(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi Dazz and ZZ,

No lah, my figure is permanently damaged also. Actually asked you ladies hor, I am almost done w Bf-ing (pump once every 1.5day), so the nn small liao, so I dig out my pre-pregnancy bras and the cup size is ok (haiz....) but the chest area is tight!!! Oh my gosh!!! Does that mean that beside my hips, my chest (BUT NOT NN!) has expanded????

Oh, the cheongsam cutting is very forgiving one, it is A-line funky cut, hee.... that is why most of the clients q-ing up are the working-class late 20s onwards ladies, not the young, hot and sexy ladies lah.


talk about boobs so sad.

I had big boobs for like 1.5yo I think. Preg + Bf

So after my bfding career ended they shrunk and I felt they shrunk smaller than before preg?? Hub say no leh.. so not used to it... :p

zz: i don't dare to touch any CNY cookies yet... going to open them tomorrow.. hahaha..

ruru: i also don't dare to wear cheongsam now.. unless it's really big and can hide my tummy.. i tried one the other time, can fit and cover my tummy, but the price is shocking.. so didn't buy at all.. anyway i don't think i look nice in cheongsam too, i so short..

dazz: ya, i know abt the friso delivery too.. i told my hubby abt it.. but dunno when the time when my girl goes on full FM, they still got this delivery anot..

yes, there is something called microwave oven.. but if for serious baking, i wouldn't recommend people to buy that.. i feel the temperature not that good for real baking.. so next time, my house will have one microwave n one oven separately.. the oven got to be big big one.. hahaha..

jialat, i can't find nice n suitable shoes for CNY... i only got a pair of black shoes, wanted to get pink or red shoes.. sian.. think gonna stick to the black shoes lor..


lol.. lao hong!

I feel the same way. Perhaps this time bf longer than my #1 time so feel the boobs somehow like different leh.. Like soft soft one.. hmmm


go nine west!

They are having sales and plenty of nice flats

ruru: i also can't wear back my pre-pregnancy bras and same problem as u, not my NN big liao, but the whole chest area + the back got too much extra fats liao.. i told my hubby, once i stop bf-ing totally, i'm going to shop for new bras..


I feel overcomed with sadness for my well used boobs to the laohong state.. maybe hub feels disappointed with the smaller ones.. lol

yaya.. my chest area also expanded!! But cup size remain.. -_-

lynn, lolz.. lao hong! hahah.. more like lao fats. haha.

ZZ, you're the ambassador for Nine West. lolz... now got sale ah? Where should i go to see more varieties ah?

lynn: ya, the correct word is "lao hong".. hahaha..

zz & bbdust: nevermind, don't have time to shop liao.. later got one round of reunion dinner, tomorrow got 2.. so don't have time to shop.. actually just now tried on one very nice pink shoes, but don't have my size.. think not fated to have pink shoes.. this is the 2nd pair of pink shoes that i really like.. same destiny for both shoes.. don't have my size..

wat to do, the sacrifices for our precious bubs.

i got a nice pair of hot pink wedges (low ones) for CNY! happy happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] it's from robinsons and on sale too. cant remember the brand though.

there's this new brand elyse or sthg like tat retailing at isetan. they got cute shoes.

dazz: tonight going over to my SIL's place to have reunion dinner with her, cos she can't come back to our place tomorrow mah.. then tomorrow afternoon my mum's place, then dinner back at my own place again lor.. so total 3 reunion lunch & dinners.. hahaha.. like we super eng hor??

yes, wisma has one nine west too.. i went there just now, didn't see anything that catch my eye..

lynn: really?? hot pink somemore.. oh, i like.. cos i got a hot pink top.. hahaha.. emm.. maybe if later my ILs going to be late, i go do a very late minute shopping at robinsons too..


I think so!

I'm wearing all flats this cny cos hv to carry baby.

Only wish if the fats from the tummy can shift itself up to the boobs area.. how nice hor

zz, hahahaha.. you reminded me of a "exercise" i was telling my colleagues about. Pat our tummy area upwards!! llolz... then hopefully the fats also shift upwards. hahahaha

Hi ladies,

If the fats at my tummy area shift to my boobs, wah, i think I can become Pamela Anderson?!!?? (That bimbo US model/actress)??? Haiz.... how to get rid of the stubborn stomach fat har????

Thanks for assuring me abt the chest area expansion. Good to know I am not the only one facing the problem.

hahahaha..All of us can become Pamela Anderson or Ye Zhi Mei..!! lolz.

Don't think got chance to log in tomoro. Here's wishing all mummies GONG XI FA CAI, XIN NIAN KUAI LE !!! May all our little ones KUAI GAO ZHANG DA. Good health and properous year for all ahead..!! HUAT AH !!!

zz ya i was hunting for nice flats but i like wedges so was looking for low wedges - managed to get 2 - one in grey from the elyse brand, the other hot pink from robinsons. ya coz gotta carry bb so anything higher not safe.

ho ho, i need to shift fats from tummy to boobs too. i got some on my thighs to contribute to boobies too. so much fats, no where to go...

