Support group - Miscarriages

Vivi: i agree. i hate CNY too.

go oversea lor, that is the best. Nowadays I don't really care how the elders say. their life ws very different, very much different than mine.
cannot lor just have to smile and act blur....

ha ha

by the way anyone eating bai feng pills? my colleague recommended me to buy and eat this.
hahah, JTML, u very cute new yr clothes but left out the HPT... i also got one red top only... rather spend my money on more practical clothes tat i can wear to work!

Ling - made in china also not bad lah... raw materials from sg, so quality control shld still be gd ;p

vivi - suggest that u consult a TCM doc before u take any tcm pdts.. in my case, my mum was ready to pump me wif dang gui every mth after mc, but lucky i consulted the tcm and she said that since had a small cyst in my ovary, i shld avoid dang gui cos it could encourage the growth the dang gui instead... so i think maybe gd to let the TCM doctor diagnose ur condition and prescribe stuff that's more suitable for u

Yeng - me muz also confess that i abit stressed by the success stories here... but let's jia you together... hopefully our turn will come soon!
Yeng, ppcc,

Pls don't feel stress. But from all these sharing, learn that even after m/c, we can still get preg and have successful pregs. Look at Shann Yheng! She's already well into her 13th week! Take courage that we may also have a chance to be like her, despite our previous m/c! Jia you and hugs!


I login today just to check your "good news". Why must you make me wait some more?

Only people who know is my hubby and my gynae and of course you girls. I probably tell my folks tomorrow. I know my mum will just make me die because she warn me no getting pregnant so fast after mc. She say 1 year *faint* .. if this pregnancy wont work out I am so surely not only going to die of heartache my mum will faster the process by skinning me alive.


Ai yoh.. remember is first morning urine!!!!

Talk about Chinese New Year I also buay tahan.. my hubby's side of the family sure ask.. actually is not just CNY is practical any event they will also ask.. really let them fan si! They think we dont want? Do we have to hang a placard that read "DESPERATELY TRYING FOR A KID" than they happy.

Anyway made in china not a very nice ring to it =).... just need the bud to develope into a healthy bouncy one hopefully.

Girls, yesterday I experience 1 spot of muscus discharge with whats look like brown blood in the muscus. I saw it in the toilet bowl after peeing and my blood ran cold. My last pregnancy no spotting at all so this time round plus the previous miscarriage experience I can just jump out of my skin. I couldnt sleep when I wake up at 5am and keep going to the toilet and pee and monitor. I am self prescribing bed rest. Been in bed since early afternoon. Not doing anything and my hubby is too very worried.

Went to the gynae in the morning "manage to force an appt" and realise my timing is off. The scan show a sac of 5 weeks 1 Days with the smallest trace of yolk in it. I should be in 5 weeks 5 Day going upon my BBT ovulation date so really concern if I am going to have a sucessful pregnancy. I asked her if any chance of blighted ovum she say cannot rule it out completely because it is so early into the pregnancy. I am going to take the medicine duitifully and hope for the best. My gynae told me I am too stress and suggest I take time off work until pregnancy stabilized. Considering the option and will continue to monitor any more spotting. If spotting is continuing I would probably request to work from home. I fear idling will only incurr more worries. At this stage will do ANYTHING for a baby to carry home at 9 months.

If indeed it is a blighted ovum I will accept it. I am at this stage accepting fate and just glad I can share with you girls here.
Ling, it's still early and it's only off by 4 days so let's not be too stress about it.

I sometimes feel a little cramp at my lower tummy, and back a little ache. makes me a little worried...

The first 3 months is usually tough and unstable. So just hope for the best and pray.
Ling!! CHOY CHOY CHOY!!! No blighted ovum! Don't ever think about it!

you already got a yolk sac remember? Does it look like a round ring in your scan? looks like a bubble? fetal pole will be formed soon, now still early cannot see la! Don't worry ok?

About your spotting, rem to rest more and take your progesterone which I am sure your gynae has prescribe to you? Must be guai hor!

