(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi XLH and Juye,

Thanks so much for putting my Skirt BP#3 link here!!

Hi Juye,

I always have meltdown with my HB. My gal is now 10+mths, and I think i had 3 major meltdowns with him. He just don't listen, so recently I had a VOLCANO-level meltdown and now he is slightly better. Haiz.... Sometimes after a good cry, we will feel better.


wanna ask u all how to stop ur babies from keep sucking on the pacifier n same thing dun keep puttinf stuff into their mouths? my gal likes to suck onto her pacifier (i really regret tt i gave in to my mother's nagging tt time!!!! now im suffering for it!!!) and when i remove it, she is ok but will immed put something else into her mouth! sometimes i dun want her putting the remote or other more dangerous things into her mouth n no choice gotta give her the pacifier... how???


Pacifier better than sucking fingers lor. My boy loves to suck his fingers when he is hungry.. suck until now u can see a small gap between the third and second finger [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] (cause he sucks 2 fingers at a time). I gave him pacifier but he dont like it!

gbh ..im trying to wean my boi off the tutu....daytime if he dun see it then he wll not try to get it...only at nite when he's being stubborn n dun wana zz then i will give him...sorta like comfort sucking...hehe..i pull the tutu out from his mouth when he doze off :p ..

My boi sucks his fingers n thumb until shiok shiok de ...itchy gums i guess cos his tooth came out like recently nia....u tried giving teethers mah???


hugs hugs. kan kai like woofy (and me!).... otherwise will really go insane.


just borrow fm library and read it la...

beforehand i used to think our parents' generation got it all wrong, why force bb to do smthing that is not natural, plus i m naturally lazy, so the western way of waiting till 2-3yo to toilet train sounded so appealing.

but now ever since i started the process of toilet training C1 last nov w/o any success.... to the extent my stubborn toddler is in a battle of wills with me now.

i think there is smthing in the old wisdom of bringing them to the toilet 10-20mins after a feed to sssshhh sshhhh and ngmmmmmm ngmmmmm at them. just to establish a pattern.

C2 now sits happily on the padded toilet cover (bought fm toysrus). the book also says dun stress over toilet training, she calls it "elimination control" EC for short. the EC mindset is to catch as many pees and poos as possible, to "listen" to what bb is telling us. sometimes so bz that we forget to listen. i do wat i can as a FTWM who is away fm C2 most of the day. over weekends after his morning feed and evening feed, i will put him on the toilet.


same same. only after volcano level meltdown then Mr C realises he has to be part of the solution, not part of the pbm.

the most recent ridiculous eg is showing me black face when he opened the dinner dishes one evening last week. says why are we having the same thing 3 days in a row. well darling, i just ran out of ideas, i have a lot of things on my mind, you know. i diam diam at the table bcz i din want to yell at him in front of the boys. later i ROAR-ed!!!!

my boy bite me til blue black lei .. how come like tat huh.. teeth so sharp. he even bite my maid shoulder when she carry him.. poor maid hahaaa


aiyoh... i dunno 何年何日 can go library... baby with me 24/7... unless i gotta set aside one weekend and hb looks after her while i go library.... i cant bring her in... i got a little trumpet!

i just wake up from nap. whole body ache and feel like puking. didn't even have lunch.


my boy who is coming 3 years old and is still sucking pacifier loh. he only suck when sleeping and when he is upset/crying. i got no intention to stop him yet but trying to cut down the time he is on it.

since baby time, i always pull his hand out if he suck fingers. after many times, he stop doing that and no longer put it in his mouth. but it also means that he doesn't know how to self feed. he don't know how to hold a teething biscuit and eat on his own. i must feed him everytime. he only know how to put pacifier in his mouth, food and other things must do for him.


my boy is also not toilet trained leh. i think he doesn't want too. we let him goes without diaper for a few days and he end up peeing on himself. since then he will say he wants petpet or elephant (pampers). i ask him if he wants to go toilet ngng, he say don't want go toilet ngng.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i know that feeling. having been evicted fm the library w a noisy C1 during my maternity leave. be thick skinned and bring her in anyway!

else go to pl.sg and reserve the book. all you have to do then is pay $1.55 at the e kiosk and go to the counter to pick up the book. easy peasy for busy mamas and you zip in and out within 10mins!


my gal not exactly very reliant on pacifier, i only try to give her when she is sleepy or cranky but with nothing in her mouth means she will put other things in lor... when she is sucking pacifier, she will usually just play with the object and usually wont put tt item into her mouth... so im having a headache trying to strike a balance btw keeping her off the pacifier as much as possible as well as making sure she dun put anything else into her mouth...


i transferred $150 to you via ATM yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Sorry to keep delaying.


