(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

I think this year is a very bad year for me. Today cny eve, morning i had a quarrel with my mother-in-law over the reunion dinner.

This year, my mil arranged reunion dinner on 'chu san' so I arranged reunion dinner with my parents and siblings on eve and at the same time to celebrate with my bro's birthday.

My hubby forgot to inform her abt going over to my mum's place for reunion dinner, she started scolding me and hubby for not informing her. And she angry until threw away all the food (that are for ban zhu xian). And I shouted at her that everytimes, she makes arrangement with her precious daughter and son then she will just let us know. Never bother whether you are free or not. She said that ban zhu xian is the elder daughter-in-law's job and daughter-in-law cannot go back to mum's place for dinner.

I was so angry that I came out of the house with my younger gal and now at my mum's place. I had told my hubby that I am not able to stay with her anymore. She always finds fault on me.

When I shouted at her, she just sat on the dinner floor and cried pitifully.

So look like this cny I will stay at my mum's place.




dun think so much, if u sad ur bb wil feel it..

Be happy, its ur child 1st cny...

Old people are like that tend to chu pattern.. bo bian either 1 have to lun to have harmony.. so u be the gd 1 lun n ur hubby will know n appreciate it..


I have been lun her for almost 4 years and only this time I exploded and shouted back to her. I knew it was wrong but this time she even scolded my parents for not teaching me to respect elders. This made me very angry. And my hubby is not standing at my side. I really feel very disappointed. Really kan kai le.

Just now had reunion dinner at my mum's place with my brothers and parents and my younger gal. Really enjoyed myself. Too bad my elder gal was not here. Really missed her alot. This morning, out of anger, I just brought my younger gal along, not able to bring my elder gal along. I dun like to have reunion dinner with my hubby's family. My sister-in-law's family will crowd ard the steamboat and dun care abt others. Very rude rite? And they always ate the best and most. Every year like that.

So how is everyone reunion dinner? Must be very fun as our child is first time spent the cny.


Tis is really 'ren wu ke ren'. Even ur parents indirectly got 'scoldings'. If I'm u I will react the same n 'return' her some 'words'. alwys tough to stay together, y dun u move out, didn't u get a house with ur hubby.

Mummies & babies, a Happy happy new year to all of u! Ang pow big big, $ also big big!!

Syz - it's the new year Liao, I hope job opportunities come ur way so that u can decide better to move on or stay in the present company... I also feel like tendering all the time but I need the $ n hubby still studying partime. Being in a goby job, I suspect my own commercial value also low low... But it's ok, I try to look out loh.

Mumofamelia - sori to hear that u had an argument w ur mil yesterday. I recall for some reason u can't shift out rite? Honestly u need to try n engage ur hubby. He should be the bridge btw the both of u but if u think he is not doing that, I think u need to talk abt it. And rest assured, if I m u n my mil scold my parents, I will b angry too. Hug hug.. I hope u get to see ur elder daughter todae.

morning siew ping & all,

恭贺大家新的一年,身体健康,事事顺心,钱包满满,发大财。 HUAT 啊

I also waiting for Gd news for $ adjustment, sometimes must ask, no ask no hav, ask no harm..

Buy the angpao lottery win more $ n b sahm whhhaaaa

Chippy - haha, maybe i am the $3M winner! Okay, i check later. Gal and hubby still sleeping.. later gng to be busy liao.. bathe for gal, feed her lunch, then i myself must change into my CNY clothes (think no chance to wear contacts liao, cos i suck at putting on contacts) then tie hair and go to 2 grannies' hse to bai nian. after which 5pm need to b back at FIL hse to bai nian. Headache har, now only got 5 hrs to play around.. and both darlings still in dreamland...

Morning everyone. Happy chinese new year!

Mumofamelia: hugs!! U still at yr parents place. What did yr hb say? U can't camp there forever lei. Need to find some solution.

I will be at home today.. my boy 4 teeth coming out ( up and bottom ) both direction making him so uncomfortable, he not well these few days.. cant slp well cant keep still duno wat he want.

He is wearing his new clothes today staying at home hhaaa.. anyway all coming tomorrow, later I be baking brownies and muffins..

