Support group - Miscarriages

yeah angeline, My gynae also say whatyour gynae say, I had intercourse(protected) 2-3 weeks after the DnC but was a bit sore after that. Still ok one lah...

For the trying, like vivi says, advisable is 3 cycles lor, but some girls here have been conceiving < 3 cycles hahahha.

vivi, you in hotel line, must be quite exciting hor...I'm in IT line. Last time can program until 11pm 12 am.

Loinky,you must go lab and even use respirator..., what industry you in?

ppcc &amp; JTML: aiyo. I not trying yet la. so how can it be >.< unless accident again.... but i think most probably is hormones haywire cause was spotting mid cycle..
Angeline hope you are feeling better. I was hoping it was not you. I saw your worries before I last drop by the August thread.

Thanks JOvial for the explaination. Quite a lot of lingo for me to pick up hee hee.

JTML not exciting at all for my line. Full of stress and nonsense from all the clients. Nowadays customers are very demanding.

Opps you all dont scold me I had sex 1 week after the D&amp;C and not protected. I reckoned there wont be any accidents ba.

So how long must we have protected sex?

Angeline when are you seeing Dr Koh for the follow up? I am going next Monday. I did my D&amp;C the day before he went on leave....
jtml, i plan to go iui for this cycle. menses just came ystd. but i'm apprehensive cos my mum has been nagging about not having tiger girls. i'm not concerned about such stuff... but just don't want her to nag and nag at me. to me, it's a blessing as long as we have a healthy baby. tiger or rabbit, boy or girl ... don't matter to me.

vivi, my gynae told me wait for 2 cycles.
better to let your womb rest and heal. :D but for my case, i think i rested for too long! haha too lazy...
Tub I know lor to rest. Actually I was having the thoughts about tiger babies but later when I learn to accept it no more liao. I also now have this belief that should not because of boy or girl or whatever zodiac sign then dont want the child. As long as I have a sucessful pregnancy and baby is healthy everything also ok.

Just to share with you what I have read from the Wan Bao last night, was damn angry about it.

A couple in China was diagnosed to have 5 couplets and because of no $ they planned to abort them. So sad and irony of life here we are trying and trying and some couple because of no $ wants to get rid of them. If no $ then they should not have unprotected sex lor...
in poor countries, there are many who do not have much of sex education therefore, they may not realise the importance of baby planning.

Well, true enough, accidents always happen on couples that dun like kids, whereas for us, we tried and often ended up with empty hopes.
jtml, sigh... personally i'll be happy just to have a healthy, bubbly babt. not that we should or can choose this or that right? having a healthy baby is a blessing as it is... why should we be bogged down by such beliefs and superstition? i just don't want my mum to nag at me...
tub, then you may have to be like me, My mum nags at me for almost everything. She don't want me bath during my mini confinement after the miscarriage,. I still bath..etc etc. She say this and that....anyway my relationship with her is like that, very close and very explosive.

Yeah lor, I also dun like to be bog down by this kind of things but because I think they don't have the priviledge to have the education we have and the exposure...they will really believe the zodiac. So I will tell her if she furtehr nag me, you want Down symptom rabbit, etc etc or you want normal tiger? hahah because I am 32 years old and no kids...

vivi, hahha ya customers are very demanding nowadays. I sometimes very pei fu ppl in the service industry. Your REN gong must be there....
JTML and tub,
I feel that most impt is baby health. Gender, zodiac, are not up to us also. Just let mother nature take its course. Elderly are always concern about confinement. Both my mil and mum also liddat after my m/c. Well just look at a better side, it's gd for our well being afterall.
Hi ling, op and shann
Congrat to u gals... Has been a silent reader to this thread.. So had been silently wishes for u gals to hv a safe and happy pregnancy for the next nine mths..;) jiayou gals, hope i can join u soon.. Now is waiting for my o day.. Pls spread ur bb dust on me too.. Envious u gals..;)

