(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Morn mummies

Anyone wants to buy country choice fit kids organic instant oatmeal? Individual sachets - I have 4 packets of caramel apple and 4 packets of berry blast. Take all for $6. Expire July 11.

Also for sale Earth Best Instant Oatmeal Apple Cinnamon 2 box.. Each box has 10 individual satchets.. Each box selling for $7. Expire dec 11

BbS hates oatmeal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

PM me if u want .. Tks!

Morning all....feeling tired too so wearing specs today.


If I ever go back Royce playgym, it will probably be for the food in liang court. The ramen restaurant on the same level super yummy. Recommend the chicken spicy soup & fried pork belly.

At the basement, there's a Japanese confectionary at the end of the row of shops selling awesome cream puffs. They only release 20 every hour.

As you said rightly with the entrance fee, might as well buy the toys. For the kitchen set, thinking of renting & she can play for 1 mth rather than just 1 hr :p


why not buy her a kitchen set. when they are slightly older, they will know how to role play loh. i got a kitchen set for yu xi too.

goooooood morning! so glad to be back at work.


I have worn specs ever since I was pregnant with C2. Dealing w pregnancy and an active toddler means I have no time to put on contacts in the morning. Now, dealing w 2 active toddlers (okok, C2 is not officially a toddler as he cannot toddle properly - yet) means i have even less me time in the morning unless i get up super early.

liang court food is goooooood! try the tampopo black pig ramen next time. 1st floor next to the customer service counter. (near my office, so I can go there everyday if I am at office)


the concern over your milk not enough in qty and quality is normal.... but not justified. BM is more nutritious for bb at any age. the FM companies prefer us to think otherwise.

try fresh milk in a cup if bb rejects bottle.

Morn mummies...*yawnz*...so hard to get back into the momentum after the LWE ..hehe

HJ ...can send me the pic of the teeth growth ?? the one thats shows which tooth comes out first that u posted some time back???

How do u all juggle with 1 toddler or rather, 1 baby yet to toddle and pregnancy with No. 2???

I find it very hard and super super tiring.

And my no. 1 is super guai type, he dun cry when he is hungry, juz jump jump jump only... while i take my time go make milk... infact he dun really cry since birth...

BUT i still find it very hard... i feeling sleepy whole day.. and nausea...

For my 1st pregnancy, i seems to walk through it in a daze mode.... suddenly i pregnant, by the time i am awake, i had given birth.... haha dun know how i overcome everthing....

dawn, jiayou jiayou. Not easy. Try to get help. Dun be garang and take everything upon your shoulders. 1st trimester dun overstress/tire yourself. Jiayou o.. very soon, like you say, it will be over. haha.

dawn: i also dunno.. when preg with this one, i was telling myself, heng no toddler demanding my time. i just sleep whenever i can.. TTC now but dreading the pregnancy n post preg period. like dazz say i guess, the time will definitely pass lor.

dazz: welcome back! tummy ok liao?

maddie, thanks!! ok liao.. (I hope!) Still watching what i'm eating though i've stopped medication. HEN KONG BU LEH~!!! 1st time LS until so jialad... my colleague told my HR's SVP that i got admitted because of LS.. he shocked. lolz.


relax relax, don't stress. do it slowly, get help if needed. it will be over before you know it. don't think negatively cos it will only make your day longer than it seems. jiayou.

Morn mommies...

Yawwwwwnz too. Feeling so lethargic now.

Celynlee - Mimi also got a kitchen set for her bday bu the box stated 3+ above!!! Prob my fren tot is for 3M+...lolz...

Vicma - if u buying from Bestworld, i also dun mind share share for Avene stuff.

Haizzz 1st pregnancy no need worry abt no. 1... now 1 in tummy, still have to worry abt No.1... but gd thing, my No 1 not fussy and dun keep cry... else i die liao...

any thing to lessen MS??? very jialat... eat also can't eat... haizzz if can no need work, everyday at home "nua" so gd haha..


can just open and let her explore loh. i buy her that salaysian family set (wrong spelling on the name, the cute cute animal family set) states 4 years and above loh. hahaha....

guess what she do? she throw all the furniture out the house, open the door and put car and bus inside the house through the door. cos that's what yu ze do. drive his car into the house. sometimes, he will put that rabbit at the door and say ding dong for a long time till i get another rabbit and open the door for his rabbit from inside. so yu xi actually see what gor gor do and try to follows but the ding dong thing is a bit hard for her so she can only put the car in loh.

then the little tikes kitchen she got, she will climb up the chair and stand on it to open up the door on top to kpo. or stand there and touch here and there. call for help when she wants to come down but don't know how.

Morning all.

Our Myanmmese helper came to us over the weekend and said she wants to go home! Claims that her mum is sick but I think it is more a case of homesickness. Or perhaps she fell out with the Filipina helper. Sigh. And she has only been with us for 5 months and still owes the agent money. I am not sure how she will be able to go home but will leave her to work it out with the agent. Will have to bring her back to the agent later today I think. So sian that I have to go to the hassle of picking another helper and retraining.


oh man i totally understand the woes of this. experienced it the last time when my 1st helper came and was homesick after 3 mths. to make it worse, i was about to go back to work from ML and my MIL totally is defeated by bbL. the thought of it argh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope u can quickly pick a good helper

maybe u can pick an experienced one cause they tend not to be homesick and easier to train but downside is they are smarter and might not listen to what u want them to do cause they already got their fixed patterns le.

Ehhh btw.. those who have helper now, can share how much is their salary now??? thinking of having 1 helper after i give birth.... but i think their salary increase liao right?


if u employ one now, its gg to be about 450 for indo maid. mine is 380 but i employ her last year experienced indo helper with one off day. she already is slightly more ex than the rest cause got experience but a bit cheaper than philippines.