Syz!!! hey wat happened to u? long time no hear frm u n u came back feeling so down...tot u went abroad wif HB n bb liao. wat prompted u to resign on 1 feb? bosses? work stress, bb etc? u noe i hate to work too n everyday i work telling myself if the bosses dun find my perf satisfactory, then by all means come sack mi, im waitinbg.so i can officially be SAHM! but one day pass one day very fast one, so if u can tong, jus work lor for the extra $$..

Juye - we sama sama la, chinchai one. But if shoes worn b4 then keep v long no wear, usually cant last one. so tats y i make sure i rotate tat same 4 or 5 pairs of shoes then spoil will throw n use my stash's, tats y i can have so many BN shoes not used yet.

Maddie - haha, or even more lei, coz i counted 20+ r in boxes but the others r suar suar ones. My HB used to it n he dun mind clear out his section in the shoe cabinet so i can put mine in, since he only has like…3 pairs of shoes? 1 sports, 1 working, 1 sneakers. kekekekkeke

SP - need to pao3 tai2 ah? heheheh..tink our bbs gonna be very tired these couple of days entertaining pple too

Mumofamelia - hope by nw all animosity disappear oredi...cny, dun let tis dampen ur festive moods. SPend it happily wif ur husband n 2 kids! other non-impt "matters" jus sweep it under the carpet k.


That is our house. Mil does not have her own house. She has been staying with us since we got married.

I also hope that I can ask her to move out since she is not happy. My hubby said we are junior and we cannot talk back, shout or scream at senior. Yesterday what I did was totally wrong and he said if he talk to my mum like that, what will me and my mum feel? If my parents are in the wrong, we also scold them.

Then my hubby did try to explain to her why I arranged reunion dinner at my mum's place on eve as try not to crash with her reunion dinner but she just dun listen and only complained that we always do things without getting her permission.

And says that 'ban zhu xian' should be done by elder daughter-in-law etc etc. Keep complaining abt me until I very fed up and just brought my younger gal to my mum's place. I am not able to bring my elder gal, really miss her alot.

When talked abt the incident, I cannot contrrol my tears.

Until now, my hubby is not doing anything and I have a thought of divorce with him but worried that my gals will get affected.


I also wish that I can spend times with him and my 2 precious princesses but unfortunately. My mum and brothers went to visit relatives but me and my younger gal are in mum's place while elder gal with my hubby.

I think me and my hubby's relationship will turn sour as he is a 24 'xiao' son. He cannot accept anyone to talk back to his mum. I really cannot think of the bright side, just well prepared the worst to come(DIVORCE).

Next Monday, I will be starting a new job, really dunno will affect my mood or not.

siew ping,

My hubby just stays at home with my elder gal and doing nothing. Always like that. When I was pregnant with my younger gal, I told her how his mum treated me. He did not believe and one day, my mil threw tempered and saying that I gave her bad face. At that time, I could not stand too long as my abdomen very painful and I still have to cook porridge for my elder gal. Can anyone tell me if you are in pain, how to put on a smiling face? I told my hubby and he said that I was over-reacted or sensitive. So this problem just put aside.

I just endure until yesterday I exploded. I told my hubby that I really cannot tahan anymore. He just told me he knew but yet did not do anything. Such a useless man!!!!

mumofamelia (mumofamelia)

What is "ban zhu xian"?

dun divorce becos of mil problem.. this is not going to resolve everything.

Its a new year, be happy.. steady steady go n pai nian with ur mil n see ur gal . Ask ur hubby come n fetch u over..

others may find u xiao qi if u dun handle tis matter well..afterall poeple alwys think u as a dil shld giv in .. u stil lugi 1..

U starting new job, congrats things wil turn out better no worry ... new place new mood new luck..

dun think so negatively..

ur hubby is not useless cos he cant do anything wat u wan him to do, shout n scold his mother ? in the end 1 day he stil got to apologise and in future take things even more shun to her way.

Ur mil is like tat not the 1st day u knw her, so this shouldnt affect u, good u let out ur anger after bottling for so long.