hi vivi, tub , loinky and angelina (hope i didnt miss anyone out)
hugz hugz.. Take gd care of ur body now for our future pregnancy.. I had my mc on sept too so jus after my 3rd af and already full gear for ttc. Same like u gals, i cant wait to try too after mc but my tcm want me to tiao my body first so i listen as this is my 2nd mc within a yr in 2009. Very scared now so suspect is really due to my weak body.. So i can understand how the gals who conceive now can feel in a very stress mode.. But stress doesnt help too as my 2nd bfp, i also very stress and still end up mc..;( anyway, 3mths had zoom by so fast.. Hence u gals will be able to try very soon. In the mean time, rest well, eat well, bath using herbal.. Jiayou k..;) Take care..
JTML, I am in chemical industry..

vivi, i guess its better to wait for at least 3 cycles.. i also had unprotected sex after d&amp;c.. then i hav blighted pregnancy.. guess body not yet fully recover..

joanne, all the best to u!

Think all mum the same lah.. just want for our own good. I also not going to be bother tiger or whatever. I just want a healthy baby and that is all. Even better that fewer births this years means my kid wont have to squeeze with everyone for a school next time.

loinky, Hope everything is clear after the bleed out. At least it is over now although the pain in the heart would need healing. *hugz*

Jo, Jia you okay.. no pressure.. =)
Dear girls,

Jiayou, i'm also quite panicky towards my next pregnancy. Keep finger crossed that next bb be healthy. That's all i asked for. Meanwhile, we really need to build up our body, possible take a break. I'm giving up my current job to take a break and meantime to change to a better job environment.

Jo, yes i'm also going for TCM treatment next week. Sinseh say they can treat our body well being to have a gd next pregnancy.
Opps Loinky after seeing this scare die me. Ok I will be good not to do anything silly till the 3 months is up. I didnt know blighted pregnancy will occur if like this. I was thinking wont be so lucky ba...

Joanne baby dust to you and hope to hear good news soon from you.

JTML, Tub and Angeline
at least you have mother to nag at you. I want also dont have le because my mum passed away so at times I also dont know how to take care of myself except to ask you all for advice.

JTML ya stressful industry that is why no good if want to ttc

Talking about MIL, I was very annoyed at her so I snapped at her 1 day. After 1 week of MC, my hubby's cousin just had a new born and he posted pics in facebook. My MIL asked me if I saw the pics and dont she know this is a sensitive question to ask now. What is she trying to say? Giving me pressure? So in the end I was on the phone with her and gave her a loud NO, I did not see it. Was so angry at her !!!!! What the heck !!!!!

Yesterday just took the first bottle of Bai Feng Wan. What a painful experience because so many mini pills inside.....

Today I am going for my follow up check up.

Chill. Just remember, it can be quite a sensitive period as of now, but try to calm down. I too am pretty sensitive to everything now and can cry over a tiny bit of thing, which i also dunno y?

Bai Feng Wan is good. Well for the sake of ttc, i guess all mtbs will reach out every ways to conceive healthily. If you need any help on anything (confinement stuffs or etc), you can tell me, I can try to help you on that.

Just called to change appt I am going to dr koh next wed night. Mon seems fully booked.
vivi you are also 1 chili padi hahaha...

sorry abt your mum ler, yeah ling and vivi, i better appreciate the nagging more. hehehhe, just sometimes it is difficult.

joanne, ling time no see, hahah, hope you succeed soon lor!

my period has ended. started tuesday ended friday... getting less and less...good in the sense less hassle but she has changed.
I know lor I am ok now... But it is just that I feel like she is hinting me lor.... Before marriage she has been asking when will we have kids and she dont even mind shotgun that kind la... Cannot stand it!!!! She even told me on the day when I did my D&amp;C that next time my child put to her care in Malaysia till baby knows how to walk. (FYI- hubby is a Malaysian)

No way lor... I told my hubby that if she insist I will jump down with the baby hee hee

Angeline which TCM you going to? I was hestiating whether to go or not....