Yea everyone! jia you!
Ling if you see spotting must take care and have enough bed rest. dont be like me. I didnt thought that spotting is so serious and end up working still.

Yeah maybe how to shut the relatives up is to just tell them I just MC satisfed? so maybe that will keep them quiet. hee hee

Just now went Eu Yan sen and the SA said that the bai fen pills is good to regulate the menses and bu the womb but need to take after no blood because 1 of the ingredient is Dang Gui.

You can take this pills once a week and stopped that week when AF comes. If too heaty then take 2 weeks once.

You got go book appt with gynae ald? Maybe is psychological lah... I am praying hard now. Need God's support now. Have not been doing so religiously since I left my secondary school.

Vivi, Ya I super paranoidal after seeing that muscus. Been resting and lying down entire day until my backbone pain and have to sit up. Did you have a lot of staining?

Shann, Ya look like a small ring with the littlest trace like a rice or something of whats look like yolk. =).. Going for my next scan 2 weeks times. If hear heartbeat and see fetus than I probablt heave a sigh of relieve. I was actually feeling relieved these few days because beginning to need on time meal or will puke. After the scan now back to paranoidal like worry because sac size out by 4 days...

Taking ustrogen religiously twice a day now.. will sleep early and self prescribed another day of bedrest tomorrow =)
hahahha! Yea if your appetite is bad and feel pukey if you are hungry that's a good sign la!

Don't worry about the gestational age, it's just based on the size, u know, just keep telling your bb to grow well, have a strong heart! Baby can grow real fast before you know it! hehehe!
Ling just sharing with you but dont think so much because your case will be different from mine because you will have a happy ending.

I dont have a lot of spotting but came 1 day afternoon after bath, bleeding came and was really like those scene in the drama whereby the female actress mc. Then before I know it game over liao....

Walk less and dont be stress I sure baby will be ok.

In fact tell you girls something scary, somehow or rather before the appointment that the gynae could not detect the heartbeat I already had a 6 sense in my mind that I will MC because baby will have no heartbeat. I guess it is mother's instint and I had this feeling just 1 day before the bleeding occur. That time I dont dare to tell my hubby but in the end the 6 sense came true....
Ling, my previous pregnancy I had bleeding when i was almost close to 12 weeks. Although managed to save the pregnancy but still couldn't escape the terrible fate that was awaiting for me during 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Bleeding or spotting doesn't mean MC, but it is indeed something that needs your attention and call for the gynae asap.

Pray, and pray hard that we will have a good pregnancy and healthy babies.
sorry optimus, I already almost give up hope liao...I think I wait out for DA YI MA... but will test a few days later if she still don't come.

Ling: will be praying for you... let's stick to happy thoughts okay!! and also optimus prime and Shiseru, yeah its one nerve wreaking step at a time, one day at a time.....Shann so happy for you you have reach the safer portion of the pregnancy ...jia you to the next lap okie!!

Lynn, ya lor, so hard right ...heheh hiaz hiaz hiaz... You think does it make you tougher ? I think it does!

vivi, I still eat bai feng wan, but because I had tried it and it helped my period...but take with caution as girls in this forum had mentioned here that ppl with cryst not suitable.

I reduced to only 1 bottle per month...but now...$%#!@# my period is playing me...
JTML, so you tested and it's giving you -ve? *hugz You still have chance till AF reports, dun be disheartened, you have chance the next cycle if this cycle fails. We can conceive so look at positive side of things.

Did you all see the thread with header "motherhood life sucks"? The postings makes me really upset, can't tahan so i replied T_T

I am glad a lady has posted to request the thread starter to be more sensitive and take into consideration thread starter can exercise more sensitivity in naming this thread.

Bcoz while she is here complaining about the trials of motherhood, here we are wanting so badly the opportunity to be a mum.

God, please bless us who are ready for motherhood with healthy children. We promise we'll do excellent and be proud mothers!
JTML never mind you try again if AF comes .... dont be stressed ok?

