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  1. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi Jovial, sorry to hear abt what u are going thru... but still will hope to hv gd news from u tomorrow... mt3-to be - i think it's fine to take HL if u dun feel ready to go back to work.. at the end of the day, it's our health and family that matters. but it's just that u hv to be prepared...
  2. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Shiseru - really sorry to hear abt this... please take care in hokkaido.. have a good trip, come back and bu urself and we try together okie? remember u are not alone Ling - glad there's somewhat a silver lining and u are clear to ttc again. hv a good rest
  3. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Jovial - finally i meet someone with the same gynae! I went to him cos of the gd reviews that i see online.. but sadly never got to experience labour in his famed hands...yup.. still trying for #1. Are u scheduled to see him again? he told me to go back in march but i also dunno for what.. just...
  4. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    pixie - nope, i'm not with Dr Teoh. with Dr Ho h.k at Mt A. Izzt convenient to share why u decided to go for the jabs? just keen to learn more abt other ways that could be helpful... Ling - u are scaring me leh.. my ovulation dates are usually on day 20-22... hv tot that this is normal since...
  5. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Macaroons... sorry abt ur loss... take some time out to recuperate.. agree tat it's emotionally straining to meet pple and pretend that all is fine when ur heart is torn into pieces... be kind to urself okie... pop by here if u need a listening ear or just to vent. vivi - i only take chicken...
  6. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    yes, yes.. Ling.. that's the spirit! Don't give up!! regarding supplements, i'm taking the blackmore's conceive well.. two huge tablets a day... yucks..... everyday very busy.. morning and nite take tcm, afternoon take vitamins.. sometimes even squeeze in chicken essence in between for gd...
  7. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Ling... hugz... hang in there okie? As long as gynae still optimistic, I think there's still hope... so yes.. i'll be holding out for a positive update from u next week.. vivi... how was ur EYS visit? yes.. 60plus a week is super ex... i asked my doctor last week and she said usually would...
  8. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    no prob vivi... eys's medicine comes in little packets of powder, so it's quite convenient.. just add hot water and drink.. dunno what's inside though... i tried asking once but they didn't really elaborate... just said it's to bu qi or bu whatever deficiencies i had that day... all the...
  9. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    vivi.... paragon is a specialist clinic whereas the ones we are seeing are like GPs... that's why cheaper lah.. but my doc has pictures of babies at her desk... never dared to ask her abt them but seems like thank-you notes from her patients.. so hopefully she can do something for me lah.. as...
  10. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi vivi, which EYS u going? Me visit the south bridge rd branch.. opposite chinatown.. the paragon one is too ex!!
  11. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hihi.. vivi... my tcm is with EYS too.. dunno abt other clinics but each consultation can come up to abt 60+ cos usually they'll prescribe 2 packets of medicine a day and u hv to take them daily for a wk before going back the next wk again... not sure if effective or not but i stopped going to...
  12. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    lynn... go and test!! vivi - me also same headache as u.. i also hv issues managing stress at work... even if on leave, i will be worried abt stuff left undone.. and i can't even complain abt stress at work cos a few lady bosses got preggy without problems though their load is probably...
  13. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    tks gals.. got my new thermometer last nite... cldn't find the cheap housebrand ones though... but ok lah.. 19 bucks for a thermometer is a small expense compared to what i've spent on my gynae and tcm vivi - monitoring the basal temperature is one way of monitoring ur cycle so u can better...
  14. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    heheh, ling.. u sound calmer and not so stressed already... good for u! anyone knows where to find the basal thermometer? i held mine in my mouth still and lie there like zombie leh... then it started beeping at 33degrees.. duh..think i'll get a replacement.. lazy to go change battery.. i...
  15. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi jtml... eat some tonics to bu ur body... start of a new cycle... got new hope again... sigh... me abit pensive now... one more wk b4 "results" are released.. ma chiam take exam like that... dunno whether pass or fail.. and my stupid thermometer is acting up... i measured 33 degrees this...
  16. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hahah, JTML, u very cute new yr clothes but left out the HPT... i also got one red top only... rather spend my money on more practical clothes tat i can wear to work! Ling - made in china also not bad lah... raw materials from sg, so quality control shld still be gd ;p vivi -...
  17. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hahah.. shiseru... somehow ur earlier post abt being in ur ovulation period during ur genting and japan trips stuck in my mind... heheh.. maybe i shld plan a trip to genting too.. vivi... if u r not ready to face it, then give urself some time ba... that's what the girls here advised when i...
  18. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    shiseru.. congrats!! so this is made-in-genting? ;p JTML - i'm still holding out for gd news from u tomorrow morning! vivi - cheer up... after m/c it feels like everyone around u is either pregnant or just gave birth... but must remind ourselves, our turn will come soon.... many real life...
  19. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi all... what an air of excitement in this thread! Great to hear that Shann Yheng and OP's babes are growing well... JTML, shiseru... looks like the signs are pretty positive for u eh... sigh.. quite envious of all u leh.. dunno when my turn will come... wasn't very hardworking this...
  20. P

    Support group - Miscarriages

    waah.. suddenly so many posts over the wkend. vivi - sorry to hv u join us.. take care okie.. if u find it really warm, i heard that it's ok to turn on the air-con.. dunno what's the logic but apparently air-con is fine, wind from the fan is not.. Ling - U actually bought a microscope to...
