(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

sgsc, woofy, wendees,

My mum and I always wash my boy pigu when he poo but cause of the diarrhea which is causing the bad nappy rash, thats why he is crying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope he faster recover and his nappy rash go off fast fast!!



poor bbo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope he gets well soon. virus go away please we all hate u max.

Dear Mummies,

You stories on our little "ah peks" bring a smile to my face.. haha

My little "Ah pek" refuse to drink water, he wil cough and spit out all the water.. sigh.. so difficult to make him drink water.

After one year old what should our bb diet be? no porridge?? switch to rice.. tried introducing cheese to bb but he doesn't like.

I'm still giving him bm.. wonder if i should stop soon.. and give him fm.. any mothers still breastfeeding?

I don't have a maid.. but it seems maid really give you alot of headache.. if i ever have bb2 i'm thinking of engaging one though.. can't imagine handling two bb

Ming, regarding herlper, not sure if you remember, previously, my helper also mentioned she wanna go back then i was like asking/going around looking for another helper because i wanna "kick" her back as i have the same mentality as most mummies here, "once she decides she wanna leave, she wont have the heart to work." She changed her mind, told my MIL she regret telling us she wanna leave, and asked to stay. My MIL say keep her, my ah lao also say, dont change. The Myanmar helper i chose ended up couldn't come, because she broke her leg at the training centre. So, end up, i didn't send her back. After that incident, she seems to have got better. Though still spoil things at my place la.. but but.. as i always say, she took good care of BbZ, so i grumble grumble grumble but ultimately still "forgave" her. HHHhmmmm... i don't know. I think it's a risk to take. You and hubby probably will know best her character after the few months of staying together. Whether she is really "wanna stay"?

Sg84: quite a few of us still bf. So far fed my gal sips of fresh milk. She spits out. I want to wait till my fbm running low before intro fm. Heard some bb reject bm after tasting fm. Sounds like a good way to wean tho... Idea!!


ya lo.. this one. Strange.. Woofy mentioned she saw it at JP's NTUC Xtra yesterday... Today i go, bo liaoz... very worried it's being recalled leh.. tried looking for info at AVA's webby also dun have... hhhmmmm

Hello mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gal also doesnt like to drink water... i think less than 50ml a day. She'll also choke and cough when we try to feed her water and my mum will say she's 'lao ren jia' :p

To up her water intake, I will make her porridge more watery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Dazz,

What makes u suspect that the Baby Bites is on recall? I have a box at home and my gal jus had 2 pcs as snack...

Usu the news will report if any goods have been recalled... Dun remember coming across any these few days...Mayb it's jus OOS for Baby Bites in supermkts?

Pnut, wow... then it's really a serious case of oos corz i've been to 4 supermarkets and they dont have it. =X


its so nice meh? i have seen it so often but the packaging doesn't appeal to me to buy it at all. its looks like some yucky biscuits to me. hhahaa...

sonshine, wow... i'm not sure how much leh.. lolz. dun remember.

woofy, maybe lo. i suay. lolz.

celyn, i dun know!!! lolz.. never eat before. It's BbZ who likes it.. i go back "interview" him ah... then let you know. lolz. =P


If the total Amt for two boxes is lesser than $6 I can arrange courier Ta q bin to ur house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe coz the courier fee is $6. just a suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] they do same day collection n delivery

Dazz i think you can purchase the baby bites at Kiddy Palace too. i still have two boxes at home, i think mayby oos.

Orangey: Hopy your Bb get well soon! Poor thing, Pigu after LS very painful already.. i think the nappy liner is a good idea to air his pigu, but very tedious cause have to wash.

If I rem correctly, one box costs less than $3.

I tasted it myself (plain and carrot flavor)... feels like the less salty version of Wang Wang [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sonshine, wow.. no need so mafan la.. but really thanks.. heehee.. lucky that one is not staple food. i oredi bought him the pigeon bites and also gerber (i think) dry apple bits for him to snack. he shall learn to live without his baby bites!!! whahahaha...

SG84, oh ya huh.. kiddy palace oso have hor. lolz.. i will keep a lookout. thanks!

mummies who had book dphotofolio photoshoot with me previously, please remember to book your photoshoot session with them. june holiday weekends are almost full liao. please quickly book your slots.

the biscuits really so good ah, OOS! I also dunno wat snacks to intro mimi, coz dun see tat many in supermkts here...then recently got diffnt brands from online spree...else i will get frm sonshine! ;p

Mommies, which r the recommended PS studios for family portraits? wanna take one too coz we realise tat mimi is no longer mimi...she looks n behaves sooo differently since her 1st bday. so we wanna faster take now b4 she chnages even more... (actually is me la, HB not interested as usual)

i noe there's Studio Loft, Sean Lau, foto-U, dphotofolio...which is cheap yet good one? heh ;p


good. i just book mine cos timing cannot match. even now, its also tentative booking only. must confirm with fil and sil.


i buy all sort of brands snacks for yu xi. anyone that appeals to me and look nice. but yu xi always like to eat what gor gor or us is eating. she will throw hers away if she see that we are holding to something different from hers.