Oo... my friend lucky, she employed a helper from philippines last yr... only $350 with 7yrs experience!! and she is really gd with her baby and house work....

i heard their min salary increases liao.. so ask ask around...

BTW which nationality better??

Ur indo maid does not eat pork? then what u prepare for her?


mine does not eat pork, she prepares whatever food she can eat from the fridge.. if not my MIL will buy her nasi lemak or she eat bread too.

my philipines helper is S$340. When she 1st came, super blur. And alot of patterns (mummies here will know!) lolz.. but ok la.. she takes good care of my BbZ so i dun "calculate" with her. Agreement is that, she gets off day only after she pay off her loan so she only get to go for off once a month after her 1st year with me. She's going back this Nov (i think.. she hasn't confirmed if she wanna leave).

To me, no nationality is "more hardworking" or "better". It all boils down to the helper's character leh... and it's a matter of how "good" our luck is.. for being able to "choose" a right helper. lolz

bbdust: Oo.. she know how to cook? so she will perpare her own dinner etc... coz i worry if i employ a helper who does not eat pork then i have to headache what to give her eat...

dazz: ya true if she does her job well, i dun mind open and close 1 eye... hope i can get 1 gd one...

BTW where do they sleep? sleep with ur children?


find a bit weird that u are nt around LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes mine knows how to cook but my MIL does the cooking but when my MIL is bz, she does the cooking. she sleeps with my MIL.


My baby also rejects bottle so I tbf till now. After 1 yr old we can feed them 3 meals per day on top of milk as milk alone will no longer meet their nutritional needs whether it is bm, fm, or fresh milk. Fresh milk can be fed to a 1 yr-old toddler.

ming: oh dear... must choose those with more years experience. usually if they have been away from home they shd have gotten used to homesickness. but they also have more 'pattern' la. mine gets $360/month with 1 off day. she tried to ask for every sunday off when her off days started but i said no.

dawn, yah lor im very sleepy at work.. hehe

im also worried that my myanmmese maid will go back after her contract ends nxt yr.. scared my boy cant adapt to the new maid..

mrsm: they will adapt one la. that time when i changed maid when bbM was 4-5 months old, also she screamed her head off whenever this maid carry. now this maid is bbM 2nd/3rd favourite person, close fight with daddy.

maddie, really ah? by e time she leaves nxt yr my boy will be 2+ lei.. maybe i might start sending him to half day childcare then slowly put in full day.. then no need maid liao!

kids are very easy to adapt... like u mentioned, u are sending him to 1/2 day childcare then full day, he will cry at first too.. after he adapt, he maybe dun wanna go home already... haha

Mrsm: I know. Mine too. Would like her to stay another two years if I still want maid lor but also don't want to be put in a situation where my girl will be miserable without the maid lor. In fact now my maid only look after her max an hour in morning before we go work n sometimes evenings or weekends also not more than an hour. Still she loves her so much.

im really interested in www.colourfulhearts.com but the place a bit out of reach for me cuz i prefer travelling by mrt instead of bus.. hmm dunno if i shld try..

the other day some of u were talking abt musikgarten or something near pioneer mrt, what do they do in cls?

Thanks for the concern Maddie and BB Dust.

Just spoke to the agent over lunch and as expected, we were told that the loan is still outstanding and he doesn't see how she can pay her way home. We said that she told us her family will send money to her but the agent said he spoke to her family and they said they have no money. Sigh. Anyway, we made it very clear we don't want to keep her anymore since she has expressed she wants to go home. We did agree though to give her 2 weeks to find another employer and during this time she will be housed at the agent (at our expense unfortunately, but I guess that can't be helped). My hubby said to be prepared that the helper may change her mind and ask to remain with us for the next 3 months until she clears her loan but we both agreed that we will say no. Don't want to risk her playing any tricks while remaining with us.

ming, yes i think u should do that.. once she says she wants to go hm, just let her go.. if she continues to work, who knows what will happen..

my cousin's maid also like that, wanna go hm but no money.. then no choice just continue working but attitude changed TREMENDOUSLY! rude, lazy, etc.. so pls try not to give in cuz anyway she's the one who wants to leave!

Wife resigned from company at end of Dec last yr due to mil illness at that time. Now everthing is stable, she is ready to join working world. Headhunter called her last week said GLC asked whether she is sustainable with mil condition n with our new born. It is such disgusting remark shown by employer with such attitude towards working mom. Who on earth will know what lies ahead. Told wife to forget abt such unempathetic employer...talk able encouraging woman to join workforce...who is leading an example???

1sttimepapa, hhmm... cool down. Actually, though not right, but i thought it's not that wrong for the company to ask that. probably they have their worries and wanna re-confirm? if your wife is sure, just have to tell them no problem?

Then just let them know, yes, now everything is stable but noone is sure of what will happened in the future ya? Just thought that you shouldn't just ask your wife to "brush off" such employer because of this issue. Unless, of course, she has better offers. =)

oh, because when you mentioned "Told wife to forget abt such unempathetic employer", i thought you meant to "forget about the whole thing".

Hello mummies,

Haiz.. bbJ is down with diarrhea. Dont know how he got it but we're suspecting its cause we went beach yesterday and he probably touched something dirty and he has this habit of suckign his fingers when hungry so prob he consumed some dirt down [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

His poo had some blood mucus and PD said its normal when they have diarrhea. Haiz.... So sad cause I know bbJ is in pain when the LS starts yet I cant do much to ease his pain :'( So heart pain [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