I just bought but havent eat yet because unsure can eat now because got spotting occasionally. Maybe wait next week then see how. I have irregular period that is why colleague ask me to eat and can bu the womb.

Ex lor I know maybe try 2 weeks once then if too heaty eat once a month. My colleague also eat once a month only wor....

Shiseru sometimes I wonder how some people can be parents. Recently I just saw a couple who is smoking in front of their baby in the stroller. I was like omg.....

Haiz last time I also say I dont like kids but now my view point changes liao and I think I will learn to treasure them since I MC. Sometimes I think maybe this is god that wants me to learn a lesson to cherish children before I really become a mother.
JTML: nope. i don't think it makes me tougher. it seems to make me more sensitive to these issues. and more dishearten in myself.

Rest and take your pills religiously. Don't worry too much cos there's nothing much we can do about things anyway. *hugs*

Mine is also off by several days but what the heck. :S


Ok, just give it a few days more and see how it goes. No pressure, ok?
vivi Goodness.. that must be one horrible experience. I believe if the kid not meant to be ours we cannot do anything we just try our best to provide an optimum environment for the fetus to grow. Anyway my spotting is really weird. Is orangey and not pink and it is always muscusy. Yesterday night saw a spot again. FREAK OUT... today going to tell my boss if they would allow me to work from home. Just want to rest for 2 weeks with minimum walking and see situation improved. If not might have to resign. Like so suddenly and I cannot imagine what I would do at home if really not working.

Shiseru, If spotting gets intense and not meant to be I will accept it. Think acceptance is more easy to cope.

About the 6th sense thingy I totally believe you. I remember prior to my 3rd scan at 12 weeks I had a dream that the gynae stamped miscarriage on my card and I woke up. REALLY frightened. I told my hubby who was away for duty travel and he told me I was just being silly. Who knows on Monday really the twins no heartbeat. Mom's instinct is dead on accurate!

JTML, maybe late O.. cannot be suddenly your AF go missing mah! Remember is first morning urine or not?

Girls, I am feeling hungry at 3am... woke up this morning want to puke.. eat breakfast and still want to puke now..feeling very bad with the nausea but willing to brave it through if it means fetus is growing. Wish me luck.
OP, Yes.. me also adopt calm attitude.. Yes out than out lah.. no choice ald.. I am just enjoying feeling nausea. Weird right!!

My mom went ballistic yesterday when she learn I preggers as expected. After the whole thing died down she say if meant to be will be so even if no work out it's not the end of the world. Told me no pantang measures and dont think or say nonsense. So love my folks. =D
Ling so the mother instint is so accurate la....

Good la got morning sickness. Last time I used to dread morning sickness and the other time mine is evening sickness....

Now I rather have the worst morning sickness then not having a successful pregnancy....
hey Ling by the way 1 client of mine shared with me that she also has spotting and she was given complete bed rest at the hospital for 2 whole months. Now her boy is already in secondary school....
OP hehe I frustrated ler, I "pek chek" myself...
how I wish we have 6 sense to know whether we are with shild or not...hahhaha

Lynn, don't disheartened, you can try soon right... I'm sure your endurance level sure go high ... just like shiseru comments about ppl accidentally get the chid, feel motherhood life suxz, you go through so much to get the child, sure will treasure it.
Hi Shiseru,

Gong Xi
Don't worry too much, be positive. How about your trip to Japan? Still on?

Hi Ling,

Spotting must really really rest. Did gynae give you any hormones pills? Btw I am alao taking 2 pills of folic acid per day + GNC pre-natal multi-vits, my urine is always very yellow even I drink alot of water. Morninh sickness is a good sign. Be positive and start talking to your baby. You can do it
Jia You
Hi ladies,

do stuff that make you happy, it will helps in TTCing
I just done hair extension and went to Batam Harris again for Spa. Really helps alot in bonding with hubby and make me feel good. My hubby love my "long" hair now, seems like helps to give us more 'mojo' to BD, but now not TTCing yet
it seems like good start. Will TTC immediate once my sinseh say okay
Can't wait to join MTB club

babydust to all
Just now I was not myself lor. During lunch time happened to chance upon the colleague that just gave birth and we happened to eat together at the staff canteen.

