Support group - Miscarriages

Now keep staring at my the line... One line only lo....
Ling you know how make dog eat medicine? I use to break into pieces and put in the meat ha ha ha. Suggestion for husband : ground into powder and put into food. I tempted to do now. He lor eat whey protein to build muscules is no problem. Eat GNC mega men is like eat poison.... Sianz la! Your urine yellow may be the vitamins ler. If not too dark should be ok la....

Ling please no more 1 am posts haha dun lift heavy things. And also dun go hungry.... Good night huh.... Eh vivi avoid housework lor at the very least those need you to move and scrub and lift heavy stuff one. Actually the confinement is to protect the body and let womb heal so when old there will be no old ppl diseases like constant backaches .... They say D&c. And miscarriages is like give birth if not worse...
Jtml, don xian. If af haven report. Test again a few days later. Maybe a bit early.
Jovial hee hee you spoken the hopelessly optimestic me ... Sianz... Shann yeah will try again nest month lo ... My husband also sad look ha ha.... Now is shiseru Liao... Hee hee good luck ! Wei u must rest shann dun overtime surfing hor.
Mummies, I think I...


What am i supposed to do next? Should I stop temping? My temp dropped this morning, I am worried...
JTML, I told you to test with morning urine why you test with night urine... I didnt get a positive until 3-4 days after my AF still never come and it was barely visible. Than I test with first morning urine than can see. After that intital stick BFP now I test turn dark immediately ald. Go try lah. if you no HPT let me know I sent to you.. I stock up a big pack after the mc.

For my dog, break into piece and put in meat also no use. That little imp knows loh!! I have to use the ultimate .. wrap the medicine with his favourite durian. think to lead the mule to drink water we have to spike their food whahahahahhaha. My hubby also used to take those protein shake daily to build mass BUT take 1 stupid pill is worse than my dog.

I agree abt facebook shann! Just add each others as friends lah! easier right?
I got no choice la but to work because works is piling up and if I still stay at home, I will anyhow think which I think is even more unhealthy.

I hope menses will come next month hopefully. I think no more spotting at least....

JTML dont worry can try again next month maybe fated to have a rabbit baby

JTML which chicken essence you taking I think this is a more easier and faster way to bu hor....

DOM I dont dare to drink because I never drank before and scare got 1 smell that I dont like thus waste the whole bottle.

Like so many things to eat and drink hor.... folic acid la, chicken soup and all those essence....

Miffy hope you are feeling better now. I think I previously saw your nick in the Auguist 2010 thread right?

Even blind can see loh!!!!! Congratulations!!! anyway even if BBT drop a little is no problem.. as long as it dont falls below too much cover line.

About BBT... For my first pregnancy I stop charting after 18 days of high BBT. When I eventually miscarried the twins at 9- 10 weeks, my temp sort of dropped and my hubby did mentioned to me. I only realized the twins were gone on my 12th weeks visit scan. Hence all the drop in BBT make sense. I am currently still tracking my BBT because if anything is not viable I would at least know in a couple of days rather than like my previous experience only aware only couple of weeks later.

However I am aware it will create unnecessary stress so if it is causing you stress dont do it. For me I am ald mechanical on the BBT taking and it doesnt give me stress even if BBT fallen. I used it as a mode to monitor my thyroid situation as well so up to you should you decided to drop BBT taking.
Wow I didnt know that you all religiously take temperature .... I only know when I know I am pregnant I feel hot then later I dont feel hot anymore when my baby's heartbeat stopped.
Yeng, you must jiayou too. It is not gonna be easy for us becoz of what happened in our previous pregnancy. I was in a daze when I read the result on the HPT this morning, I sat on my bed for some time, was it joy or fear, I wasn't quite sure too.

Pray hard that this time everything is gonna be A-ok and leave the rest in God's hand.

Congrats!!! The first thing I login to my office laptop this morning is to check for your posting! So happy for you!!!!!!


Ya lor! Like Ling say, why you go and test with night urine!?!?! Pee before you go to bed tonight then don't wake up to pee in the middle of the night and conserve the pee to test the following morning.

Take your time. Overcome your fear and try when you are open and ready.


Good to hear that you are no more worried about stupid stuff.
Yes, channel that energy into your work so that you can get big fat promo or big fat increment/bonus.

It was prehaps just timely that I am having a load of assignment in the office. Really takes my mind off a lot of things. Bad is got to work late...=(


Me also no symptons at all.. I am only burping. These couple of days starts to feel hungry suddenly and seems like have to start eating on time otherwise I get all these burps that cannot come up after the meal and make me feel pukish. I should be at my 6 weeks and only just to feel slightly preggers. I think I was still complaining on Monday no indication like pregnant at all.

