(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Wat's crossbite?

My gal's 2 upper teeth have been growing out tog with a gap btw them... she loves grinding her teeth and we recently realised that the gap is abt the width of her lower front tooth...wonder if it's the grinding that causes the gap... the other lower front tooth seems to have stopped growing after we spotted it erupting from the gums a mth ago.



did a test liao. confirm.

even at home between me and hubby, he wants me. hee...he will crawl very fast n cry at the same time , looking for me.


which brand toothpaste is good for our 10months old bb? i just bought FirstTeeth toothpaste with brush, is that good?

i havent started to clean my bb's teeth. hv u?


yup my hubby says i very bad when i luff abit too. but overall we sayang n loves him alot. only recently not sure why, he SUPER attached to me. even my hubby, he also dont want.


hahahaha.... i also very evil. i will make my girl crawl and cry from bathroom all the way to #1's room. whenever i bathe #1, she will come and kpo. when i was dressing up #1, she will also come kpo. so went we walk out after we are done, she will cry and want to be carried. i will just ignore her and get her to crawl out to the living again then i carry her. :p

haha, kite, hi 5 i also bought the same toothpaste yyesterday. but I didn't brush bb's teeth today as he fell asleep after drinking milk :p


We have given BB minced pork and beef. If it is still too big piece, I will use a pair of scissors to cut smaller. Hmm I will just let him eat whatever we put into the porridge.

Mommies, the game begins soon. Will mimi wake up again every hourly or will she let tired daddy n mommy sleep thru the nite? Stay tuned!

XLH, Dazz - ya am guessing over-stimulated over the festive period. am hoping due to tis reason n i can have agood nite's sleep

1stimepapa - my colleagues told mi the same thing too tat prob her gums r swollen n painful...but y only at nite then she cry hourly?

Orangey - chip bag as long as ur torso???!! yum yum...i'll sure go crazy if im there lor...they do delivery shipping back to spore? else any website can purchase? *blink blink blink*

Dazz - an xin oredi lor! ;p

Cellow - haha...so funny..we always do tat too but to play wif mimi la...not intentionally to hide frm her

Kite - mimi gets fed 2x, one porridge noon, one fruit/veg puree nite.

1stimepapa - i fed my gal minced pork, minced beef and fish so far. no chicken yet coz i tink chickens has esp high levels of hormones injected into it...


I have fed my baby threadfin/salmon/cod fish/sweet potato porridge. If we cook soup for ourselves like lotus root/carrot/Huai San/pork spare rib soup, can give baby some carrot/Huai San/pork (if it's soft) mashed with rice and soup. My baby does not like Nestle cereal as it's added with sucrose and milk and very sweet. To make it less sweet, can add those organic cereal without added sugar.


i dun like nestle cereal too. too sweet!


now is the best time to laugh at their antics. wait until they grow into tweens meh.


staying tuned for a good night's sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

that's why i detest CNY for turning the boys's schedules upside down.

tmr C1 will def cry in sch, and C2 will cry to look for me too.

just finished unpacking stuff, putting C2 to sleep and now is my chill out time. but. i m crazy to stay up so late when tmr is also a workday. i have decided to work fm home the rest of this week...... tired untilllllllll....... post CNY holiday hangover strikes!

Cellow - wanna cry! mimi woke up at 3.30 to cry, then again at 6.30...im going crazy!! luckily tis time round, it was easier to pacify her back to sleep...jus hush her n pat pat her butt for 5 mins n she's drowsy again...

Good tat u have the flexibility to work frm home..can nap nap in betwn. kekekeke...wishing no crying C bbs tis morn for mommy C.. Mr Hangover shoo shoo away pls!


hug hug. i guess they are over stimulate due to cny. yu xi will sit up and cry with eyes closed then need to put her down to sleep again.

Celynlee - u too got sleepless nites?? same lei...she will sit up n cry her lungs out...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] y y y n wen will they stop being over-stimulated? oredi been 2 full days liaoz

Morning ladies,

am back at work today. super sianz.

Cellow: hugs to C2. Hope his shoulder all better liao. My gal somehow manages to stick somewhat to routine la. We bring her home at 8plus pm when she is tired. so not too far off. she's pretty ok with most ppl carrying also, even strangers. like yr C2 la, if like the face then can. my gal jialat la, prefer old men. all the uncles can, aunties cannot. haha.

Dazz: how bbZ eye? still orh cheh?