So since alrdy fa xie pack up ur feelings and lead a great day ahead.


did u knw, we have been living with our family and so use to them and when need to stay with another " person " its not easy, really need time. although 4 yrs, its not long enough to build a relationship when only 1 party (U) trying to build it.

anyway she is old, as long she dote on ur children, dun bother wat she talk (infront or behind) abt u .. ur husband is seeking ur understanding n definitely do hope to see improvement.

mumofamelia (mumofamelia)

happy chinese new year and dun be angry/sad ok... every family got their problems...dun think of divorce... think of the kids...sori this is all i can do, cant help u much...

look forward to the new year and hope for better luck ok, cos the wheel of fortune turns, and the rest of the year will be better for u!


mkt is picking up.... so do keep a lookout for jobs out there. not always true that govt job will depress mkt value.

zhu ni xin nian bu bu gao sheng [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



i agree w chips that dil always lugi, so you must now act da fang, ask HB to fetch you and younger gal home to pai nian.

all the other things, later then say.

one thing i noticed when dealing w Mr C, his temper will always be bigger than mine. cannot say his family esp his mother. if i shout or scream, i end up looking like the siao char bo. i have learnt to turn on the tap of tears. use the sadness inside instead of anger. anger wont solve anything w men.

next time, dun lun until explode.

i teach you one chao kuan.

you must learn to be sarcastic.

like your SIL's family take the most and best food every year, then you say loudly, ..... (suddenly cellow mental block).... wah, SIL, your family must have skipped lunch today hor, everyone so hungry and eat so much and eat so fast some more.

(this is not the best i can do... but suddenly cannot think)

we women must learn to make ourselves happy. no one else is responsible for our happiness. i noticed that if i m unhappy, then my boys will pick it up and act out as well.

he ku ne?

so if someone, esp sm1 in the family, makes me unhappy, i will def suan them back.


I think your mil and husband have those old timer thinking. She still thinks that you have to have her permission to do things and your husband thinks that you can't talk back no matter what 愚孝。I think to talk back is ok but try not to scream or else people will say things. Time changed, nowadays young people do things their way. It's already good that you are willing to stay with mil. 相见好,同住难。

I think after pregnant and giving birth, our hormone is wreaking havoc. I feel that I don't love him anymore. I hate him for not helping to mop the floor when I was 3 mths pregnant until delivery. The one closest to me now is my bb. I am also alone with bb today.

Don't be despair you still have your gals with you. And new job, new beginning.

Thks for all the mummies to make the effort to 'listen' to my complaints.

Afterall, my pils dun love my children. Maybe is becuase they are not taken care by them. My mum really loves them a lot, always prepare their favourite food when my elder gal comes over to stay. She never complains when she has no time to go out shopping. I am really very thankful to her.

Anyway, my mil packs her things and moved to my brother-in-law's house but dunno will come back or not. But my fil still staying in my house. He is also not a kind person but he scares of my hubby.

I dunno how to be sarcastic. Anyway, in this house, only they can put on a unhappy face but I cannot if not, there will be a big storm coming soon. So sometimes feel very tired to handle them. I always look like i am an outsider.

They always like to talk secretly among their family. I really regret to let her stay with us. I felt that if dun let them stay with us, they will no place to stay as my brother-in-law's wife dun like them to stay with them but now different as she needs my mil to look after her baby.

'ban zhu xian' means pray to their ancestors.

Tomorrow I will be bringing my younger gal home to spend with her elder sister. That is my house also. If hubby gives me bad face, just ignore. Anyway, we sleep in different room. Can you imagine that married for 6 years and now nothing to talk to my hubby? Sometimes, we sit in the living room, he watches his tv program while I surf net, we dun talk. When quarrel, I always have to give in. They are all big bosses.


why your hubby is not with you?

Today is the cny.

Me too. I feel that I no longer love my hubby. It is just a responsibility for being a mother that make me stay there. I am very tired as need to look after my gals and works.

Before I found a new job, I works as a full-time tutor and needs to work from Monday to Sunday so basically everyday I am not at home. That house is just for me to rest. My mil always thought that I everyday at my mum's place and dun come home to do housework. My younger gal is at my mum's place so when finish tuition, I will go over to look at her. Mil always thought I very free.

