(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Pat pat u with some cold Water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hehe this virtual world allows one to do things that are just not feasible in real life

Hi mommies,

Went to the toys r us warehouse sale at Kallang leisure park just now. Ehh.... mommies who intend to go tonight, don't bother lah, the toys leftover are either missing some parts or spolit. The staff told me morning was like a battlefield where parents grabbed toys like free and the q to pay was super-duper long!

Hi all,

Am new to this forum, saw your discussion yesterday on giving pasta to your child. Can share the recipes as am thinking of introducing it to my girl.

Thanks in advance


Dont worry about your gal's weight. My PD actually says 8kg for a 1 year old is consider average. The chart that we use to plot their developments are more to western babies who genetically are bigger in size thus weight heavier.

My boy also not big in size.. in fact small size also! Been getting comments from hub's relatives like "Didi why you so skinny" "didi your mother nv give u food ah?" "didi why you nv grow meat?". I get upset but I know I'm doing my best and both hub and I are not big size to begin with so technically my boy shouldn't be too big in size. Anyway MIL says my boy built is exactly the same as his papa! PD actually says a lean baby is better than overweight baby.. A joke from him: The baby wont have to bother so much about weight loss when he/she grows up! Hahhaa..

hi everyone

chips: nvm la, last day sure sad one. i left last time lousy job also sad. next week happy liao.

discipline: i tell her in stern voice and angry face cannot. and beat my hands. sometimes now she do things she know she cannot do, then peek at me. she realise i watching her she will make stern face, look me in the eye and beat her hand. but she will continue to do still.

hi mizz... pasta i used to boil in water 7-10 min til soft, then saute minced garlic, then chopped tomato, minced meat (chick, pork, etc) and veg. last throw in pasta. then i lazy, just put 1-1.5cm water in small pot, boil pasta, then put meat, veg etc in. either drain and feed like that or can even give the 'soup'. dunno what other recipe. supposed to put milk n cheese but my gal don't like.

oh hope i very fast happy in new work,

tomorrow morning slowly go work appreciate the scenery which i hav missed out over the months rushing to work everyday..


sorry to distub, any preloved bumbo seat with tray for sale?

prefer to pickup near sengkang.

pls PM me the condition, color, price.


Have you tried drinking the FM? I tried drinking different brands of FM including Friso 2 and felt that it is more watery and will get hungry faster. Since your boy is growing fast, milk sure won't satisfy his hunger. Add some oil (can use extra virgin olive oil) in the porridge so that it will taste better and be more filling.

My baby now doesn't want any cereal or baby food. Other food that we adult eat are ok. Headache.

Oregon, Dawn

My girl drinks 180ml every 3 hours when she is with me. But coz she drinks it to the last drop, when my MIL takes care of her during the day, she will give 210ml...sometimes finish sometimes dun.

I started slowly switching her from Enfapro to Gain IQ 3 recently and since then, her intake dropped. Maybe dun like the taste.

Reason for the switch in brand is coz the ppl from Similac called and offered free tin & they mentioned that Enfa is like full cream milk vs Similac is lower fat milk (Maybe that's how she got so big). Also that Similac got both prebiotics, probiotics and full group of brain nutrients (DHA, AA). Well they may be selling hard on their own brand but I get the impression that most moms buy Similac.

True or not ahh? What stage 3 brand of milk you guys use?

Hi Sarah,

My gal has been drinking Enfapro for the past few mths... introduced her with one feed to Enfagrow today... should b making the full switch within a week if everything is ok. I chose Enfa cos when compared, it has the highest AA & DHA levels... also, she got constipation when she was on Similac :p


Wish you a smooth transition to your new job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My breastfeeding woes have returned. The side that had a blister recently was much better until Tues when I felt a pain in the areola/nipple. Still bearable tues night. Just now it was very painful to latch. Don't remember having felt this much pain before (or have I forgotten the previous episodes?!) Now even the pigeon breast pad cannot come into contact with it as it will hurt. Leave it alone also will hurt on and off.

Syz: hugs! Me too. BbM bit me lightly the other day n I thought it was nothing but now it has become red n slightly swollen n painful. Thought to myself one year plus already I still got this. Feels like just started bf.

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sayang sayang go and se doc


Bbl likes to bite when latch loh, initially will get red n swollen n painful when latch. But now immune already seems like the skin thicken


Mine drinks gain iq, so far so good no comstipation or anything

morning mummies


i give all brand except s26. my girl is still taking mamil gold now but will switch to friso 3 once she finished the current tin cos my boy is taking friso 3 so they will share a tin. then whichever brand is the cheapest or on sale, i will just buy. no fix brand for me.


i ever got a sample of s26 for my boy. its super hard to dissolve. got to shake a long time and still see lumps loh. use very hot water also no use. so no s26 for me.


hee that day i gave my boy the pre bottled pedisure wah its super duper sweet loh but it taste really nice .. but bbl don't like it HENG ah LOL...


i also drank every brand of FM for C1 until settled onto Enfa.

TODAY is the day.... C2 will take his first feed of FM in the afternoon. hope no allergic reaction. i only have 12 more feeds of FBM in the freezer.... every day deplete 1 or 2 feeds fm the reserve.... sigh.....

ah well. pat myself on the back for persevering in this bf journey.

maddie, syz,

yep super duper sianz when it happens! like going back to the start all over again. pat pat. hope your boobs guai guai and recover fast!