Wish mimi will be ok. Understand how you feel.. last wk my baby also fell from the platform bed and hit her left forehead. I was there just never thought it will happen so fast guess she is sleepy. A big bump which I've never seen appeared immediately. I applied some aloe vera gel on it and the next day the bump disappeared. Now everyday I apply the gel a few times and the bruises are gone just left a dented mark on the muscle I think will go away in times.

Baby Biting: Now biting everything except pacifier. Favourite toy is remote control which I don't want to give. Their bites sure painful full force with 4 front teeth. Better avoid their teeth. Damage already done on my arm.


i used to pay her $10/hr but we recently raised it to $50 for 4 hours as we are pleased with her work. She does the vaccuming, mopping, washing toilets and ironing for me.


I give my gal teething biscuits. She doesn't eat alot of it, just grind and grind the biscuits and the crumbs are all over the baby seat/baby pram/bib/hair etc. This technique I use only when outside.

As for at home, I give her teething toys.

Hi Cellow,

Wah, if HB dares to say about dinner, he will DIE!!!!! But his solution is very simple, he just say nicely that we all go out and eat something different. I will give in if gal takes a late nap so can tahan until 8+pm.


pl.sg is the URL for the National Library. lifesaver.... keeps me fm buying books. read already also dunno where to put.

i give teething toys. take out cold fm the freezer. C2 loves!


Mr C got a earful fm me! smthing to the effect of i put in the effort to buy food fm the supermkt, direct the maid how to cook the food, then every meal, i have to CALL and CALL him away fm the computer to eat. i told him to go tapau himself for a month, see how he likes it. hmmph. he changed for the better - a bit - after my tirade.


which model of brother do you have?

the fabrics are so pretty right? exp cos they are so-called designer fabric. Can also buy from overseas fabric stores but the shipping may be very ex. This local online shop quite reasonably priced and service is good. See already so tempted to create something for bb syz.

Library books on childcare...such books usually at the children's section. Tend to have a bit of noise there so not very obvious if you bring your lil trumpet along. Alternative is to reserve the book and pay the fee online then just pop in to collect. Can also send your hb to collect for you.

Toilet training:

try bringing bb to pee withing 5 mins of waking up from their nap. good chance of success [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I bought my girl to the library twice liao.. normally I will go to the library over the weekend then u will not feel alone with a noisy baby, cos the others also noisy.. hahaha.. especially those neighbourhood ones. hahaha.

i have teeth mark all over my shoulders and arms. He just likes to bite me only...all teh rest all dont bite except me.

I think more teeth are sprouting out


My boy is also born in april 2010. Hope i'm welcome here.

any of your baby has milk allergy? or lactose intolerance? What formula is he/she taking now?

XLH - ur boi so smart..haha..shall try the same on mimi wen she's in a better mood. See if she reverse or stil choose to 'kok' her head

Eva - prob is my house really too small, only one walking human space frm bed to window. The 3-fold mattress too BIG! Lolz…tell u al something but dun laugh ah..nw we put those pool float (longish ones where normally got chio bu lie on top of in the pool type) + comforter on top, to absorb extra impact for mimi's fav parachute location. Who noes - crime scene at my mum house instead..#@@%$#

Cellow - aiyoh realli necessary ah…coz I understd pre-school teachers will help train one…haha..lazy mi relying on tat moment instead. But again, if it helps to save the earth..y not…

u only toilet-trained C@ on weekends ah, like tat weekday break routine then weekend gotta start all over again ah? Hahaha

Orangey - ur boi so cute…such 2 fingers together…mine usually suck her thumb only, but recently like to stuff whole fist into mouth (though cant la) so scared she end up wof big mouth

Gbh - abit hard to wean off pacifier lei..tink they will auto get rid of it wen they go playsch or nursey coz peer pressure…I heard my fren say one..if suck tutu like shame shame