Mil very 'xin teng' his own son. She always scares that his son overworks to pay all the house expenses and children expenses. She never knows that I am the one who pay for my gals' expenses (childcare fee, diapers, milk, medical etc). His son only pays car loans, housing expenses.

mumofamelia (mumofamelia)

'ban zhu xian' means pray to their ancestors. should be bai zhu xian bah .. not "ban"

pls dun ever leave ur own home due to quarrel or bui dong..it wil b 'ugly' to go back even though rightfully the hse is urs.. not happy go back room next day wake up everything fine.


yes agree got to say back if nv catch the hint hopeless if catch it they may feel embarass.

mumofamelia (mumofamelia)

its a good job as a tutor.. should continue. cos flexi hrs and $ quite good.

u really need to talk over with ur hubby, u can grumble here, we can read and understand u but in actual fact no way to help also.. best person to resolve is urself.. think wat u wan, but priority alwys end of the day A Happy Family.

A person tend to b selfish in most situation but being a mother u hav to sacrifice.

isnt it mummy alwys the most wonderful in the world..

when mother's day come u will know all ur efforts is well appreciated by ur children.. every mother will feel specially loved on this special day.


Good that tomorrow you can reunion with your elder gal. Must spend more time with her so she will be close to you. Let you mil know that you have worked hard to pay for the expenses to clear the misunderstanding. Why you always have to give in when quarrels and they are big bosses? Is it because they are more aggressive? Don't have to give in if you are not wrong. Now that your mil moved to your bil house, maybe there is chance to improve relationship with your husband. Tell your husband if staying together will sour your relationship with your mil, might as well let her stay with your bil and take care of their baby.

My husband went home to reunion with his mom, sis, and brothers. I prefer not to go as not convenient with bb. I enjoy the quiet time more.

hi mummies who give NAN HA

may i know if your bb's stool colour when u first intro the FM? My boy's stool changed to dark green after i gave him NAN HA. Is it normal? could not reach my PD coz he's out of town... can advise? thanks!

Happy CNY to all mommies and little ones!

May our little precious have a happy & healthy yr in this Rabbit yr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi aprmum,

Your hubby went back to have reunion dinner with his own family without you and your bb!

Your hubby and mil allow meh?

So envious you! If me, definitely cannot even my bb is infant. They dun care one. Even like house visiting or having dinner outside, I told them is bb nap time, they dun care. Mil will reply "Why bb must sleep so many times'. What she is talking abt?

They will not think of others 1. They only think of themselves. Mil likes to compare my kids with her daughter's kids. My sil's kids since bb, sleep less but mine sleep more so she will complain always must change plan becos of children. If bb did not get enough sleep, they will keep crying. More worse rite?


Yah, quite true. This is the first time I ran out of the house. At first I went back to my room but she keeps scolding my parents and scolded vulgar words and all very nasty words that I could not tahan it anymore. If I continued stay there, definitely will shout at her to keep her mouth shut. If really happen, she will behave like children, sit on the floor and cried like hell. Like that, I doubt my hubby can control the situation so might as well I left.

I talked to my hubby many times regardng me and his mother but he dared not ask his mother to stay at his brother's house as I told you initially my brother-in-law's wife dun want to stay with ils. But now, they need her to look after the bb, so she can stay there.

I sms-ed my hubby to check on my elder gal and he told me that yesterday and today, she did ask for 'mei mei' and mummy. Made me feel so sad to leave her there.

While keying, my tears cannot control anymore. Sometimes think back, why I have to lead such a miserable life.

Last few years, being a tutor really can earn alot but now, market not very good as mummies prefer to send their kids to enrichment school where they are specialised in certain subjects. After tutoring for 8 years, feel tired also so wanted to look for some full-time job to get some benefit like bonus etc.


