(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


congrats! how is ah boy taking to ah girl?


chey, 2 boys also good. some pple want bbs and try all ways n means to conceive, also dun have.

although.... C1 and C2 tog sometimes feels more like an entire army of mongolian hordes rampaging in mayhem... hard to believe they are just TWO little boys.

and pple can ask me if i want to try for a girl. no thanks. sekali another boy. i roll over like possum and play dead first, wake me up when they reach the age of reason (maybe 20 yrs later) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


manuka honey. at least 15+


Morning mummies!


Haha i agree with the white elephant part but been longing to have 1 so just ordered :p Hub was naggy at first but i told him the benefits --> homemade takoyaki and 雞蛋糕 and maybe can use it to make round shaped waffles too not too bad and can use it to make snacks for TodO as well so he says ok cause his friend bought the cast iron pan and it cost even much more than the machine.


Hahah ytd went to view car car le.. Finally we decided like that HJ suggested, Hatchback is not too family orientated in terms of boot space and back rear seat so we'll looking at toyota Vios cause its on my top list just that hub preferred hatchback but after trying out Vios, he was quite happy :D Have ask my uncle to help us take a look out cause my uncle is also a car agent so he knows what to look out for etc.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey, hahaha.. ya lo. Hatchback cars are nice but not suitable for familes. especially you're planning for #2. Vios not bad ah... Quite fuel economy too. =) But personally, i prefer Civic. lolz. I'm a Honda fan. =P

wonderland: was just thinking of you and yr little princess. congrats! how is it looking after two?

celyn/XLH: hope yr throat is better today.

cellow: ha, think that is the fear for people who are trying for 3rd child. reminds me of an old neighbour who had 3 boys and tried for a girl and end up with triplet BOYS! the 7th one was a girl. finally! =)

orangey: yup, vios is a good alternative choice in that price range. dazz yr civic quite ex la! i had the jazz when i was still swinging single. =) good for one kid. if you are planning for #2 within the next 10 years then may be wise to get vios. unless u get jazz second hand and change again after #2.

takoyaki maker: think it is less troublesome to buy the takoyaki. by the time i get the sauce, fish flakes, octopus and learn how to make the takoyaki correctly, can eat many boxes of store bought one liao! i bought a scanpan grill pan on sale $100 plus, so far, used <5 times. now got maid decide to stop buying expensive kitchenware liao.

Maddie, 6 boys~?!?!? OH MY~! *FAINTED* lolz

regarding civic, haha.. ex lo.. now cost abt 110k. siao.. thanks for our govt la. Now buy a piece of paper here, can buy a nice nice car in other country liaoz. kaoz


LOL me and DH one, todl if he wants use his own $$ to buy, we wont buy him one. if he gets what he wants and we make life too easy for him, he wont learn the value of $$ ;)


thanks. my boy seemed extremely happy when meimei first day home.

when he's home, keep pointing at meimei and smile.

but i can sense that he must be wondering why mummy is not with him when sleeping coz i put him in a separate room to sleep with my hubby coz CL sleep in my room to help taking care of baby at night.

so he wanted me to be with him during bed time and can wake up half way to look for mummy which i have to calm him down lor.

tired but no choice. don want him to feel left off.


haahaa, looking after 2 ah? wat's more than tiring?? haahaaa, no choice la since the age gap is so close.

im trying to adjust myself esp when CL is ard now. I eat all i can now to make sure i won get hungry lor n sleep when possible.

gal gal has jaundice n admitted for photo therapy. I was admitted together to take k of her. super tired...then kor kor miss mummy then blah blah blah...

i think i need to hv energizer battery liew.... haaaaahaaa...

btw, my labor only 3 hr this time. interested to know the story??


wow that is short, share the birth story leh and we can re live the moments hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congratulations on the arrival of your gal! Time flies.. your boy must be very happy to have a playmate soon.

bbd and Aprmum,


my labor story was quite drama this time.

baby was engaged long ago and i started feeling pressure at the bottom for weeks before delivery. As dr said I can delivery anytime in first week of july, hubby was in standby mode and dare not to be outstation for his project in other states.

however, there was a urgent case where hubby need to be away for 1/2 days at a place with distance of 8 hours drive. so we get my mum to be with me, helping me to take care of my boy and also in my mind, i was thinking of worst case, i can drive to hospital without worrying if my boy is taken care of or not. hahhahaaa... funny right me thought of driving to hospital on my own to deliver... but seriously, i was really prepared for that...

