippy cup that comes with different stage and one of it is like a little cover to cover the cup and have a hole on it. so the child gets to drink from the cup like our adult cup but it won't spill as there is a cover. i saw it in mothercare and OG before. its comes in a set for the different stage. can't remember the brand, not sure if its nuby or munchkins. i try to search the net for it but can't find. though i never use it before but i think its better then doidy cup as its mess free in a way.

celynlee, 1st time papa & all,

good morning,

kind of sian huh tomorrow got to work, Im stil thinking if to rest longer, I got sorethroat and slight cough wil b a good excuse hahaaa

last nite my maid ask me if bb 18mths wil b send to those centres. then I say see how havent decide.. oh today I can see she face expression like very demoralise.. jus like us when we work on contract and duno whether we b continued or not..

Her husband just got into police force and will be undergoing training for 6 mths. I think maybe she want to stay and earn more since my house so easy and she alrdy liao ru zi zang.

this cny she got quite a no of ang pao, my aunties, cousins even my bro gf mother also gave her ang paos.. she must have a lot.. smiling happily.


hope everything is well and fine now, together with ur hubby family.


ur darlings should b ok, I think I ever heard our bbs will have a protective layer *flexible* during this learning period, their joint n 'parts' are able to withstand falls/knocks.

But then true or not, we still got to put extra attention on them to minimise it.


playmat, my boy crawl out of playmat. he prefer to b on floor can feel the coldness.

I nv buy the yard no space to place it so cant corner him up.


I got tis , 1 box 3 diff type of nipple, spout n straw. but stil using the nipple cos the spout no water come out he cant manage to drink hahaaa


Hi all, I have 400g Mamil Gold Step 2 to let go.

Comes with a $5 discount voucher for subsequent purchase.

Pls PM for details. Thanks.

Thanks mommies, mimi is fine ;p kena commented by same aunt tat she tiny again. I replied "yalor" n bochap

Aprmum - hehehe..dun b;ame ur hb la, am sure he felt as bad. if only we can fence up the bed perimeter...even nw we sometimes stil forget to watch over her n leave her alone on bed! very jiak lak parents...coz too engrossed n distracted by other matters

Celynlee - cheeky boi! hahaha...

sianz sianz sianz..back to work! if only...i can have 3 more days of holiday..n next holiday is on Good Fri but tats wen our l'il ones turns one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Celynlee - cheeky boi! hahaha...

sianz sianz sianz..back to work! if only...i can have 3 more days of holiday..n next holiday is on Good Fri but tats wen our l'il ones turns one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] chalet booked liaoz at costa sands but went to recce day b4, v v boring place. small too though is double storey..dunno hw if cancel booking need pay 25%...bo hua, so we shld be jsu go wif it

Need to check diet plan from u all. For lunch n dinner, what do u all prepare for your bb. Now we have cereal for lunch n porridge for dinner for son. Do u all give nestle cereal for bb? We use nestle cereal n sometimes add with pumpkin, sweet potato n fm. Run out of idea of what to mixed with cereal for son. Thinking of giving him lunch for porridge as well but think will be little choice for him. For porridge, we sometimes use sweet corn, Ikan bills, BA Tao, carrot stock mixed with tharaffin fish or broccoli or spinach.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

开工大吉 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Morning cereal, lunch porridge, dinner fruits or vegs or cereal

Morn mommies!

Yeah BBdust - 开工大吉 but i slept at 1+, then mimi wokr up 2x at 2+ then 3+, nw im feeling bodyache and headache..cant wait for day to end.