See lah.. you become paranoidal like me ald =S
wow shiseru,
tat's good news..! congratzzz!!

after i tested positive with clearblue compact, i went to get another diff type of kit clearblue digital to test. both positive to dbl cfm haha..then i proceed to the gynae liao!! thou i know can't see much then, i still go ahead, reason being i can't believe i'm preggie (haha .....) n oso to see wat's been formed at the point of time.. very excited n gan cheong u see!
when u visiting ur gynae? ;) happy for u!!! :D some preggie frens also do not have symptoms so don worry about that.... cheers! :D

vivi... much better liao..thks!!
yeah i was there.... hehe....but after my mc, gotta move fwd, so dropped out it liao hiakhiak ;) light awaits for us at the end of the tunnel... hehe.e...

JTML... try again tom...!!
wishin u lotsa of baby dust... hehee.....
Glad that you are ok Miffy me too dropped out from that thread already.... cant bear to take a look at the thread in case it makes me sad again.
wahahhaha Congrates Shiseru~~ So excited for u!!

Diligently take folic acid ok? And make an appointment with Gynae as might need to take Duphaston due to our history.

Well done to you and your hubby hiak haik hiak..

My fb acc is [email protected]
shiseru.. congrats!! so this is made-in-genting? ;p

JTML - i'm still holding out for gd news from u tomorrow morning!

vivi - cheer up... after m/c it feels like everyone around u is either pregnant or just gave birth... but must remind ourselves, our turn will come soon.... many real life examples in this thread right??

aiya.. i dun hv fb account.. u all must come here and keep me company even after u all migrated there ah..
ppcc I will be here to keep you accompany maybe who knows when you preggie and give birth already, you will be busy liao....

I try to control my feeling but I cant.... I think I better try to avoid her for a while. I know this is very bad of me but just cannot face it la
ppcc, now that you mentioned... I GUESS SO! O_O

Vivi, I had a colleague's wife EDD almost same as me given birth, and I cried the day she gave birth. I think it is natural to feel sad. Just cry and grieve but let's get over it soon.

Yup, I'll jia you ^^ Seeing so many ladies here conceived after MC kind of boost up my hope. Will work hard on our Bali & Tokyo trip

Remember to take good care of yourself ... Pray that you'll have a wonderful pregnancy so don't worry too much ok?!
hahah.. shiseru... somehow ur earlier post abt being in ur ovulation period during ur genting and japan trips stuck in my mind... heheh.. maybe i shld plan a trip to genting too..

vivi... if u r not ready to face it, then give urself some time ba... that's what the girls here advised when i found out that one of my best friends was preggy and EDD three wks after me.. i'm ashamed to say this but i hvn't met her since i heard abt it back in nov. i feel super bad also but can't make myself ask abt her baby as a best friend shld... and i've been trying skirting the issue of meeting up cos i dunno how i'll react when i see her heavily pregnant... sigh.. dunno how also, when she finally gives birth... my hubby keep scolding me abt this.. but guess i'm too weak..
I thought I can easily forget but it seems not so easily. Never have I thought the impact of MC will be this big....

But I guess when I have a baby in my hands the next time, I will learn to treasure the baby because I know it is a god's gift.
Yeng, There are many raves about preseed, it is a Sperm Friendly Lubricant. It helps if you are "dry" during intercourse and I would like to believe it helps the little spermie reaching their destination for conception (i started using last month). Though i dun have problems with "dryness"

ppcc, maybe the trip did help... but... I remembered I was in the casino all day :D

I tell ya, when such things (M/C and stillbirth) happened, you feel like the whole world is pregnant except you!
Shiseru, Thanks! I just found the websites about it and will give it a try *anything that helps I'll try* I do not have problem with dryness as well.

An honest confession here ... I'm starting to get a bit stress since few ladies here are pregnant. Gosh ... scared kena left out leh

But on the other hand, you gals are the stories of ladies who show true courage and never give up spirit
I will persevere so do continue to encourage us!
Yeng, we just have to look forward, only then we will see miracles, we gained nothing by looking back, we will only be clouded with sadness.

Remember our dear son and daughter will always be with us - in our heart.

Come join us for the next coming gathering if you can, it will be a good chit chat session, there will be no sorrow moments, only plans and strategy of moving forward in TTC. Haha

Preseed is available in guardian stores or watson, cost around $30+ for 6 small tubes.