Yeah I dont mind eat Bai Feng Wan everyday if I can have a healthy baby lor. Of all the things we do for a healthy baby now I then realize that being a mother is so challenging and that is why they say mother's love is the greatest
mil is liddat de. Before i even married to hubby, she is also hinting about bb. Then started everybody from my hubby's family also pressured me on that. There is 1 occasion I almost cannot tahan that i almost wanna jump out of the car. My mil brought me to fortune teller before i know about my m/c, so fortune teller tell me i will have xue guang zhi zai. So following week i found out that bb is dead and went for d&amp;c. after the whole thing, she did confinement for me and brought me back to the fortune teller again, even ask what can we do to have a boy?! In my heart i am pondering, with such things happen, gender still matters?! shouldnt be the bb's health is more impt? I even told my hubby, i have phobia in having a 2nd 1, i am tired. Emotionally and physically only we knows what happens and how we really feel about it.

Ya true now, i realise being a mum is not easy, used to think, 1st priority is to get preg, But never expect preg journey can be so tough.

My mum is bringing me her TCM sinseh in toa payoh also i haben been there. Maybe i try a few sessions and if it's good then i recommend u go.
Dont care about what your MIL thinks....

I was even planning to check out Eu Yan Sang. Charges in the website about less than $20. You let me know where is yours so I can go and check it out since in Toa Payoh wor....

Not going to Chung Hwa because too many people liao...
Ok i'm going this sat. When i gt the address then I msg u in fb

I only know of Thong Chai, My friend managed to conceive healthily through one of the famous sinseh say celebrities also went to see her. If u wan i can pass u the contact.
hmmm angeline, I can see the pressure. MIL - better manage their expectations.
old ppl:
Some of older generation still lives in their old world and their only window to outside is only through us. The only ppl they really interact is ppl in the market place where other likewise ppl are. that why they are so easily conned. so I try to give them new ideas.

Can you refuse to go to the fortune teller.. Creepy isnt it esp when they are so right on. I shudder to think about such divinity not because I dont believe them is just that it makes you all the more jittery when they are more or less accurate.

I rememeber before my 1st pregnancy I went to this tarot card reader with my friends for the fun of it because they were so into in. When it was my turn nothing to ask so she just do some general reading. And as it turns out she ask me if I have 2 kids now or no kids. I said no she said by next year she saw I have 2 kids. I was like how can it be because it was March or May and just go ya maybe hor and laugh it off.. Who knows in June got preggers. Than in August realize having twins.. I rethink what happen during the reading I couldnt help but feel goosebumps all over. When I eventually lost the twins I was wondering if she have forseen it at all. Till now I refuse to go back even to accoy my friends because I just dont want any reading. Just a little too scary for my liking.

Vi about MIL forget it.. Yesterday even before CNY we have a lunch thingy to celebrate the gramps birthday. Ask when having a kid. Just go nod nod nod and smile.. cannot even bothered to say anything.

Jtml, the way we talk about our AF really like empress dowager like that! Talk their own sweet time and have their unique characteristic. LOL!
my mil overall she is ok. I just cant stand her views in life sometimes.

Yes, my mil is typical market aunty, i just dun like, they can always say gender is not an issue, time is not issue, but at the end of the day, to them all these are major issues! I must have a boy, erm the auntie daughter just give birth to a boy leh! aiya, u must faster have a kid, if not ah ma die liao nobody look after for u...

I'm paranoid when she starts the above.

And finally, i was preg last nov. And i tot after I m/c they can be more realistic to realise it's not so easy as they think. Their mentality, problem not with my son hor, it's with u. U have weak body, u didn;t take care blah blah blah.. these are nonsense..
Ya i am also having creeps and can agar agar when the fortune teller told me bout it, but i did went for it liao. But seriously, i wouldn't try again next preg, initially i'm just curious...