SGsc n jasda: haiz. hope babies ok liao. cannot leave on bed when awake la. now even in same room, on same bed also may not be able to get there on time. managed to stop her from hitting the floor once by hanging on to her leg. the rest of her body was off the sofa! heart stop moment.

1sttimepapa: have given chicken breast, fish (ngor he, salmon), beef and pork.

sgsc: the crying without able to be calmed down i think sounds like night terror. it is when they are asleep and having like nightmare. my gal had it some months back. quite jialat one. scream and scream n struggle, nothing we do helps. but is still ok to hold her and sing/shh shh. usually after half to 1 hr shd be ok. usually when overstimulated. i wonder if that is what the hokkien mean when they say play too much at night will 'ham been'.

Cellow, that's one thing i like about the company. Work flexibility! Current company doesn't allow that. I was not even issued a lappy!! Pros and cons though. hahahah. Rest well!!

Maddie, you just came back from KL?? yes, BbZ's eye still orh cheh... Not exactly the eye area but below. Cheek bone area. think it takes at least a week before it'll disappear.


not me. hahahah... i just sleep and ignore. hubby will wake up to attend to her. if its the kind that can't stop crying one, what i will do is wake her up. only when she open her eyes and wake up then she will stop crying.

Dazz: yup i drove back yesterday. fed her a bowl of porridge while she was in car seat and car was going at full speed on highway. so proud of us. haha!

How ah, my gal still want to latch to sleep. wake up 3-4 hourly still want to latch. my hb asking me to wean her liao. or sleep training. or both.

Morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday dinner at 7pm, he ate quite some amount of porridge after last milk feed at 4.45pm. i wonder how much ur bb is eating? he ate around maybe 15 to 20 teaspoonful?

Today i just add Lotus root into his porridge.

Any mummies tried Beetroot already? nice taste anot? sweet? cos i never try it myself b4.

what else besides pork, beef, chicken, fish to make stock for bb? hv u all try red date, wolfberry, wintermelon n etc or still early?

heard Huai San is good. good to mix with lotus root? how abt lian zi?

Kite, we don't gauge by teaspoon leh. hee. we gauge by the bowl. BbZ finish a bowl (sometimes, 1-1/2 bowl) of porridge. Bowl is that Combi feeding bowl, erm, white and orange handle. Never tried beetroot before but wolfberries, red dates and huai san yes. Fresh huai san i mean. Just add into the porridge to cook and it will be soft enough to mash into the porridge at feeding time. our family don't eat beef, so no beef. no chicken as yet too. Now stock is made using corn, pork, ikan bilis and silver fish. i'm not sure if you can give wintermelon. you might want to check corz not sure if it's too "liang".

Hi ladies,

I survived the trip to bkk with my gal in tow. Phew..... She is relatively ok thru'out the trip but was hyperstimulated and only slept at around 10+pm every night. Now that she is back home, she is catching up on her sleep.

Hi Cellow,

What i did to wean my gal off the yaolang is not very good, but it works for my gal. I placed her on my bed and let her watch one of those educational dvd show. She will watch around 30mins initially (as this is a new experience) then dropped off to la-la land. After 1 week or so, the show becomes boring, so she just watched for 10mins then she will sleep. I know that the conventional wisedom is not to let babies watch too much tv, so you see if you want to try this method?

Hi Ming,

Yah, the class quite intense hor? I think that is why our darlings like it, 1.5hrs of fun fun fun. Only we are tired at the end of it. Hee....

morning mummies...

maddie, you fed porridge in the car? Pei fu. My boy makes a mess eating at home, how to feed in the car. that's y only can bottle feed in the car.

mummies, how to make baby hold his own botte? I'm still holding my boy's bottle every milk feed.

kite, my mum used red dates and pork when cooking porridge, just for the flavour. I've not tried beetroot, but I tried parsnip, very nice sweet flavour. I also think wintermelon is what we eat when we're heaty.

Wendees: no choice cos i latched her but she was super whiney still and it was her usual lunch time. so panic already. didn't want to end up cry all the way. so i fed her lor. she was surprisingly ok even tho she still whine between every spoonful. super stressed then man. not messy like she usually is cos she likes to put her hands in the mouth to feel the food at times, then wipe all over face and hair and chair!

Where u buy parsnip from? i see it in all the angmoh website but dunno where to get from in singapore.

Kite: dep on mood, she eat 1/2 to 1 bowl (those chinese rice bowl type) of porridge.