I just kept quiet to myself because I think the baby topic is just too sensitive.

I hope my colleague wont find me strange lor....
Hi Vivi,

you are normal, anyone who being through MC will behave like that too. I worse than you, avoid anyone pregnant, I can't help to stare at their growing belly. She will understand you.
Stefie I know la but those who had not went through MC before sure will not think this way la....

Moreover she just came back from maternity leave so dont know if she knows about what happened to me.

Just now lucky part is that no tears rolled out....

Happened to talk to my colleagues and they were very encouraging and ask me how to take care of myself and reassures me that I will have a baby soon and a successful one.
vivi: she should know one, they will tell her because she got a good news mah, very sensitive one...Don't worry lah, they should understand you are get getting over the loss.

Stefie : I also thinking to leave hair long, I cut last year July very very short, my husband complain until now...
hee hee on the contrary I cut my hair short after the wedding or in fact a few days after my wedding because I hate to wait very long before hair dry....

Yesterday night me and hubby were discussing on our trip to Taiwan somewhere in April for our honeymoon.... Hope maybeby then can make a baby sucessfully.....

Then hubby was joking then want to make a baby can make it locally dont need to wait till Taiwan trip
Vivi, who knows maybe you really get pregnant before even going for the trip.

I made plans to go genting during xmas, and hokkaido during CNY, thought this would make us relax and conceive easily.
hee hee Shiseru I dont mind wor. The other time when I knew of my pregnancy I was somewhat a bit miffed because have to skip my honeymoon plans.... now I rather dont have honeymoon and want a baby....

How strange and unexpected for life to be full of surprises and unexpected
vivi: now you can really go and honeymoon mah.

I got my period finally, and she giving a bad headache. I have a feeling she not going to make it easy.

Take care of yourself wor.... Avoid drinking cold water and just rest well.... All the other things dont care ....

Me now waiting for my first cycle of AF to come hope it will be soon la so I can start planning. Hope AF cooperates

Yes taking those bubble gum like pills on the dot.


Never mind got next cycle and is 2 more weeks and have to activate BD mode ald. I am sure you and ppcc will jump on the bandwagon soon. You want to try BBT? Really very addictive leh. What's more you know your luteal phase better and understand why your period is longer.

vivi I second the trip notion! I am an avid traveller so I always adopt the mentality Travel while you still can... I think sometimes when we take mind of TTC we strike when we least expect it. Also dont overstressed on AF appearance. I dont know if it was me overdoing it and keep grumbling not here not here .. and I got so annoyed when it went missing for 3 months after D and C. Super irritating.
hi jtml... eat some tonics to bu ur body... start of a new cycle... got new hope again... sigh... me abit pensive now... one more wk b4 "results" are released.. ma chiam take exam like that... dunno whether pass or fail.. and my stupid thermometer is acting up... i measured 33 degrees this morning on first try! then second time it took like more than a minute too crawl up to 36degrees...

Ling - tks for ur encouragement..hope u are feeling better... dun be too worried abt the discrepancy in no. of wks of the baby? i recall my gynae's ultrasound has a margin of error of +/- one week.. so i think u shld still be alright
Ling you ok now? Still got spotting?

Hee hee Ling I know what you meant. Just last week, I was still annoyed over the constant spotting that I have. Finally I think it stopped. Now I try not to be so obsessed on when is my AF coming.

I think this type of thing the more you think the more it dont come same like TTC lor... But I guess humans being human very hard not to think about it too....
yeah, I going to buy a BBT thermometer this week if I pass by pharmacy. My normal one only 1 decimal point only... Very sianz lah, I surrender liao. Last time, my period is always ON TIME one...

Ling: That time how you survived ha...Missing 3 months. But I am glad your one came. Actually, you were not over doing it lah, the longer it drag the more the body acts weird, I got bad aches, cracked lips, on off cramps.
oh vivi: it can be any thermometer that is more precise, can measure up to 2 can used to measure the basal temperature the moment you wake up in morning. I going to follow ling to measure temperature liao...