I am going to BKK without my boys next month!!! I hope i can enjoy the trip without worrying too much for them! YIPPEE!! shop shop shop!

dazz: Gong Xi Gong Xi ah!! enjoy ur cruise trip!! really good news leh.. i also want to go BKK, need to go stock up my bras... hahaha..

i wanted to shift my tummy fats to boobs too.. then maybe my thighs fats to my girl.. hahaha..

think after CNY, i must go back to my exercising routine liao.. or start my DIY slimming treatment again.. think the latter lar.. i need to get rid of those stubborn fats!!!!


orrh. Haven’t heard that before. What kind of spinach?


Maid ang pow. As long as it is not less than the previous year, I seriously dun think they got reason to complain. If want to compare, then my response is ‘pls go look for a new employer’.

Think your maid is normal. Btw, bread can be put in the freezer/fridge to prolong the shelf life. I buy bread from JB and put into freezer immediately. I buy tesco house brand jam for her, or Carrefour house brand peanut butter. Each lasts abt a month.


Wow one tin of condensed milk per day is a lot of sugar.


BF for more than one year la. Good for the figure and good for the wallet too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a great trip to TW!


Re maid food, that is also control la. Keke. I sort of do the same thing.

Hey hey which vacuum cleaner did you buy in the end?

Actually i have that combi of microwave/oven in my house (my fren la. Bought for me as wedding present). But never used the oven b4. Only the microwave :p


Tongtong friendship store. Saw that featured in Urban 2 Fridays ago. Was v curious to go see but no time b4 I came back to MY. love love love the funkiness of the cheongsams. Pls pls will you take a pix of yourself wearing that cheongsam and post in FB ok.


I got the expanded chest area and lao hong boobs too. Mr C doesn’t say anything abt my figure, he wouldn’t dare, else i would growl at him.


give the sch bus uncle and auntie la.... i was thinking whether to give my manicurist(s) as well.

dazz: u still around?? i just got an sms from OCBC.. u got their titanium card?? they got offer for ait tickets to BKK by thai air.. hahaha.. just to share with u lar..

Good Morning mummies,

It has been so quiet.. today I'm the earliest.

Enjoy your reunion dinner. Wish you all a early happy lunar new year!

Good morning mummies!

Happy new year to all pretties mummies and healthy chubby babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Big HUAT in 兔年!

Morning all!!!

Looks like today gonna be a very quiet day..

I still haven't get hold of new shoes.. really got to drop the idea of getting new shoes lor..

Morn mommies!


so happy tat its holidays + feasting + gathering time with family & frens.

Yday i slogged in office till 10pm to clear my emails...in anticipation of the next 3 days of holidays...but mon go back sure mailbox flooded again..sigh..but anyhow, let's all jus enjoy the new yr wif our loved ones. Dun tink so much.

Gonna be 1st time celebrating cny wif our little tigers...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tok abt new yr clothes & shoes..poor mommy here no time go shopping yet. But mimi has sooo many new clothes n cny outfits to pose in over the next frew days. For mi, will jus grab some clothes prev bought but tink neva wear b4 in front of relatives go bai nian.haha...easy peasy...no fuss la.

Shoes i have >20 new pairs stil in boxes. All my loot frm JB, so will pick one for the yr. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so like tat all gao tim.

Hello Mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haven't read through the Jan posts... Will catch up next week when I'm on leave. My fb too... Think some of you commented on the photos my hb uploaded but I haven't seen them.

Jan was a month of pain... Still pain now but less so... Bf woes resulting from getting bitten by bb syz. Reflected on my life. Pretty sad month. I met up with kdd for lunch and I was telling her I will tender my resignation on 1 Feb. Unfortunately that didn't materialize... Stood there and couldn't do it. In the run up to 1 Feb I was telling myself that I should just take the plunge... Take my time to find a new job. Learn new things. I am financially ready to take a break for half a year (but it would mean tightening our belts during this time). But yesterday, with my letter in hand I had visions of roaming the streets.

Hb says not to worry and that we'll pull through somehow. In my mind I'm thinking hmmm like how??? What if I don't get a new job at the end of 6 months? He's like the more negative you are, the higher the chances of it happening. He is throwing this back at me cos I used to say it to him.

To sum it up... I am in a mess from over-thinking, worrying about the unknown.