good thing is my gal managed to wait for his dad return and I still bring my mum to shop around during her stay. On 14 jul, I bring my mum to a mega sales at a shopping centre nearby and planning to send my mum home in the afternoon (2 hours drive between my mum's place and my house). The mega sales was 1 day sales kind, so we were spinning at the car park to look for parking slot for about an hours or so.. and went to chiong for cheap clothings and bags... in between, i did feel that my back is tired but i ignore it because i tot there must be frequent contraction then go to hospital, somemore, the backache is bearable...

we gone home after shopping and hubby drive and we tot of sending mum back home. then in the car, i was telling my mum I felt weird but no pain all that... then ask mum sld i go check up before heading down to mum's place.. then hubby said check to be safe at least won stuck in the journey if really into labour...

hahahaa... here dr said im already 4.5cm dilated during the check up... it was so sudden that i gotta be admitted, clear bowel, then here come i see my gal... the time from admission registration to seeing my gal was like around 3 hours only lor... super fast until i have no time to think....


wow that is super fast, but heng ah u are not stuck in a jam or what that would be bad. i hope when i have #2 my labour will also be super fast haa [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

after bowel was cleared, dr put me on drip and break my water bag. then i started to feel contraction 2min apart and have the urge to push.

then very fast 6cm dilated, being push into labour room. i was controlling myself to not use laughing gas coz scare i will get high like the last round... but hor, no matter how i use the laughing gas, i still feel the pain and it was more intense that delivering my boy... so painful that im screaming of pain ley...

the best part is, dr come when i was 7-8cm dilated and still ask me to hold on and he's chating with my hubby regarding his kids la, his holiday (starting on 15-17 jul), blah blah blah... i really feel like kicking at his face but too bad i have no strength anymore...

then come 9cm dilated, they are still chatting... then i scream and dr said seeing my gal's head asking me to push at the next contraction, telling me i can do it without any help and yes, i did it with 3 pushes! seeing my gal being place on my tummy, crying loud, with her cord being cut and dr prepare cord blood storage thingy, numb me and stitch me up...

hearing my hubby keep talking to my gal, hearing her birth stat being announced... then come my gal besides me enjoy my colostrum...

oh ya, surprisingly, colostrum can be noticed quite clearly this round and alot... lucky my gal.... and ya, my milk come in pretty early on 2nd day.... enjoy mooing again now and started building up my starch =)


awwwww sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i laughed when u said that the doc is talking to ur DH abt holiday hahha


heard its very painful when insert. really?

those of u wanna close shop liao, any measures like ligation n etc?


Hahaha so fast your 2nd labour! Nice to have no.2 now and I can literally feel the "tiredness" cause handling 1 toddler is already making me feeling exhausted and old not to say no.2 within such small age gap! Peifu peifu!


yah, dr planned holiday frm 15-17jul. glad tat my gal decided to come just in time b4 he's away.

i really feel like kicking at their face when they were chatting. like nvr care of me n enjoy their chit chat, living me in pain...i scolded my hubby after that then my hubby still told me i sld join in the conversation to distract myself... best right??


The kiddotag ah.. if 2 of us order only bo hua for the shipping. I have PMed one of the organizer in SMH if she ok to organize since I can provide the 20% code. You can wait?


hahah maybe ur DH is using the chatting to clam himself before the storm hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heng ur ger ger come early if not oh oh


can. no hurry. thanks. ours is also a vios. we have 2 car seat behind for the 2 kids. my car seat is those 6 months - 4 years old kind cos of yu ze's size. i can't upgrade him to any booster seat at all. so i end up with any 'baby' car seat.


its not very painful lah. its a bit like doing pap smear and you are suppose to insert when you are having menses or tail end of it. ligation, gynae will not let you do unless you are very old liao.


thanks. almost the same or very slight improvement.


hv to change every 5 yrs? 100% guarantee safe?

ligation my gynae got suggest but irreversable. i hv a fren who wants close shop went for tt.


yah. its for 5 years but you can take out anytime before the 5 years. nothing is 100% loh. got that 0.001% (don't know how many zero) chance one loh. but if really suay suay get, its fate loh. my gynae doesn't allow ligation at all.

some reason that i heard are:

- suay suay, re-married and want to have kids, cannot

- may say don't want now but in 1-2 or maybe even 3 years later, suddenly decide want but cannot liao.


i dunno abt IUD... im now preggie with #2 and planning for #3 and maybe #4... hahaha....

wah! ur labour really very fast! i hope n i think my #2 will also be very fast bcoz my #1 came abt 5hrs+ after I got admitted at 2cm dilated... my family n everyone (including the nurse who cleaned me after labour!) told me that #2 cannot wait, once got a bit of signs, must come into hosp immediately!