A trip sounds good.. My current pregnancy is sad to say make in china!!! So unglam! Tsk tsk... and frankly didnt anticipate at all because not only I was sick we were so tired from all the travelling that we only BD once during the fertile period. Even my hubby cannot believe it until I show him the very dark BFP strip. All the lighter BFP he told me might not be.. Duh..

Yeng, Wont lah.. only a matter of time before you preggers once you start trying. I think intitally we were all although saying very keen to make baby but still have some reservations because it was afterall a few months from doing D and C.

Vivi, I find avoidance is perfectly normal. I couldnt even bear to go to the gynae because I totally abhor seeing heavily preggers women. Even till now the distain is unbelieveable. Some people who have never been through what we have went through would think we are self absorbed and selfish and reek of jealousy. However can anyone blame us? Who are they to judge? We are not being lousy but we are trying to get on with life. We just need a little room for us to wallow in self pity. I rememeber reading this post from a lady who said she have been TTCing for 2 years or something saying some of the girls who mc shouldnt feel jealous or uncomfortable in front of preggers ladies. Reason being it was bad karma. I wish to tell her that I would have much rather just cannot get pregnant after trying for 10 years and also have no wish to get pregant only to loss it eventually. Other would think we have at most lost a couple of cells that wasnt even formed as a human being so why the big hoo ha. For God sake we have not even hear, touch or see the baby physically. It was just a scan picture of something we lost why so upset.

To each his or her own. We know it is hard and something like child bearing so simple for some are like rocket science to us. Cry if we want, feel glad if we want. We just cannot control it and most important as we near healing we accept what have happened and move on. We are all here together and no one is alone!
Thanks pixie. It's still early at this stage but sending babydust your way~

OMG LOL "made in china", so funny Ling! >D

Have you told your family and friends about your BFP?

I only told my mum and my hubby, and the online mummies (i'm too popular to be missed, everyone login this morning waiting to hear results of my HPT!) O_O
wah shiseru congrats !! I so happy for you... You know I remeber I tear when you posted posted your story...although I tear at everyone's plainly because the sorrow of a pregnancy was raw. But i really sso happy you can be smiling again!!

Jovial: soon soon...

eh, don't force yourself to visit old friends who are successful. I could visit 1 friends (they miscarried but succeeded later) but there was one I did not tell about my miscarraige and did not visit although she pregnant. ...ehhehehhe, she strike immediate after wedding and now is many month pregnant. hiaz... I felt bad but I could not bring myself to meet her anymore. First was so quickly strike another was I could not lo moreever waws good friend...
Ling: aiyo I think I shoot bird, I did not read the part you tell me use early morning... only after the test then I thought oh dear...anyway, I wait a few days again. I still no have my period...
Yeng , don't feel too pressure la, but it is good pressure hor....or you feel the urge to want to try hehehheheh. You know after a fall, the feeling to want to try is very admirable. I don't know why ...when I cry at doctor office is not at the loss at teh sentence of my gynae..."you can try again, don't worry" he was very kind but I was feeling that I wanted my this baby I did not want to try for another...

vivi: hahah I got Brands, and New Moon, Some my colleagues give, some my friends gave.
ppcc: hehehh I cannot wait to test tomorrow but my HPt test all run out. I went to buy new year clothes mah, then I forget to buy HPTs. My folic acid run out also, also forget to buy today.

hiaz i vey blur lor...I tell you my waiting from last 2 weeks was very agonsiaing just like last months one. I keep counting and re counting everyday. then keep thinking "will strike? will not strike?" very cham ler...only today after the negative test last night...I don't care go and buy new year clothes...
hehh vivi I talked to my that friend and congrats her lah, but my that friend did not force me to go out with her, I think she understands lah even I don't know she knows or not...all mothers when expecting a child have fears and they understand when the fears have indeed materalised on somebody ...I believe they understand... I di dnot really get it but I really don't talk to it to my other friend who had a miscarriage, I just talk normal things with her lo...until I also kenna...then suddenly a lot of things to talk about. She was so kan Chiong when her second preganncy reached the stage when she had lost the first one...taht time she really had anxiety... I cannot phantom how to pass those times....

I guess I should not be too hard on myself ba.... try to control but could not....

I just have the feeling that everyone seems to be so easily pregnant and successful except me.

I think new year is the worst time because all your relatives will be asking when is your turn and stuff like that. That is why I hate chinese new year all this while.