I'm glad I came back here. Somehow after typing this out I feel better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for the dha. Got them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syzygy6, why so glum? we're all guilty of overthinking - it's a woman thing and even more of a mummy thing.

be at peace with watever decision you make [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] nothing is cast in stone.

syzygy6: like what lynn said, we are always worrying for this, worrying for that..

if u really think ur current job sucks, then it will be better off resigning.. take a break like what u said.. i took the no-pay leave straight after my ML also with lots of risk, but for the sake of my girl, i got to go with it.. we really very tight up with our finances then, just got to tighten our belts and only spend on the necessary things.. no more good food, not much shopping for myself lor.. i didn't take any money from my dh during the no-pay leave period cos i know my dh also has his difficulties, so i just used whatever i've saved.. and i've get thru the nearly 6 mths no-pay period.. i believe u can too.. just take ur time to find another job that u really likes.. don't worry too much ok??

sg_sc: i also wear back some shoes that i never wear before, bought before i got preggie.. so that's new shoes lor.. hahaha..

Morning ladies

Syz: aw... we missed you here. Its really hard to quit some jobs, esp if you don't have any plans after that. But if its time to quit, its time. Things will work out in the end. Don't let yourself fixate on 6 months. At this point in time, mummy and baby really don't need to spend very much one. Good that yr hubs is supportive!!

SG_sc: i cannot believe you have 20 NEW pairs of shoes waiting!! if i have 2 new pairs my hb will have some comments already!

Chips: Maid ang pow this first 6 months. I wanted to give $20 my DH said $10. We will prob give $10 first la. Food wise, she eats bread and BIG tin of planta. My first maid kept cleaning out our kaya/jam/peanut butter/nutella so second maid only get planta. Too bad. After a while we told her she can take the kaya, she cleaned out the kaya also. After that finished, we haven't got round to getting kaya as DH and I hardly take. I really wonder how they can eat so much! She takes powder Milo with sugar and the box milk. I also don't monitor the Milo, but buy big value pack from Malaysia. Apparently there is a difference. She went my MIL house to stay 4 nights and finished half a tin of their SG-bought 'Australian' milo, a substantial amount of their peanut butter. On one hand my MIL want to be kind and generous, then complain eat so much. I leave it to her. As long as come back to my house, MY rules apply, its ok. Biscuits I buy those Khong Guan tin. She eat how much I also never monitor. That time I let her pick at supermarket, she picked the most expensive tin. Now I just buy without consulting her. Rice and our leftovers for lunch and dinner. So she gets free flow bread, planta, milo, biscuits and rice. I also dowan to let her complain I starve her or restrict her food. She gain weight that is her problem. As long as the work is done. Some things she do on her own I am not happy then I will tell her. E.g. taking out A LOT of prawns to cook with veg. So I tell her next time just use half the amount. She like to put a lot of fishcake in the veg also. Sometimes I think aiya, extra 30cents, just leave it la. As long as sometimes I show her that I know what she is doing, it is good enough. We will also not be increasing her pay.

Re: bra. I am still bf so both chest girth and cup size still up.

Juye,thanks for the info but I bought my tix already! Lolz.

Sgsc, don't think so much ba. Now festive season, enjoy it first!!!

Morning all,

Im looking forward to the 1/2 day and a eve of cny lunch buffet in conference room later whahaa....


milo, cheap in msia ? my mum chk not much difference and we dun travel in. hmmmm

This is my 1st maid she wil get 3 angpaos from my family, my mum, myself n my elder sis so I dun think need to give a big angpao... got to b same bah...

So quiet today!

Chips: I dunno cheap or not. I see I buy. But when i'm there la, else will buy from here. You just need to make sure you don't give less than yr mom or sis. All same is best.

hi gals, happy chinese new year eve! so long didn't come in here cos busy clearing work before i go uk for 3 weeks. just manage to browse thru the posts on this page and realise i got no new shoes for cny! now oso abit late to buy already..sigh..

YAY! dun need to work today and got eggless CNY goodies baked w love by my MIL and SILs. life is goooooood. hahaha. i m so greedy.... but try being deprived of baked goods for 5 months.... i bet anyone would be greedy too.

dazz, i guess that answers your qn??


stay in the now. the next few days enjoy the CNY festivities... no need to think abt work. YAY!!!!


good good that you typed out and are feeling better. take the plunge - you said you are financially able. over worrying is futile. be happy during this festive period!

one of my dear colleagues also shared w me that she considered resigning to be sahm. i asked her 'wat's stopping you?' and it came out that she just applied for citizenship, so she is waiting for the result of that. gotta wait till mar, w 3 months' notice, drag until jun. need to tong lor.


wow UK!!!! have fun there! work or holiday trip?


i go to JB and stock up on dried goods and canned food. plus of course diapers and milk powder. Mr C went in on the 3rd sat of Jan and managed to get mamy poko jumbo packs for RM42.90.... good deal.

Mr C and I treat this as our date time - going to JB to stock up. only time we get as time-starved parents of 2 young 'uns.

Hooray it's end of my working day today!! Going to have a long cny break till Tuesday..

Wish all pretty n hot mama here, happy lunar new year!!! Stay pretty n hot through out the year!!!


Oh, I forgotten abt our darlings who will be celebrating their 1st cny.. wish all of them receive many many ang baos. Always guai guai n stay healthy for the year!!!