LOL! bbmaddie is so funny to imitate mama maddie to stern face, look in the eye, beat hand!!! and still continue doing her own thing after that. hahahaaa.


C2 is very thin skinned. if i even raise my voice at him, he will scrunch up his face and complain/whine in the 'why are you angry and scolding me, mama? i din do anything' tone. then try again to do the forbidden thing. repeat cycle until he is bored and finds some other thing to play with.

at this age, i wont scold too much bcz they are still exploring. just distract w other toys or bring to the window to look at the scenery outside. usu works.

mummies have u ordered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just did, order the cake for myself for mother's day.


Happy early mother's day to all my mummy friends here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Give yourself a pat for doing a great job [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. *Group hug*

HAPPY to know all of you and THANK YOU for listening to my woes during the past 1 year ++ too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good job. i don't know how much more fbm is available at babysitter's place. i transfer all to her liao. so whatever balance is all for yu xi. she drink fm at home cos mummy lazy to warm up bm for her. so send all bm to babysitter to do the job. hahaha.....


yu ze also don't like pediasure leh. he is not a fussy milk drinker, as long got milk can liao. but i realise he don't like pediasure and soy milk cos i give him that for a period when he was down with diarrhea. i can't don't give him milk at all cos he is a milk baby, must drink milk one if not very grouchy. end up, i got to dilute his usual milk for him to drink.

so conclusion, yu xi will never to get to try these cos mummy won't buy liao. anyway, she is also not a fussy milk drinker. got milk can liao.


very good wor.. all milk drinkers... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wish one day bbl will also drink properly loh and won't need to be spoonfed.

i realised bbl likes cold stuff wonder if i make his milk cold he drink it? LOL just a thought.


Hi^5 on weight issues [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Guess I gotta accept that my bb is gonna be growing vertically for the time being

My hub n I are bigger sized ppl though hahahaahahah


haha my boy also not heavyweight de, no worries as long as he happy and healthy can le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

they, growing vertically is one thing, they are also super active now so weight gain will be super slow.

Haha ya bah.. Now with her recovering from illness her appetite also super bad Aiyoh.. The amount she eats I feel can barely sustain a grasshopper

But no choice just hVe to have faith that she knows the amount that she can eat for the time being


up to you bah. i do give them those cold milk (fresh milk) kind. these milk to them is drink for fun, not their actual milk.

yah. i'm glad both are not fussy with milk and loves milk. not sure if it has got to do with me drinking lots of milk during preggy. there are times where yu ze will still wake up in the middle of the night and ask for milk. 'faint'

syzygy6 (syzygy6)

thks thks hope new job shun shun


w/o milk 180ml with powder in more than 180ml. so my boy drinking w/o milk in 180 ml every feed.

last nite 8.30 - 180ml last feed cos he slpy liao den wake up hungry n hit me i tot how come wat he wan.. he use his bottle to ask me for milk again .. so 10pm i giv him another 150ml he finished all.

mid nite woke up I use a stern voice 'shhh' i wan to slp.. den he keep quiet. again he make noise, I told him 'go drink water' hhaa he very angry n throw his water bottle on my face.

aprmum (aprmum)

i nv taste i dun like to drink milk, onli during pregnancy bo bian i drink tins of milk to replenish nutrient n calcium for my bb.

extra virgin oil can put in porridge, recommended to have it daily ?


i saw it, thks


haha i also give him cold cow's milk plus soya milk from the fridge. only soya milk he drink, the cold cow's milk is like novelty, he took sips of it then don't want already. so my conclusion is it runs in their family. all don't drink milk and fussy babies.

chips... haha u ask ur boy go drink water?? no wonder he angry... haha u 2 so cute... he hungry bo bian ma.... he like this can't sleep well due to hunger thats why very pek cek, mayb thats why throw temper at u

sarahbaby: mine on nan pro 3... I have a friend let her baby drink similac from birth, but at 6mths switch to other brand, coz she says similac very fishy smell....

hhaaa ya go drink water, angry n throw bottle at me.

today i go buy friso cereal n add in his millk for last feed tonite n see how it goes..

a hungry bb is an angry bb

yes true, a hungry baby is a bad temper baby... some bite when hungry too... lucky urs not like this.. else everday u r in bruises... haha

u muz also plan the timing a bit for the last feed...

for my boy, i always make sure, last feed around 12midnight... else he would wake up in the middle of the night as for milk again...

so towards night time, i would try to drag his timing, so maybe around 8+ will let him drink and let him sleep... until 12midnight like this wake him up for last feed and all sleep liao...


gave him dinner he dun wan, alrdy tried a few times so in the end stil stick with 1 lunch.. his lunch so big portion yet near after an hr another 180ml


they are older now, must try to give 3 meals liao. in fact, they can actually join us for dinner. just lunch alone is not enough for him one lah. you must keep trying loh. make it into a routine for him. he can't be surviving on a lunch forever loh.


celyn..attend as in going to pay the last respects to yr uncle??? ...for me, i will as a mark of respect but i will not loiter ard too long myself ...just chope chope n go off BUT i will not allow my boi to go for the send off..depends on individual bah ....are u pantang abt such stuff mah??? ...some older folks will say better not go cos XXXX will happen etc etc if young children go etc etc ..but it really depends on you n yr dh though & of course yr Ils as well.