Hehe Vios is very spacious, I like! Even the boot is very big as well. Wide, deep and big~ Hubby finally agree to buy Vios after he opened up the boot and ahem.. he wanted to get the Sports edition but seems like not many out there though so we'll see how lor. I think you can consider about 2nd hand car lah cause COE is too crazy. Get a reliable agent to avoid any unnecessary charges [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i did it early this year bah. menses is veery heavy in the beginning, for about 2 weeks. now, its spotting then light then heavy for 2-3 days then light then spotting. sometimes 7-10 days. i used to have it for 1 week light to normal. i can don't change pad for whole day like 8 hours and it will not be totally full kind. less than $400 all in.


not sure even if we would consider a 2nd hand car cos we need to pay for my parent's flat in 4 year time in cash. but if can manage i would definitely like to stretch our $$$ to be able to get another car for hubby in appreciation of what he had done for my family.


I believe its workable lah probably need to be thrifty. Like me for instance, hub has 千交代萬交代 that I can no longer splurge on toys for TodO and kitchen stuffs/clothes for myself. Only spend if necessary per his commands :p Let's just pray hard that COE drop so the car prices are "reasonable" enough to afford! We can buy 2 cars in Taiwan with the amount only to buy 1 car in Sinapore! This it outrageous!


At first wanted a first hand but.... COE just went up on Wed =.- Now 70k and Vios is going to cost me 100K+ so opting for 2nd hand car now. Also ex lor 2nd hand car, a 2008 car cost $60K!! I can buy a brand new Mitsubishi Colt Plus with that amount 2 years ago [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


yes unfortunately the cars in sg is really super duper ex even for 2nd hand de. that is why till now we are car free, other than its convenient to bring todl around, no other reasons to justify the purchase [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Me is bo pian lah cause the cab fare that we're paying is enough to pay for car instalments! Not that we are spending alot on cabs but cause my mum is looking after TodO so papa has to take a cab to send TodO over to my mum's plc in the morning where there is a surcharge of 35% + $1. Then again, when we go gai gai, always in cab cause we bring along stroller so taking a bus is quite hassle even MRT also cause get lots of dagger stares :S Haiz..


exactly so we feel the stress to have our own car cause also my dad is driving us home daily. Sometimes I can tell he is tired but he bu fang xin his grandson aka TodO to take cab at late hours so he wants to send us home which is why we decide to get a car. Traveling will be easier! :D


true true, me going home le, good luck and jia you in ur car hunt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

great weekend to you and the mummies here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orangey, go check out Citroen C3. Saw it on the road, quite nice then this morning KPO, message the sales guy who served me last time to ask about price. Very sui o.. S$98988. lolz. 1.6L if i'm not wrong, but with engine of a mini cooper (120 horsepower) and paper value of 60k [all these i copy the salesman words de ah] lolz. My take is, to pay 100k for a Japanese car, might as well spend it on a continental car with high paper value. haha.. Personal view though. Maybe you go look see look see?? From the webby, it does look spacious and the back seats can be "kept" so that the boot space has more space. So if you're out with BbO, can put down the seats, put stroller, and ALOT OF SHOPPING BAGS! whahahahaha... Even myself so tempted about it lo! lolz.

oh, my gynae also don't let me go for ligation. He suggested IUD.... i'm the one delaying. haiz.

Celyn, your gynae charged you $400?? Mine say it's S$300 but i'm not sure got any other charges anot leh. What is yours inclusive of?? Then ah, before you IUDed, did you do pap smear check?


my friend had GA with IUD - expect to pay alot more cos the anaestician need to be around mah maybe $1K+ more than the gynae IUD insertion -

U dont feel anything with GA - i feel i might save this $1K instead.


was it pain during insertion? - i dunnno why my friend opted for GA. she really scared pain.


If ur budget is 100k, u can really go chk out the car model I recomm. Runs on diesel somemore. I quite like it until now I'm expecting #2, will prefer to change to MPV so tt can fit 2 car seats n yet still got enough seating.

Hi mummies,

Feeling very upset now. My maternal grandma just passed away last night. I'm a Christian but she is not. Not only do I feel grief but guilt as well. I feel that I din pray hard n do enough for her salvation. Heard from my mother ytd afternoon my grandma is not her usual self n i was still thinking of visiting her next week but last night in the wee hours she alrdy passed away.

afternoon mummies


it 300+ lah all in loh. i did pap smear before that visit cos no menses cannot do.

vic ma,

i can't really remember the pain but its definitely bearable and not super painful. maybe like doing pap smear or v scan during the first few visit of preggy.

your friend power leh, opt for GA. really no need one loh. the whole process is about the same time you spend or 5 mins more for pap smear loh.