Aprmum - Big hugs to ur gal too…does aloe vera really help? I have tat at home but mum said she went to buy some ointment, then nw better liaoz…hope bruise can disappear by sat else bday bash so ugly…


i got a Brother BM 2600. easy to use as in not complicated but i find tt the footer is not heavy enuff to ensure fabric dun "run" as u sew... i nvr try other brands tabletop sewing machines before so dunno if this prob is like tt with tabletop machines or just brother brand... u shld go to the stores to request from the promoter to have a bit of hands-on to have a feel on how good the machine sews before u buy.. just like buying a car - must test drive!


toking abt teething biscuits... i still have a few pks left... so messy when i give my gal tt n she ever got bit off a chunk before... so scared she choke on tt chunk tt i din give her teething biscuits anymore... mostly just melts n puffs or i scrape fresh fruit bit by bit n feed her as snacks...


im not trying to wean bb totally off pacifier but i dun want her to suck on tt when not slping but removing it from her means she put more dangerous stuff into her mouth so now i dunno how to solve this prob lor...


I'm using Jorubi Aloe Vera gel, the uncle at organic shop told me it is good.. can even heal diabetic leg abrasions.. It soothes and promotes healing to bruises etc. Sometimes my finger pain I apply some will feel better. What oilment your mum bought? Now in living room I got a play yard with bumper playmat for my gal to play in so I can have peace of mind to leave her alone for awhile.

Gbh - like tat tough lei...but i remember my mum sayingif dun wan them suck thumb or pacifier, put CHILI!! OMG hw can??!!! or be v stern n stare into her eyes wen she starts putting things into her mouth?

Toking abt teething biscuits, yah, i read the instructions tat if broken cannot let bb chew. y not? scared they chocke or not enuf space for them to hold onto the biscuit?

Aprmum, ya last time wen mimi had bad rashes wen she was a mth old, my mum said the guy also recommended tis for her. Very small tube rite? but i find not v effective for rashes. i stil have it, shall rub on her bokok...

my mum went to buy the jing feng san n zambuk for her bruise.


Can u provide me e full details of e portfolio? Does it include any makeup or coffee album? E cd return pics r of low or high resolution? Thanks.


I hv those last yr from July to dec. So far didn't use until recently. Now using dec ones. Those before tt can't use hor cos too long.

morning mummies


if you are using chest freezer to store your fbm, you can still use those dated on sept.

the photo return in soft copies are high resol one. no coffee album and no make up.

its just a sample photoshoot as stated. prepare a few set of clothes and some of your baby favourite toys. they do have props too. parents can bring another set of clothes to change. how many photos you can take within that 1 hour depends greatly on your baby's mood that day. so best is to choose a timing that usually baby is most happy. if i didn't remember wrongly, i took about 120+ photo for #1 then.


for you.

photoshoot with dphotofolio,

• $300 for 1 hour session

• all soft copies return

• 4 X 5R print

• strictly for parent + kids + grandparents, no solo/individual shots for adults

• other family member will be $15 per person

• photoshoot must be completed before 30 Jun 11

Mommies, Thanks for all ur concern for mimi - she's so much better now. bruise also lighten, but i realised she tend to suddenly shiver or jerk at times. Prob stil cant get over the shock. hope she gets back to herself soon!

Good morning mummies! It's march already!


My girl has nvr used a pacifier but nothing is ever safe from her mouth so I cleared everything in her path except her toys but she occasionally can grab the tissue box n when I dun notice I will c her trying to include some pulp fibre in her diet ~_~ she has a knack of zooming for things she shouldn't take/eat

Realised most bbs here like to go for remote controls too! My remote controls are not spared as well... V tech savvy for their age!


So glad to hear tt Mimi is better[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I believe that kids r v resilient beings and she will be fine soon! U also dun b toohard on yourself (though as moms we r always the hardest on ourselves)

i'm going to take mc later. ls 5 times liao since i wake up. its all water and nothing else. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Just a short intro about me

Iam a sahm and have a bb girl borned on 20th April. I came in a few times last year but found it v hard to type in with my iPhone as I do not have time to access my laptop however I read in silently and have read valuable advice on the different problems I happen to have while bringing up my girl.

Will try to write more often as i enjoy the 'atmosphere' n the friendliness here heehee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