Me feeling good. Just dont want to think about it. I sleeping exceptionally early and eating oatmeal *yucks* for breakfast. Pray and hope if any baby is inside to co-operate. Rest leave it up to God. Beginning like worrywart now in acceptance mode... What will be will be =) I saw a bit of orange or yellow muscus yesterday. Dont even know if it is spotting. Give up ald. As long as no red blood I very thankful.

ppcc you never take properly lah.. how can it be so low?!Anyway not to let thermometer move in the mouth too much. Hold it and dont move too much prior to taking BBT. Anyway 2 WW over before you know it. All cross fingers and toes for you.

JTML... Goody another BBT convert!!!! Ya take lah than understand the body better. Also can save you HPT cost as well. Reason being, as long as BBT remain high up to 18 days after ovulation most likely strike ald.

Talk about the 3 months I also dont know how I manage. I was so frustrated because keep going to TCM and still like that. It was only after I stop my TCM because I thought I might be too stress out by the visits than I realize my temp start to rise meaning O will come soon. Meanwhile read everything about womb scarring after D and C ;asherman syndrome and keep thinking all sorts of nonsense. Exactly 12 weeks later I book a visit to the gynae to see whats wrong although I know it will finally come because BBT show O ald taken place. Just want to go and rest assured. My gynae did an abdominal scan and saw my uterine lining and told me menses for sure coming the same week. Just to make sure my gynae gave me duphaston to ensure body will dispel the lining. Within a week lining finally broke down and made her grand entrance..thus become my dowager. Really is wait until the neck super long!! I dont have pre mense symptons since young except for pimples breakout so it was bearable without pain and stuff when menses get clogs up and just didnt come.

My gynae suggest it could be due to the unusually high level of HCG I have in me due to the miscarried twins thus wearing out the HCG level took a tad longer than usual. Tad is so understated in my opinion. It was thrice the amount of time. Arrrghh!

Vivi so dont follow my footsteps and go into OD mode and go bonkers waiting for AF..

Yes lor. My hubby has been complaining my hair looks ugly. Now ha!!! ha!!! with my hair extension, he finally stop saying my hair ugly. But very painful cos of the beads that connect my own hair + hair extension, needs to sleep side ways. The price to pay for beauty.

My mense also just came, heng this time more normal, huge flow for 2 days already, not like last month, spotting for 1 week then 2nd week the real mense then reporting.

14 day later can TTC liao, Jia you

Hi Vivi,

should go taiwan, my fav holiday destination. There is this Long Shan temple in Taipei, can pray to Zhu Sheng Niang Niang to have to get pregnant

Hi Ling,

Just bear with the huge pills, the effort is worth it, to have healthy baby in your srms to bring home. Jia You
heheh, ling.. u sound calmer and not so stressed already... good for u!

anyone knows where to find the basal thermometer? i held mine in my mouth still and lie there like zombie leh... then it started beeping at 33degrees.. duh..think i'll get a replacement.. lazy to go change battery.. i just popped by guardian but they dun hv it leh.. anyone knows where else to buy?

anyone experience blighted pregnancy..
i am actually waiting for my body to reject the sac.. if not i have to go through d&c again to wash it out..

I am bearing with everything... nothing is too difficult at the moment. =)

ppcc, yes.. much less panicky because nothing much we can do at this stage so like it or not got to accept it. Basal thermometer get from any pharmacy.. I bought mine from Watson think is omron or something but I think it is quite good because it have a memory but pricy.. abt $20. Housebrand will be cheaper.

Loinky, Sorry about the blighted ovum. It is more common than we thought. I read recently that blighted ovum pregnancy occurs abt 50% of all pregnancy except that most do not realize they are pregnant and when mense come it expel the sac it is like a normal period. In regards to the TCM, I went for medication only. My mum got to boil chinese herbs daily and I drank it at least for 2 months before I throw in the towel because becoming too stress abt visiting weekly.