LOL on your 'mimi is no longer mimi' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gal too... these few days dunno why she whines alot...start crying when i walked away afew steps although still within her sight!

We had our PS with foto-u (Wai Peng)...quite worth it...total spent $210 (usu px $300) after disc by showing TMC's FBI card [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have taken with foto-u (david) and dphotofolio. didn't try studio loft cos heard the photographer is quite fierce towards children (those walk in for their 'occasion' shoots, eg. easter, cny). didn't try sean lau too cos find that their settings is more girl so yu ze's time never engage them.

Celynlee - like tat must ask gorgor be out of sight wen she snacks else u'd be the one finishing them coz they appeal to u!!

Pnut - haha...yayaya, mimi also. but it's not jus for me la. she jus scared lonely, cannot leave her alone. do u find that the exact day they hit 1, somehow really not the same lei. Mine started toking alot more...all te diffnt words n sounds come out. Her looks also..dun tink i tink too much..my parents also said same thing.;p

Tks for sharing...where's foto-U studio n wat does it include?


gor gor will always sit on the sofa to eat so that yu xi can't reach him mah. then yu xi will stand by the sofa and scream and stretching her hands out long long trying to 'steal' from him loh.

i buy snacks for them hoh, i never eat one lah. i pass all 'baby' food to hubby to eat them. nice or not, i also won't try but will stuff it down hubby's throat. hahahaha....

fotu-u and dphotofolio? Are they expensive. Didn't take any photo for my Bb when he was younger realise he look so different now.


I also buy all snacks for my son, try heinz.. the cookies very nice can be use to do cereal too.

sg 84,

i don't know about foto-u now. the dphotofolio package we sign up is $300 for 1 hour photoshoot + all soft copies back.

Re: Baby Bites

Bought one pack few mths back, tried it ourselves and felt that it is too salty and stopped giving to baby. Don't want to get baby addicted to snack... saw one Malay boy grabbing a box from the shelf.


Didnt noticed it on the exact day when she hit 1yo...haha...too bz entertaining guests on her BD :p

foto-u's studio is at Tanglin Halt Ind Estate... U may refer to http://www.foto-u.com/rates-waipeng/ to see details of the package. If u have FBI card, do ask for the disc... I think the disc is not mentioned on their website.

celynlee - but bb snacks very yummy like tat..tat time i bought some organic ones from the 5th flr paragon shop, then tasted like our tidbits lei..crunchy n v tasty until i keep checking to see if really for bbs! got tomato flavour, corn...yum yum..

kat - yes, the ones wif choco, organic n apple flavour one rite? mimi lovessssss them n can eat 4-5 sticks ago...but i told my mum everything in moderation. She pointed on the wrapper talling mi:" No added preservatives" but i told her doesn't mean " no preservatives"!!

Aprmum - haha...even the plain ones r salty ah?

ok seems like foto-U quite popular here...shall try! Tks for the discount tip..

Celynlee - i tink i noe who u referring to- the owner rite, called maryann something i tink...my colleague also go to her, but the pics also not bad...prob wait wen she having promo/walk-in. but does she advertise anywhere?


yeah nice. I tried everything my bb eat even the canned heinz puree, but i didn't like it so i understand why my son don't like it too..and i especially like the stars snacks.. so yummy comes in banana, apple, sweet potota flavours. can't remember the brand.

so which package do you choose from foto-u, just went to see the packages, don't have baby/toddler package, so i assume just normal package will do?

Kat - is tat Gerbers?

we dun liek it coz our taste buds accustomed to oily, salty, msg laden foods liao..but bb's taste buds stil "pure" tats y they like the yucky plain cereals too i guess...lolz...

FBI is called "First Born Incentive" a card issued by TMC and they have special dsicounts for quite a few merchant outlets...including delivery n admission charges.

Hi SG84,

I chose the 'regular studio portraits' package fr foto-u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

finally got time to take a breather but i m going home already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cannot catch up with today's post. will see if i can go home and read tonite after bbl zzz

thank you SG_SC, i don't have that card cause i gave birth in Mt Alvernia.

personally for purees i don't like both brands gerbers and heinz. My son don't like puree too. tried making pumpkim puree for him before and he don't want it too.. haha.