Wonderland (mrsong)

shouldnt b a problem.

mumofamelia (mumofamelia)

dun cry on new year .. hold ur tears..

u did not left her there she stil hav daddy with her. dun say until u r at fault.. during such circumstances, u couldnt react well.. dun tel me u foresee n even tabao ur stuff ready to walk out meh,anyway be steady go n pai nian with her with a smile.


being sarcastic has the benefit of you putting on a happy face but saying the truth in a sarcastic way to let out your own pressure.

going out for dinner now!

wishing all mummies to be happy with your families. and to the little ones who are celebrating the 1st cny, guai guai grow up tall and strong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrsong, babies drinking nan ha, their poop poop is green color de, that is normal[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy Rabbit year to all mummies!!!       


happy new year to all.


hugs hugs. you can see your girl tomorrow liao. since your mil already move to your bil's place, why not you go home today. afterall, its your place loh. pil are staying with you and not the other way round.

being a dil is not easy, you are a 'wan bei' so must be 'da fang' about it and go 'bai nian' with them. especially its new year, i think they will also be more 'sui bian' when you go 'bai nian'. don't think they will show you face bah.

Good evening mummies, gong xi gong xi


A big big hug to u, sayang sayang dun cry on cny.


U too hugs hugs

Hope the new year bring good things to everyone

Happy CNY to all!

Ruru: Tongtong has nice designs yah? There is another shop in Centrepoint that sells nice modern cheongsam designs. You might want to check it out too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] By the way, Baby E attended her first Playnest class on CNY eve and she really enjoyed herself I think. I did as well although I must say it was a pretty intense class - I had to take a nap when I got back. Grin.

Syz: Glad you decided to check back in with us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Don't feel guilty about putting in the envelope. If you are really worried, how about taking some no pay leave to think about what you want to do?

Mumofamelia: Sorry to hear about the troubles at home and hope they pass soon. Maybe you can get a trusted mutual friend or family member to speak to your husband to try and get your point of view across?


Sometimes men are low in EQ and don't know how to express themselves. What matter most is whether he cares about you. My mil not in sg have to travel to bai nian. Every yr we sure go as my husband enjoys the get together not because have to. Now with baby, baby wellness is above everything else. Ya, sleepless baby will be cranky.


Just now my hubby told me that tomorrow we will be going down to my bil's house to apologize to my mil. His siblings also heard from my mil's side of story that I shouted at her. I told my hubby that if they give me cold shoulder, I will not give my hubby's face and I will try not to attend any function. My hubby said if they dun appreciate, let them be lor, at least we try to do something.

Morning. Am driving up kl today.

Mumofamelia: well, I would bai nian anyway cos she still my mil. If she is smart she will take that as an attempt to close the matter. Cos if she refuses then it's time for her to move out of my house. As for sibs in law, well that is too bad. Sounds like they are not too close to you anyway from the steamboat story. They are her children n she expect them to be on her side. If my hb wish to tell the other side of the story to them that is best. Just to clear up why u behaved that way. Dil are generally still outsider n always wrong. That is just too bad for us. We just have to learn how to survive in hostile environment if necessary. But if u are going to shout at me n badmouth my parents too, it better be a once off thing. I will not live with such a person.

Hi mummies,

Busy busy busy!!! Wish all mummies pretty n babies healthy n papas wealthy! (wow it rhymes!!! Hahaha!) in the new year! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So sorry to hear abt ur incident with ur mil, ya, she not right to drag ur parents in when scolding u nor say vulgaries (this one I totally won't tolerate, esp with children around), but u also can't raise ur voice at her lah. I know u cant take it anymore but we r all 晚辈 n no matter what, if we raise voice, will be wrong. Plus this will give ppl (& ur mil) reason to say u 不孝. So next time rem this n dun raise voice, wanna let off steam, can do it calmly n sarcastically (like what Cellow suggested) bcoz u can get ur pt across n same time, u look composed n not like a siao char bo.

If things alrdy so ugly, then bobian liao, just go bai nian, I won't let mil spoil my cny for me n my kids. Be generous n take 1st step to let go. If ur mil still bears a grudge n makes things difficult for u, just ignore n move on. Rem 公道自在人心. Pple got eyes to see one. If they see ur mil being unreasonable n difficult, they will also understand n know, even her own children will know. So dun worry abt them giving u a bad face when u go bai nian. After all they only heard from ur mil side of the story. If I were u, I will all the more go visiting n let them hear my side of the story if they ask abt it. If they dun ask, I also won't mention n will just let go. Being 大方 will always be best in every situation. Hope u can spend ur new year with ur hb n elder gal too.

morning mummies


yah. if they still choose to give you black face, just ignore. at least you did your part as a wan bei. don't let them have the chance to say you by not doing anything.