JMTL and ling,
Did ur AF went hay wire after the m/c?

We didnt tell my in laws when I preg or mc because the son said not to. All the better because I really didnt need their constant reminder about it. I guess the son know his parents better and all the best he knows what I have to go through should they be aware.

I have more of a challenge with my dowager. Went MIA for a good 12 weeks. I thought once after mc to make my health better I start going TCM. Dont know if it is the stress but my AF went missing on me still. About 2.5 months after DC I sorta lazy stop going to TCM because of duty travels. who knows my BBT starts to rise and O seems to start. Think is stress that dowager went disappearing. Just for the heck of it once I hit 12 weeks I went to gynae and check just to be sure and sure enough gynae say going to start flow within next couple of days. You cannot imagine my joy when it finally came. Like everything is normal again, God finally allowed me to move on..

Dont worry so much so far I think I am the only weirdo in this thread where AF went missing for so long. Just go on with regular life. Stress brings us nowhere.
I think it's normal after D/C, AF can be messed up. I was warned about that by my mum cos she had 3 m/c before.

But then, just relax lah, i understand when AF went missing my record was 8 weeks. Have no choice but to induce the menses by taking pills. It's a kinda relieve when u see it again.

Be strong, I believe u be blessed with healthy kids next round!
I think mine's gone haywire. almost 50days and AF still not here.

should i go to TCM? or wait for it to come on its own?

I think most common pills they will prescribe for ladies after D and C is the Duphaston. Haywire is 1 thing but if after 12 weeks never come MUST go gynae to check if uterus is scarred or otherwise. It is rare but possible to have a asherman's syndrome. So 12 weeks is the max you can wait out.

Lynn, You got test HPT or not? I dont know if you should go TCM. I went to Pauline and she didnt manage to coax my period to come.. how about visiting your gynae to check what is wrong?
Lynn your one very long liao... go gynae check better right? unless your TCM solve your no period problem before?

angeline: my one is quite regular before miscarraige. It was always 28, 29 days.
After that D&amp;C I had 2 regular cycles then now is 2 34-37 days cycles.
Ling &amp; JTML,'
I'm now waiting for a follow up check next wed after D&amp;C last mon.

So far it seems bleeding has stopped. However still pretty worried it will spot anytime again.

My menses was ok for 2 months after i stopped clomid treatment and got preg after that. Not going to take clomid again as the side effects for me really bad. So now, i guess i have to be good to wait for AF to regulate before trying for next bb.

Even if it spots dont worry. It is normally to anyway because your HCG is still trying to lower and hormones may still be a little out. Once it stabilized spotting will stop for sure.

Follow up check up is basic.. they will just see if everything is clear which normally should be =)
My MIL is obsessed when she can have grand children super anxious. She dont dare to tell me but always ask her son.... I also get this feeling that she blames me for not taking care.

Ling you are not only one who is obsessed over when AF comes. Me too la. Just anticipating AF to come, ha ha very funny right? Last time when we young we used to dread it coming now it seems like so happy to see AF arriving.

I have some little on and off cramps wondering if it is coming soon.

Angeline how come clomid has side effects?
Vivi clomid has pretty bad side effects for me. I have checked them online also. especially cramps prior ovulation, it's horrible for me. I also have blurred vision therefore i stopped it even dr koh asked me to continue.
Hi gals
thanks for ur wishes and not forgetting me..;) touch touch.. Hope all of us here will hv a healthy bb to carry home very soon..;)

hi Angelina
my cycle is as ususl except for first two cycles, got very heavy af and it last for 10 days instead the normal 7 days... I was still very worried then but 3rd cycle is almost back to normal.. Thats why my tcm say need tiao for at least 3 mths then can ttc.. Glad it is back to normal.. Dun worry too much k.. before u know it, ur 3 cycle will be over le..;)

hi Lynn
maybe u test hpt, like wht ling say, u nay gotten bfp without notice..;) else is better u see ur gynea soon.. Relax k.. All will be allright.. Maybe u r jus too stress..
JTML: yours come already?

