(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

gripe water:

I am thinking maybe the seller is clearing the stock, the color is very yellow. The seller is currently selling milk powder and diapers in the BP thread, she has hold the BP so many times, I thought it is be safe. Though it is still within the expiry date, the color difference is terrible, I throw away the bottles. Best is the seller has not reply me on anything, no explaination. Maybe to her, as long as din expire, it is safe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

HJ, have you check globalkids at katong and nuturecottage? MY colleague kid is with globalkids, heard not bad, well balance in academic and playing. Cousin kid is with nuture cottage, I saw her FB pic on her kid learning in CCC, quite interesting and fun.



Yes yes! I buy from you for $5 ok? It is being sold 3 for $15 in the shop. Slow flow is good... bb syz still using slow flow for all her bottles (this mommy didn't upgrade cos she seemed happy with it). How to get from you? I pm you my tel no. then we can arrange by sms.


is it from kim sang medical hall ah?


i bought from KP


i dont know abt JG leh cause i never been for their playnest so cannot compare but the attitude of the teachers already irks me. hmm my friend who is with GUG mountbatten and suntec says its much better. so maybe u go and check out first?

most likely move to MP lah, my DH says he is feeling like a sandwich so no choice loh i give in and let MIL win loh.

syzy and orangey,

Toy r us also got, I brought mine there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, oooohh... so now you no need to look at clementi liaoz lo? focus on MP instead? Wow.. then BbL can really become classmates with BbS and BbO lo~!

JG also largely dependent on their teachers .. i must say baby S currently mandarin playnest teachers are pretty good ... dunno if Syz agree with me ... some of JG teachers are quite non chalet too!

move move to MP!! next time can send to star learners haha ... or same sch as BB S?


Supposed to be on leave today but popped back in this morning to clear some work. Will be in Raffles Place till 1pm. Can meet you at bugis if you are there.


Dont get too sad over moving to MP. Think on the positive side.. There's so much to look foward!

1. Near to East Coast Park - Can bring BBL to stroll, play with the sand and maybe swim when he's bigger

2. Near to Parkway Parade where there is Isetan, Cold Storage and few music schools around. Oh! Parkway has quite a number of kids boutiques!

3. Near to NTUC Finest! *Yay for this!*

4. Lots of good food over there! The Hawker at Parkway has nice Char Kway Teow! The food court in Parkway has nice Mee siam!

5. Nearer to and me me me (comparing to your current loc)

Hahha see I list so many good things for you!


sigh still look lah but then also look at mp.


sigh yah loh that is why i said hor no matter how good or bad the school is right, it really all depends on the teachers. even if its branded the teachers lousy also headache. hope when bbl goes for trial at JG, he gets good teachers.

do let me know abt JG curriculum. how they teach zoophonics at GUG is they start the class by introducing the phonics of the day. yesterday was orange so they introduce orange, octopus things that start with or. then they got sing song session. after which its back to some puppets which intro the octopus. after that they start phonics again the whole of A-Z but its more like flash card, flash say the sound then change. then the kids will be given the cards to match the alphabets on the wall. then after its sing song again and then break. after break its art and craft using the fruit taught (orange) then keyboard sing song again then go home.


hah tks for listing down the good points abt MP. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i used to study there lah so know the area quite well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Long gang fish? Hmm like those in drain 1, this type I think even with pump also cannot survive for long.

Tortoise is a good choice for pet, hehehe..Easy to clean and keep, wont grow too big too :p


i think must wait a while for the 'fuss' over fish over for yu ze before i can change to tortoise leh. he is so excited about the fishes that he didn't nap yesterday leh.


Hehe, that 1 shld be 老 tortoise?


Heng YZ didnt say mummy I want puppy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think you're referring to Terrapins? I had them as my pets in Pri sch then one day.. while my dad was cleaning the tank for us.. he accidentally flushed them down the drainer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ya yah. he is cute at times.


won't lah cos one of the neighbour got dog. he will everyday walk pass and say hello gou gou and bye bye gou gou. or when the door is close, he say no gou gou. when dog bark, he say gou gou so loud. hahahah......

bbdust....MP is a nice place to stay except when it gets too crowded at the malls on weekends =) ..hehe

charismama ...the gripe water thingy...did the seller respond so far or offer a refund ot something??? v scary leh.


I went doc on Friday liao.

I have sinus and with flu it makes it worse.

Office aircon plus air not 'PURIFIED' so I feel worse.


I can't work from home lah.

U know my opic BCP, code black I still hv to come back!!


Thanks for the offer. When she is due for her next haircut then I pm you whether still available [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi BBdust,

Wah, suddenly become an easterner? Ur MIL also like MP? I thought it is pretty far from your current place? Nvrmind, as long 1 family stay together, stay where also happy one.

Hi HJ,

I asked about GuG at Mountbatten, their june holiday program is for K1 students and above, so I guess when June comes along, my gal and me will just have to think what to do then. How is the playgym? Have u attend the trial yet?

bbdust, charismama, erm... i din know about this spree till you mummies mentioned it. so, is it still safe to buy from this seller? This price for some items are so attractive. =S


eh i go to the physical shop to buy their milk powder leh. so far i bought 2 tins, bbl finished 1 tin le. unless sheng shiong got promo, if not their FM is really cheap loh.


aiyoh... like that very cham. How to recover quickly??

All the best in your search for... hopefully the BCP won't be so jialat.


Thanks for the tip. Will keep that in mind if i need to get another one and still no stock. Meeting HJ later to collect hers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Re: Fish Keeping

PUB uses Chloramine and chlorine to treat the water. Anti-Chlorine does not remove Chloramines from the water. For the safety of your fishes, it is best to use an Anti-Chlorine and Anti-Chloramines and leave the water overnight and only do partial water change each time. We have kept fishes for 10 years until few mths after baby is born. My hb has spent a lot of money on fish keeping related stuff like different types of pumps, good bacteria, anti-Chlorine and anti-Chloramines, fish food, etc. Discarded the 4-ft tank due to space constraint and lost of interests. Now we will bring baby to the nearby aquarium shop to see fishes.. better as got more new fishes and varieties to see.


i don't think we will keep long term. we also bought that anti chlorine thing loh but never leave the water overnight. maybe that is the cause.

i am sooooo fortunate to be sitting beside a colleague who is totally into baking. Everytime treat me to super yummy cakes, muffins and cookies. Wow biang... no need eat lunch.. eat her goodies oso shiok. Just ate her oatsmeal cookie.. super duper yummy and her double chocolate cookies also.... SHIOK!!

fei si wo le..



You wanna check Gain IQ price? I help u check at my mum's store here ba? Tonight I going to buy milk powder..