Good morning mummies..

Anybody knows when is our 1st year party? I haven't been following the posts since started worked so very lost.

Read post from past 2 days..


I was just wondering if you really did it. Actually you have a few options:

1. Move within the industry of your co. That gives you a change of environment that u need badly.

2. Move within ur industry...pick up new skill will give you a new motivation for work and up ur market value ;P

3. Move to related field that you said u were interested in. But I just heard that that field is rather saturated.

Think the no of yrs u stayed in your film is a good enough reason for you to move on. Just that if you want to ensure security, leave after finding a job is always the best.


u very funny lar, study formula milk's poo colour...similac also quite green ley

Super hungry...waiting for my macdonalds...


thanks thanks. the dark green stool really frightened me coz baby has been falling sick recently for almost a mth already.


hugs~ be steady. I know it is easier said that done. But just try your best. Be with your kids now is the most important thing to be done, so go home to see ur gal =)

Baby having phlemgh:

My boy has been having phlemgh and this makes him vomit on and off. Taking medicine but does not seem to clear the phlemgh. Any mummies have any ideas to help baby clear the phlemhg??

Hi all mummies, thks.

My hubby is not close to his siblings although he is the eldest in the family. They always take it for granted. Especially my sil's family. They are the kind of ppl who always take the best. I always believe that if you love that person, you will also love their partner. Like my sil's hubby, he did many bad things towards my sil and rude to my pils also but they still treated him very good. Her hubby did not work or 4 years and only my sil paid for the expenses. Me and my hubby always helped them, we never expect them to grateful to us but at least must have some respect rite? If they discuss over a dinner, kindly inform us 1 or 2 days in advancce but they are not. They just informed you few hours ago. If we dun go, my mil will give us face. She always side them. My hubby said that mil stays with us so she wanted to spend more time with the other 2. Unlike me, they always treat me so hostile.

My pil likes my bil more than my hubby as my bil always will buy food for them unlike my hubby. My hubby is a quiet type. He does not know how to please ppl even he never buys anything for my parents. I always help him to buy. My sil will always ask them out so they feel that they are more fulfil than my hubby.

Anyway, she is staying at my bil's place and I think is good for both of us. She is not happy with how I raise my kids and I dun happy with the phrases that she uses on my kids like 'stupid' etc. She always likes to compare my kids with her daughter's children, saying that my elder gal is slow-learner. I always tell myself that I will raise well my gal to show them that my gal is not stupid. Slow-learner doesnt mean stupid.

I dunno whether I can handle the situation well when going to my bil's house to bai nian. My mil is a good actress and she is good to act infront of my hubby. She is a 雙面

人 . Anyway, thks for all mummies' support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


anyway stil got to go so go with a happy heart for the sake of ur hubby & children.. dun think so much abt ur mil.. as i say she is like tat not the 1st time u n her in such situation.



Yeah, now market is good provided its already past year end so people are now trying to jump from current to new companies which will arrise more availabilty of jobs. I was sending my resume last Dec and the agents told me that Oct - Dec is not a good month to hunt for jobs due to most people preparing to get their bonus so they won't tender. True enough, right after the bonus period ard end of Dec, I receive a few calls from agent to go down for Interview and I made it! Got myself a new job on my 1st interview [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] There's another interview but the company was too late to come back.


Don't be so sad on CNY. Cheer up! I also have MIL issues but my MIL wont go to that extend of saying it directly infront of me. She will tell my hub and then ask my hub to tell me directly but occasionally my naive hub also clever for once will keep from me if he finds that his mum is sprouting nonsense.

I'm now in Tw and my boy seems to be a little constipated which I deem its from the weather and environment but MIL and SIL kept telling me its because we're not feeding him enough. When I ask for milk, MIL will comment I keep trying to stuff food to my son then what does she wants me to do??? I just ignore and close my ears. I told her indirectly that my boy is constipated could be due to weather and environment cause like me, I also a bit constipated :p