Was reading Mr Brown's blog and couldn't stop laughing after i read the entry about the Kindergarten's letter to parents. Just wanna share with you mummies. lolz. No wonder our kids' english is SINGLISH too! =S


Hi Mommies,

Have any one of you or your friends/relatives/colleagues ever brought their Indonesian maid to Indonesia? I intend to bring my maid to Bali for my holiday trip as need her to take care of my mother who is quite old and not very mobile after her kneecap replacement surgery. The travel agency told me that when my maid leaves bali, she needs to pay an exit tax of US$250!!! I asked my maid to call Indonesian embassy and the officer told her no such thing! Hmmm.... who should I believe? Help!!!!

Morning Mummies!


Yah lor, like Dazz I also gauge by bowl. I got pigeon bowl and usually BB Orangey also can finish 1 bowl but sometimes when he's not that hungry maybe half a bowl (if he drank milk 1 ~ 2hr prior to solids or if I gave him too much snacks :x)


Yes, the maid need to pay for an exit fees when they leaves Indonesia. I just confirmed with my colleague cause I remembered she complaint to me b4 that she had to pay for tax for her maid.

ruru, i checked with my colleague. She advise to check your maid's passport. it should have a stamp, reflecting your address at the last page. If the chop is there, you need not pay for the exit fee. if it's not there, you can make a trip to the Indo embassy to get it done.

She brought her maid to bintan and back and need not pay anything.

Hope this helps.

Ruru, yah! Like what Dazz said, my colleague says go embassy to get the stamp then no need to pay. She just called embassy to clarify lol.

Hi Dazz and Orangey,

Thanks so much for the information! Yah, I googled and the information on the internet said the same thing as well. If no chop/local address on the maid's passport, have to pay an exit fine of $1million indonesian rupiah. So now I can book my airtix in peace. Phew!!!

hi all


I was at clinic to get consult for my nite cough n also told doc that I want to delay the MMR for my boy, shun bian ask if its true abt autism. He was telling me there was a debate abt 'autism & slow in speech ( especially for boys ) but no proven case.

hmmm so now slow in speech also got to do with MMR.. then I should wait for my boy to talk then go jab ???

Hi mommies,

Another question to ask. I am stopping bf-ing gradually and as of now I have not pumped for the past 3 days. I can feel that my boobs are full but I don't feel any pain. What should I do? Should I let it be? Or pump out? Aiyoh, so paiseh to ask such a silly question but really don't know how to stop.


got parsnip from cold storage. Looks like carrot, but it's yellowish white in colour.

same, my boy will put his hand in his mouth, then wipe his face and hair with the food. If he eats fish, he'll smell very fishy after that. Must bath lor.

kite, I'll insist my boy finish one bowl. Either use bowl or I'll use one full avent via cup (where I store my frozen puree)


my boy keep 'mo ya' lei wat is the cause of it ?

is it something 'new'(tooth) in his mouth and he finds it fun polishing it?

What will happen if he keep doing it, anyway to stop?

Hi Chips,

The study that linked MMR jab to austism is flawed as the researcher manipulated the data to suit his purpose. Subsequent research studies done properly showed no direct link btw the jab and austism. Like what Vic Ma said, the time of the jab usually coincided with the time that a child is likely diagnosed with austism, thus the reason for the persistent 'rumour' that the jab has such a side effect.


why don't u just pump to empty out your breast? At least can freeze for baby to drink or add to cereal. Maybe for me, I pumped till my last drop.

Hi all,

I'm down with flu for the past 3 days, now back to doctor to request for stronger medicine, all medicine I took doesn't seems to help, my throat got worst, my cough got worst n my flu got worst too.. ai ya, totally no mood to play with my girl.. so guilty that I scolded my girl for crying so much yesterday cos I'm feeling very nasty.. hope I can get well soon..


My boy also doesnt know how to hold his milk bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I tried getting him to hold but to no avail. He was struggling to get his hands off the bottle and crying when the bottle dropped. Then he got too pissed off and rejected the remaining milk. Argh!!!

Mummies how do you train your BB to hold the milk bottle?


Like Orangey, I also use the green colour pigeon bowl. He will usually take 1-1.5 bowl of porridge/cereal when I feed him during weekends. But I suspect my MIL give him more during weekdays because there is always excess porridge when I feed.


I read mrbrown's blog too. Hmmm not acceptable for a principal to draft such a letter @.@


Wendees: i still can't get my gal to drink from bottle in my presence. at home, without me, she can drink about 60ml with a lot of force. at IFC however, she can happily hold her own bottle and drink. when her fav teacher is around then she will chut pattern and teacher must hold for her.