Ling &amp; Joanne: i tested HPT its negative. and i don't have the symptoms that makes me suspect preggers.

when on TCM, AF was regular though as in predicted this date will come, it will definitely come on that day.

I have a gynae appointment for feb 10th made like almost 6 months ago, but my gynae says if nothing i can cancel the appointment and go in june'2010 instead to do pap smear etc.

so now i'm in like a dilemma.
Hi Lynn,

Go c ur gynae. It will put ur mind @ ease. If not pregnant, at least he can advise if u r ok. No harm.

Understand e feeling to wait for af. Hugz.

If you feel TCM works for you do go ahead but I would recommend to use western medicine with TCM to get better effect.

Hope everything turns out okay for you.

hi ladies, finally started on my clomid and probably going for SO-IUI with my gynae soon. just told my mum and she wasn't too happy but oh well, as if definitely going to get pregnant like that. haha. we see how it goes la...

girls, must jia you ok? i actually took 3 long years to conceive my number one (via SO-IUI also). during that 3 years, i cried, stressed, gave up, was so angry and upset whenever i saw a pregnant woman... or worse... when I heard that some friends got preggy etc etc etc... so i know how u gals feel. but don't give up... there's always hope as long as we seek help and be positive about things.
Went for my follow up last night. Everything was clear and gynae predicted that my first AF will come before chinese new year. Hope that is true and he said that by March, I can start to try liao. I told him I have some cramy feeling recently and he mentioned that this is due to ovluation.

Tub now your mother is not happy but when she sees you pregnant and eventually have a baby I think she will forget about it. At least you have number 1, I still have nothing yet....

Wow Angeline Clomid that bad? Maybe stopped eating it and see if TCM works?

Wow Lynn I never realize TCM is so effective. Can predict AF...

Yesterday I went to check out on Eu Yan Sang TCM clinic and the charges is $18+ for first consultation and then medicine is $7 per day... Considered ex?
Morning girls!

Liddat i also must wait until March liao :S
Ya. I dun like the effects of clomid on me. Somemore last preg was conceived without clomid. So i think i will just continue monitoring with ovulation kits unless dr koh recommend me to go IUI. Suppose he asked me to go for IUI 1, then i just got preg before going for it, still even joke with hubby that bb say we can save $$.
hihi.. vivi... my tcm is with EYS too.. dunno abt other clinics but each consultation can come up to abt 60+ cos usually they'll prescribe 2 packets of medicine a day and u hv to take them daily for a wk before going back the next wk again... not sure if effective or not but i stopped going to her for the last 1.5 mths and this af was terrible.. feeling faint and crampy for days... so maybe will guai guai see her for this mth and see if situation improves..

Yes yes because for me first cycyle of AF is in February and the next one in March then can wait till March to ttc. But I think if you take the advice of TCM they sometimes will ask you to wait till maybe half a year before trying ba.. But for me I will try from March onwards then see how lor, wont confirm strike I guess

Do you think the charges for Eu Yan Sang ex? I dont know what is the market price for it wor...
PPCC so ex? Which outlet did you go? I know there is one at Paragon which is a specialist kind. First consultation is at least $50 without medicine.

I thought first consultation is about $18, medicine is ex I suppose? Faintz....

I think my hubby will freak out lor....
oic. But i haben see TCM yet so dunno loh, charges for TCM i think should be ok bah. Normally what i know the charges is normally 20+ - 30. I go this sat and compare and let you know.

ask u hor if u dun mind, do u faced problems getting back normal sex life with hubby after D&amp;C? :S

No la no shy we are here to give each other support ma.

First time yes because I think I have this fear of painful sex and then the second time also a bit of fear.

I thought I was not being normal hee hee. What about you? Same like me?
